[X] Accept the position as the MMA Fighter. You wouldn't be able to get the skills you need in within three weeks. Hopefully whoever Seteke and Sakura choose will be able to fight well enough. (You become the MMA Martial Arts Fighter in the Tournament. Tournament will begin in three weeks. MMA must be at least 50 to qualify)

The only thing keeping me from Solo is that I dislike swords, Fists for life! :V
Sure the faculty promised that the it was contained to near the school entrance, but you always liked to confirm these types of things personally. Especially since you were apart of the defense of the school.
Just "it"; "a part".
On her right lean two identical crutches that she holds in place with her right hand
Missing dot at the end.
If this should happen, then the student's school is allowed to appoint them as their soul participant.

[x] Accept the position as the Sole Participant. It'll take a lot of hard work, sweat, blood and tears, but you'll manage it. It's the least you could do to represent the Club that's keeping you in this school. (You become the Sole Participant for Raijin Academy in the Tournament. Tournament will begin in three weeks. MMA, Kendo, and Karate must be at least 50)

We turn away from the temptation of becoming the hero of the school, and then this happens.
We turn away from the temptation of becoming the hero of the school, and then this happens.

Technically, you won't be the Hero of the school. Just the Martial Arts Club.

Most of the other students don't care much about the Tournament. They see it as "Vulgar, idiotic, and a complete waste of school resources".

Because they're dicks you see.

Edit 3:...Assuming we take something to 90+ and choose the supernatural option. Would we still be allowed to compete?

If you were only the MMA fighter? Yeah, they'd let you in no problem.

If it was the Sole Participant then it wouldn't be enough.

@LinkOnScepter would they be able to recommend a Resistance training partner so we don't use up so much of Yato's AP or should we just focus on throwing hands with our hands?

The only one that could be training Resistance is Sensei. And, unfortunately, he's got a lot of Important Staff Stuff to do. You can go meet him if you want, but he's normally too busy to help others train while the club's still out.

Nega LoS: While you were juggling your harem, playing 11d chess games, bamboozling people, and stumbling into the plot.

Your bro was having Kengan Asura tournament shenanigans.

Nega Muscle girl fetishist: I am envy.

The people in YamatoQuest are actually going out of their way to find the plot. It's just that they're EXTREMELY Bro-Con underneath all their indifference. So, whenever it comes to Hayato, they tend to drop every other thing and focus on it. Or try to get each important event done one at a time.
Most of the other students don't care much about the Tournament. They see it as "Vulgar, idiotic, and a complete waste of school resources".

Because they're dicks you see.
"Why should I ever bother with combat, such uncouth and barbaric action. I have money to buy others to fight in my stead!" :V
The people in YamatoQuest are actually going out of their way to find the plot. It's just that they're EXTREMELY Bro-Con underneath all their indifference. So, whenever it comes to Hayato, they tend to drop every other thing and focus on it. Or try to get each important event done one at a time.
P.P.S: Seriously how is this tournament going to be? Because if we decide to not use power because we don't want to cheat and the Dark Horse competition (other than us) starts pulling some Charyeok bs, I'm going to fucking riot here...

Basically, if Sole Particpant wins you'll fight three people in successive one-on-one battles. You get to choose first since, by being the Sole Competitor, you're technically at a bit of a disadvantage. While losing once won't make you lose the whole thing (it's best 2/3), it would make you take that damage into the next fight.

The fights themselves won't be straight up brawls. Instead, they'll follow the more modern version of fights. First one to get three hits on the opponent wins.

Least, that's how it's supposed to go. And if someone just so happened to show up and start using Supernatural Powers, they'd probably have things in place to keep that stuff underwraps.

Just saying.

I uh, I don't understand what you mean by that.

Like do you mean being flat out supernatural in all 3 arts isn't good enough to get in the tournament?

Oh no! Not at all.

Havin Supernatural in all three would be more than enough. At that point you'd be going into a Martial Arts Tournament filled with Hercules as a Dragon Ball (not Z, just Dragon Ball) Level Goku.
Least, that's how it's supposed to go. And if someone just so happened to show up and start using Supernatural Powers, they'd probably have things in place to keep that stuff underwraps.

Just saying.

At that point you'd be going into a Martial Arts Tournament filled with Hercules as a Dragon Ball (not Z, just Dragon Ball) Level Goku.
*Wipes sweat away from forehead*

Right, make sure Hayato keeps it to human levels. Gotcha.
[X] Accept the position as the Sole Participant. It'll take a lot of hard work, sweat, blood and tears, but you'll manage it. It's the least you could do to represent the Club that's keeping you in this school. (You become the Sole Participant for Raijin Academy in the Tournament. Tournament will begin in three weeks. MMA, Kendo, and Karate must be at least 50)

Time to be hotblooded
Yeah I can see why YamatoQuest players are Bro-con. I mean he is a big fighty beat stick who is literally as loyal to them as a brother and visibly thinks the world of them. Of course they are going to cultivate that when needed and help out when they can, it's practically an investment in themselves on level with their supernatural partner. In a different quest we would be at minimum a character generation perk, possibly even worth two.
[X] Accept the position as the Sole Participant. It'll take a lot of hard work, sweat, blood and tears, but you'll manage it. It's the least you could do to represent the Club that's keeping you in this school. (You become the Sole Participant for Raijin Academy in the Tournament. Tournament will begin in three weeks. MMA, Kendo, and Karate must be at least 50)
[x] Accept the position as the Sole Participant. It'll take a lot of hard work, sweat, blood and tears, but you'll manage it. It's the least you could do to represent the Club that's keeping you in this school. (You become the Sole Participant for Raijin Academy in the Tournament. Tournament will begin in three weeks. MMA, Kendo, and Karate must be at least 50)
So I was going back and reading, and I came upon that Kendo book still sitting in the shop. The Kendo book that gives a +5 to training.

That, assuming Seteke gives the same gains as the mma guy, would end up with us gaining +30 per AP. Which would mean 3 AP to turn Kendo Supernatural.

Time to hope and prei for some tokens bois.
[x] Accept the position as the Sole Participant. It'll take a lot of hard work, sweat, blood and tears, but you'll manage it. It's the least you could do to represent the Club that's keeping you in this school. (You become the Sole Participant for Raijin Academy in the Tournament. Tournament will begin in three weeks. MMA, Kendo, and Karate must be at least 50)
[X] Accept the position as the Sole Participant. It'll take a lot of hard work, sweat, blood and tears, but you'll manage it. It's the least you could do to represent the Club that's keeping you in this school. (You become the Sole Participant for Raijin Academy in the Tournament. Tournament will begin in three weeks. MMA, Kendo, and Karate must be at least 50)

It is shounen time mai boi