The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

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Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Dec 7, 2020 at 4:03 AM, finished with 38 posts and 25 votes.
The Problems of a Shipwreck
The Problems of a Shipwreck

[X] Plan: Magical dwarfs
-[X] Trained from young
-[X] The Archiver
-[X] Rallied your old regiment
-[X] King Torrhen Stark (3 Year's before Conquest)
-[X] Runesmith's
-[X]Az and shield

Thane Generated: Thorin of Icehold

[] Appearance: (write-in or link a picture) (optional)

You watched from the edge of your make-shift camp as the sun rose on the horizon the Umgi watchers a short distance away. Though they seemed active most of them had relaxed their guard as the time passed, you tracked them carefully as you noticed more than normal movement off in the distance as it seemed a new Umgi rider had arrived.

A grunt from behind startled you which only seemed to cause the Dawi behind you to chuckle. You looked over your shoulder to see Gidal standing their his hammer over his back while looking at you with a grin as his red beard blew in the wind. "You my Thane worry too much they are not those crazy Umgi from the north or appear to be much like the Bretonnians." He says sneering at the mention of the vile Umgi.

You looked away from him and focused on the Umgi who looked to be roused and preparing for something. "Maybe, we can only see how thing's go at least this land seems more peaceful a patrol of ten Umgi is small. Might be nice if there are no beastmen are here." You say happily as you begin to pace and look over the Umgi. "They're up to something what do you think it's about?" You asked as you kept an eye on the group.

Gidal gazed at them as he brought a hand to rub his beard in thought while he let out a low hum before answering, "Looks to me like the Umgi got someone important to come here, most likely some noble since we've waited days, I think it best if I go rouse the others, we'll be on the move soon so try not to act too much like a beardling." He said to you as he turned to leave.

Though you did not comment you glared at him just a little before your attention was drawn towards the Umgi as the sound of a horse neighing drew closer and headed for you, you noticed that it was the same Umgi who you spoke to when you first arrived, riding alone and unarmed.

You approached him while giving a signal for your guard to remain back. It was only a minute before he closed the distance, his cold and aged gaze focused upon you. "Thane Thorin, my lord has sent word that we are to take you to the nearby holdfast of a fellow lord, to discuss the current issue with where you have landed. You have been permitted to bring a guard for your apparent status." He paused as he looked at your carefully before deciding to add something. "Should this be some mummery from the south you will pay dearly," he added afterward coldly while looking at you before turning his horse towards his camp. "We will depart upon my return, you'd best be ready then." He told you before taking off without giving you a chance to reply.

You grunted out in annoyance at his lack of respect though you would let it got this time, if only because this was a new land. Still, as you thought about what he said you decided that you would bring with you...

[]A small guard: ten Dawi warriors and five quarrelers

[]A decent guard: twenty Dawi warriors and ten quarrelers and 2 rangers

[]A excessive guard: forty Dawi warrior's and twenty-five quarrelers and 10 rangers

While you deliberated on what was a good number of Dawi to protect you and also scout, a kvinn waved you down from the side drawing your attention to who it was. "Elder Tystin, what can I do you for?" you asked respectfully as she watched you carefully.

She motioned you to walk with her as she turned leading you somewhere. "Thorin, we have an issue, the Iron Shield is a wreck, the few engineers we have left say she is beyond repair. Hull is cracked in some places and warped in others whatever those elgi did to send us here has broken her." She said sadly while leading you to the area which the supplies were kept. "Thankfully all her cargo was left intact but she was also meant to return to the Karaz Ankor, we have too many supplies to take on the wagons we have been able to assemble here, so unless those Umgi can lend us a few umgak wagons we will have to leave something behind." She said as her hands seemed to tighten into fists while also starting to sound agitated.

You nodded your head as she spoke entering into a square surrounded by tents where you could see the clan loading the essential supplies while off to the side four large piles of assorted supplies where been presided over by an elder Dawi you did not recognize.

"Umrik I'm back and I brought the Thane, glad to see your age ain't addled your head yet since it looks to be in order, it is done properly this time right Umrik." Tystin shouted out both seriously and something else you could not put your finger on.

You noticed that Umrik seemed to take offense to that as he grunts a bit before answering. "Of course it's done and that was only one time... maybe two but no more, also it took you long enough to get him, I need to know what we're leaving so I have a proper accounting of what we have to build the new hold with." He said sounding indignant before focusing on you and looking you over before giving you a small grunt as well as a parchment with a list of what could not be taken.

As you looked over what you had available you decided it would be best to leave both.

(Select 2 to be left behind)

[] Building Supplies: The Iron shield had fewer Dawi on it than the other Iron clans in the expedition so it was filled with extra supplies. Take what you can to help set up your surface infrastructure and maybe a makeshift brewery, hopefully.

[] Extra Preserved Food: With the Iron shield a wreck the food meant for her return journey is now available to be taken with you, thankfully it is an extra 2 year's worth of food which would double your food stocks.

[] Steel: Your Clan took with it much steel for its use though sadly with the loss of the expedition there are fewer wagon's than expected still leaving it would be a shame as you could do quite a bit with it.

[] Spare Weapons: High-Quality steel weapons your clan took with you meant to replace possible losses and while it would be hard to replace them for years to come they would not be too hard to replace with iron weapons.

[] Advanced Components: Stripped from the Iron Shield you're sure you could make use of them through your not sure, not to mention most of the senior engineers being dead will cause its own issues.

Still, what to do with the things you were leaving behind and they were valuable. So you figured it was best to.

[] Leave it here: No point in trying to sort the rest of this stuff you might be able to come back for it though when your not sure.

[] Trade it: You guess that some of this might be valuable though you are not sure if it will be the right value for what you get.

[] Gift it: You can't take it and while trying to make off with extra through a deal you're sure that you could make some friends with these Umgi if you gave it to them. Though how they will see it is not so certain.

Decision made you left the area as both Tystin and Umrik started to discuss the finer points of how to fit all of the supplies. You could not help but dwell on the journey and what you would discuss with the Umgi for the duration.

[] Try and dig for information

[] Make Friends

[] Write-in.

Though you were sure that you would figure out and the day was young hopefully Kili could help take some of the burdens off with one of his Ideas.


1 Hour moratorium

Edited by Duncan
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[X] Plan Rapid independence
-[X]A decent guard
-[x] Building Supplies
-[x] Extra Preserved Food
-[x] Gift it
-[x] Make Friends
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[X] Plan Rapid independence
-[x] Building Supplies
-[x] Extra Preserved Food
-[x] Gift it
-[x] Make Friends
[X] Plan Scrimp and Save
-[X] Appearance: A young dwarf with a beard that only stretches a few inches down from his chin, dark hair that is kept short and with a solid build. Arms and chest are muscled from axe and shield practice.
-[X]A decent guard
-[X] Extra Preserved Food
-[X] Steel
-[X] Trade it, if we get a bad deal then we leave it
-[X] Try and dig for information

Basically, we are strangers in a strange land, we don't want to give away our own clan's hard work away for nothing and we don't know these people.

Leaving behind the food and steel is what we can afford to part with, we'll need building supplies for the Hold and the rest to give us the edge we need.

Don't really care for appearance, I'm open to changing it.
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[X] Plan Scrimp and Save

@IronFist Rapid Independence is missing one of the actions so the plan is currently invalid might wanna fix that

Also Spicy we could probably trade some steel or low quality weapons for some food (maybe though it's a toss up as we're in the north.) so choosing one of the other options might be better but at the same time could go poorly if we don't get food from the northerners.
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Also Spicy we could probably trade some steel or low quality weapons for some food (maybe though it's a toss up as we're in the north.) so choosing one of the other options might be better but at the same time could go poorly if we don't get food from the northerners

Eh, I genuinely view having the weapons, building material and components as more important than steel itself, if we can trade some of the steel and food for favours down the line even better.

Actually, that's a good point, @Mad0Slayer what exactly are we trading for? Information? Money?
@SpicyAussie You guys will be trading for better information and also map's and books while also getting some more food if you want as well as gain some of the local currency so you can inspect it and also have something to use but what the quality of what you find will be up to a dice roll.
[X] Plan Scrimp and Save
-[X] Appearance: A young dwarf with a beard that only stretches a few inches down from his chin, dark hair that is kept short and with a solid build. Arms and chest are muscled from axe and shield practice.
-[X]A decent guard
-[X] Extra Preserved Food
-[X] Steel
-[X] Trade it, if we get a bad deal then we leave it
-[X] Try and dig for information
Making friends, With Umgi's? Disgustin'