It didn't come off as metagamey in the slightest to me, so this is extremely weird for me to hear.
You're conflating what I said with what veekie said.
Namely: the fact that we can't count on those again. Remember that "No return, also ???" was on the diceroll list. We could have lost Vlag. Or maybe just lost our best shot for returning it easily and in a "once simple trick "fashion. Or who knows. Maybe we could have stranded it halfway in the Aethyr and reality; making it so that the Daemons would not evaporate in a matter of days, and so we would have to go in and kill each daemon to flush them out of the Karak. Or just returned only half of Karak Vlag -- leaving the other half or third or 9/10th lost in the Aethyr.
If "remember the diceroll list" is a core element of your argument, you're metagaming. Which is why what I said (that you skipped over when responding to me) was:
Mathilde doesn't know that there was a table of possible results that were rolled for. What she knows is that she thought it could work like how it turned out, then she tried it, and then it turned out that way. That doesn't exactly scream "oh no, how this works is totally indeterminate and up to the whims of chance" from the perspective of a person in-universe.
Emphasis added.

Right: Challenge time - come up with a good excuse for an expedition that goes close to Vlag that doesn't involve knowing about Vlag or waiting for the Karak Dum expedition.

Because if there is one I think Mathilde has worked it out - but I haven't :p
I'm too late, but to respond anyway, Horstmann mentioned that the Lights had a bunch of experiments they wanted to run in that far-northern area but didn't have a lot of good opportunities to do so without getting murdered. A big Collegiate expedition to go do Wizard Shit in pursuit of Wizard Knowledge, Don't Even Bother to Ask seems like it'd make a decent cover.
I'm sure the QM was able to get a thousand words written in downtime, and didn't just sit hammering F5 for two days to see if the forum was up again yet, right? ;)
Turn 2 Results Part 4
[X] [Boss] Kurtis' free pass to aid the dwarves fits your goals.
-[X] [Boss] We cannot bring in the Dwarf higher ups in on things if we knowingly leave 20k dwarfs in the warp for a few years. We either act decisively immediately, or forego informing them completely.
-[X] [Boss] The Eonir only became interested in yourself after the K8P waystone reconnected. They may be able to sense the KV waystone reconnecting as well and become interested due to that instead this time. And between K8P and KV, KV seems easier to accomplish once you know how.

[X] [Hunter] Take him under your wing [will take up a half action delegation slot]

[X] [Book] Keep it for yourself
-[X] JULIA: Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
-[X] EIC: Instil corporate policy: information gathering (news).
-[X] WATCH: Watching the Watchmen: You have a network of informants within the Watch - get them used to reporting on their fellow watchmen and tracking their deeds and misdeeds.

You approach Algard in his office, with your pitch prewritten for him to add to his meticulously organised paperwork, two days after he asks for your input - having taken the time to consider what it is you want to do, why, and how to persuade him.

"I want to work for Kurtis." You begin. "In my original life I was a legend to the dwarves, and I proved to them that zhufokri - their term for Magisters of the colleges - were worth investing in.

"Specifically, they made a set of 'Rooms of Calamity' for all eight colleges at my behest - rooms that used runecraft to make experimental magic and Battle Mage training far safer."

Algard sighs. "Useful as that may be - it can wait until the colleges aren't under threat of destruction from the Skaven beneath."

"There's more to it than that - the dwarves provided a lot of aid in fighting against the Skaven. They've been at constant war with them for centuries and they know what they're doing. If we get them on side as fast as possible they'll be able to train soldiers and then lead them into the tunnels - the longer we wait the more likely that something else will come up that keeps them too busy to provide aid." You put on a humble face. "Besides which - I'm not exactly that much direct use right now. There's a lot of spells I need that I just can't remember; and one that I could invent that would allow actual infiltration, but I have to relearn the others first."

"So the dwarves would be more immediate use against the Skaven than you would at this point?"

"Yes - but not just that. The Karak V situation in particular is not as stable as it sounds, for two reasons. Firstly, if we ever want to read the High King in on the source of the information..."

"We don't." Algard interrupts. "The only dwarves who could make any use of the knowledge are the Dawi Zharr. I know you want to be able to tell people about your history - but it's simply not worth it. We can always come up with excuses."

You crumple up that page of your pitch document. "Okay, well even given that, it's not stable - a greater daemon of The Plotter was there when the place returned, as was one of The Violent. The Excessive is treating the place as a toy, and as long as that stays the case there're only a few hundred dwarves lives lost a year - but if one of the other three decide they want to take over there's no way for us to know and the situation could change catastrophically. There are already Excessive influenced dwarves in there, albeit relatively few, but another of the four might make faster progress - or just kill them all."

"If you're right about that we should be launching the expedition now. But we don't have a reason to do so - nor do we have the co-operation of Kislev. Do you have a solution for that?"

"We could imply we're launching an attack on the Dawi Zharr. Or perhaps a raiding action against the Skaven Combes? I also happen to know that the Light Order want to investigate the windfall and the effects of ambient dhar, so having some people will extra effective windsense would make sense." Then a thought comes to you - telling about the time travel is off the table but the Celestials have a thing about self-fulfilling prophecies... "No, we tell Kislev that the Celestial College have determined there's going to be a large force of dwarves in the High Pass within the year; everyone's going to assume they'll be from Uzkulak and they'll be happy to have a military presence to aid them - although we'll want an all-female Battle Mage force if possible, they'll accept male magic users in their lands only under protest - and we tell them to use the cover story that we're there to help with a Yhetee build-up in the mountains around there that threatens the Silk Road.

"That cover story should hold up given as in seven years Asarnil was up there clearing out a huge number of the things. Not that it'll matter much when the Celestial prediction turns out to have meant a completely different set of dwarves."

"That..." He ponders deeply. "Yes, that could work. Are you going to quit working for Van Hal or do you have an excuse in mind for him?"

"He's preparing to cleanse the Haunted Hills next year. If I join the expedition in exchange for having a Battle Wizard join in for that, he'd be very much in favour"

"If you're promoted to magister by then we could justify a journeyman or two - but probably not a Battle Wizard." Algard pulls some papers out of nowhere and checks them over. "Hmmm, there is one in the Amethyst Order who could do with paying off a bit of a debt. Combine your impressive vampire killing with a willingness to help out on an emergency mission in Kislev - yes, we could handle that."

"If I'm going to be announced as having killed that vampire, it does rather suggest that the conspiracy needs to be wrapped up." You flip through to one of the back pages of your pitch. "Starke's going to be too busy with that to add me to his roster - and if I'm being trained up for the Kislev defence anyway, shouldn't Kurtis take me?"

"No - not Kurtis. But you're right that Starke will be busy. Work with Melkoth for now - even if you're not eligible for battle-mage cloistering he's a great teacher. You're going to start by graduating to Magister and go from there - make sure Van Hal approves of that training and expedition being your task for the coming year because it's going to be taking up most of your time."

"I do have a few employees of my own there that I need to keep track of." You pull a notebook out of your pouch, and point to the 'delegation' section of your schedule. "I can't go letting spies run around unsupervised."

"Hence why it'll only be most of your time. But you're going to be graduating by midsummer - and then you're going to be on the defence force up by Kislev."

Normally I wouldn't show all of these, but in the circumstances I feel like doing so.
Getting Kurtis as boss: Learning: 20+30=50, no arguments beyond those written in. Diplo: 35+15+5(memories) vs. DC 80 (set based on available arguments)
Prioritising Karak Vlag: Learning: 95+30+10(timing) Diplo: 67+15+5 vs. DC 40
Persuade to aid Abelhelm: 70+15+5(memories)=90 vs. DC 75

Getting Melkoth as Boss: Learning: 58+30=88, Diplo: 78+15+5=98 vs. DC 40

Your new Grey College handler starting next turn will be Melkoth. He'll be expecting a report detailing what spells you think are most vital for you to learn immediately and any tactical advice for the Karak Vlag planning.


Before you leave Altdorf you have one last issue to address - Emmanuel. So you seek him out in the Temple of the Silver Hammer.

Rather than seek him out, you flare with Ulgu, and let him find you.

"I think you should come with me - there's a lot I could teach you, despite our different ways of working magics." You say when you sense he's close enough to hear you. "Especially when it comes to honing your senses - and your senses will be very useful for spotting the more dangerous undead before they can attack their victims."

He ponders. "You're right - I should hone my greatest gift. But not just that one gift; I must test my skills in combat against those beasts."

"Don't worry - there'll be plenty of opportunity for that."


Done with your business in Altdorf you pack up, including your new crimson book, and head back to Stirland to check in on your various subordinates.

The EIC has managed a great deal on the basis of your early information, and you made sure to remind them of that fact, intending to instil upon the leadership the importance of knowing what's going on in the world so that you can prepare for trade appropriately.

As such, they have set up an organised rumour-harvesting project when dealing with outside traders, keeping track of which ones give reliably accurate predictions and information in order to be better able to predict how prices and trade routes will be changing over time.

Working out which rumours are worth following up on is taking a while, so the first worthwhile report isn't likely to be for another few months - but you're certain that it'll pay off in both information and profit.


Julia has so far managed to get her eyes and ears thoroughly spread through six towns, but only by spreading coin equally widely - it's significantly eating into your budget, and you're starting to wonder whether she actually understands what a budget is yet, or if that's something she only learnt after turning her network into a self-funding endeavour.

Still, at least she's ensuring that any report that comes to her can be followed up on directly without bothering you, even if so far none of them have panned out as anything beyond simple local gossip.


In contrast to your other attempts, your Internal Investigations within the Stirland Watch have produced immediate results. You're disappointed, though not surprised, at the level of corruption in the Wurtbad Watch as was, and the various other local watches that your bureaucracy is gradually integrating - providing extra protection to the wealthy in exchange for bribes, running protection rackets, outright robbery of those too downtrodden to complain.

Your watchmen have given you more leads to run down than time to run them down - so for now you focus on only two: The first is a sheriff who is said to have ignored the laws of Magnus despite being a lawman. When he curses at your approach you have no need to doubt the reports, and when you hand him off to a judge you have no doubt that he will be found guilty and sentenced to the pyre himself.

The second is rather more significant - Bailiff Maltor Lupei in the border town of Tuman has been selling criminals. While the report you receive from a Leicheberg watchman is inconclusive - merely reporting that proper procedures and tracking aren't being performed - the details of the criminals in question is telling. Most significant is the case approximately seven months ago, shortly before the Banshee attack, wherein a widower of two years was to be executed for the murder of his wife and daughter. His execution was by hanging, and was both short and followed by a swift removal of the body.

So you decide to pay Maltor a visit and sniff out who it is he's been selling to - and thereby who it is that sent the Banshee.

The moment you see him you know the basics - he bears the same Dhar matrix as the infiltrators in Wurtbad castle, marking him as another pawn of the same conspiracy.

Voting Options:

With your skill as an interrogator it wouldn't take much time to extract knowledge of how and when Maltor meets his handler - but doing so without arousing any suspicion would be harder - and if he's under any sort of observation it would compromise any follow-up investigation if the handler simply stops showing up and leaves his matrix to decay.

[ ] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
[ ] [Investigate] Plan for yourself or one of your spies to follow up more carefully, later

Now that you've recruited the hunter you're getting heavily loaded on subordinates. Do you want to integrate your Thekla/Wurtbad Watch actions and your Stirland Watch actions into a single delegation?

[ ] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.
[ ] [Watch] No, Thekla and Wurtbad need the extra attention. Keep them separate.
If you keep them separate you'll have 5 delegations and 3 personal actions. If you integrate you'll have 4 delegations and 4 personal actions.

Social Vote:
The top five will be chosen, along with one social initiated by someone else

Stirland Council:
[ ] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
[ ] [Social] Properly introducing Abelhelm and Anton to the Good Boy known as Wolf
[ ] [Social] Showing off your new gun to Gustav and Anton
[ ] [Social] Listening to Abelhelm's old "war stories"
[ ] [Social] Asking Anton about his Aunt Julia
[ ] [Social] Celebrating the EIC's early success with Wilhelmina and Markus

Grey College:
[ ] [Social] Exchanging letters with your classmate Ulrike about some of your favourite books
[ ] [Social] Spending some time with Regimand while he gets used to having only one arm
[ ] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[ ] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you

[ ] [Social] Attending one of Julia's dinner parties
[ ] [Social] Visiting Heideck and Wolf in the sewers to celebrate their profits from the Stirland League raids last year
[ ] [Social] Surprising Markus with your prodigious improvement in swordsmanship
[ ] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
[ ] [Social] Discussing with Jack Albright your different relationships with Ranald
[ ] [Social] Relaxing alongside the troops at Fort Redemption
[ ] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland
[ ] [Social] Visiting Zhufbar to congratulate Ashbeard on how effective the gun he sold you was

[ ] [Social] Making yourself easily available (receive a second social initiated by someone else)

[ ] [Social] Write In?
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[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
We're in AP hell, just get it over with.

[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.
We're in AP hell, just smush them together.

[X] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
Figure out what's up with that.

[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you
Get to know our higher-ups/peers depending on how you look at it.

[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
[X] [Social] Discussing with Jack Albright your different relationships with Ranald
God stuff.
[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up

[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

I'm very happy we're getting Melkoth :), He's the one I really wanted.

[X] [Social] Exchanging letters with your classmate Ulrike about some of your favourite books
[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
[] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland
[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you
[X] [Social] Visiting Zhufbar to congratulate Ashbeard on how effective the gun he sold you was

I really want relations with the Grey college that are not our Boss, so Ulrieke is a must for me.

Emanuel Sigtreu to hopefully get some ideas about our nemesis.

Gabriella cos she's a tricksy one. Edit: I'd rather Ashbeard than Gabriella.

Melkoth to start our Grandpa collection

And Krammovich because we are a goldmine of dwarf lore that he probably wants to pick :)

Ashbeard because damn that is one hell of a gun.
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[X] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland

[X] [Social] Visiting Zhufbar to congratulate Ashbeard on how effective the gun he sold you was

[x] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
[x] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.
[x] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
[x] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[x] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you
[x] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
Can we squeeze her about the Lahmian conspiracy in general?
She should at least know some given she's been part for at least a decade.
Can't guarantee how much it'll cover until I write it, but it'll probably go into a little more detail on what it is - the recommendation bit is just a starting point for me to work from.
I'm sure the QM was able to get a thousand words written in downtime, and didn't just sit hammering F5 for two days to see if the forum was up again yet, right? ;)
I wrote relatively little in downtime, because I was mostly done when it went down. Have been reading more warhammer stuff though to get my knowledge level up.
[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

We need our personal actions.

[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior

We need to get a read on him,

[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu

Prepare for our Enmity work.

[X] [Social] Relaxing alongside the troops at Fort Redemption

We need to work on our ability to lead troops.

[X] [Social] Visiting Zhufbar to congratulate Ashbeard on how effective the gun he sold you was

That gun saved our life

We shouldn't invest time in Gabriella now. We've done that before.
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Combine your impressive vampire killing with a willingness to help out on an emergency mission in Kislev - yes, we could handle that."
IIRC the Lahmian conspiracy is still playing the "We only want the best and are anonymous"-game with Mathilde.
Only Regimand knew at that time in DL that it was Lahmians, Mathilde didn't.

So we might actually be able to simply announce that because Mathilde has no reasons to not kill a Lahmian Vampire the Lahmians know of :p
"That..." He ponders deeply. "Yes, that could work. Are you going to quit working for Van Hal or do you have an excuse in mind for him?"
Aren't the Lahmians blackmailing us in working for him? We can't quit without breaking cover.

[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

[X] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
[] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you
[] [Social] Surprising Markus with your prodigious improvement in swordsmanship
[X] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland
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IIRC the Lahmian conspiracy is still playing the "We only want the best and are anonymous"-game with Mathilde.
Only Regimand knew at that time in DL that it was Lahmians, Mathilde didn't.

So we might actually be able to simply announce that because Mathilde has no reasons to not kill a Lahmian Vampire the Lahmians know of :p
She might have made those arguments if she wanted to work for Starke - but as Starke was bottom of the votes she went for the pitch that was more likely to get Melkoth in charge :)

Interestingly your guys' preference list and Algard's starting preference list were in exact opposite order... possibly for the same reasons :p
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[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

[X] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
[X] [Social] Celebrating the EIC's early success with Wilhelmina and Markus
[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
[X] [Social] Discussing with Jack Albright your different relationships with Ranald
[X] [Social] Visiting Zhufbar to congratulate Ashbeard on how effective the gun he sold you was
[X] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland
Can we do some sort of reverse Mindhole? A Mindfill? I enjoy the pathos of 'downtimer receives transplanted memories' and similar, for example Belegar seeing himself putting jewels in his special hat.
[X] [Social] Properly introducing Abelhelm and Anton to the Good Boy known as Wolf
[X] [Social] Showing off your new gun to Gustav and Anton
[X] [Social] Asking Anton about his Aunt Julia

[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you

[X] [Social] Surprising Markus with your prodigious improvement in swordsmanship
[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
[X] [Social] Relaxing alongside the troops at Fort Redemption
[X] [Social] Visiting Zhufbar to congratulate Ashbeard on how effective the gun he sold you was
[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up

[X] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
[X] [Social] Properly introducing Abelhelm and Anton to the Good Boy known as Wolf
[X] [Social] Showing off your new gun to Gustav and Anton
[X] [Social] Listening to Abelhelm's old "war stories"

[X] [Social] Spending some time with Regimand while he gets used to having only one arm
[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you

[X] [Social] Visiting Heideck and Wolf in the sewers to celebrate their profits from the Stirland League raids last year
[X] [Social] Surprising Markus with your prodigious improvement in swordsmanship
[X] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland
[X] [Social] Visiting Zhufbar to congratulate Ashbeard on how effective the gun he sold you was

Once again, I want to see way more of these than is actually possible.
[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up

[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

[X] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal

[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you

[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
[X] [Social] Discussing with Jack Albright your different relationships with Ranald
[X] [Investigate] Plan for yourself or one of your spies to follow up more carefully, later
[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

[X] [Social] Spending some time with Regimand while he gets used to having only one arm
[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
[X] [Social] Discussing with Jack Albright your different relationships with Ranald
[X] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland

The guy is far less important than his handler. We learned that OTL - the agents know shit all.
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[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

[X] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
[X] [Social] Celebrating the EIC's early success with Wilhelmina and Markus
[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you
[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu

And in conclusion, Grand Theogonist delenda es(sassina)t(ed).
Can we do some sort of reverse Mindhole? A Mindfill? I enjoy the pathos of 'downtimer receives transplanted memories' and similar, for example Belegar seeing himself putting jewels in his special hat.
It's not really in Ulgu's frame, and Mathilde has no relevant traits, so it will probably have to remain omake material.
[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.
[X] [Social] Properly introducing Abelhelm and Anton to the Good Boy known as Wolf
[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[X] [Social] Attending one of Julia's dinner parties
[X] [Social] Surprising Markus with your prodigious improvement in swordsmanship
[X] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland
[X] [Investigate] Take the chance on a rapid follow-up
[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.

[X] [Social] Getting to know Melkoth before he officially becomes your superior
[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you
[X] [Social] Surprising Markus with your prodigious improvement in swordsmanship
[X] [Social] Discussing the Cult of Sigmar with Emanuel Sigtreu
It's not really in Ulgu's frame, and Mathilde has no relevant traits, so it will probably have to remain omake material.

Generally I'd completely agree, but I could see memories of potential futures that can now never occur to be both Ulgu related and in scope for Master of Time. It's a vision of something that's neither true nor false - and expanding it out it could be about a truth that is self-falsifying, which seems very Ulgu, as once you've seen a suture the butterfly effect makes it impossible to happen.

More generally, Ulgu seems like the best Wind to see into alternate timelines, either their past, present, or future, just not those of the current timeline.
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[X] [Watch] You don't have time to micromanage Wurtbad - integrate them.
I think this was predictable.

[X] [Investigate] Plan for yourself or one of your spies to follow up more carefully, later

[X] [Social] Joining Thekla Donatus, Abelhelm and Hans von Eerie at the castle for a meal
[X] [Social] Properly introducing Abelhelm and Anton to the Good Boy known as Wolf
[X] [Social] Exchanging letters with your classmate Ulrike about some of your favourite books
[X] [Social] Letting Kurtis Krammovich question you
[X] [Social] Visiting Heideck and Wolf in the sewers to celebrate their profits from the Stirland League raids last year
[X] [Social] Surprising Markus with your prodigious improvement in swordsmanship
[X] [Social] Visiting Gabriella in her Sylvanian home, and asking about her recommending you for Stirland
Your new Grey College handler starting next turn will be Melkoth. He'll be expecting a report detailing what spells you think are most vital for you to learn immediately and any tactical advice for the Karak Vlag planning.
For Magister Graduation:
Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Polysevirric Projection

For KV:
Shroud of Invisibility
Burning Shadows
Dread Aspect
Shadow Knives
Illusion (to inform KV they are back without getting killed by arrows)

For Skaven:
Take No Heed
Shroud of Invisibility
Mockery of Death

Tactical Advice:
  • Describe how KV first reacted to you seeing through their illusion.
  • trying to swat you with some daemons
  • then fleeing back into the Aethyr when the dragon came
  • it took 3 days for them to fall back into reality after disconnecting them
  • the Fallen Slayers were illusioned to look like Daemons and our troops almost routed when we broke that illusion. Brief them this time. (We have time within the 3 days it takes the Karak to fall into reality)
  • weather might be a problem, we had the Ice Witches clear the weather, which won't be the case this time
  • The KV Dawi were dug in enough that they held out until the Daemon's despawned
Any one else remembers anything else important about KV?

"We used to give a staff to commemorate, but the previous Turner passed away and none have shown the ability and inclination to take it up. So I'm afraid all I can offer you to commemorate the occasion is my congratulations."
We are some years prior to that here in Broken Mirrors, is the Turner still alive and if yes how much CF would a basic Staff that only gives +1 Magic cost? @kingreaper

I ask because IIRC we need to learn 4-5 more spells for another +1 Magic from spell-learning and with a +1 Magic staff it would put us at 7.
Which would allow us to cast Fiendishly Complex spells reliably, allowing us to pretty much cherry pick from the entire spellbook.