How nice, this time it comes pre-divided in nice quotable chunks!
Well, there's been quite a few builds proposed, and not one that's quite clearly superior in EVERY way.
Honestly, I'd be fine with most of them.
Well, except Form of Rage, because I don't want to gate our power behind a double death, but other than that I like most builds.
My favourites are probably Ring builds (to work for the 27 arete overpick), and philosopher's wreath builds (general power boost + a nice superpower. Seram had some pretty nice Graces after all. For example Reversion gave impossibly good self-healing and limited resurrections, and it might just be good enough to restore our body to its pick. The "removing a buff every 5 seconds" might even help in dealing with Tired and Exhausted. And that's just ONE possible Grace, there was also superintelligence +mind powers, or the x10 time speed (less useful to us as we can't use it to train, but it's still 10 times faster than before), or the "grant more graces" power, that would immediately bring us to 2 graces and 16 hours of time instead of only 8.
Sure, we're not going to get those powers exactly, but they're a good indication of just how good they can be.
...I wonder what the 25 pick that basically makes us the Maiden 2.0 would result it though. Maybe faster growth through coalescences?
well, enough of this, let's go the actual update!
...ah, but of course.
Why did we think we're special, and that there was only one message in one bottle?
Obviously this is a trap for MULTIPLE parties of adventurers!
Adventurers are attracted to dungeons like dragons are attracted to gold and princesses!
A bit of a mistery box, but should we really fear even
talking to people? This is a decent chance to test how the tyrant's doom makes us interact with other people, and it will let us understand just how important and urgent it's going to be to mitigate that curse.
We're in as good status as we've ever been, and if they're going to be a problem, well, It might be better to spring the trap OUTSIDE the temple rather than inside.
Who knows, we might even see a magic system more interesting than the Graces, right before taking philosopher's wreath! (...yeah, pretty unlikely)
Maybe the merchants are just here to buy whatever the adventurers find inside, which could help us by removing the need to carry the loot with us for the rest of the trip. And Gisena would likely be pretty well suited to negotiate with them.
All in all I see this like a possible civilization-lite option, right before entering the temple.
On the other hand they
might be part of the trap. It's unlikely I think, but certainly not impossible. Or they might be rivals and will try to pressure us to get exclusive access to the treasures inside. Or they might try to take advantage of our weakened status once we get out (fools they are, as we only get stronger after any challenge!)
...ok, that IS a bit extreme.
I think I'm in favour of at least TRY talking to them. It's a decent time to experiment, and they might even be willing to give/sell some informations about the temple and its history.
...I'm a bit disappointed by Gisena losing, but I get it, it's better if Veschle and Letrizia are in a good enough state and capable of defending themselves.
It might even be more important HERE, if the camp turns out to be a trap.
not a bad plan, but it doesn't really
speak to me. General physical upgrade, def/regen for out allies, control over our falls.. they're nice, but they're not quite as shiny as other picks.
On the other hand if this is a trap having our allies being that much safer would be a massive help.
I'm slightly more interested in this build and its overwhelming offensive boost to our capabilities, but it's still not my favourite. Where are the philosopher's and the ring's builds!?
Rage form? no thanks, I'd like something more widely useful.
parsimonious indeed. I think we'd be better served by spending more right now.
well, we could certainly use the charisma if we decide to talk with the adventurers and merchants, and the extra defense will certainly improve our odds of survival.. it's a bit lacking in offense though.
and...that's it?
...Honestly except for the last one they all look pretty similar to me. Sure, there ARE differences... but I had my heart set on ring or graces... You all toyed with my fragile heart!
well, If I have to choose between these...
Form of rage is a no, and I already said why.
Parsimonious 7 arete plan is a no too, we need to spend if we want to profit from temple and adventurers.
This leaves the "also buff allies" plan, the "overwhelming offense" plan, and the "defense over offense, with a side of cha" plan.
...I think I'll go with the "also buff allies" option. They're growing on me, and as the risks we face grow I'd like them to actually some decent chances of survival. Hopefully we can add other 3 allies to buff later on and the extra slots don't get wasted...