With what we have now, we'd likely lose that fight.

We'd probably try the first hit with our Anti-Vampire gun instead of the sword and hope for a good hit.

He'd likely either react by trying to close the distance and gut us or cast a ranged spell.

Funnily enough, we'd do better if he tries a ranged spell. While he has 28 Martial and 34 Learning, Mathilde has 30 Learning and +20 bonus against Necromancers which Alkharad is.
There was a story with a mortal necromancer facing a necrarch (probably in one of the armybooks). The mortal won the mageduel ... and then the vampire tore him apart with his bare hands. Was probably one of the elder necrarhs. Not sure which one though. I think it would be the same this time.

Best bet to kill him this time is to sic an apparition on him, while making him fight it without magic by counterspelling everything he tries ;)
What madness is this? A fanfic on my favorite quest? I love it!
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you've successfully saved him - for now - then question him.

[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
If we're going to be going up against vampires with a pistol, we may want to consider getting some more training with them.

AP hell is still AP hell.
[x] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
[x] [Maltor] Inform him you saved him, then question him - then Mindhole him and question him while he believes he's dying.
I wonder if Windherder could be used to help make sure that something like steal life directed its energies in a way that didn't interfere with the Ulgu parts of Mathilde.

I suspect this would be easier to arrange if Mathilde was part Snake. Then we might be able to set up an effect where the sword Mindhole-d its targets and the memories strengthened/fed Mathilde in a way that allowed healing.
If both were active simultaneously there would definitely be dhar - but given the requirements for that to happen it might be considered acceptable consequences.
so we'd have to not activate the seed in combat and rely on healing from the sword, or make the sword healing activated and be selective about when to use which
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so we'd have to not activate the seed in combat and rely on healing from the sword, or make the sword healing activated and be selective about when to use which
Seed only auto triggers when our heart stops. Sword triggers when we hit. The only circumstance where both will be running at the same time is when we're dying as we impale an enemy.

In which case...beats dead no?
Seed only auto triggers when our heart stops. Sword triggers when we hit. The only circumstance where both will be running at the same time is when we're dying as we impale an enemy.

In which case...beats dead no?
We can also activate the seed manually though.
But i wouldn't use the ghoul situation as a benchmark for anything, tbf
Yes, but as long as you're wielding the sword theres no reason to activate the seed short of a fatal injury or you run out of things to stab.
which is why I asked for clarification. But the answer is "no, the sword wouldn't create Dhar unless both it and the seed were activated", which puts my concerns to rest.

So now, let's make the best sword we can
[X] [Maltor] Inform him you've successfully saved him - for now - then question him.

[X] [Wolf] If he wants to join you in battle more often, he can be trained and equipped for it.
so we'd have to not activate the seed in combat and rely on healing from the sword, or make the sword healing activated and be selective about when to use which
Essentially, yes. The current seed is such that Mathilde's default tactic will otherwise be to activate it when she thinks she won't be able to cast for the next minute and might get injured - if she gets a vampiric sword activating it in those circumstances will no longer be viable, as the sword would interact and create dhar while healing her. However it would also no longer be necessary for exactly the same reason.

Sorry the votes gone so long, my health has been... :-(
Essentially, yes. The current seed is such that Mathilde's default tactic will otherwise be to activate it when she thinks she won't be able to cast for the next minute and might get injured - if she gets a vampiric sword activating it in those circumstances will no longer be viable, as the sword would interact and create dhar while healing her. However it would also no longer be necessary for exactly the same reason.

Sorry the votes gone so long, my health has been... :-(
With that, I think we have ironed out all the kinks of the vampire sword.

Are vampires actually affected by Mindrazor/Lifeleech?

I think Yes for Mindrazor, but No for Lifeleech. And the effects of Mindrazor would be a temporary coma, rather than death, until the mind recovers enough. But that should be at least enough time to do an actual decapitation.
With that, I think we have ironed out all the kinks of the vampire sword.

Are vampires actually affected by Mindrazor/Lifeleech?

I think Yes for Mindrazor, but No for Lifeleech. And the effects of Mindrazor would be a temporary coma, rather than death, until the mind recovers enough. But that should be at least enough time to do an actual decapitation.

vampires aren't actually dead flesh, so there's no reason they wouldn't be.
Are vampires actually affected by Mindrazor/Lifeleech?
Mindrazor yes. As for Leech Life, I just checked WFRP and: "Steal life has no effect on Daemons and the Undead." - so no. No extra damage, and no healing, if you're stabbing a vampire.

Theoretically if they've just fed you might be able to steal the life-force that they themselves have just stolen, but that's an edge-case and not really relevant.
vampires aren't actually dead flesh, so there's no reason they wouldn't be.
Well, yes, but considering that vampires can return from being actually dead-dead, I don't think "believe they're dead, so their body follows their mind" is going to stick either.

The advantage it has over a conventional weapon against vampires, is that even a nonlethal cut would trigger the "death effect". Hypothetically speaking, we managed to take off Alkharad's fingers before he even touched us.

Mindrazor yes. As for Leech Life, I just checked WFRP and: "Steal life has no effect on Daemons and the Undead." - so no. No extra damage, and no healing, if you're stabbing a vampire.

Theoretically if they've just fed you might be able to steal the life-force that they themselves have just stolen, but that's an edge-case and not really relevant.
Got it. So, against vampires, we can pre-emptively activate the seed without risking Dhar, cos we won't be getting any juice via the sword.
Talking of making the best sword we can, I was wondering if adding Mindhole on touch to the sword would be possible.

Even if you could survive the first blow, if it left with no idea that you were actually in combat with Mathilde you'd be in a really bad place to survive the next one.

Even better would be to have a Mastered Mindhole triggered on the death of the enemy to the Mindrazor, to steal the memories of them using the skills or spells they used in the fight.
Even better if it could be made to activate e
Talking of making the best sword we can, I was wondering if adding Mindhole on touch to the sword would be possible.

Even if you could survive the first blow, if it left with no idea that you were actually in combat with Mathilde you'd be in a really bad place to survive the next one.

Even better would be to have a Mastered Mindhole triggered on the death of the enemy to the Mindrazor, to steal the memories of them using the skills or spells they used in the fight.
I don't mean to be that guy... but the "basic" sword is battle magic enchanting + Windherding. Adding an extra Enchantment is very difficult, and could interact badly with the other two if we don't roll well.

Not to mention that Mindhole doesn't work that way. They would forget they were in combat with Mathilde Weber/A grey wizard, but not that they were in combat.

And eating their memories of them using their skills against us... we didn't choose "A different mathilde" so I think that part is unlikely to happen.
I don't mean to be that guy... but the "basic" sword is battle magic enchanting + Windherding. Adding an extra Enchantment is very difficult, and could interact badly with the other two if we don't roll well.

Not to mention that Mindhole doesn't work that way. They would forget they were in combat with Mathilde Weber/A grey wizard, but not that they were in combat.

And eating their memories of them using their skills against us... we didn't choose "A different mathilde" so I think that part is unlikely to happen.

Our mastered Mindhole allows us to absorb the memories of those we cast it on already. It might work better with a different Mathilde, but it should work without it.

On difficulty, it's always good to have stretch goals - and Mindhole seems like it should be particularly compatible with Mindrazor.
@Alratan @IronFist
To clarify my standpoint on Mindhole: It will never make someone forget what they're currently doing. It might make them forget why, who for/against etc. but not what. This is a minor distinction much of the time, but makes it a lot less useful in combat situations. However it's not useless in combat situations, as forgetting that their opponent is "Mathilde, the grey magister who is known for the following list of magical effects..." leaves them with "I'm fighting a greatsword wielding woman" at which point their medium-term actions are likely to be more poorly thought out.

It will sometimes cause them to forget things that they have done in the past. Whether or not it does so depends on numerous factors that ultimately line up to "QM prerogative", but as a quick guideline they'll tend to remember anything that makes sense without knowledge of your involvement. For instance had you mindholed Pepescu he would have remembered being hit by some sort of exploding shot and then fleeing, but not seeing the person who shot him.

It will never cause them to lose skills. Even skills that they only know because they were taught by Mathilde - although for that specific edge-case they might forget that they know the skills. It cannot hit procedural memory at all.

To clarify Mindgulp: Firstly: It'll never cause you to erase more than Mindhole would have.

Secondly: People's memories are generally not particularly precise. If a vampire remembers casting Magic Dart at you, it'll take the form of one of the following: "I attacked her", "I cast a spell at her" or "I cast Magic Dart at her". It will never include the techniques used, because the technique of how to cast Magic Dart is stored separately.

Thirdly: Context is a bonus, not a guarantee, and will almost never go beyond one degree. If they remember "I heard about that mage Mathilde" but don't remember who from that's all you'll get, while if they remember "I heard about Mathilde through Bob" then that's what you'll get.

But you're unlikely to get "I heard about Mathilde through Bob, Tony's mate" - that'll only happen if their internal name for Bob is "Bob, Tony's Mate" - and you'll never get "I heard about Mathilde through Bob, Tony's mate from that Band Camp they went to" because "-from that Band Camp they went to" is stored in a separate 'chunk' of memory.
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@Alratan @IronFist
To clarify my standpoint on Mindhole: It will never make someone forget what they're currently doing. It might make them forget why, who for/against etc. but not what. This is a minor distinction much of the time, but makes it a lot less useful in combat situations. However it's not useless in combat situations, as forgetting that their opponent is "Mathilde, the grey magister who is known for the following list of magical effects..." leaves them with "I'm fighting a greatsword wielding woman" at which point their medium-term actions are likely to be more poorly thought out.
So, as i thought, pretty situational. Like going to gank the mage, dispelling one of their spells and making them eat a miscast, and then making them forget that WE made them eat a miscast, because they forget they're fighting a wizard.
So yea... potentially useful, but so situational.

Especially when we have Life Leech and Ockham's Razor.
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Scheduled vote count started by kingreaper on Apr 14, 2021 at 1:03 PM, finished with 112 posts and 34 votes.