If you're still doing these, I'm curious what you'd make of Wyrmspite. If not, no worries.

[ ] Wyrmspite - A dragon is their spite. Sometimes more, and occasionally better, but never less.

"Is a dragon their breath?"

"No, for Breathless Avernus too is a dragon, and perhaps the greatest of us all."

"Is a dragon their brood?"

"No, for Lonelord Astraeus too is a dragon, and perhaps the strongest of us all."

"Is a dragon their pride?"

"No, for Arcus the Free too is a dragon, and perhaps the wisest of us all."

"What is a dragon, then?"

"A dragon is their spite. No matter the date, no matter the time, the price must be paid, by fire or rime. Whatever you choose to make of yourself, broodling, know this. The Grudge Price claims all those who call themselves 'dragon.'"

Your Imaginary Element takes the form of an obsidian mist, dense and obdurate. It is viscous and thick, slowing the movements of those trapped inside it. The true nature of its power is revealed after having taken damage in any shape or form. Wounds and slights (whether physical, spritiual, social, or metaphysical) are condensed into a geas that demands retribution. In pursuing the resolution of a Grudge, your element fills you with power unending, supernal acuity, and clarity of purpose to bend even fate on your knee.

*When pursuing a Grudge, receive a +20% effectiveness modifier to all actions. I cannot understate how large of a benefit this is.
*Additionally, gain the ability to fashion armaments out of your element. Your mist settles onto your body in the form of onyx lamellar not unlike scales. A sword, bow, and lance imbued with unnatural toughness, and a razor-sharp keen. With enough time, perhaps even the ghostly form of a draconic steed.
*When expelled in the mouth, can take the form of a Breath attack. You start with none except for a more aggressive form of your Wyrmspite. You may acquire more by fulfilling particularly challenging Grudges.
*+0.5 Rank.
*+50% to the value of Rank +s. A dragon is a being of myth and legend, after all.
*You are no longer considered Human, and are barred from pursuing friendships with those you have ongoing Grudges with.
*Acquire Might's Repose for free.
*The birth of a new dragon will attract worshippers and hunters alike. Be safe.
She is in his heart and her memory will be forever burned in his mind. She won the Hungerbowl long time ago, now is the victory lap to tell the other skanks "I've won bitches"

EDIT Remember - there is always a WIFE above the waifu
After all, winning is all that matters. Catherine is a yandere confirmed- there was a reason she was the last one left.

Pls don't kill me wifegang
A dragon is their spite. Sometimes more, and occasionally better, but never less.
The combination of mist and dragons, just what's needed to complete a Coldbriar cosplay! This is an excellent Element though, truly delicious incentives. Bait aggression by greedily staking out territory, then transition to Grudge Match mode once someone manages to penetrate my brume-bedecked lair or claims something of mine. Then all that's left is to ensure gratuitous and legendary vengeance, raking in the Rank increases. Rinse and repeat, periodically curing reputational wounds by doing something heroic.
Theory time:

I think that the purpose of the Geas of Indenture is to undo all the Heroes the Accursed made.

So let's say this is right; the Accursed made all the Heroes (including Hunger) and then was cursed to go kill them all. I vaguely remember Rihaku saying that lots of people/beings contributed curses, so it's not one single being doing it all, we can reasonably assume specific curses are associated with specific beings. My guess is that the Geas of Indenture was cast by the Hidden Ones.

Let's take a look at a few quotes about the Hidden Ones, courtesy of runeblue360's index.

... The implication seems to be that the structure of the hero's entire life was more or less engineered by these hidden ones.
The Hidden Ones are presumably stronger than the theoretical Combat-type Hunger, even with the Intensified Imperial Praxis, could ever have become within finite time

Hunger is a Hero. The way the story is supposed to go is that he wins, and kills the Tyrant, and everyone lives happily ever after. But then that doesn't happen.

But the Tyrant is not so easily overcome.

He is wise to destiny's tricks, greater than destiny's stewards. He sets the world spinning to the direction of a new master. Destiny falters; only causality remains. And mere causality does not suffice a hero from coddled Earth to stand against the Tyrant.

We are told that the world spins in the direction of a new 'master'; this can't refer to the Tyrant, he already rules the world. He can't set it spinning to himself a second time. Perhaps the master here is a Hidden Master, one whom the Tyrant obtained assistance from?

Who would have both means and motive to torment a Hero? Who would best understand what a Hero is, and how to kill one? Obviously the answer is the same being(s) that cast the Geas of Indenture on the Accursed and forced him to kill all the Heroes that he caused to pop up.

And as for which Hidden One the Tyrant asked for help, I think the answer is obvious. He asked his family, the Hidden One named the Forebear.

Perhaps you might call upon the Forebear one day... if you somehow managed that, you'd potentially gain a tremendous amount of insight into the nature of the Hidden Ones!
Unfortunately there are some aspects of their natures (Hunger and the Forebear) that make them rather fundamentally inimical to each other. But with strange aeons...
I'd like to remind people that from a stealth/infiltration standpoint we are still brain damaged. 15 percent penalty to mental, 20 percent to social. Any jokes about us being terrible at stealth/walking up to the inner perimeter can at least partially be explained by that.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DkArthas on Aug 1, 2020 at 3:08 AM, finished with 161 posts and 31 votes.
[X] Vanquisher Halo

I actually kinda like the 'hard sensory filters' idea, given that in execution that probably means shrouding our form in clouds of roiling mist, or communicating with lesser beings by ninjaing our way into their house to leave a letter on their desk. Or just sending our minions (who are not bound by Doom of the Tyrant) to make our wishes known.

[X] Agents of the Throne

And speaking of minions, here is an excellent way to get a large number of Elite-tier Elementalists who can go do stuff for us without becoming a danger to the Elixir Kingdom's continued existence as part of our realm. Think about how much better things would have went if we had a dozen or so Throne Agents with us when we were trying to establish our rulership over the Inner Temple!

(Side note: Who was doing that Japanese Horror metaquest with the Realm of Blood and such? I seem to remember that being in this thread.)
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If the Tyrant of the Tower isn't a cursebearer my second guess would be that they're another one of the Forebear's kids. It would be kinda funny if all the Forebear's kids got the same name, Tyrant.
I would think for the long term SkyVeil is where it's at. Using it and Disguise for all his power it lets him go out and act like a normal person, which might be important when you are looking at living a quadrillion years. It's crazy what people start to miss.
Hmm. Not-Dying is good but we might not get such an easy way and relatively cheap way like Skyviel to deal with our Charisma problem soon, it also opens up further interesting options in the future, I would like an second chance at King of Thieves like stuff since that fits Hunger so well.
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