London's Golden Dawn (A Professional Dungeon Team Is You) [On Hiatus]

Expansion Team Creation II - A Letter From The Commissioner
To: [] (Mr/Ms/Mx) [] (First and Last Name)
From: Miss Jane Prentiss, Commissioner of the National Dungeon Diving Association
Subject: Congrats!

Hey, just wanted to personally congratulate you once again on becoming an owner! I told you it'd work out.

[] Sure, some of the cheaper owners were worried that you'd just throw your money around. But if they were that concerned about that, they would have voted for a salary cap back in '45. Besides, having a child of one of the wealthiest individuals as an owner is good for our image (You are very wealthy, very beautiful, and very social. Your name is extremely well known, and you know how to use and leverage it. Many of the owners (though not all) will be able to deal with you better in the beginning, also generally being rich. Also, your parents will be interested in your team.)

[] Don't worry about ol' Simmons blathering about you not being "a good fit". He just didn't like that you beat him in Final Dive '49. And '50. And '51, but don't bring that up with him. He's still sore about you posing over his Dungeon Core. Hell, I thought it was hilarious, and it generated a lot of buzz! I'm just glad you're not out of the League (You are a future Hall of Fame Ritual Mage who played or the New Orleans Evening Star from 2035 - 2054. You've got some connections with people you played with and against, some of which are about to become free agents. You are also flashy and flamboyant, though if that was good or bad depended on who you were playing that week.)

[] Granted, most of the owners didn't like the idea of the "Become-An-Owner" sweepstakes at first, but look at all the money and ratings that brought in! That shut them up real quick. That it also brought in a loyal down on their luck Londoner like you was also good publicity. Not to mention you're actually a good person (You won the 30th Anniversary Become An Owner Sweepstakes, brining you up from chimney-sweeper to owner of a NDDA Franchise! You respect hard work and doing the right thing, which will affect your signings. You're a feel-good story that has all of London loyal for you at the start. You may not know too much about dungeon diving, but that you can make it work with some grit, determination, and innovation)

[] Between you and me, I think Sinclair is nervous about your dungeoning and training in Japan. He already bitches about the so-called "waifu problem" in San Fran. Mixing what you know with the Golden Dawn - I know you got inspiration from the Hermetic Order, but I didn't expect you to be that on the nose about it - freaks him out. I say go all in. Fuck Sinclair. (You know a lot about Asian spiritualism, and plan to combine it with magic and theurgy to bring various gods notice to London. You're also friendly with lots of priests, rabbis, imams, and others of a spiritual bent. Sinclair, owner of the Austin Revival, will not like you. But you will have an ally in Doctor Jedediah Feelgood, the owner of the San Francisco Virtual .

[] I think a few of them were worried about you being more into traps and challenges then monsters. Sure, the monsters and Bosses sell the Defensive side of the game, but I remember 'ol Beannose getting his head caved in between two logs to end Final Dive '45. Even he thought it was the funniest thing ever. Hell, we need more of that, and I couldn't think of a better person then you. (You are a former trap designer turned owner. You prefer traps and challenges to monsters, and can create interesting and fiendish designs. Sure, you'll have to change them up every so often, but that's fun in and of itself. Not to mention you have business contacts on both sides of the Dive that would love to work with traps. You will be considered an oddity in the Association, but that also comes with its own perks)

[] I think most of them are more annoyed that you were given the team by the Queen. Sure, The Eternal Queen frightens many Americans, but that's just their bias against necromancy talking. Or their distrust of royalty. Either or. But you've proven your worth enough to satisfy them. (You are an adopted member of the Royal Family, and have been given ownership of the team by Her. You have access to all that the Royals have for this, including things that belong to the Royal Catacombs. However, you still answer to the Queen, more than most. You must make sure she remains happy and keep the team clean for scandal as best as you can.)

Besides, being able to beat the Europeans AND the NFL to London was more than enough to get the owners to agree. Well, that and more profits. They're owners, you know how they are. Well, you are one now.

Your Core will be in your possession in a couple days. It's full of esoteric goodies to help you get your team in order. I don't think I've felt this much raw magic in one of our Cores in quite a while. Not since the Wicked Witches joined. Remember that the passphrase is "Give me thy love, oh Dungeon mine." No, I don't get it either. I'm sure it's one of Sunny's gaming references. Remember, you can project yourself anywhere within a 50 miles radius of the core, so you're not constrained. But don't abuse it either. We're already getting looks thanks to Espada being a damn pervert. We don't need a second scandal.

I'll see you in a few weeks, when we do the public unveiling. We're going to need your logo, so that we can put it on the uniforms and merchandise. So if you can send it in as soon as you can, we'll go ahead and crank them out.

[] The Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn (Team Colors - Rose / Gold)
[] A Sun Rising Over Water (Team Colors - Gold / Blue)
[] An Ankh (Team Colors - Gold / White)
[] The Major Tarot I - Magician (Team Colors - Gold / Dark Red)
[] Three Pairs of Wings with a Sephiroth (Team Colors - Gold / White)
[] Something Else? (Put what it is and the Team Colors. One of them must be Gold. Subject to QM's Discretion.)

Until then, start thinking about what you want for your team. Besides money. We all want that.


Meant to get this out earlier, but there was a leak I had to work on. Vote as a plan, like usual. Voting should last for a couple days.
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[X] Plan Innovation
-[X] Mr Robin Huntsman
-[X] I think a few of them were worried about you being more into traps and challenges then monsters. Sure, the monsters and Bosses sell the Defensive side of the game, but I remember 'ol Beannose getting his head caved in between two logs to end Final Dive '45. Even he thought it was the funniest thing ever. Hell, we need more of that, and I couldn't think of a better person then you. (You are a former trap designer turned owner. You prefer traps and challenges to monsters, and can create interesting and fiendish designs. Sure, you'll have to change them up every so often, but that's fun in and of itself. Not to mention you have business contacts on both sides of the Dive that would love to work with traps. You will be considered an oddity in the Association, but that also comes with its own perks)
-[X] The Major Tarot I - Magician (Team Colors - Gold / Dark Red)
[X] Plan Royal
-[X] Mr. Abdul Gaumond
-[X] I think most of them are more annoyed that you were given the team by the Queen. Sure, The Eternal Queen frightens many Americans, but that's just their bias against necromancy talking. Or their distrust of royalty. Either or. But you've proven your worth enough to satisfy them. (You are an adopted member of the Royal Family, and have been given ownership of the team by Her. You have access to all that the Royals have for this, including things that belong to the Royal Catacombs. However, you still answer to the Queen, more than most. You must make sure she remains happy and keep the team clean for scandal as best as you can.)
-[X] An Ankh (Team Colors - Gold / White)

With the necromancy and the ankh, we could go for a bit of an Egyptian theme: mummies, curses, etc.
[X] Plan Bones of Divinity
-[X] David Facilier
-[X] Between you and me, I think Sinclair is nervous about your dungeoning and training in Japan. He already bitches about the so-called "waifu problem" in San Fran. Mixing what you know with the Golden Dawn - I know you got inspiration from the Hermetic Order, but I didn't expect you to be that on the nose about it - freaks him out. I say go all in. Fuck Sinclair. (You know a lot about Asian spiritualism, and plan to combine it with magic and theurgy to bring various gods notice to London. You're also friendly with lots of priests, rabbis, imams, and others of a spiritual bent. Sinclair, owner of the Austin Revival, will not like you. But you will have an ally in Doctor Jedediah Feelgood, the owner of the San Francisco Virtual.
-[X] A Sun Rising Over Water (Team Colors - Gold / Blue)

Though honestly all the options seem pretty fun.
[X] Plan Fate Waifu/Order
-[X] Ms. Elizabeth Westcott
-[X] Between you and me, I think Sinclair is nervous about your dungeoning and training in Japan. He already bitches about the so-called "waifu problem" in San Fran. Mixing what you know with the Golden Dawn - I know you got inspiration from the Hermetic Order, but I didn't expect you to be that on the nose about it - freaks him out. I say go all in. Fuck Sinclair. (You know a lot about Asian spiritualism, and plan to combine it with magic and theurgy to bring various gods notice to London. You're also friendly with lots of priests, rabbis, imams, and others of a spiritual bent. Sinclair, owner of the Austin Revival, will not like you. But you will have an ally in Doctor Jedediah Feelgood, the owner of the San Francisco Virtual.
-[X] The Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn (Team Colors - Rose / Gold)

Waifus and Warlocks! A spiritual dungeon sounds interesting, plus bringing "various gods notice to London" also sounds like a pretty good boon.
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Let's see... Starting from the bottom, i suppose.

Rose Cross and Three Wings, religious symbolism. Works with the 'studied spiritual stuff in Asia', maybe 'Necromancer royal family', if we care to lean wholesale into the religious aspects, might give people the wrong idea if we're not picking a compatible origin.

Ankh... is an odd choice, imo. Might work if we lean into Thelemic stuff since Egyptian stuff was a heavy inspiration for Aleister Crowley after the Hermetic Order fell apart, but the Silver Star would be a better option for that. If we don't do that, then it sends a weirdly mixed messages, though i suppose 'An English magic cabal using Asian spiritual practices and Egyptian symbology' would be... something.

The other two are pretty neutral. Sun over the waters could lean into the city a bit more, Tarot leans into our magic more. Both are good options, though i'd argue that Sun over the waters is better from both a social and name-thematics perspective. A literal Golden Dawn.
Origins, then.

Royal Family leans into necromancy, but puts at a major disadvantage socially since we're in 'murica and 'murica doesn't like the Queen (who we're at the beck and call of, so it's quite likely 'improve American disposition towards the queen' is a long term mission we'd have to undergo). Hardmode.

Traps leans into geomancy, numerology, our ritual skills, etc, wonderfully. Problem is keeping the traps interesting and fair, but that shouldn't be a problem for us. It's fairly neutral, no major obligations or downsides. It is more 'loyal niche audience' than a lot of the other options, though that's not necessarily a bad thing if it's a niche with low competition and a decent enough interest (which we can expand as the team itself becomes more popular)

Spiritual option. Leans into the religious aspects, but may hardline us in terms of character concept. Provides us a support network of sorts, but also potential obligation to whatever deities we catch the attention of. I can't vote for this, not when the other options are much less restrictive, and this feels like hardmode from a social perspective.

Lottery. The city being loyal to us from the start is actually pretty good, inexperience is unfortunate but workable. Not much to say here.

Hall of Famer. Experienced Ritual mage? Good, but leans more towards summons I would imagine because offense focused rituals would be devastating and flashy (which we'd be) but slow to set up, and not very versatile. I think we'd make better use of the trapmaking origin's 'experience', since there's nothing stopping us from including summons and offensive traps in our arsenal.

Rich Kid. Money is nice, particularly for an up-and-coming ritual mage, gives us some social experience/bonus, and the attention of our parents isn't as restrictive as the attention of NecroQueen or Gods. Potentially easymode.

I think i'll toss my vote here.

[X] Plan Innovation
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So, wasn't expecting but really glad for the choices. Most of the time I tend to vote with others, if I'm not one of the first ones, but I got this really fixed idea in mind, so bear with me...

[X] Plan Pure Magic
-[X]Mr Veritas Paxion
-[X] I think a few of them were worried about you being more into traps and challenges then monsters. Sure, the monsters and Bosses sell the Defensive side of the game, but I remember 'ol Beannose getting his head caved in between two logs to end Final Dive '45. Even he thought it was the funniest thing ever. Hell, we need more of that, and I couldn't think of a better person then you. (You are a former trap designer turned owner. You prefer traps and challenges to monsters, and can create interesting and fiendish designs. Sure, you'll have to change them up every so often, but that's fun in and of itself. Not to mention you have business contacts on both sides of the Dive that would love to work with traps. You will be considered an oddity in the Association, but that also comes with its own perks)
-[X] Three Pairs of Wings with a Sephiroth (Team Colors - Gold / White)

So, to start with, Paxion is passion, yeah yeah, while Veritas means truth, so his name reflects it: this is his true passion. I was thinking he was from a religious family, but he trully loves magic and, more specifically, magical traps, with illusions and light works. There is plenty more I've thought about, but this isn't *my* character in a quest, so that's the base of what I imagined for this vote, and we'll see what else we have in store for the future ^^
[X] plan the people's champ!
-[x] ms alexa harvey.
-[x] Granted, most of the owners didn't like the idea of the "Become-An-Owner" sweepstakes at first, but look at all the money and ratings that brought in! That shut them up real quick. That it also brought in a loyal down on their luck Londoner like you was also good publicity. Not to mention you're actually a good person (You won the 30th Anniversary Become An Owner Sweepstakes, brining you up from chimney-sweeper to owner of a NDDA Franchise! You respect hard work and doing the right thing, which will affect your signings. You're a feel-good story that has all of London loyal for you at the start. You may not know too much about dungeon diving, but that you can make it work with some grit, determination, and innovation)
-[x] A Sun Rising Over Water (Team Colors - Gold / Blue)

Come on! What type of sports story doesn't feature an underdog protagonist!

Seriously though this seems like a cool option for me.
Huh, never heard of it. What is it and is it any good?
Chinese E-sports novel/anime. The novel is consistently very good. The anime... season 1's good but not great, but then they changed studios for the OVAs and Season 2, and quality has been steadily dropping. OVAs were passable, Movie was good, Season 2 kinda sucked.

Personal recommendation, watch Season 1. If you like it, OVAs and Movie, then switch to the novel. It should actually be kinda relevant to this quest, in fact, genre wise at least. There's also another guy running a TKA quest here on SV, too.
[X] High Society
-[X] Ms. Dahlia Warwick
-[X] Sure, some of the cheaper owners were worried that you'd just throw your money around. But if they were that concerned about that, they would have voted for a salary cap back in '45. Besides, having a child of one of the wealthiest individuals as an owner is good for our image (You are very wealthy, very beautiful, and very social. Your name is extremely well known, and you know how to use and leverage it. Many of the owners (though not all) will be able to deal with you better in the beginning, also generally being rich. Also, your parents will be interested in your team.)
-[X] The Major Tarot I - Magician (Team Colors - Gold / Dark Red)

We're starting up, having extra capital is going to very important, and I'm a fan of a strong social game this will help us build connections that are going to be important for us moving forward, and we'll be able to splurge on some things early.
Hmm... here's a few more potential rules questions.

Is there any limit to the number of floors a dungeon can have, beyond the room limit? As an extension of this, would a tower/pit of one room per floor be allowed, if the Owner felt there was a reason to design their dungeon like that?

Do long corridors count against the room limit/have their own size limits?

Are there any restrictions on room size or what qualifies/doesn't qualify as a room?

In a one or two floor dungeon, is there anything preventing someone from placing all three allowed bosses in a single room?

Similarly, is there anything restricting an offense team from summoning something powerful enough to be a boss, assuming people capable of such feats exist?

Are there any limits against 'Collect things from around the dungeon, which together will serve as the key to the Final Boss chamber'? Such as, in a Sephirot-shaped dungeon, spreading a full deck of tarot cards across each Sphere (10 Rooms, Numbered Minor Arcana, Court cards) and Path (22 Hallways, Major Arcana) and having the door to the Final Boss room only open if you collect every card from the dungeon?
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[x] Plan All You Need Is Confidence
-[x] Mr. John Arc
-[x] Granted, most of the owners didn't like the idea of the "Become-An-Owner" sweepstakes at first, but look at all the money and ratings that brought in! That shut them up real quick. That it also brought in a loyal down on their luck Londoner like you was also good publicity. Not to mention you're actually a good person (You won the 30th Anniversary Become An Owner Sweepstakes, brining you up from chimney-sweeper to owner of a NDDA Franchise! You respect hard work and doing the right thing, which will affect your signings. You're a feel-good story that has all of London loyal for you at the start. You may not know too much about dungeon diving, but that you can make it work with some grit, determination, and innovation)
-[x] The Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn (Team Colors - Rose / Gold)
[x] Plan All You Need Is Confidence
-[x] Mr. John Arc
-[x] Granted, most of the owners didn't like the idea of the "Become-An-Owner" sweepstakes at first, but look at all the money and ratings that brought in! That shut them up real quick. That it also brought in a loyal down on their luck Londoner like you was also good publicity. Not to mention you're actually a good person (You won the 30th Anniversary Become An Owner Sweepstakes, brining you up from chimney-sweeper to owner of a NDDA Franchise! You respect hard work and doing the right thing, which will affect your signings. You're a feel-good story that has all of London loyal for you at the start. You may not know too much about dungeon diving, but that you can make it work with some grit, determination, and innovation)
-[x] The Rose Cross of the Golden Dawn (Team Colors - Rose / Gold)
Let's combine our votes for a higher chance of success of the important main vote. What about we go with my name and gender and your logo.
Let's combine our votes for a higher chance of success of the important main vote. What about we go with my name and gender and your logo.
Mine was meant partially as a RWBY joke, channeling the point of "clueless Jaune Arc somehow makes it because PLOT" so, uh, changing the name and the gender means the joke...doesn't really work anymore.