[X] [Milica] You can do it before returning to camp, but you'll need a feast immediately afterwards to recharge the protective magic for your own protection.
[X] [Jutta] Sanity: If she's lucid enough to cast, she's lucid enough to talk. Get Filiberta in here and try to get her thinking like a human again.
[X] [Jutta] Sanity: If she's lucid enough to cast, she's lucid enough to talk. Get Filiberta in here and try to get her thinking like a human again.
Sanity should help with both safety and the ability to better study the magic in the future.

I'd also like to take a moment to say how much I appreciate this Quest. The cocept itself, with a timetravel do-over within the story of another quest, is interesting, and the author does well to realize it with good writing and interesting developments and events. Good job!
I'd also like to take a moment to say how much I appreciate this Quest. The cocept itself, with a timetravel do-over within the story of another quest, is interesting, and the author does well to realize it with good writing and interesting developments and events. Good job!
Cheers. I've played a bit fast and loose with metaphysics and characterisation at times, but the longer the quest the more serious it gets (which unfortunately is also why I struggle more to write it)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by kingreaper on Dec 31, 2021 at 1:47 AM, finished with 17 posts and 14 votes.
Expedition to Karak Vlag - Turn 10 - From Praag to Kislev, Part 2
[X] [Milica] You can do it before returning to camp, but you'll need a feast immediately afterwards to recharge the protective magic for your own protection.
[X] [Jutta] Sanity: If she's lucid enough to cast, she's lucid enough to talk. Get Filiberta in here and try to get her thinking like a human again.

You briefly consider playing the long game - convincing them to go to Altdorf to build up ties between them and the Empire - but having seen Milica relying on a maidservant to eat you just can't bring yourself to do it. Which was probably the point of having the meal come before the request.

Still, it's not like doing it yourself won't build ties; it's just that you'll be the person to whom those ties lead.

"It's a magic they have access to, yes." You begin. "More relevantly, it's one of the capabilities of the artefact that I carry within myself.

"But it's not a cheap ability to use. I'll need to eat soon afterwards, certainly before I leave this town - and not a small meal. Assuming you have access to fruits, mushrooms, milk, and other Ghyran-heavy foods at this time of year I'll need 25 pounds of those - if not, I'll need 50 pounds of other food."

Ljiljana nods. "I shall collect from Ursun's stores."

Věnceslava looks to her, slightly concerned. "Is there enough spare?"

"Harvest was good this year, and winter hunting has continued - even if next year is lean none should starve."

With that Ljiljana departs to collect supplies, and Věnceslava wraps the injured arm up once more, hiding it away in a cupboard. When Milica returns from the bathroom she is told the Ljiljana had business elsewhere to attend to - and will return soon.

It's only once Ljiljana returns, two men following behind her carrying large jars of pickled fruits, that Věnceslava reveals the recovered arm.

Though you don't understand the words that are said, the joyful expression on Milica's face when they're done talking is enough to make the meaning clear - and Věnceslava waves you over while Ljiljana holds the arm up against the injured socket. As Ljiljana draws the Ice magic out of the arm it droops, revealing it to be a sack of barely-held-together flesh and cracked bones.

"Sana Savium" You whisper, before kissing Milica's shoulder.

The magic does exactly as it should - weaving through her body with jade magic, seeking out any injuries or ailments. It finds only two - at her right shoulder vines of magic reach out futilely, but at her left those same reaching vines find what they seek.

With a series of sickening crunches, and a single yelp of pain, Milica's left arm is reattached. And without even shucking off the clay, she hugs you with it.

Milica speaks faster than either Věnceslava or Ljiljana can keep up, so instead Věnceslava simply summarises. "She thanks you profusely, and offers more than she should in recompense for your aid."

"We cannot deny that we owe you a debt for this." Ljiljana interjects. "Aid offered to ally in battle is point of honour - but aid offered freely after departing field is gift. We can offer favour to you as coven - or Milica will offer service as self."

[ ] [Favour] Milica is willing to work for you for a year at some future point. She won't share any secrets or break any oaths of her coven, but will put her power to serving whatever goal you set her at that time. Bank that to call in when you have a reason to - she'll also try to learn Imperial in the mean time.
[ ] [Favour] The Hromada Ledyanoy Ved'ma will owe you a service comparable in importance to the restoration of a limb, to call in at some point in future. Value of roughly 5 favour. (If you start earning Kislevi favour from other sources I'll make it a currency, but for now it's just a one-off thing)
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
[ ] [Favour] Money makes the world go 'round. You'll take a lump sum of 300 gp worth of gems and precious metals

After a few minutes the clay covering her body dissolves, and Milica's arm is revealed - the arm itself is fully healed, but the hand at its end bears only the index and middle finger; the ring finger ends at the first joint, and no sign remains of the little finger.

Milica's joy is not eroded by this - nor by the fact that attempting to eat with it results in constant spills, or the stiffness with which her arm now moves; constantly looking at the future when she will once again be able to manage her own affairs, and, just as importantly, call forth magic that she couldn't without gestures.


"My request is a symmetrical one. I restored the arm of your sister after it had been cleansed from the corruption of dark magic - my master, the man who taught me the secrets of magic, is missing his arm. We have it safely stored, but we cannot cleanse it of the corruption of dark magic."

"A fair trade indeed." Says Věnceslava, smiling.

Ljiljana looks thoughtful. "I know Hag Witch south of Kislev - she owes, and can repay. Will make arrangements for contact."

"Not the Hag I saw at High Pass then?"

"Nyet, I owe her." Ljiljana replies. "And her home is far from Empire, would require your master to spend much time travelling Ancient Widow's lands. Svetlana knows rites, she can cleanse arm."


As you feast on pickled berries, Ljiljana and Věnceslava question you on the details of your involvement in the return of Vlag.

Most of it is simple; you stick firmly to the pre-designed cover story: "As far as I know, my involvement was simply a matter of fortuitous timing; I was expected to graduate shortly before the expedition was planned, and my employer had no urgent need for my presence this winter, so the college was able to press me into helping protect the pass in exchange for favours owed.

"Along the way I was asked to deliver messages to a few dwarves - due to a unique affinity with shadowsteeds I'm amongst the fastest moving messengers in the Empire, and the messages were considered too important to entrust to birds."

"One as young as you, and trusted with such vital messages?" Ljiljana frowns. "Your colleges are still children."

"A fault of the mother, not the child - gods willing they'll both have the time to age." Věnceslava responds. "Please continue."

"Once we arrived, I was curious about Vlag, and decided to examine it and scout the area in case it was relevant." You eat another fistful of berries.

"And why did you find what many others have sought?" Asks Ljiljana. "I saw the mountain - there was nought to speak of there."

"Upon arriving, I tried using substance of shadow on a long pole to check for hidden pockets of light beneath the rock. The veil placed by the forces of the one who tempts faltered for a mere minute, as battle with a force of warriors of the blood-drinker disrupted the spell keeping Vlag outside the world."

"Luck. That was the key?"

"A simple lucky coincidence." You reply. "I suppose when prophecy is involved such things are often to be expected."

"And do you know whose prophecy it was?" Věnceslava asks, before popping a pickled berry into her mouth.

"I was told it was the Celestials." You reply. "Hence their involvement. Although the presence of the Knights of Morr might suggest otherwise; and originally I suspected it might be a hidden spy within the cities of the Dawi Zharr - the Chaos Dwarves."

"Hmmm. And what came next?"

"I was reasonably confident that they weren't aware that the flicker had been seen - and so I proceeded to seek out the point from which the spell drew its power and disable it."

"You disabled the waystone?" Ljiljana asks.

You pretend surprise at her knowledge. "It was a waystone from which they were drawing the power, yes."

Ljiljana's frown deepens, and you are reminded of the power the Ice Crone wields as her eyes bore into you. "They give such knowledge to maidens with raven hair?"

"Not normally." You reply. "I had journeyed with Melkoth - our battlemaster, a man who is most likely older than you. And I had seen him disable a waystone that Beastmen sought to corrupt - and then activate it once more."

"Having seen such once made you confident to copy it?" Věnceslava asks.

"Not exactly. But my memory is good enough that I could have tried." You respond. "And Melkoth felt that a lesson half-learnt was worse than no lesson at all, and ensured I learned it properly."

"A lesson half-learned is indeed a perilous thing." Věnceslava smiles sweetly. "Tell me - was Melkoth one of those who instructed you to come on this mission?"

"It was his recommendation, yes. He did much of the recruitment in fact - alongside his Celestial counterpart." You know they suspect secrets; but what's important is that they don't suspect that you are the one who holds them. "Testing my skills was part of why I joined him on that expedition against the Beastmen."

"Your witchsight must be impressive indeed to have found the waystone the dwarves left hidden." Ljiljana's smile is more unnerving. You know that's deliberate, as you've seen her true smile in your previous life, but you act unnerved all the same. "Could you find the waystone in the woods as easily?"

"I can follow the leylines, and recognise a waystone when I reach it." You reply. "But I cannot find a leyline unless I can see one of its ends.

"My windsense is keen, and precise, but it only reaches so far. I cannot find what is not within the reach of my senses."

"A change of topics perhaps." Says Věnceslava. "The dwarves, of Vlag - will they welcome visitors?"

"In time, perhaps." You reply. "I don't think they fully believe they're returned. The lord of temptations has lied to them too many times for them to believe.

"Even the High King of the Dwarves, on the royal throne, was denied entry past their fortifications." You continue. "But they will listen to visitors who remain outside those walls. And eventually they may even venture out themselves."

"And the Za Karzełki - it is certain that they are not coming?" Ljiljana asks. "Or merely a matter of hope?"

"The prophecy, as it was stated, is fulfilled. There's no reason to believe they had an attack planned." You begin. "But it's possible they're working on one now, to target Vlag."

"Why do you believe they'd know of its return so swiftly?" Věnceslava asks.

"Because there were two daemon engines at the battle." You respond. "And both of them bore the marks of the iron bull. Their za god took an interest in Karak Vlag, and I don't know how able it is to talk to its subjects."

"Then it will take them some time before they are ready. The spirits shall watch the pass - and we shall be waiting if they come."


After you leave Věnceslava's home Ljiljana approaches you. "Your luck - it serves well in the fight against Za; rescuing our Karzełki allies. Perhaps it is time for your Trickster to discuss His atonement with our Widow yha?"

"Perhaps so." You keep your curiousity out of your voice - you still haven't found time to work out the details of Kislev's dead gods, and how their demise could be lain at the feet of Ranald and Shallya. "After all, Salyak is welcomed here."

Ljiljana barks a laugh. "All Salyak does counts for atonement. The Trickster is less easy to forgive."

And with that she turns from you.

You swiftly weave a spell of Sleep upon Jutta, followed by a Mockery of Death to prevent her awakening, before jumping off the wagon in which she's been kept. Filiberta isn't hard to find - she's always nearby - but you're surprised to see her talking with Bertha and a new arrival.

A complex cacophony of scents assault you upon your approach. "You've found an apothecary?"

Bertha nods. "He seems to have some expertise in treating disorders of diet."

"So did the physick, but his leeches weren't very effective." Filiberta interjects. "Even before she ate them, they only seemed to be making her more tired."

"Magic can't right what's wrong with her, and the gods have yet to intervene, so he's our best option at the moment." Bertha turns to you. "Unless you have anything new to report?"

"Actually, I do, and I'm pretty sure it's good news." You say with a smile. "Filiberta has recovered her senses enough to cast spells. I've put her to sleep temporarily, but when she awakens she should be able to speak more coherently.

"But there's something of a complication - beyond simply the danger of her using magic in order to get more food." You continue, letting a little of the worry you feel through to your face. "Something I'd rather discuss in private."

The three of you alight to a nearby copse of trees - leaving the Kislevi apothecary behind.

"So - what's the complication?" Filiberta asks nervously.

"She's not casting with Azyr. She's casting Gut Magic."

"That's possible?" Asks Filiberta.

"I wouldn't have thought so if I hadn't seen it." You reply. "Or even if I'd only seen it with my eyes."

Bertha frowns. "Your windsense is obviously very keen - but, even so..."

"She cast a counterspell using the noises of her digestion rather than words." You reply. "Even ignoring the hollow sensation of Gut Magic I can't think of another explanation."

"But what about her arcane marks?" Asks Filiberta.

"Her eyes and hair are unchanged." You reply. Possession had occurred to you as a possibility, but Jutta's crackling lightning-blue eyes and your memory of how Gunnars had cleared you of the accusation had led you to put that aside. "And she still has more Azyr to her than any non-magister should - albeit less than she did on the journey north."

"So every time she casts she'll be producing Dhar?" Asks Filiberta in a quiet panic.

"That's what happens when you attempt to use the wrong wind - but Gut Magic isn't a wind." You reply. "It's more like the Waaagh - a kind of semi-divine magic grounded in the real world - and like the Waaagh, or divine blessings, it doesn't actually curdle with the winds."

Bertha gives you a very curious look, and you realise that your cover story has no reason to know about the nature of Waaagh. Thinking on your feet you continue. "'Waaagh and Peace' had some quite interesting insights about its behaviour - for instance, both the Big Waaagh and the Little Waaagh mutually attract some winds, and mutually repel others, but the preferences for winds are different between the two. But the author said they don't actually interact directly - no Dhar-formation, just pushing and pulling each other."

Filiberta gives a sigh of relief. "So it's safe then?"

"If the author of that paper is right, then it's not going to make her any worse, but it might make it harder for her to heal." Replies Bertha, before turning to you. "Do you happen to remember who wrote that paper?"

"Magister Grey."

"I have heard he's quite the eclectic expert." She eyes you carefully, then nods. "We'll go and chat with the Apothecary now, work out a treatment regimen. If you could keep Jutta asleep overnight we'll be able to talk to her tomorrow."

"Would it be possible to keep her asleep until tomorrow night?" Filiberta asks. "Seeing the stars always helps to centre her; if she's coming back to herself then that could be important."

You consider the Dhar she'll receive from a full day under the effect of your Mockery of Death. "I can - but just this once. It's the equivalent of spending a fortnight in Praag, and if she'd been channelling Azyr recently it'd be worse."


You've reached Kislev, and the dwarves of Karak Kadrin are about to begin their journey back by steamboat - this is your penultimate expedition turn.

The top three actions will occur - approval voting is encouraged

[ ] Make yourself available for others to approach

[ ] Lucille seems interested in serving Ranald, but you don't yet know her well enough to trust her with any secrets. Talking about her past could give you more insight on who she is.
[ ] Now you're returning to the Empire you could ask Lucille to introduce you to some of her friends, especially those who share your mutual friend.
[ ] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.
[ ] You could further practise your existing combination with Cecilia - perhaps simple repetition of the Burning-Shadows+Flash-Cook combination will improve your collaboration.

[ ] Bertha thinks a practical demonstration of her counterspelling techniques is in order - find somewhere secluded and practise your spell interactions.
[ ] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.
[ ] Bertha and Filiberta splitting the day in guardianship of Jutta will be exhausted. You could take a shift by yourself, during the time she's expected to sleep, and take the strain off them.
[ ] Get to know Rosalind Schultz and discuss her connection with Morr.
[ ] Angelique was far more knowledgeable about daemons than you had expected - perhaps you should ask her about her past.

[ ] Teach Wolf another Petty Magic effect. Pick one: (Drop/Glowing Light/Marsh Lights/Sleep/Sounds)
[ ] Experiment with casting Sanctuary in tents and other temporary structures.
[ ] The Stubborn Bulls have explored Praag, and rejoined the caravan afterwards - if you expect to fight alongside them in Stirland and Sylvania you could join them for practise once more.

[ ] Try and force yourself to remanifest a mastery for one of the spells you previously had mastered - Pick one: (Mockery of Death/Dread Aspect[partial progress]/Shadow Knives/Universal Confusion)

[ ] Approach the ex-Runelord Daemonslayer, Vobred Stormsworn, and try and get to know him.
[ ] From his phrasing during the conversations in Karak Vlag, you can tell that Ungrim Ironfist believes that you knew about the Karak when you first approached him. Perhaps you should talk to him about that, and persuade him that (pick one: you didn't know/he should keep said knowledge a secret/you've lived through the future[note, revealing that you're a time traveler will be frowned upon by the Grey Order if they somehow find out]).

[ ] Ask Bertha Ziegler to tutor you in Kislevarin
[ ] Ask Rosalind Schultz to tutor you in Kislevarin
[ ] You've been meaning to learn Mootspeak, and you're pretty sure Lucille will know it, ask her for tutoring

[ ] Kislev is a cosmopolitan city full of merchants - you might find something there worth buying.

[ ] (Write-in)
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Oh, and a question to you all: I'm considering rewriting a few sections earlier in the story - the attempted chase of the Vampire in Sylvania, and potentially the kidnapping of the Gold Patriarch, with details of others to be determined as I read through the early updates - in order to make them better fit with Mathilde's characterisation and the metaphysics etc. in general.

The end results would be the same - Mathilde getting trapped and nearly killed in battle, saved by Wolf, with the vampire escaping; and Mathilde demonstrating extreme skill against flawed Gold College defences - but the sequence of events might be altered.

Obviously I'd preserve the originals either in spoilers or in the Apocrypha section.

What would you think of me making such changes? And is there anywhere else that stands out from the early days as needing a polish? (Aside from me needing to rename the Celestial Patriarch something less silly)
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
No brainer, imo. Wizard dad is love :V

[X] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.

Hmm... I ship it :V

[X] Bertha thinks a practical demonstration of her counterspelling techniques is in order - find somewhere secluded and practise your spell interactions.

We must have this :)

[X] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.

I sense a paper here
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[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
[X] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.
[X] Bertha thinks a practical demonstration of her counterspelling techniques is in order - find somewhere secluded and practise your spell interactions.
[X] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.

There is a part of me that... a cold dead part that would make a good vampire, that wants to take a more effective favor like, the help of an ice witch for a year, but I just cannot justify it IC.
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
[X] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.
[X] Bertha thinks a practical demonstration of her counterspelling techniques is in order - find somewhere secluded and practise your spell interactions.
[X] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.

There is a part of me that... a cold dead part that would make a good vampire, that wants to take a more effective favor like, the help of an ice witch for a year, but I just cannot justify it IC.
when we investigate something with Regimand in 2487, his modifier has to be more than +100 :V
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.

[X] The Stubborn Bulls have explored Praag, and rejoined the caravan afterwards - if you expect to fight alongside them in Stirland and Sylvania you could join them for practise once more.

[X] Ask Bertha Ziegler to tutor you in Kislevarin
[X] Ask Rosalind Schultz to tutor you in Kislevarin
[X] You've been meaning to learn Mootspeak, and you're pretty sure Lucille will know it, ask her for tutoring

[X] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.
[X] Bertha and Filiberta splitting the day in guardianship of Jutta will be exhausted. You could take a shift by yourself, during the time she's expected to sleep, and take the strain off them.
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
[X] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.
[X] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.

[X] Ask Bertha Ziegler to tutor you in Kislevarin
[X] Ask Rosalind Schultz to tutor you in Kislevarin
What would you think of me making such changes? And is there anywhere else that stands out from the early days as needing a polish? (Aside from me needing to rename the Celestial Patriarch something less silly)

I think the perfect is the enemy of the good here.

Over and over I've seen writers I like go back to "make it better", and usually the result is actually worse than the unpolished but energetic thing that is replaced. Even in the cases where going back to re-do parts improves things from a certain standpoint, as an already invested reader, the changed past is confusing and I miss out on the story progress that would have happened if the author had just kept plowing forward.

As a writer myself, I sympathize with the difficulty of letting go of imperfections in the work (in me this manifests as hiding my babies and re-writing them in secret until I am satisfied), I think letting go is the right call here though.

I'm pretty sure it is semi wildly known that Magister Grey is a common pseudonym for Grey magisters whose name should not be tied to X
and I would advise against trying to rewrite anything but the most recent update
down that way lies disappointment and constant rewriting as your skills improve
I'm pretty sure it is semi wildly known that Magister Grey is a common pseudonym for Grey magisters whose name should not be tied to X
Bertha, as a grey magister, definitely seems to recognise it.

Filiberta, as a celestial journeyman, may have cottoned onto the name being an alias - but probably doesn't have any knowledge of how it's used, simply that Bertha and Mathilde both seem to accept whoever is behind that name as an expert.
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[X] Lucille seems interested in serving Ranald, but you don't yet know her well enough to trust her with any secrets. Talking about her past could give you more insight on who she is.

Possibly someone who could help with the Skaven operation?

[X] Now you're returning to the Empire you could ask Lucille to introduce you to some of her friends, especially those who share your mutual friend.

[X] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.

[X] Bertha thinks a practical demonstration of her counterspelling techniques is in order - find somewhere secluded and practise your spell interactions.

Advancing our ability to troll enemy spell casters into oblivion is imperative.
From her previous description, I also got the impression that there is similarity between what she does and the second secret of Dhar.
Second Secret of Dhar: Dhar could be made more unstable. A tiny nudge in just the right way and Dhar unravels in just the right way to unravel more Dhar, and so on until nothing remains.
A likely difference is that one can't rely as much on inherent instability, needing to provoke the opening of otherwise concealed or new weaknesses in the casting instead. The basic premise of seuquential steps that each open up new possibilities remains.

[X] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.

Not a hard choice

[X] Get to know Rosalind Schultz and discuss her connection with Morr.

I'm probably on the wrong path, but I still find the idea of combining Morr & Ranald concepts to steal souls back from demons interesting. More concretely, a chance to learn more about the interplay of mortal and divine?

[X] Ask Bertha Ziegler to tutor you in Kislevarin

I mean, Mathilde did get that language specialization.

What would you think of me making such changes? And is there anywhere else that stands out from the early days as needing a polish?
I'm not opposed to such changes, and they might turn out to be quite a positive change. I don't remember any specific problems from the two parts mentioned, though I do remember that the way the vampire confrontation went upset me at the time. That's a matter beyond a rewrite though, I think.

I can understand other people's concerns/position about how continuous rewriting/polishing of past 'chapters' could become a problem. At the same time, I would hope that knowing of the danger in advance would help in preventing it. Furthermore, with the target of the rewrite being consistency, it wouldn't really be something that can just be repeated over and over.

I think I'd be ok with things either way.
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.

[X] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.
[X] Bertha and Filiberta splitting the day in guardianship of Jutta will be exhausted. You could take a shift by yourself, during the time she's expected to sleep, and take the strain off them.
[X] Ask Rosalind Schultz to tutor you in Kislevarin
Bertha, as a grey magister, definitely seems to recognise it.

Filiberta, as a celestial journeyman, may have cottoned onto the name being an alias - but probably doesn't have any knowledge of how it's used, simply that Bertha and Mathilde both seem to accept whoever is behind that name as an expert.
I imagine that if Filiberta spends time looking into it and sees how Magister Grays publications strech back to the founding of the college she'll figure it out.
Or she'll think Gray is an immortal :p
I'm pretty sure it is semi wildly known that Magister Grey is a common pseudonym for Grey magisters whose name should not be tied to X
and I would advise against trying to rewrite anything but the most recent update
down that way lies disappointment and constant rewriting as your skills improve
It's probably like Alan Smithee in modern cinematic parlence.

For context, Alan Smithee is a name put on the credits by a director who wants to disown his or her own work, but legally has to put a name on there for credits. Mind, it comes with conditions, you have to prove to the DGA that you couldn't exercise creative control of the project, and you can't discuss being the director AND the events leading up to it. It's not too common, and after Burn Hollywood Burn, the Director's Guild retired the name, but still gets used on occasion.

[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
[X] Your windherding experiments with Cecilia have hit a snag - but there's a party going on in Kislev, and she's suggested the two of you could practise your singing and your dancing together, to improve the synchronicity of your casting.
[X] Bertha and Filiberta are planning on spending a lot of time with Jutta. You could join them and observe her progress with those she knows.

[X] Ask Bertha Ziegler to tutor you in Kislevarin
[X] Ask Rosalind Schultz to tutor you in Kislevarin
[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.

An arm for an arm is about as equitable an exchange as we could make and a meeting with someone who can cleanse dar from something could have some potential later in the future.
I imagine that if Filiberta spends time looking into it and sees how Magister Grays publications strech back to the founding of the college she'll figure it out.
Or she'll think Gray is an immortal :p
"Well I suppose if your surname is Grey and you develop magic you don't really have much choice in which college to go to."
An arm for an arm is about as equitable an exchange as we could make and a meeting with someone who can cleanse dar from something could have some potential later in the future.
It's like 'an eye for an eye', but in reverse.
"I helped you put your friend's arm back on, now you help me put my friends arm back on."
"An arm for an arm, and the whole world will have at least one arm.", as Ghandi would say.

"Well I suppose if your surname is Grey and you develop magic you don't really have much choice in which college to go to."
Another point for Nominative Determinism.
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[X] [Favour] You've restored an arm for them, after they had it cleansed of Dhar - your master is currently missing an arm because the one torn from him is full of Dhar. Get them to arrange a meeting with a Hag Witch who will cleanse Regimand's arm so it can be restored.
No brainer, imo. Wizard dad is love
"Well I suppose if your surname is Grey and you develop magic you don't really have much choice in which college to go to."

Another reasonable assumption would be that peasants without a last name, those disowned by their parents, or foundlings that are taken in by a College adopt the name of the College as their surname, so that there are plenty of Magister Golds, Journeyman Lights, etc out there.

That would act as an extra-layer of protection, as you wouldn't know that every Magister Grey are hiding their identity. Some are legitimately surnamed Grey.