We need robot personality speculation!

[ ] Terminal Advent - The arrival of the Apocryphal Armament presages the end of eras, the rupturing of destiny, the annihilation of villains and heroes alike. All are carried away before its flood of epochal destruction: against which none can withstand, and after which the cycle begins anew.

*Special: Even without using its Ultimate, the Armament inflicts a mitigated version of the Apocryphal Curse against any opponents it directly challenges.
*The Armament's Ultimate unleashes an apocalyptic flood of misfortune upon the target and the target's allies, nation, territories and periphery.
*In conjunction with the Armament's actual attacks, a devastating blow that can sunder nations and topple empires. No throne is safe from this walking apocalypse.
*Reconciles you with Dr. Apocalypse, should you encounter him. Recall that he would previously attack you due to the Skyveil advancement.
Cocky and vindictive, perhaps spiteful. The meanest of the three, even if big brother blue can kick his ass. I can't say they're uncaring simply because their attacks destroy worlds, because Verschlengorge has similar issues with collateral and he's quite chummy.

[ ] Dog of War - Better to be a dog in times of peace, than a man in times of war; but if one must be a dog in times of war, then let one become the most terrible hound ever loosed upon the world. A Crowning Curse imparts peril beyond measure, and the Armament that bears it shall be forged with the strength necessary to overcome those perils. Raw unmitigated might shall be the Armament's province, the power to withstand the end of eons and emerge unscathed and harder still.

*Special: The Armament possesses no Ultimate, but is incredibly powerful at all times, even stronger than Fervenweirr in the throes of its own Ultimate. While most Armaments possess Rank 10 and Attributes in the 800-950 +s range, the Apocryphal Armament possess Rank 11 and Attributes in the 2000-2500 +s range.
*This is further multiplied by the Refinement of Battle, of course.
Getting solid snake vibes here, just a tough summbitch out here to kick ass and chew Astral Lords. Perhaps the most steady of the three. Power begets safety, safety begets calm. This robot doesn't have an ultimate, no limit-breaks or berserk-states to worry about, just the cool hand of the only person in the room with a gun.

[ ] Interesting Times - "May you live in interesting times." The times are greater than any one man or any one Armament. Properly summed they encompass the universe entire, so why should one warrior be forced to endure all their upheaval? Nor is the valence of interesting events solely negative, so why should be the Armament's experience of its Curse? When this power is invoked, the weight of interesting times shall fall equally upon the Cursebearer's foes as well as himself, for good as well as for ill, typically with devastating effect upon the irresolute and unprepared. This is by far the most unpredictable of the powers on offer, with the very widest range of potential outcomes; but given that the Cursebearer already suffers the negative effects of the Apocryphal Curse, opening himself to positive events, and his opponents to events of all kinds, can only be a net positive on average.

*Special: Now you can experience the benefits and downsides of heroic protagonism, just like a real isekai hero!
Ah shit it's another Aobaru. For extreme ludicrous danger, let him ride in it. This one's eager in a way that the Advent's pride and Dog's discipline doesn't allow. Practically chomping at the bit, and for good reason! It's broader effect is most useful on the move, propagating the good and bad fortune out through the universe by action.
[x] Terminal Advent

I think people are not reading it quite so clearly. Interesting times special doesn't give onto our enemies to anywhere near the extent that Terminal Advent's special does.

Interesting times can smack us with the bad and them with the good, still, leading to no improvement if we get unlucky. Terminal Advent at least smacks them around too, even if it does nothing to mitigate apocryphal's effect on us.

And the biggest issue is that Interesting Times is not always active, which is a real downer.
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[X] Dog of War

I like not needing to pop the Ult in order to get to experience the uniqueness of the Dog. He is just a badass, 100% of the time. Advent does also have a constant lesser Apocryphal Aura, which makes him a close second for me, and what I will switch to if Dog turns out to be nonviable.

Plus, going from Fumbles' speculation, Dog seems like he might be the closest to Hunger's current mindset, which I think will be good for softening the blow of adding Yet Another Party Member.
*Metaphorically Chokes out of Sheer, flabbergasted WTF at two wishes in such close succession*

Shame we are out of panoply slots... Outscaling our poor armament going to be a little painful.

Also lol, I am eating crow about "Signs are effectively softcapped rn" thing, I guess, if anyone remembers me saying speaking about it

Well, there's always the possibility we find out what the Secret Cursebearer benefits are for Armament users, assuming this "Artificial Armament" works like a Natural Armament and the benefits are the same. I'm not holding my breath though at this point.

The Seed of Genesis Hypothesis could be correct. Vali articulated it earlier and I jumped on it to expand on the potential implications.

Here's the quotes for Vali's Theory.

Seed of Genesis Blurb for Reference.
[ ] Seed of Genesis - Remittance will be sequestered into a psuedo-autonomous vessel with corporeal form separate from your own. The vessel's personality and values will be created favorable to your interests. The vessel is subject to your Curses and affected by them. The vessel gains XP at 70% of your own rate and is responsible for administration, advancement, and control of the Remittance. If its physical form is destroyed, the vessel will re-manifest over time so long as you remain alive.


A Simple Transaction I Original

We might have seen Armaments before: The Seed of Genesis: Contains a curse(s), which it is subject to. Is tied to a Cursebearer, Seram, it's not clear what would happen to the Seed of Seram died, but given it has a seperate physical form survival seems possible. Has a personality and values...
Vali Post 1:

The Seed of Genesis: Contains a curse(s), which it is subject to. Is tied to a Cursebearer, Seram, it's not clear what would happen to the Seed of Seram died, but given it has a seperate physical form survival seems possible. Has a personality and values. Can re-manifest into reality if destroyed.

Armament: Contains a single curse, which it is subject to. Can be tied to a Cursebearer/Praehihr though this isn't required. Has a personality and values. Armaments manifest into reality for mysterious reasons that no one really understands.

Are Armaments "responsible for administration, advancement, and control of the Remittance"? Hunger's Remittance was Rank, and the Armaments we've seen so far all use Rank as their primary tool, so it's quite possible. No mention of whether lesser Remittances share this connection but since Gisena hasn't mentioned any special Versch connection I'd say a likely no there.

Armaments we've seen so far only have 1 curse, not all curses like the Seed does, but we've only seen a handful of Armaments so far.

Armaments do not grow stronger so far as we've seen, but then again none of these Armaments have linked Cursebearers earning xp for them, and the Seed does mention it needs a Cursebearer to grow stronger.

All this is further complicated by the fact that Versch is not Hunger's personal Armament, just one he bonded with. Versch still has plenty of secrets, Hunger can't even use Versch as a Implement yet like the Foremost did, and there's been plenty of hints of even greater secrets.

Perhaps if Hunger built his own Armament it would share all 4 of his curses, and have some deep link with his Remittance/Rank, possibly have a lesser link with his lesser Remittances, grow stronger as Hunger does, and so on.

Vali Post 2:

Some more Rihaku Quotes this post is referring to


A Simple Transaction Original

Prologue It began, as so many things did, with a meme. Live thirty years a virgin, and at the...
No, it's still based on your level of injury. The Seed of Genesis pokemon/dog/superweapon can still train in tandem with you, though, leading to faster advancement.

A Simple Transaction Original

Prologue It began, as so many things did, with a meme. Live thirty years a virgin, and at the...
Wha... ? Your dog will throw himself into the line of fire for you! Don't underestimate the power of a familiar with up to four dump stats!

A Simple Transaction Original

Prologue It began, as so many things did, with a meme. Live thirty years a virgin, and at the...
or Seed of Genesis to create a respawning scout / physical intruder.

A Simple Transaction Original

Prologue It began, as so many things did, with a meme. Live thirty years a virgin, and at the...
As noted, "The vessel's personality and values will be created favorable to your interests." It won't be an actual puppy per se, but there's nothing stopping it from looking like a young pokemon or whatever.

That'll only be for its weaker stages, though. At higher levels, it's more like an Endbringer. I suppose there's nothing stopping it from being a cute Endbringer.


A Simple Transaction I Original

Here are some quotes on the Seed, bolding is mine. "Superweapon" "Endbringer". Armaments are totally grown-up seed of genesis creations. Hunger's Armament started out as a whale pokemon, and later on would evolve into a proper Endbringer. Too bad VOTERS KILLED IT!!!!! And Seram could have...
"Superweapon" "Endbringer". Armaments are totally grown-up seed of genesis creations.

Hunger's Armament started out as a whale pokemon, and later on would evolve into a proper Endbringer. Too bad VOTERS KILLED IT!!!!! And Seram could have had a magical robot!

As for what's up with Procyon, my best guess is Procyon had a first life as a normal flesh-style Foremost-made Armament. Then it died in whatever disaster killed off the Foremost. Then countless years later, it then re-manifested itself via ArmaIt pulling an Iron-man impersonation with a box of scraps.

Why did it re-manifest? Maybe the ArmarIt dynasty is special, and allow for Seeds/Armaments to remanifest even after their original owners are dead. Maybe this world is specially made for Armaments to re-manifest. Maybe these models were made by the Builders and so are somewhat different than the one the Accursed provided. Maybe it was able to re-manifest because all the original Cursebearers are still alive, but they're locked away outside of space and time or something and this is as close as Procyon can get.

Here's the post I made that explains the implications of the Seed of Genesis Hypothesis(A Simple Transaction I Original):
So under the Seed of Genesis Hypothesis, what would Letrezia/Verschlengorge have gained with Tears of Winter?

1. Verschlengorge would gain experience at 70% Letrezia's Rate.
2. Letrezia has Sharpbright. If Sharpbright was treated as a Remittance by Verschlengorge, then Letrezia could use Sharpbright in Totality. Or Letrezia could give Verschlengorge access to Sharpbright for Administration, advancement, and control. Or something. With an Armament's rank and shrouds, the advantage of having Sharpbright would be immense.
3. If Verschlengorge died, it would eventually respawn for Letrezia.

For comparison, what would the Cursebearer benefits for the Apocryphal Armament have gotten

1. The Apocryphal or any other Armament would grow at 70% of Hunger's Rate.
2. Hunger has a boatload of magic systems and accumulated abilities at this point that could potentially be used in Totality or given to the Armament for Administration, advancement, and control. Blood powers? Through an Armament? It's more likely than you think.
3. If the Armament died, it would eventually respawn for Hunger.

Hunger's Main Remittance was a restoration of some measure of his Rank/Accretion Power via King's Scepter. In the form of a Seed of Genesis, would that have made the Seed into a Power Amplifier for our Rank? That sounds suspiciously like Rank Hybridization if so.
[X] Interesting Times

Apocryphal mitigation is very good. I could be talked into Dog.
Interesting Times, due to being an Ult and thus something we're limited from using frequently, is only Apocryphal mitigation in the sense that we could pop the Ult in response to an Apocyrphal proc to try and turn the tables. Importantly, this isn't effectively usable to hamper Apocryphal's build up long-term, nor is it even guaranteed to actually turn the tables in battle against a proc, since its effects are still random.
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Now I've realized Terminal Advent's Ultimate is a farking Terror Weapon/Giant Warcrime. Ugh. Maybe the Terminator is Doctor Apocalypse and Terminal Advent would be to our advantage in that case. But Ethically speaking?

[x]Interesting Times
Now I've realized Terminal Advent's Ultimate is a farking Terror Weapon/Giant Warcrime. Ugh. Maybe the Terminator is Doctor Apocalypse and Terminal Advent would be to our advantage in that case. But Ethically speaking?

[x]Interesting Times
If we combined Terminal Advent with Spare the Innocent/Season's Greetings, we could potentially Terminate an opposing nation, then have Adorie immediately annex them to spare them most of the resulting chaos?
Terminal Advent wouldn't have to use its Ultimate as often, since enemies would be weakened by the Apocryphal Curse! And remember, even while mitigated the Apocryphal Curse outscales virtually any enemy you might possibly face...
Picturing that sequence of events is great. The Biblical Plagues strike your nation, but as soon as your leaders capitulate the clouds of locusts just reverse course and the frogs rise back up into the sky.
It baffles me that people are picking the armament choice that not only has no baseline benefit, it also has a chance of helping our enemies when we pop the ultimate. I struggle to see the benefit in this option if I'm gonna be honest, at least Terminal Advent will expressly always help us. Dog of war gives us by far the most power and the best baseline to grow from, but I can see an argument for the more esoteric attacks of Terminal Advent. Interesting times just kinda looks like a meme option where you throw away extremely strong options to sometimes gamble and see what happens.
TBH, Dog of War probably could solve the Terminator problem rn, simply by being fast enough. With That Much rank and Speed, running around and looking for Terminator "on foot" becomes a viable proposition.
[ ] Armory of Night - Gravity his onager, evening his shield, the stars his munitions; the cosmos his armory in full.

Attain the Sixth and Seventh Empyreal Signs of the Evening Sky for 5 picks, 52 Arete. This is a discounted price. The functional effect of these Signs with the Set Bonus will be for Hunger either to enhance or outright manifest an Armament of his own; clad in these spellfire vestments, Verschlengorge could be restored to the fullness of its power and beyond, or Hunger could forge an Armament of his own to take Procyon's place: an Implement of terrifying grandeur and power whose plate is the Armor of Midnight, its cannons Deathly Stars.

*Ideal for those who wish to venture to the Human Sphere as soon as possible.
*Assuming it's piloted by Letrizia, Verschlengorge bearing the Armory of Night would be capable of fighting off four peer-level Armaments simultaneously.
*This will also awaken his secondary heads to full sentience, and manifest a fourth head opposite to his current primary. The Devouring Armament no more; Behold the Maw of Night, the Hungering Armament whose jaw is the void and the cessation of all things.
*Should you choose a custom Armament, you still won't be able to manifest a Shroud, though you will be able to use a Curse-specific Ultimate. The nature of the Forebear is beyond the piddling grasp of Foremost technology. Hunger would for obvious reasons also need to link with his new Armament instead of Verschlengorge, which means Verschlengorge's Decimation would return.
*However, note that the Ereadhihr have considerable utility applications beyond their might in battle. A second Armament would open up enormous logistical and cosmic terraforming possibilities, to say nothing of its Curse-specific Ultimate!
Just want to call up the original blurb of Armory of Night, since that's got the aesthetics of the Armament.