Everything else seems straightforward, even if knighthood is kinda boring :p

I'm with the others on trusting Regimand though.

[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire - Vlag
[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire + Vlag - Coin
Where was it confirmed that Elspeth was the Amethyst he got help from?
I'm not sure if it was confirmed or implied. I'll have to go and search around for it.

Fake edit:
Had a look and I think I assumed it was her since she was mentioned immediately after Regimand said he had the help of an Amethyst looking to shore up their position. There was speculation in thread that it was her, but I can't find any confirmation.

"Was one little name on the list. No wonder the Lahmians had so much influence, when they could whisper into the Emperor's ear at night. The Templars are almost never shy about getting their hands dirty, but when the succession of Sigmar's Empire is at stake..." He shakes his head. "Even if they were willing to act, it would cost so much of the influence of the Cult of Sigmar. Influence they've spent generations accumulating."

"So they find themselves wondering if they're loyal to the Empire, or the Emperor, or the Church. And wondering how many of their fellows would share their answer." You smile sadly. "But Abelhelm knew one group that had the answer set in stone for them. 'The first obedience of every Magister must be to the ideals and laws of Sigmar's Holy Empire'..."

"Thank the Gods for the foresight of Magnus," Regimand says, raising his glass in a toast.

"To the foresight of Magnus," you echo, draining your drink.

Regimand eyes his now-empty glass thoughtfully, clearly contemplating a refill. "So I added their list to my list, and I, of course, sorted it all out on my own. Or so official history will record if it ever gets out. The rest, as you know, is murder."

"And one set of 'natural causes'. How'd you manage that?"

He smiles. "Let's just say there was an Amethyst looking to shore up their position."


It would be entirely self-indulgent to go on a grand tour of the Rooms of Calamity you had commissioned, but you feel you've earned a bit of self-indulgence, especially after you went to check up on the one you'd called the Maze in the Grey College and found it had disappeared between one day and the next, absorbed into the Battle Wizard cloister. Your first stop is the Ambers and their Enclosure, as it was the one you were least sure of. The Tower is just as abandoned as it usually is, and after you climb up into the Room itself it's accumulating its own layer of dust to match downstairs, but you do find a set of clawmarks in one wall that you doubt were left there by the Dwarves that installed it. You take that as a good sign and move on.

At the Amethyst Order you're quite surprised to be shown into the office of Elspeth von Draken, who apparently commutes from Nuln on the back of an Encarmine Dragon to maintain whatever hold she has over that city. The meeting is brief but cordial, and she informs you that the Tomb has already been of use - a promising Battle Wizard is apparently well on the road to recovery from an unfortunate incident that has lead to that entire wing of the College being closed off for the past fortnight and counting, and she credits that it wasn't a great deal worse to the Tomb absorbing and dumping most of the errant energies.
It wasn't. But the timing fits - he got an Amethyst that was looking to shore up their position to do it, right at the same time Elspeth left Nuln for Aldorf and the colleges.
Fair enough, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something, in case I end up taking things in a different direction.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by kingreaper on Mar 11, 2021 at 2:20 PM, finished with 124 posts and 21 votes.
  • 18

    [X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)
    [X] [Boon] A holiday (no assignment next turn)
    [X][Boon] Trading company (found a new trading company in the vacuum using the League's confiscated resources, with the official backing of Stirland)
  • 12

    [X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
    [X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
    -[X] Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 60%, with a further 30% lost to damage or scavengers.
    -[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight (Like Wilhelmina's, especially if she sets up a Guild) it will be impossible.
    -[X] Acknowledge the Arcane Marks. It's a private matter, and one that was somewhat harrowing, but you'll be fine.
  • 12

    [X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
    [X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
    -[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
    -[X] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven it's usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland.
    -[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.
    [X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Watchful
    - [x] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. You might be able to track him down if Abelhelm wants to prioritize punishing him for past crimes, but you don't think doing so will meaningfully improve your security situation going forward at this point.
    - [x] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven its usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland. This could have civil benefits as well, as you can attest due to... certain events in your past, that having an honest watchman to stand up for the law can make a big difference to citizens of Stirland at risk.
    -[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.
  • 12

    [X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
    [X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
    -[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
    -[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.
    [X] [Abel Report] Close to the Truth
    -[X] "The snake is no more, but... something didn't go like it was supposed to, and I went back to Altdorf to seek the assistance of my Order, which they provided, but in return I was instructed to assist with a new College-wide priority situation I am forbidden from talking about."
    -[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.
    [x] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse + possible Magisterial exam
    -[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
    -[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.
    - [x] Mention that you may want to test for Magister soon, as your recent mishap did yield some unexpected academic benefits of a wizardly nature that you didn't have before this point in time, but that could open up new doors for you in progressing through the College now.
    [X] [Abel Report] Close to the Truth
  • 15

    [X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire - Vlag
    [X][Algard Report] Tell him about the Lahmian Conspiracy's full membership, and about Regimand's execution of the Empress. It was something you'd rather keep internal to the Grey College and not inform anyone else. We have the list Abelhelm created up until his death, Regimand had his own list.
    [X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire + Vlag - Coin
    [X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire
    [X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire
    -[X] Ask for Regimand to be read in on the Time conspiracy, partly for his sake as your Master
    -[X] Partly because you have incomplete future information about a high-ranking Lahmian conspiracy that Regimand was responsible for taking down
    -[X] Suggest that Mathilde have a leading position in the Karak Vlag expedition, if the timeline fits, both because she did it once before and because the blessing from Ranald can help
    --[X] The Gambler for the high stakes, the Protector for the trapped common dwarfs, the Night Prowler to steal an entire Karak from Chaos, and the Deceiver for Grey Wizards.
    [X] [Algard Report] Private Report to Algard (optional; can write in word for word, or just outline what is focused on): Do NOT discuss the Lahmian conspiracy with Algard, and most certainly do not tell him about the Empress's killing. The murder of a sitting Empress by a Grey Magister is quite possibly something that the official head of the College should maintain plausible deniability of... just in case; and you can see no reason to mess with success, as this is one problem that was wrapped up essentially flawlessly in the original timeline. Do suggest that for obvious reasons you have a strong working relationship with your Master, and bring permitted to read him in on the temporal phenomenon would make it a lot easier for you to work with him in more ways than one. Suggest that if he really wants you to focus on intrigue work with the rest of the Grey College it would be very helpful not to be handicapped in your ability to work with your most naturally compatible potential colleague. Unrelatedly, make him aware that your blessing from Ranald gives you a way to ensure that someone from the Colleges receives full credit for rescuing Vlag (namely, you), but only after six months have passed. State that you aren't suggesting the rescue be pushed back for your sake, but if it's going to take some time to organize anyway then you would like to do the honors as it was your achievement originally and a moment of considerable personal significance.
    [X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire + Vlag - Coin
    -[X] Ask for Regimand to be read in on the Time conspiracy, partly for his sake as your Master
    -[X] Partly because you have incomplete future information about a high-ranking Lahmian conspiracy that Regimand was responsible for taking down
    -[X] Suggest that Mathilde have a leading position in the Karak Vlag expedition, if the timeline fits, both because she did it once before and because she knows dwarves well and can help avoid an incident with Vlag

Voting closed, writing begun.

[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
-[X] Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 60%, with a further 30% lost to damage or scavengers.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight (Like Wilhelmina's, especially if she sets up a Guild) it will be impossible.
-[X] Acknowledge the Arcane Marks. It's a private matter, and one that was somewhat harrowing, but you'll be fine.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven it's usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
-[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
-[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.

[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire - Vlag
-[X] Ask for Regimand to be read in on the Time conspiracy, partly for his sake as your Master
-[X] Partly because you have incomplete future information about a high-ranking Lahmian conspiracy that Regimand was responsible for taking down
Last edited:
Cutting Room Floor: A closer echo.
I misread the vote as the Abel Report being closer to the original than it is and wrote this. It's now on the cutting room floor, but I enjoyed it so I figure I'll share:

"Lesser evils," he says. "A burden those in your position must bear."

"If you're willing to sanction those lesser evils..." you prompt, but he shakes his head.

"No... not yet at least. I am aware of the tools you must wield, but I cannot fully trust them. Robbers, thieves and brigands are no more trustworthy than a serpent - you can charm them into service, but you will not always be my spymaster." You let your frown show at those words. "I have no intention of pushing you out, but we must both acknowledge that life has a limited span. A denial of your own mortality is a fatal flaw, especially when faced with the temptations of the undying."

Your thoughts turn to the reportedly immortal Amethyst Lady Magister Elspeth von Draken - and to your centuries old friend currently known as Gabriella - but you keep those thoughts from your face.

"Growing and strengthening the Watch should come first, they'll be the blade a successor can wield to cut down a Thieves Guild should they become a treasonous cabal." He pauses with a slight frown, and you wait while the thoughts turn over in his mind. "Unfortunately the membership of the watch are not going to react well to your... injuries. See if you can tame those - I've hunted down enough witches to know it can be done although I understand the colleges don't tend to prioritise doing so - and, for now, try and keep your meetings outdoors and close to noon where possible. Not only will it hide most of your marks, but it'll reassure people that you're not a vampire.

"Once you've gotten the Watch in hand you'll be able to train them and reinforce them, ensure they have everything they'll need to take down any criminal organisations you may be working with. Only then will I consider sanctioning their creation."

You smile and nod, and you lift your mug in a silent toast.

Last edited:
When I misread the vote as the Abel Report being based on the Original (rather than that being the Council Report) I wrote this. It's now on the cutting room floor:
The Abel report is based on the original, but I explicitly left out the "I should take over the Thieves Guild" stuff because I didn't think it was a good idea and didn't intend to propose it with the job slate. Benefit of hindsight, we know Abelhelm isn't a fan of it.
The Abel report is based on the original, but I explicitly left out the "I should take over the Thieves Guild" stuff because I didn't think it was a good idea and didn't intend to propose it with the job slate. Benefit of hindsight, we know Abelhelm isn't a fan of it.
Yeah, it's just that the character moment I wrote made use of that particular suggestion, so am now rewriting it. Once that's done I'll be going over the voting options and then update should be done. Should be within the hour unless I get called away by business partner who's chatting with my wife atm.
Turn 1 - 2473.5
[X][Boon] Knighthood (A small fief somewhere on Stirland Leagues lands and a noble title that may come in handy in future)

[X] [Council Report] Original and Marks
-[X] Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 60%, with a further 30% lost to damage or scavengers.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight (Like Wilhelmina's, especially if she sets up a Guild) it will be impossible.
-[X] Acknowledge the Arcane Marks. It's a private matter, and one that was somewhat harrowing, but you'll be fine.

[X] [Suggested Orders] Benefits of Foresight - Drakenhof
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch has proven it's usefulness; despite their reluctance, perhaps it should be made part of your bailiwick and expanded to cover more of Stirland.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it.

[X] [Abel Report] Algard's Excuse
-[X] The snake is dead, but due a miscast during the fight I will have to spend some time in Altdorf to recuperate (the excuse Algard ordered us to give - it's a good one anyway)
-[X] Include the assistance that your intel sources (Watch, Thieves, Villages) have contributed to the raid and highlight that the Wurtbad Thieves are likely currently holding onto a fair chunk of the missing assets in exchange for making the seizures much more painless.

[X] [Algard Report] Plan Wire - Vlag
-[X] Ask for Regimand to be read in on the Time conspiracy, partly for his sake as your Master
-[X] Partly because you have incomplete future information about a high-ranking Lahmian conspiracy that Regimand was responsible for taking down.

"There's one more thing - I have information on a Lahmian conspiracy that Regimand is investigating; information that's potentially vital to Imperial security. I want permission to read him in on the situation."

"Do you retain the ability to cast Mindhole?" You feel a litttle queasy at the idea of using it on Regimand, but you nod anyway. "Fine, you can read him in on the jaunt - he already knows more than I'm comfortable with for someone with his tendency to become 'compromised'; so if reading him in makes for a clean extraction I'll take it. But if it becomes necessary you will also be reading him out."

"I... understand, Sir."

"Good. I'll let him know there's something you need to tell him." Algard turns his eyes back down to his paperwork, continuing to work through forms while he talks. "Aside from that your task is simple: Get as much of your knowledge written down as possible, focusing on the Skaven. The Celestials are saying the future has completely shifted; so we can't rely on the events going the same way and that means that we can't afford to wait." He looks up and meets your eyes, revealing a sympathetic smile. "You seem ambitious and driven, so I'm sure it chafes to have lost so much of your skill and prestige, but for now the writing room is where you're of most use. Once you've gotten your knowledge on paper we can discuss a few possible plans for the future."


Telling Regimand is awkward to say the least - he's the closest thing you have to a parent, and yet the last time you saw him he had you paralysed and was interrogating you.

"I'm sorry." You both say simultaneously.

While Regimand is confused you continue. As long as you keep him on the back foot you can control the conversation - and right now you need that control. "I should have approached you more carefully - I was panicked and didn't think about how things would look from your side." You cast your eyes down. "I can't say I'm not upset about what happened, but it's not you I'm upset with - you acted as best you could with the knowledge you had."

You're not entirely sure if you believe that - but you value your relationship with Regimand too much to let one incident poison it.

"As you once said to me in lieu of a debriefing: 'Tell me what you know of the highest level of secrecy ratings.'" An implausible statement packed full of information to ponder.

You can see his thoughts swirl while he repeats by rote: "A matter that cannot be classified, because that would be to acknowledge it existed."

"What I'm about to tell you is that twice over. Even Algard only knows half of it." You pause for dramatic effect. "I got promoted to Magister the same month you arranged the death of the current Empress." You hand him a sheet of paper. "An action you took because of this list I received in five years time."

The shock takes a few seconds longer to wear off this time around, but reading through the list helps centre him.

"I'm 36 years old, I've travelled through time, and the Empress is embroiled in the conspiracy pulling our strings. Any questions?"


You and Abelhelm both take seats in his office. "The Thorned One is dead, but the attempt became rather more complicated than I expected - a miscast while defending against it resulted in some magical damage, so I'll be needing to spend some of my time back in the college building to recuperate"

Abelhelm frowns in concern. "Right, well I won't keep you for long then. Do whatever you need to recover; I've seen some of the damage that mismanaged magic can cause and would hate to see you struck down by such. It would be appreciated if you made the council meeting - I was rather hoping to celebrate your achievements - but if need be you can return to Altdorf this evening and I'll keep your seat open until the winter meeting."

"Thankfully nothing quite that severe - I'll be attending a number of treatment sessions throughout the season but will be fine to continue with light duties." You watch as his frown softens. "My new assistant will take on some of the more onerous travel needs for the coming season, barring unforeseen emergencies."

"Well, then - I'll be offering both you and Wilhelmina boons for your exemplary work, so please do think about what it is you'll want."


You arrive to the council meeting later than usual - the last of the councillors to arrive - because you only want to address your marks once. Thus as you stroll into the council chamber and the torches ensconced on the walls begin to flicker five pairs of eyes turn to you.

"Magic has its costs. I will not discuss the whys and wherefores, but suffice it to say that though they are sometimes steep they are ones I'm willing to pay given what magic allows me to achieve." You can see understanding in Anton's eyes - is he thinking of his Aunt Julia? - and the rest of the council seem willing to let the matter lie, so you sit down and start double-checking your paperwork.


While Van Hal's entrance is slightly less exuberant than it was last time you were now, the meeting goes much the same - you report on the dismantling of The Stirlandian League and then Wilhelmina reports on how she has managed to use the paperwork to keep things moving and kick the economy straight into an upward trend. Gustav is doing his best to get a crew of Pistoliers set up; Schultz is struggling with building a road through the Haunted Hills due to constant assaults, but has finished the barracks at one end; Anton has worked out a complicated land-trade between a variety of counties; and Kasmir has been recruiting more chaplains of more varied faiths.

Then it's back around to you and Wilhelmina, with each of you selecting a boon. Wilhelmina of course requests the opportunity to found the Eastern Imperial Company, which is granted; and then you make your request for a Knighthood, which a quick check shows is entirely feasible.


The orders likewise are the same as those of your first time living through this meeting - Gustav, Schultz and Kasmir are to operate out of Leicheburg; Wilhelmina to make use of what she can and sell the rest; Anton to finalise the land deals and redraw the maps; and your orders are left for private discussion, as expected of a spymaster.

As you begin your post-council discussions in his chambers Abelehelm pours you a drink, a tradition you had missed since his death. "Dame Mathilde." He echoes his other self in raising a toast. "Once you become Magister you would of course be referred to as 'dame', but that's a distinction between that and 'Dame' that you can hear in the way it's pronounced."

"Dame Mathilde," you repeat - happy that the conversation is flowing just as it once did.

"So, what skulduggery does Stirland's next knight have to share?"

"The Wurtbad Watch and my contacts in various of the villages from which the league operated were vital, but there was another faction I reached out to." He frowns for a moment. "When I mentioned criminal elements looting the Stirlandian League, they were elements that I tipped off. They took a third, and in exchange prevented the League from being able to escape with the goods, allowing us to capture the remainder unopposed."

"Lesser evils," he says. "A burden those in your position must bear."

"It is unfortunately necessary - but I shall not become so attached to them as the former spymaster was. Speaking of him, the reports garnered from the Stirlandian League indicate he's out of the game, and has gone into hiding with his ill-gotten wealth." You pause for a beat. "I could try and track him down, but I don't believe there's any danger of him re-emerging at this point - so it would be a purely punitive endeavour."

Abelhelm shakes his head. "No, that's not a priority, even if you weren't in convalescence - a rich thief is a quiet thief. What could you be doing closer to home?"

"I was going to suggest expanding my intelligence apparatus, although that would also require some travel as it's the far flung towns and villages that I'd be seeking to cultivate right now. Closer to home I'd like to work on the Wurtbad Watch - strengthen it and get it to feed information back to me - then look at expanding it across Stirland town by town once I'm fully recovered."

"A Stirland Watch? Ambitious, but given your achievements I have confidence in your ability to pull it off." His smile is brief, cut off by an awkward realisation. "The membership of the Watch are not going to react well to your... injuries." Abelhelm pauses in thought.

You're reminded of the reason you left The Empire in your first life - why you became fonder of just about anywhere else than you are of your home.

"See if you can disguise those - I've hunted down enough witches to know it's possible even if the colleges don't tend to prioritise it - and, for now, try and keep your meetings outdoors and close to noon where possible. Not only will it hide your marks, but it'll reassure people that you're not a vampire." He looks pensive for a moment. "If you like I could have a talk to some of my old contacts, see if one of the more open-minded among them would be willing to work with you on the project? There's nothing that screams 'Not a witch!' quite as loud as having a Witch Hunter by your side - and given what happened to the Haupt-Andersons it's clear the Watch could do with learning a thing or two about vampires themselves."


Non-Plan Votes:

Noble Lineage
[ ] [Knight] Keep heraldry, name, etc. as they were in original timeline
[ ] [Knight] Change things: (Write in how)

How do you feel about Abelhelm?
[ ] [Abel] An old friend returned
[ ] [Abel] Another chance for love
[ ] [Abel] It's too soon to say

Bring in a Witch Hunter?
[ ] [Hunter] Their help would be welcome
[ ] [Hunter] I'll manage this alone

These three votes should be made independently. The remainder of the options should be a plan vote for how to spend your actions.

Plan Vote:

Assign Julia

[ ] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
[ ] Ground Floor: Start putting people on your payroll into the EIC before it even begins, so you'll have information flowing right from the start.
[ ] Financial independence: Start selling tidbits of information, just enough for your information network to start paying for itself.

Delegation costs one half action per individual or organisation being delegated to. You have 6 actions this turn, as you are in a leeway turn for managing Julia due to the implementation of a new delegation system, but for future turns your 5.5 actions will round down to 5.

Personal Actions: you have six actions you can apply without engaging in overwork.
Current overwork status: [-] [ ] [ ]
Each box will be filled by one action of overwork, and will take the two turns after that to fade as you recover. The first box incurs no penalty. The second will give a -10 penalty to all actions during the first turn of recovery. The third will give a -20 penalty to all actions on both turns of recovery.
Overwork incurs no penalties on the turns taken, only on the turns recovering from it. You can take as many actions of overwork as you have unfilled boxes.
When you use overwork it fills the left-most empty box, so [-][ ][ ] becomes [-][+][ ], not [+][-][ ]. All boxes recover in parallel and independent from one another, but second and third apply maluses on your actions during that cooldown period.

On the Job for Algard
Writing Papers

May take as many writing actions as you like. Provided you take at least one action in Altdorf you may choose one for free.

[ ] Rewrite a bundle of multiple papers (Choose one)
Magical Inventions:
Ulgu/Technique: Mathilde's Mystical Matrix
Sevir/Spell/Lesser: Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Polysevirric Projection

Runecraft Observed in K8P:
Observations on Runecraft During The Expedition To Karak Eight Peaks
Deployment of an 'Anvil Of Doom' During The Battle Of Karag Nar

The We:
Preliminary Observations on the Eusocial Cave Spider,
Araneae Sapiens,

Waagh and Peace:
Waaagh and Peace: Efficient Solutions to Greenskin Magic
Lectures on Waaagh and Peace, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey) at Magnus Hall, University of Altdorf, Pflugzeit-Sigmarzeit 2482.

Queekish Dictionary:
Rakilid un Thaggorhun, 2483.
Queekish, 2483.

Random Biology:
A Novel Species of Psalliota Found Cultivated by the Night Goblins of Karak Eight Peaks,
Chemical Properties and Possible Applications of the Autoignitive Saliva of the Lustrian Salamander
Anatomy of the Fire Dwarves of Zharr-Naggrund

Skaven Warfare:
The Clan Eshin Perspective of the Third Skaven Civil War,
Winning the War Below,

Skaven Technosorcery:
An Eyewitness Account of a Distinct and Hitherto Unknown Variety of Skaven Sorcery,
Internal Mechanisms of the Ratling Gun, and How to Foil Them,

Knowledge of Lightning:
A Method of Creating a Bright and Even Light with Azyrric Energy,
Dragon Ogres and Volcanic Lightning,
Observations on Warp Lightning,

The Undead Census:
A Full and Accurate Census of All Varieties of Undead within the Hunter's Hills, 2476
(requires an AP to itself due to sheer length)

Observations on a Necrarch's Extreme-Range Real-Time Interaction Ability,
The Properties Of and Countermeasures To an Observed Suite of Necrarch Control and Enhancement Spells
The Neglected Front: Economic Warfare against the Vampiric Bloodlines [You can exclude this and just write the other two if you don't wish to steal Roswita's dissertation project]
[ ] Write a new paper: (Choose topic)

On the Job for Abelhelm
Integrating the Watch
[ ] Rewrite the relevant part of the legal code of Stirland so that the Watch reports to you, personally. [Will not cost an action this turn, due to memory of rewriting the founding document, but will lock in an action for next turn]
[ ] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of Wurtbad.
[ ] Integrate the Roadwarden network into the Watch.
[ ] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch.
[ ] Expand the Watch to cover the rest of the County of Wurtbad.
[ ] Spread some coin around so that a cross-section of the Watch passes on information to you as well as their superiors.

Managing Your Marks
[ ] Focus on increasing your understanding of what Arcane Marks are and how they might be controlled.
[ ] Attempt to tame your shadow, allowing you to keep its unnerving separation from you quiet with proper focus.
[ ] Attempt to manage the flickering of light sources, reducing the range of the effect.
[ ] Attempt to control the pooling of smoke and mist to make it less obvious and unnerving.

[ ] Knighthood: There's a ceremony, of course. And a number of oaths to make. And you'll have to visit your 'estate'. But gosh. Dame Mathilde.
[ ] Investment: Wilhelmina has offered you the limited-time chance to become a founding shareholder in the EIC; the buy-in will be a cool 1000 crowns, but with Van Hal's permission, Wilhelmina has offered you an interest-free loan from the Stirlandian Treasury to cover it, and promises that unless something goes terribly wrong, the dividends will more than pay for it.
[ ] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors or your liege, offering your help in their tasks and generally getting a feel for them (choose one).
[ ] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith may be on the mend. But maybe you still have time to persuade him to seek a god who won't abandon him? (write in)
[ ] Hang Out A Shingle: Spymasters don't advertise, but wizards sometimes do. Make an official announcement that there's a wizard in residence, and see who comes out of the woodwork.

Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
[ ] Tutoring: One of your fellow councillors may be willing to teach you in their chosen field (choose who).
[ ] Pretty Good Swords: Your friendship with the champion of the Greatswords might suffer if you skip out on your classes - even if you're not sure there's anything left for him to teach you.
[ ] Combat Training: You're virtually surrounded by armed warriors of various sorts. See if you can convince one to teach you (choose who).
[ ] Combat Training, In The Free Market: You haven't made many heavily armed friends yet, but gold is good for that. Go out and buy some training. (-personal gold)
[ ] Round-up the Lesser Magics: You're so close to mastering all the lesser magics. Just one final push and you'll have them all - again.
[ ] College Lessons: Get trained in something as Magister Grey (You'll need to earn some college favour first)
[ ] Enchanting at the College: The college has the equipment you need to do some enchanting work, and the current state of your equipment is abysmal compared to what you've grown accustomed to. Perhaps you should make some of your own (Write in what)

Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
[ ] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
[ ] Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try again with local goods. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
[ ] Filled with Potential: You've got a room cleared out and ready to be put to use. Decide what you're going to put there and get started on equipping it. (write in the purpose of the room)

[ ] Shyish-kebabs: Last time around you got nowhere with reverse engineering the Shyish-filled swords, but your knowledge of magic has improved a lot over the next decade and a half. Perhaps with your greater skills you could discover something more useful?
[ ] Having lost your knowledge of so many Shadow Magic spells you'll need to recover them somehow. Perhaps you could spend some of your time in the Grey College practising a couple of Lesser Magic spells (choose one, two or three spells to attempt to relearn - more spells means more chance of failure, but your skill is far beyond what it once was.)

Influence: Though you haven't taken these over (yet?) you could still spend some time to influence or tap into them. Write in what you would like to do with them.
[ ] Thieves Guild: It's currently little more than a church group, albeit of a very unconventional god.
[ ] Biderhof: This village based on woodcutting and agriculture, has adopted you as one of it's own.
[ ] Non-Thief Guilds: Wurtbad, like all major cities, is home to a number of guilds. Reach out to them and enforce your will.
[ ] Down Below: Your time in the sewers made you realize just how much of a maze there is down there, and you wonder what could be lurking down in the dark (apart from your fellow devotees of Ranald). Get in touch with the various groups of rat catchers, sewer jacks and gong farmers that deal with it.

Finances: (No action cost)
You currently have 250gp and a net income of 80g.
Pay: +50g
Embezzlement: +35g
Tithe: -5g

The Spymaster of Stirland has 270gp and a net income of 25gp
Budget: +150g
Embezzlement: -35g
Julia -30gp
Staff of Julia's Townhouse -20 gp
Veteran Informants -40 gp
[ ] Change Embezzlement amount (no action cost): Options are 0gp, 35gp, 75 gp and 110gp.
[ ] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget) (No action cost)

You don't have access to Ranald's Coin this turn, as it is set to The Gambler and was applied to revealing your Jaunt through Time

3 Hour Moratorium on the Plan Votes, but you can vote on the non-plan aspects immediately.

If anything is unclear, looks wrong, or you have options you think should be on the voting list and aren't, just say and I'll make appropriate edits. This is my first time trying to write a full turn-vote, and half of it is cribbed from Turn 8, so I expect there to be errors.

Divided Loyalties' corresponding turn.
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Hmm, I think lots of the self-improvement action wording may be a bit out of date, but nothing critical.

I'll come up with a plan first thing tomorrow, but I can't help but think that we should start with the basic research on arcane marks, and possibly apply the Gambler to it - along with relearning the basic spells.
If anything is unclear, looks wrong, or you have options you think should be on the voting list and aren't, just say and I'll make appropriate edits. This is my first time trying to write a full turn-vote, and half of it is cribbed from Turn 8, so I expect there to be errors.
We had these options for the watch back in DL and chose Underground.
I'd like to make a different choice this time, either Road Network to help with Watch Finances or Riverwardens to more effectively combat smuggling. Roswita had great success with that.
Pick one of the following to be explicitly named in the founding documents, giving you the opportunity to shape the Watch into a force that can perform this as well as their regular duties:
[ ] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above.
[ ] Road Network: Bringing the Road Wardens under the Watch's banner will allow them to project force along the roads connecting the towns, not just within the towns themselves.
[ ] Riverwardens: With the addition of a fleet of very small warships, the Watch extend their reach onto the waterways of Stirland, fighting piracy and smuggling in the rivers that are the Empire's lifeblood.
[ ] Self-Sustaining: If the Watch took on officially sanctioned side jobs protecting caravans and merchant ships between cities, they could basically fund themselves instead of being a constant drain on Stirland's coffers, effectively fueling their own growth.
[ ] Sally Force: Small unit tactics and woodsman training makes the Watch able to sally forth in strength to combat hotspots of corruption, crime and restless dead in the woods and hills of the countryside on top of their city duties.
[ ] Siege Training: Training with ranged weapons and the basics of siege engineering will turn the Watch into a ferocious force multiplier if their city comes under siege.
[ ] Militia: Focusing on military training will allow the Watch, in times of war, to join battlefields and give a showing equal to that of any full-time military unit.
[ ] Other (write in)
Hmm, I think lots of the self-improvement action wording may be a bit out of date, but nothing critical.

I'll come up with a plan first thing tomorrow, but I can't help but think that we should start with the basic research on arcane marks, and possibly apply the Gambler to it - along with relearning the basic spells.
No Gambler this turn - you chose to use the coin on ensuring the reveal went well, so it's used up for the turn.
No Gambler this turn - you chose to use the coin on ensuring the reveal went well, so it's used up for the turn.


Would there be an option to try to learn the principles of Arcane Mark control as Magister Grey at the College? Arcane Marks are pretty clear give aways when you're trying to infiltrate a place in disguise or by stealth, whether mundane or magical, and so they seem like something that the Grey College would have invested significant effort in learning to manage. Abelhelm wouldn't know of course, as even better than the ability to control Arcane Marks is keeping that ability secret, so that people become overconfident that a random servant can't be you, as they know your shadow writhes uncontrollably.
"If you like I could have a talk to some of my old contacts, see if one of the more open-minded among them would be willing to work with you on the project? There's nothing that screams 'Not a witch!' quite as loud as having a Witch Hunter by your side - and given what happened to the Haupt-Andersons it's clear the Watch could do with learning a thing or two about vampires themselves."
Professionals. Yes, yes, please yes. It would reassure the Watch about Mathilde, it would help if/when we set up the Undead-Identifying Form again, it would bring some much-needed institutional expertise to "incompetence is expected" Stirland.

[ ] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
Mathilde took this last time around. Repeatedly. And then read the Liber Mortis. I don't think this option should be here any more when Mathilde already has Undead Strategy, Undead Tactics, Undead Lore, Von Carstein Lore, for current skills.

[ ] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
Maybe add cost estimates to some options? (this one was 100gc here, factors might change)

[ ] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors or your liege, offering your help in their tasks and generally getting a feel for them (choose one).
Is there going to be a separate social turn or does that not get implemented yet or what?
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What is the difference between
Round-up the Lesser Magics: You're so close to mastering all the lesser magics. Just one final push and you'll have them all - again.
Having lost your knowledge of so many Shadow Magic spells you'll need to recover them somehow. While you probably shouldn't get tutoring on the simplest spells as Magister Grey you could still spend some time practising spells within the college from texts in its library.

Also IIRC we haven't lost our enchantment skill:
[ ] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
Is there going to be a separate social turn or does that not get implemented yet or what?
There'll be a social turn. I do want to have the option to put in extra social effort though - and offering help with other's tasks makes sense to me as an option.

I'll think about rephrasings, and have cut the "learn about undead" option - you're very right about it being redundant.
What is the difference between
Round-up the Lesser Magics: You're so close to mastering all the lesser magics. Just one final push and you'll have them all - again.
Having lost your knowledge of so many Shadow Magic spells you'll need to recover them somehow. While you probably shouldn't get tutoring on the simplest spells as Magister Grey you could still spend some time practising spells within the college from texts in its library.
One is for Lesser Magics which are the same for every college, while the other is for Relatively Simple shadow magic. Will do a rephrase to clarify.

Also IIRC we haven't lost our enchantment skill:
[ ] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.

You haven't. I'll change that to one where you'd study enchanting further at the college.
EDIT: Actually, I'll remove it entirely - you'll need some college favour before you can get lessons, which means pumping out some of the papers Algard wants.
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Let's have a first draft to discuss things.
Julia gets to put spies inside the EIC again.
2 AP go to the Knighthood and EIC action as in the original timeline, though this time we know what Wilhemina is talking about :p
We cheat with rewriting the Watch document with our memory for 0 AP.
1 AP goes to bribing the Watch to report to us as in DL.
1 AP goes to taming our shadow mark as that is our most obvious one.
2 AP go to writing for Algard, resulting in 3 writing actions and him getting all the needed Skaven papers.
Queekish is very important so he can spy on them, the other two are for if things go to war.

I'm also cutting embezzlement to 0. We got scrutiny on us for now.

[] Plan LightLan
-[][Julia] Ground Floor: Start putting people on your payroll into the EIC before it even begins, so you'll have information flowing right from the start.
-[] Rewrite the relevant part of the legal code of Stirland so that the Watch reports to you, personally. [Will not cost an action this turn, due to memory of rewriting the founding document, but will lock in an action for next turn]
-[] Spread some coin around so that a cross-section of the Watch passes on information to you as well as their superiors.
-[] Knighthood: There's a ceremony, of course. And a number of oaths to make. And you'll have to visit your 'estate'. But gosh. Dame Mathilde.
-[] Investment: Wilhelmina has offered you the limited-time chance to become a founding shareholder in the EIC; the buy-in will be a cool 1000 crowns, but with Van Hal's permission, Wilhelmina has offered you an interest-free loan from the Stirlandian Treasury to cover it, and promises that unless something goes terribly wrong, the dividends will more than pay for it.
-[] Attempt to tame your shadow, allowing you to keep its unnerving separation from you quiet while you concentrate.
-[] Rewrite a bundle of multiple papers: Queekish Dictionary
-[] Rewrite a bundle of multiple papers: Skaven Warfare
-[][Free] Rewrite a bundle of multiple papers: Skaven Technosorcery
-[] Change Embezzlement amount (no action cost): 0gp
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We had these options for the watch back in DL and chose Underground.
I'd like to make a different choice this time, either Road Network to help with Watch Finances or Riverwardens to more effectively combat smuggling. Roswita had great success with that.
Hmmm. I'm not sure if that would require actually spending the AP or if I should allow remaking that choice without AP cost. Will have a think on that - it's probably small enough as changes go that it wouldn't be a problem to change what is named in the document.
Hmmm. I'm not sure if that would require actually spending the AP or if I should allow remaking that choice without AP cost. Will have a think on that - it's probably small enough as changes go that it wouldn't be a problem to change what is named in the document.
If it helps: In DL we also first rewrote the document narratively and then voted for which specialty to take :p
Would there be an option to try to learn the principles of Arcane Mark control as Magister Grey at the College? Arcane Marks are pretty clear give aways when you're trying to infiltrate a place in disguise or by stealth, whether mundane or magical, and so they seem like something that the Grey College would have invested significant effort in learning to manage. Abelhelm wouldn't know of course, as even better than the ability to control Arcane Marks is keeping that ability secret, so that people become overconfident that a random servant can't be you, as they know your shadow writhes uncontrollably.
If there is it's not explicitly advertised as such, and no-one's mentioned it to Mathilde. It's possible that some Tradecraft lessons include such things, or courses on Infiltration, but going by Boney-canon it's not listed on their curriculum.
I don't see an option to help out Regimand with the List.
We are rather busy, so I wouldn't want to take it anyway, but I feel like it should be there.
[ ] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith may be on the mend. But maybe you still have time to persuade him to seek a god who won't abandon him? (write in)

As an in-character choice this one feels kind of tempting given how things went down OTL, and how Mathilde feels about it?

Not necessarily optimal, but building off existing character traits.