As a sidenote, for those who are voting for Aeira because of the +??? Mystery Box,
In addition to the other bonuses, Adorie's pick has a mystery box too.
Outside of that, doubled blink-dodging time for boosted Nightmare Flight really shouldn't be underestimated in its usefulness in combat, tbh.
Also, EFBs that compound on EFBs are stronger than ordinary EFBs, which combined with the fact that Companion EFBs are disproportionately strong compared to normal EFBs, and the tremendous amount of Adorie +s that we had to gather to unlock this*, it means this could be some serious stuff. Oath of Winter was already great, so this is honestly quite exciting.
*We currently have 22-23 Adorie +s, and this would bring it to 25-26. Looks like 25 is the threshold for Companion EFB #2, then.
Might as well sum up the effort that was required to gather these pluses to give some perspective.
(Spent 25 Arete) Tears of Winter: Adorie +++++
Picked Oblique Means: Adorie ++
Took Adorie along for the Augustine fight: Adorie +, possibly ++.
Regency: Adorie +
Consolidate Power: Adorie ++
(Spent 28 Arete on her EFB) Myth and Legend: Adorie +++
(Spent Heroic Upgrade) Heroic Upgrade: The Tears of Winter: King of Winter: Adorie: +++++++
Evening Chill Adorie Social: Adorie +
As you can see, that's a lot of prep-work in order to fulfill the requirements for this EFB, which implies good things about its potency.