Of Stars and Melodies - A Girls Band Party Quest (No Setting Knowledge Needed!)

We probably have to pick which of them got to use the studio though, and now that's hard. It seems unlikely star point would allow all three of us practicing place.

That's not what the Star Point does actually. The Star Point automatically resolves the looking for an alternate practice place for Hibiki's current band (but another possible set of stories open up, if Hibiki's band has a private place to practice), and leaves Rimi and Chou to figure out a compromise between each other for Circle, with Hibiki removing herself from the matter.

You could theoretically still try to invite Chou to jam with you though as an additional write-in, however, you solve the problem of getting a place to jam on Friday or Sunday (there are no practice slots open at Circle on Sunday, but that applies to only Circle as far as Hibiki knows right now).

Basically, there are two things going on in this vote:
- How Hibiki wishes to respond to this argument - suggest a compromise, leave them to figure it out themselves and look for another place to practice, just ignore the argument and claim the practice slot because she has the right to do so, etc....
- How Hibiki wants to solve the problem of getting a place to practice for her band, given the dilemma/complication in front of her.
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in principle, nothing forbids you from inviting someone to play with you somewhere else - in practice, that'd require some degree of prescience or a very clever write in of some sort because Hibiki isn't even sure she has some other place to play right now - offering to share something she doesn't yet have could be dicey
That's not what the Star Point does actually. The Star Point resolves the looking for an alternate practice place for Hibiki's current band (but another possible set of stories open up, if Hibiki's band has a private place to practice), and leaves Rimi and Chou to figure out a compromise between each other for Circle, with Hibiki removing herself from the matter. You could theoretically still try to invite Chou to jam with you though as an additional write-in, however, you solve the problem of getting a place to jam on Friday or Sunday.

Basically, there are two things going on in this vote:
- How Hibiki wishes to respond to this argument - suggest a compromise, leave them to it, just ignore the argument and claim the practice slot, etc....
- How Hibiki wants to solve the problem of getting a place to practice, given the dilemma in front of her.

Yeah, that's what I mean.

We probably can still, say, back Rimi more, and invite Chou to jam. But, like, I don't know enough about her situation why she want to play sax for herself, you know?

in principle, nothing forbids you from inviting someone to play with you somewhere else - in practice, that'd require some degree of prescience or a very clever write in of some sort because Hibiki isn't even sure she has some other place to play right now - offering to share something she doesn't yet have could be dicey

Obviously, but I imagine if spending star point win, Hibiki will got message then just apologize and, dunno, invite Chou or something.
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[x]Reach a compromise.
- [x]Serendipity (1 star point to unlock)
- [x]Find other place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.

Not entirely sure of the format, but well.
[X]Reach a compromise.
-[X]With Chou-san.
-[X]Offer to split the slot.

We can't make everyone happy, and giving up the time slot would make two people (our bandmates!) unhappy. That said, this is our first practice so I wouldn't mind splitting the slot. I feel more sympathy for Chou-san since I know what it feels like to just want to decompress, and Rimi-san apparently just came out of a slot while also having a band to help her.
Not entirely sure of the format, but well.

The format is fine. Just clarify, you mean to cede the practice slot in Circle to Rimi, spend a Star Point to unlock Serendipity, and attempt to invite Chou to the band's upcoming jamming/practice session in compensation right?

I feel more sympathy for Chou-san since I know what it feels like to just want to decompress, and Rimi-san apparently just came out of a slot while also having a band to help her.
@Mount. Elements In principle, if you wish, you could give Chou the choice to either jam together, or split the slot into half, whichever she prefers.
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@Mount. Elements In principle, if you wish, you could give Chou the choice to either jam together, or split the session into half, whichever she prefers.
I wasn't really sure about inviting her to jam with our band without asking our bandmates first, especially since this is our band's first session. It just feels awkward. If someone wants that, they can make a variant on my vote, and I'll switch to it if the thread prefers that version.
[x]Reach a compromise.
- [x]Serendipity (1 star point to unlock)
- [x]Find other place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.

Not entirely sure of the format, but well.
The format is fine. Just clarify, you mean to cede the practice slot in Circle to Rimi, spend a Star Point to unlock Serendipity, and attempt to invite Chou to the band's upcoming jamming/practice session in compensation right?

I'd format it as:
-[]Find another place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.

But it's a valid vote nonetheless, if you want to go with it.
You know, I officially no longer have any idea of what influences voter turnout. A big thanks to those who have voted so far, but I'm going to try and extend the vote by 11 hours, which means that I will close the vote 24 hours from now.
[x]Reach a compromise.
- [x]Serendipity (1 star point to unlock)
- [x]Find other place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.

Hate to even out the vote, but wanted to vote instead of not.
[x]Reach a compromise.
- [x]Serendipity (1 star point to unlock)
- [x]Find other place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.

I usually prefer to wait and see how things shake out if I don't have an immediate preference. In this case I honestly forgot to check in until I saw the alert with the temp thread mark.
No moratorium next time, then maybe? I get the feeling it doesn't help.
Usually moratoriums aren't so long. Even really popular quests tend to only have a moratorium of a couple of hours. Maybe half an hour to one hour would work better?

I don't really get the reason for Hibiki giving up the slot. Sure, taking the slot disappoints two people, but giving it up altogether also disappoints two people, with these two people being her bandmates. WE know that she'll find another spot for the band to practice if we use a Star Point, but Hibiki has no reason in-quest to think that her bandmates have an alternative.
Usually moratoriums aren't so long. Even really popular quests tend to only have a moratorium of a couple of hours. Maybe half an hour to one hour would work better?

I made it so long precisely because there aren't many readers and they're from very different timezones, so I wanted to give everyone a chance to possibly say their piece. Doesn't really work like that apparently, so I'll keep that in mind.

This is literally my first quest, so it's a learning experience.
I don't really get the reason for Hibiki giving up the slot. Sure, taking the slot disappoints two people, but giving it up altogether also disappoints two people, with these two people being her bandmates.

So, this is probably the first post of it's kind for me here.

There is, I think an assumption here that Hibiki's objective here, internally, is to find a way to make everyone not-disappointed . That might be her intent, but then again it might not be, especially if you considered what happened to Hibiki in the past 24 hours. There are possible narrative reasons why Hibiki might walk away, if this issue isn't seen as a low-stakes trolley problem (it could be made into one, but it doesn't have to be).

1. Tokyo is a big place. Much bigger, much denser than what Hibiki is used to. Hibiki already knows other Live Houses exist - she just went to Dub yesterday to put things into perspective. There are other Live Houses around, and there are ways to figure it out - Marina might know (and if Hibiki's read that Marina feels bad about the whole situation is right, then it's likely that Marina might suggest alternatives) , the internet might tell her, heck, for all she knows, there's a Live House at the mall that Hibiki's mother works in. Who knows? But Tokyo is big, and this is the Indie band Capital in the region. IC, she has no reason to be particularly attached to Circle as a Live House after all, and hence the only reason to hold on to the slot is because her band might be disappointed. Might. This argument in front of her might not be a hill worth dying on.

2. Which brings me to another point: Maybe Hibiki thinks that her band has already given her an out by an alternate Sunday slot - no such out exist for RImi (who might have her own reasons why she has to finalize her song at the studio)- Hibiki doesn't know whether Rimi really has an out with Popipa, except via Chou's assumptions. If her band is going to be disappointed in her for taking Plan B after arranging a contingency not five minutes before, well that's probably just a sign that she'd have to know them better? Maybe her band might be disappointed in her, maybe the band laugh it off, maybe it doesn't matter? Who knows. At least, she knows her band is willing to travel all the way to Shinjuku.

On the other hand, Hibiki's reasoning for holding on to her slot and ruling in favor of Chou over Rimirin could come from another place other than averting disappointment too!

3. As Mountain himself has pointed out, perhaps Hibiki herself might know what it's like to be stressed out - and Hibiki might be empathetic enough, that she considers Chou's own frustrations (as poor an impression as Chou made on her initially) more valid than Rimi, because they resonate with Hibiki more than RImi's issues do.

4. It's possible that Hibiki's goal isn't actually to broker a compromise, but to terminate the argument in front of her as fast as possible. Perhaps from Hibiki's own perspective, Rimi's own story sounds really odd - why would you need more time in the studio, if your goal is to touch up a song? Unless Rimi can play all the parts of the song she composed, additional practice to bring the song to completion doesn't really make sense (from Hibiki's perspective, remember, this is a Hibiki who had to dash back home to pick up forms that she forgot to take with her on the first day of school, so she's not a totally rigorous person). Rimi is wavering, Hibiki can see a way to get Rimi to back down - and she can't see a way to make Chou back down. It might not sound like a pleasant read of Hibiki's character, but remember this has been a long day.

Or perhaps, Hibiki already identifies a theoretical resolution (which Ursa Major identifies) - ideally, Rimi get's access to the studio, and Chou get's her desire to play for the week, by inviitng her to jam together with her group, with perhaps, with a longer run eye to securing her fifth member after the bass, depending on how things play out. The QM has ruled Ursa's compromise write-in as valid, and has also explicitly stated that Hibiki offering something she doesn't have yet is dicey- it stands to reason logically then, that Hibiki would invite Chou to jam after receiving the resource the Star Point would give her (hence rendering the conflict in front of her irrelevant, and making it so that Hibiki doesn't have to rule in anyone's favor, by offering Chou an out with the resource she now has). In other words, don't worry about the logistics of the compromise once a Star Point is put into play (the logistics of the Star Point itself is completely distinct, hence why it's a separate vote).

Now, as to whether you should burn a shiny right now or save the shiny for later, it depends on what kind of "more story" you want to see. Obviously, the Star Point alters the narrative opportunities that are going to stem from its execution - so if you want to see the kind of fun and unique stories that could emerge if a band has access to a personal/private studio to work out from, as opposed to having to rely on Live Houses, feel free to vote for it (but relying on Live Houses also produce their own set of narrative plotlines too!). Remember, Star Points are limited, but they also emerge from doing interesting things as well as resolving character and story arcs, so they aren't just expenditure, but also potential investments. Also - one final note: Hibiki is also a member of her band too.

I hope I've given a reasonably neutral take on both options that are currently deadlocked.
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[X]Reach a compromise.
- [X]Serendipity (1 star point to unlock)
- [X]Find other place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.
Moratoriums help when theres a complex or major decision people might jump the gun on, but they depress voting if theres not enough discussion.

Yeah, I see that now. I guess I just expected that, by giving the thread the sort of vote that was asked for, I'd get more discussion.

And since this is at the root a relatively straightforward choice, there wasn't much to discuss.

Hmm. Straightforward? Maybe.

I mean, this is, as a few people have said, a relatively 'chill' quest at its heart in the sense that the stakes aren't as high as those of the many combat/strategy quests out there - so I get how people could feel alright with any choice and let the story go where it may.
At the same time, each vote contributes something to the story - not just in how the results immediately pan out, but in how the other characters see you and in how you see them. Hibiki's personality was a blank slate back when the quest started - but not anymore thanks to your choices, and that's something which influences both how people react to you and how you see the world (the narration is first person limited, your narrator is Hibiki herself, and she's not exactly unbiased either - not by this point in the quest).

So yeah, on one hand, all choices open up equally valid story opportunities, so the stakes are low. On the other, this is possibly the last vote where you get such an amount of fine control over Hibiki's actions before things start settling into a routine, and your answer is going to help shape both her mindset (even the Star Point option requires Hibiki to make a leap of faith and assume her bandmates would be fine with her not booking practice) and whether or not the band is going to exclusively (at least at first) practice in a place where you know a lot of people already or if you want more options. It just isn't all written down as stats like in a more game-mechanics-driven quest.
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The cause of lack of voters are mystery, though sometimes it is the opposite: things are too hard, so nobody dares to vote least it is bad vote :p

Look, I just can't resist Rimi request okay. Being nice to her is, like, required. It's like coming across cat and patting cat.
[x]Reach a compromise.
- [x]Serendipity (1 star point to unlock)
- [x]Find other place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.

Terribly sorry - I just neglected to read the update and then since the notification had been read it slipped my mind.