Hmm, you know, if what we learned from the papers was true then...
Grabbing the Azure Ring,
will nerf Soul Evocations of everybody involved, huh?
The answer is more complicated than a simple affirmation or negation would reveal. Rather, without the Treasure's empowering light, most Soul Evokers would be incapable of directly manifesting their own Light in so concrete a manner as they do nowadays, with all but the mightiest relegated to effective mundanity.
This would be only one of the many catastrophic consequences to follow if the Treasure were ever to depart its hallowed perch
Including that of the Immortals, won't it? "All but the mightiest relegated to effective mundanity" does not sound like "But if you're powerful enough, you avoid the nerfing entirely!" Admittedly, that could be the case, but... I think it's fair to assume some amount of nerfing involved. (There may also be other catastrophic consequences. I mean, besides the "everybody's electricity-equivalent goes out" stuff. There may or may not be other big problems immediately hitting.)
Though, I'll bet that there's an edge-case; if they have some "battery power" so to speak, squirreled away for a rainy day, then probably they can tap into their reserves in an emergency. But those reserves are probably finite. So.
So, question -- is it possible that, if Hunger acts fast enough, he
could blitz his way to where the Ring is behind held and remove it, before all the Immortals are roused and marshaled to defend it?
Could we speed-gank them, basically?
Of course, if we're doing so, then Arisen Blood probably looks quite tempting. Due to its Agility Boost. And Protection boost, for that matter... ((... I really do want the Rank boost from Shameless though. Gaining Rank is
very very nice...))
[ ] The Ring of Power - Arisen Blood (7 Arete, 3 picks)
Blood learns swiftly how best to be spilled.
While at full HP, benefit from the following:
+++++Agi, Might, Wisdom (Combat)
All Attacks deal double damage, stacking multiplicatively
You are treated as if in a form with corporeal blood, even if you would otherwise not be.
@Rihaku. Does that last line -- "You are treated as if in a form with corporeal blood, even if you would otherwise not be." -- also apply only if you are at Full HP, like all the rest of the bonuses? Or, does this give the ability to have corporeal blood in ghost form, no matter the amount of HP in said ghost form?