Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
Guys - just realized - a problem with the guy sneaking away - He's not a strong English speaker. If we want to get across that we're actually something distracting versus joining in on the "Fun" we'll need something nonverbal.
One hand, turned to face them. Finger in front of lips, then point to them, then two fingers running, and then a thumbs up. Silent, concealed, communicative.
One hand, turned to face them. Finger in front of lips, then point to them, then two fingers running, and then a thumbs up. Silent, concealed, communicative.

They are between us and the guy they've been attacking. One is close enough that he's kicked the guy. And it's night. We essentially have a hostage situation on our hands in that the person we are trying to rescue is closer to the attackers than he is to us.

[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
- [X] Hold a fireball in your hand to let them see who is speaking.

Let's be honest with ourselves - we're not convincing them of anything. Intimidation however...
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[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
-[X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
-[X] Hold a fireball in your hand to let them see who is speaking.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 22, 2021 at 8:52 PM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
    - [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
    [X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
    - [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
    - [X] Hold a fireball in your hand to let them see who is speaking.
    [X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.

Looks like we're trying to go for the non-violent way.

I'll keep the voting open for a couple more days to see whether or not we're going the relatively diplomatic route, or the "I can burn you alive so let's not." route.

But until then, here's Mr. 13's character sheet

Name: Alan Hall (Mr. 13)

HP: [6] 10/10

FP: 10/10
Base Dodge 8
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 11
IQ: 9
Constitution: 11
Perception: 13
Will: 14
Basic Speed: 5

Armory: 13
Brawl: 11
Carpentry: 14
Driving: 13
First Aid: 11
Grenade Launcher: 9
Gunner (Machine Gun): 12
Guns (LAW): 9
Guns (Pistol): 13
Guns (Rifle) 13
Fast Talk: 11
Knife: 12
Physician: 9
Quickdraw(Pistol): 12
Quickdraw (Rifle): 9
Soldier: 9
Stealth: 10

Alcohol Tolerance
High Work Ethic
Military Training (National Guard)

Low Empathy

Doomsday Prepper
Intolerance (Racial)
Intolerance (Sexuality)

M16A2 (Assault Riffle)
M1911 (Pistol)
Tactical Vest (Armor + extra mags)
Combat knife
[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
- [X] Hold a fireball in your hand to let them see who is speaking.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 24, 2021 at 11:26 PM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
    - [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
    - [X] Hold a fireball in your hand to let them see who is speaking.
    [X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
    - [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
    [X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.

Looks like we have a tie between trying to persuade and trying to intimidate. I'm keeping the vote open for one more day so if anyone else wants to vote or say something, please do so.
[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
- [X] Hold a fireball in your hand to let them see who is speaking.

"Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a hero of wealth and taste. If you don't shut up and listen to me, I've a fireball, you've a face."
[X] Try to convince these men to let the man they're chasing go.
- [X] The man they shot at doesn't look like he was hit. If you keep their attention on you long enough, maybe he can sneak away.
- [X] Hold a fireball in your hand to let them see who is speaking.

"Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a hero of wealth and taste. If you don't shut up and listen to me, I've a fireball, you've a face."
"I was 'round when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain. Made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate. Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name" Sonya holds out the hand that is on fire to shake theirs.
Classic rock based quipping skill in place of other social? I'd love it.
As much as I'd like to do that, I'd need for a few people to vote for that.

Anyway, since we don't have the Intimidate skill, we're going to have to roll for Default.

Default Intimidation is Will +5. A credible threat of violence (the fireball) gives you -4.

So, I'd like someone to roll, please.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name, but what's puzzling you is the dice roll in my game.

Edit: We seem fairly scary.
Barondoctor threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: +1 vs Will to intimidate Total: 10
3 3 2 2 5 5
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Alright. Now, let's see just how these guys react

So, they succeed by 2. And since the thug's tied with Sonya, victory goes to her.

But Mr. 13 succeeds by a lot.

Great. Now, I'd someone to roll Perception for Sonya
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Neo Nazi's Collective Will 10 Total: 8
1 1 1 1 6 6
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mr. 13's Will 14 Total: 7
5 5 1 1 1 1
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Civie IQ (9) Total: 9
3 3 1 1 5 5
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Goons Perception (10) +2 Total: 9
3 3 1 1 5 5
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"Who the fuck is that guy?" One of the men with Mr. 13 ask. You take a moment to look at the four men in front of you. Two are are wearing street clothes one is wearing a wearing a muscle shirt and suspenders, too unusual to be casual wear. Mr 13 himself is wearing a brown leather jacket that's just open enough to reveal a bulletproof vest underneath, jeans and a pair of steel toed boots.

That have some red on them.

Two of the men, Mr. 13 and one of his goons are wielding Assault Rifles with a lot of tactical stuff that you don't recognize. The man who fired before has a shotgun, and it looks like guy who was chasing him only has a pistol.

"I dunno. Looks like one of those Plutonic Knights without the glowing shit." Another man says.

"That's not the question you should be asking yourselves." You say. With that, you summon a fireball in your right hand. The goons jump back at your magical display, the orange flame lighting up the night. "What you need to be asking is if what you're doing here is worth the skin grafts you'll need if you don't let that man go."

"¡Ayúdame, por favor! ¡Me van a matar! ¡Ya mataron a Ernesto y Mariela!" The Hispanic man shouts.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole!" the pistol wielding goon says. He rapidly looks from the man, to you, hand tightening over his gun.

That's when you see a bit of light coming from your left. You glance in that direction and you see two men in the gap of a broken fence. Both wearing hockey masks and carrying guns of their own. One of them points at you but they aren't raising their guns yet. One of them motions to the other to turn off his flashlight, which he does, leaving them shrouded in darkness once again.

Their leader, however, doesn't seem phased, even though you'd have half a foot, and two sets of powers on him. "I don't know who you are, but we have things under control here." He says in a deep, calm voice. "We're just here doing our part to keep our city safe."

"Y-y-yeah! *******s like him are ruining this country. We ain't doing nothing wrong!" One of the men says, apparently spurred on by his leader's confidence.

"Even if I took your word for anything you just said." You say, slowly. "You know what? I'm not even going to give you that, you're chasing an unarmed guy through the streets at night. You're all wearing masks and have enough firepower to supply a coup. Against an unarmed man. And you expect me to believe that you aren't doing anything wrong?" You hear Jasmine typing something in your earpiece, but you don't pay it any mind.

"What gives any of us the right to do anything?" Mr. 13 says. "I mean, look at you, you came out here looking for a fight. I don't know who or what you're working for, but men like that," He gestures behind him in the direction of the Hispanic man, "Are the real criminals. Coming here, stealing, raping, killing. If you loved your country, really loved it, then you'd be here with us."

"Don't compare me to you" You say, getting angry. You fight people who actually pose a threat to others. And besides, you usually fight people who fight back! This Nazi fuck needs backup and enough guns to overthrow a small country to chase down one man! You're about to tear into him when Jasmine interrupts you.

"Bad news Vigil" Jasmine says. "I translated what our guy said. Looks like these guys already killed at least two people. Possibly more"

"Look, Just ride away and let us handle it. Go after some real bad guys." Mr. 13 says. "But if you do something stupid." He aims his rifle at you. "I know that steel armor like that isn't bulletproof. So how about this, you have ten seconds to walk away. You won't like what happens if you don't"

With that, the goons with him seem to find their spines. Some start aiming at you, some just have their barrels pointed in your general direction. One of the two men in the back even starts making his way towards you, trying not to be seen.

"10" He counts out loud.

All eyes are on you. Except for one particular pair. The Hispanic man that they were chasing is crawling away. Out of the light of the van and towards the treeline a few hundred feed away. Looks like they aren't leaving and the man they're chasing isn't in the clear yet. If you want to save him, you're gonna need to act now.

[] Write in
Good news is, our armor is better then steel, if I recall correctly.
Bad news is, they've got more then a few guys, and a few even in hidden positions. Why do they even have those goons in the bushes?
So. Fireball at the group, risking our Hispanic friend, or fireball at the bushes, make sure the hidden goons don't cause trouble?
Why do they even have those goons in the bushes?
The update doesn't mention anything about hidden goons.

[X] Throw the Fireball at them, enclosing them with it using a Barrier.
-[X] After that take the Barrier down and use Reflect to deal with any remaining enemies, then stabilise them with healing and call the police, keeping them in a Barrier separated from their weapons until the police arrive to arrest them.
If you loved your country, really loved it, then you'd be here with us."
...yeah, he's pretty much forfeited his right to ever talk again.

[X] "If I really loved my country, I'd be putting every miserable pathetic waste of humanity like you into a burn ward. Well, no time like the present."
-[X] Fireball the goon in the bushes then light up a Reflect and flip them the bird, drawing all their attention and letting the civvy escape.
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[X] Cast Reflect on yourself and then cage the "vigilantes" with barrier
Something like this sounds good to me, assuming we can safely 'dismiss' the fireball.
Good news is, our armor is better then steel, if I recall correctly.
Bad news is, they've got more then a few guys, and a few even in hidden positions. Why do they even have those goons in the bushes?
So. Fireball at the group, risking our Hispanic friend, or fireball at the bushes, make sure the hidden goons don't cause trouble?
The update doesn't mention anything about hidden goons.

they aren't hidden, per-se.

WHen they parked the van, they spread out to look for the man that they were chasing. When one guy spotted him, the other three ran to that area, with the two behind the steel fence lagging behind. They had just gotten back when you arrived.

...yeah, he's pretty much forfeited his right to ever talk again.

[X] "If I really loved my country, I'd be putting every miserable pathetic waste of humanity like you into a burn ward. Well, no time like the present."
-[X] Fireball the goons in the bushes then light up a Reflect and flip them the bird, drawing all their attention and letting the civvy escape.
Just so you know, only one of the goons is near the fence right now. The other is heading for the group, though hasn't made it yet.

[X] Cast Reflect on yourself and then cage the "vigilantes" with barrier

@Agent 99 is this vote valid?
The men are too spread out to be able to cage them all. You could get one of them at most.

[X] Cast Reflect on yourself and then cage the "vigilantes" with barrier
Something like this sounds good to me, assuming we can safely 'dismiss' the fireball.
You can safely dismiss a fireball.
Edited my vote to singular fireball casualty not plural.
"Look, Just ride away and let us handle it. Go after some real bad guys." Mr. 13 says. "But if you do something stupid." He aims his rifle at you. "I know that steel armor like that isn't bulletproof. So how about this, you have ten seconds to walk away. You won't like what happens if you don't"

So apparently we are still in luck that Vigil very much is not hitting people's radars. Because telling Vigil that you are just going to straight up shoot enmass is such a poor idea given that Reflect is one of the best spells we have.

[X] Cast Reflect on yourself and then cage the "vigilantes" with barrier

Reflect first - our armor is good but if the guy isn't an idiot the moment we start casting/fighting he'll give the order to shoot. Or one of the neonazi cowards will lose their nerve.

And yeah, we want their problem to be that they are locked in with us.