Sorry, but kind of got annoyed at all the implied 'she might even better at stealth than Stealth' stuff. If you want to focus on Stealth, pick Stealth. If you want her to be a combatant, pick Combat. It's that simple.

That wasn't really implied on my part, but leaves some important context out. I was saying that if Combat progression included agility, which it seems too, it could make her better at it in the long term due to +progression doubling advancement in stats it governs. Not that it would make her better at stealth at the moment.

[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

Since saving doesn't seem to have much of a chance at the moment I'll head over to GDS since it's supposed to provide the best chance of a diplomatic victory, which in turn provides the best chance of a infiltration plan working and would be the least risky outcome for ourselves. Plus it's apparently relevant in combat against smart foes, which the High Marshal explicitly is.

I imagine most of the immortals are too, actually. You don't get to live that long by taking a lot of risks in combat.
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Oh we should pick them up quick, but we can manage for the couple of updates to build up the arete.
But the first impression is the most important! They should know that we can advance as R type, but getting our foot in the door is very important if we want diplomacy to work. \

Having sufficiently impressive buffs to offer on entry will make a big difference!
Wow, Rihaku's Patreon got pretty crazy! I'm glad, I was feeling a bit bad about not being able to contribute due to lack of disposable income, but if things are going that well then it's not as important if I can throw a little in.

Anyway, on the topic of Stealth vs Combat: Stealth only gets Aeira +++Magnitude and ++Wits over Combat. If we get can her magnitude up (by say, getting Philosopher's Wreath and having her train magnitude), and give her Ennoblement buffs to cover the wits, she'll be just as good as Stealth.

On the other hand, if we take Stealth, then she will lack that crucial +Progression and will fall behind the power curve over time, unless we invest a lot more in her then we would have to if we took Combat! Combat is much more practical for increasing stealth over the long term.

Really, +Progression is so good over the long term that I'm surprised anyone is voting against it. Any advantages Stealth has will disappear over the course of multiple power-ups from increased Progression.

Business is different, due to not only being a change in stats but also a change in attitude. Even with +Progression I doubt Aeira is going to bother to invest herself into economics, so Business is preferable if we actually want that. Stealth though, just comes across as a more immediate power-loaded Combat, while Combat is more potential-loaded.
[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

Better I do this before I forget, I'd rather not end up splitting my vote in half. My simpathy toward the SAVE faction, it was a worthwile risk for the sort of reward we could have gotten out of it, but I'd rather stack up the odds for a diplomatic success at this point.
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Anyone have some ideas on how to configure our (possible) Pillars? Here's mine!

I had the idea of a fishing world. To provide meaningful challenge a couple rules would be in place in the world. First, no fish can be displaced from water save by pole and bait. Secondly, all benefits within the Pillars are locked within fishy flesh, they must be caught, cooked, and eaten within the time limit.

When I say all benefits, I do mean all of them. In the beginning there will only be one lake, and a barren landscape. One pole per attendee and bait will be provided. As they fish each lake, they are not only reeling in +stat fish, but some fish are actually monster fish!

Upon pulling them out of the lake, they will take their true Fierce Fish Form and initiate a deadly combat. If our heroes claim victory, a new path will open. Beautiful vistas and resorts will start to populate the land. Most importantly, new fishing spots will appear!

Among them would be healing fish ponds and other stat-specific ponds. As well as a progressively expansive main body of water. With progressively bigger, and deadlier catch to match. Of course more delicious and heavily weighted +stat fish are also swimming about, and could be fished for in specific ponds if the fierce fish threat were quelled...

This will spur experience gain by having both a physical threat, and a meta threat of not getting nearly enough benefit by not pushing hard and fast enough to get the most benefit for his time.

The higher tiered healing to actually help Hungers' Tyrant wrought wounds are locked behind many, many, lakes. It's not worth EXP if there is no risk of failure!

In addition, even if Hunger is able to willpower through the wonderful amenities springing up all about them, his allies might have a much more difficult time resisting.
Blurb Library III is now available for Patrons! Have a preview:

[ ] Evening Sky - Heavenly Tomb [Conjunctional: The Ring of Power, The Forebear's Blade] - 25 Arete

No paradise is this,
no splendid Realm of Evening's kiss;
but its colder distaff face -
a prison spun from time and space.

Note: Triply Conjunctional Advancements may be used as components to qualify for Special Advancement - Trinity.


I had the idea of a fishing world. To provide meaningful challenge a couple rules would be in place in the world. First, no fish can be displaced from water save by pole and bait. Secondly, all benefits within the Pillars are locked within fishy flesh, they must be caught, cooked, and eaten within the time limit.

Fishing... world...

Fishing... EFB...

Hunger would be too excited relaxed. He'd definitely kill himself in overexertion overindulgent disgrace!

Exactly, therefore Guile-Defeating Stance is an excellent buy right now!

+2 Charisma is nice, but so is having the power to back up your words!

That wasn't really implied on my part, but leaves some important context out. I was saying that if Combat progression included agility, which it seems too, it could make her better at it in the long term due to +progression doubling advancement in stats it governs. Not that it would make her better at stealth at the moment.

+Progression (Combat) basically means she'll be very effective at training the Combat-related parts of her Attributes. She may have considerably higher Agility than Stealth but not be able to use it as well for Stealth; a marathon runner's physique is specialized differently from a fencer's. These details are mostly under the hood, though!
Shiny blurb is tempting indeed. Bad and naughty children get put in the sky wiggler.
She may have considerably higher Agility than Stealth but not be able to use it as well for Stealth; a marathon runner's physique is specialized differently from a fencer's. These details are mostly under the hood, though!
What a scrub, who worries about specialization anymore? Just be a Progression-Type Cursebearer smh.
[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

favored of the ones in running
mostly done with work today so I might start writing about cake, prob won't be done till tomorrow tho
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Pechum on Jul 2, 2020 at 7:39 PM, finished with 407 posts and 59 votes.
I just feel that Aeria as an added combat asset to our party is bound to become a powerhouse just from the crapton of buffs we will be sending her way, and a stealthy attacker to complete our Mage/Warrior/Thief paradigm with Hunger and Gisena makes for a very balanced team against most kind of opponents. Maybe I'm thinking too much like an rpg/strategy game...

Plus, it's not like she'll lose her present stealthiness (she'll even get better at it considering the ++Agi) so we'll still be able to make use of her that way, with the combat specialty working as added survivability if she ever gets caught and needs to escape.
We already have trouble getting buffs to party members through, we don't need a third member causing us to split gains even more.
Well, I feel more and more that Total Eclipse is a dream about that will be Eclipsed...

Anyway, social-tactics, with guile it's possible to deceive him, in that situation, lying about our intentions might be fairly easy: Just act like we are suffering under the call, and that we would be glad to work for them to avoid it.

What is our primary focus with infiltration? Subversivion? How would we convince them that our way is better than theirs without overwhelming force? All genuine questions, I think.

If our primary focus is to gain information, using guile to simply lie our way inside the inner temple is practical: they have no reason to believe us to be lying, and Hunger is mighty indeed. He can even use Blood+Edeldross for non-lethal against most opponents to gain trust, say that he is unwilling to kill fellow adventurers.

I think the best way to subvert would be, as someone else stated, either with support with one of the older councillors, demonstrating Hunger's ability to extend lifespan, or a much simpler way: if he has overwhelming force, eventually he can just force the issue. Considering the stagnation of the current temple, the first is probably a lot more difficult than the second.

Now, for combat tactics, we can debuff him and are faster, the best way is likely to try an alpha strike. Then again, every cut of Hunger is a alpha strike.

Maybe have Ninja girl alongside Gisena, and have Gisena use a blast of nullity when he is distracted. Biggest issue is lack of Intel in regards of his capabilities.
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Maybe as a compromise we can take Reinassence woman later? Would rather have Total Eclipse ourselves, but I think I would be okay with her having it instead.

Are they mutually exclusive? I never really got that impression and I think it would be good for us both to have as we will come up with different graces and have different focuses. Honestly though, considering how Important Gisena's nullity is it may be more important for her to get it than for us.
Are they mutually exclusive? I never really got that impression and I think it would be good for us both to have as we will come up with different graces and have different focuses. Honestly though, considering how Important Gisena's nullity is it may be more important for her to get it than for us.
It probably saves on research time, since the findross configuration to develop new Graces only has to be discovered by one party? Don't think that's enough to make it efficient compared to the broader capabilities of just having two different Imperial Advancements.

The Arete cost on RW is also prohibitive, buffing Gisena seems more easily accomplished by making her the Azure Ringbearer.
Don't worry guys, you too can read sick Blurbs if you evolve into a Whale.

Omake 'How to win against demons with one simple trick' 200 words

The Cursebearer Thirst and the demon asiV were engaged in a brutal combat on the summit of mount DOOM (TM).
Thirst was running on fumes, but he knew that his trump card would prevail. The demon prepared a massive fireball that would have end the pesky hero life.
The fireball struck Thirst directly, but after a second it disappeared. Instead of a charred corpse Thirst stood proudly, decked in high tier armor with a blade of frost in his hand. The demon knew that this was a gift from the boy`s benefactor - the Most High, the Accursed himself. But how? The demon knew that this child could not have enough favor to ask for help.
"How did you acquire such powerful artefacts?"
"I used my father" a slash that was too fast for the demon and asiV was erased from existence "`s MasterCard!"

Get the new MasterCard and purchase the most powerful and depraved power of them all - P2W. It is not how powerful you are, but how much you can pay for Rihaku Accursed favor. 9 out of 10 Cursebearers use MasterCard.
The tenth one dies on his first world.

EDIT: Meh, lets make it omake
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We already have trouble getting buffs to party members through, we don't need a third member causing us to split gains even more.

I don't really think we do. Our best options for doing so aside from companion specific EFBs generally don't even split gains. We voted to give Letz a 7 arete surgecraft element, then double downed on giving it long term potential. We put 9, 10 arete if you count the day training into Edeldross, which is a buff for everybody that we can apply that only gets better with more magnitude. Crimson Flare is a EFB which upgrades our ability to buff people via the blood dominion, which only gets better as rank goes up. We now have Ennoblement and Augment Dominion: Blood as refundable ways to either gain a really good permanent buff or make our temporary blood one better, which we will automatically get anyway once we free the ring in the temple.

We're already pretty committed to getting a evening sky EFB, and of the three we've been shown their's pillars which helps the entire party, Silver which buffs our magnitude advancement which in turn helps our entire party, and even Total Eclipse should eventually cause Hunger to be able to give out graces like the Maiden.

I've said this before, but we've heavily invested in creating, then strengthening abilities that both increase our personal power while increasing that of our party members, and most of the arete+picks since buying Cut Through have gone into that. The only times we've passed up those options up since was when failing to buy Wreath due to it being a 7 arete choice when we were very close to saving up enough arete to buy a EFB which we eventually did, and when we didn't buy renaissance women which is a EFB entirely dedicated to only making Gisena stronger in favor of Crimson Flare, which still has the utility of better blood buffs that will only increase as Hunger's rank goes up while eventually getting better anyway due to saving the ring, while also granting Ennoblement eventually. This vote was one of the most contentious in the quest, with Flare only beating out Renaissance woman by enough votes you can count them on one hand, while both EFBs handily beat another EFB that would have heavily augmented Hunger's personal power and surviveability quite above the other two.

From my point of view, rather then having trouble at it, we're constantly getting buffs for our party and making them stronger, while all but locking us into getting more in the future. I don't think we have to worry about not investing in them at all.
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It probably saves on research time, since the findross configuration to develop new Graces only has to be discovered by one party? Don't think that's enough to make it efficient compared to the broader capabilities of just having two different Imperial Advancements.

The Arete cost on RW is also prohibitive, buffing Gisena seems more easily accomplished by making her the Azure Ringbearer.

Why not both? Renaissance Woman would make her only more suited for the Ring, or vice versa - it would be a justification for her to develop Renaissance Woman in time, given this Ring's purview...