Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Wow, a three way tie if you don't count the two misspelled Kolobok votes.
Adhoc vote count started by KreenWarrior on Jun 28, 2020 at 9:36 PM, finished with 86 posts and 35 votes.
[X] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[X] Kolobok

Changing my vote, if only to try and get this option off the table so we can stop arguing about it already.


We're going to be arguing about it basically every turn until we actually make the choice. So let's just get it over with so we can argue about more interesting and contextually relevant things?
[X] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[X] Kolobok

Getting the argument to end does seem to be a good idea indeed.
Unless the roll fails. Then it stays on the table with possible badness also thrown in for a laugh. Don't vote for the Kolobok just to try and get rid of it.
Unless the roll fails. Then it stays on the table with possible badness also thrown in for a laugh. Don't vote for the Kolobok just to try and get rid of it.

I can be 100% certain that we're never going to ever reach a point where there will be 0% chance of failure. People are being, in my opinion, unduly risk-adverse here. We either agree to ignore it forever, or we at some point bite the bullet and roll the dice. I'd just prefer to roll them sooner rather than later, that's all.
People are being, in my opinion, unduly risk-adverse here.
Honestly, my problem is not that this is risky.

My problem is that this is risky and there is an ongoing crisis.

I am perfectly fine to do this immediately once this crisis is over, but potentially putting Medicine Boy out of commision for weeks while there are demon hordes on the verge of invading is too much of a risk for me.
This rather recent song done miracleofsound seems like it would be a good theme song for this quest....

Nah. There's been discussions on music before, and while that one gets closer to something that would fit, it's too detached to really work. A dirge for the world is useless when you'll be dead; and it's that very personal, individual sort of hell that this quest is about. If I really had to pick some sort of theme, Shelter by Porter Robinson would be a really good contender since it hits the themes of loss and loneliness hardest with the added bonus of acknowledging the good parts. The Islander by Nightwish also works quite well for Medicine Boy himself, even if it is far less perfect a piece for the whole work.

I am perfectly fine to do this immediately once this crisis is over, but potentially putting Medicine Boy out of commision for weeks while there are demon hordes on the verge of invading is too much of a risk for me.
Not to mention MB just wasted himself magically.
Yeah, let research a radioactive magical box while wasted, and in the middle of a crisis~~
Not to mention MB just wasted himself magically.
Yeah, let research a radioactive magical box while wasted, and in the middle of a crisis~~
Except that him tiring himself this week doesn't effect what he does next week. It never has before, and that's why Joselyn and others had him go to sleep and rest to avoid that.
Except that him tiring himself this week doesn't effect what he does next week. It never has before, and that's why Joselyn and others had him go to sleep and rest to avoid that.

If we roll badly, it absolutely can:
Absolutely. Would have been on like a 1 or a 2, but yeah non-zero chance you would be doing ghetto shrapnel removal on yourself and/or lose a few weeks.
The 'least good' result is the worst result that does results in a positive effect for the players. The worst result is I get to roll d6 to determine the length of Homer Quest. It'll be great, since Homer is one of those characters who may or may not get himself into trouble as he sees fit.

This is from over a month and a half ago, so just to remind everyone: A crit fail on the research roll means Medicine Boy gets knocked out of commission for 1d6 weeks. During a crisis when his current skill/ability at healing is super important.

I know that some of us voted for the workshop upgrade hoping for something to help us do research. But this time we got a workshop upgrade that made crafting better. So, we gotta work with that instead. The best time to do the very risky Kolobok research was at the start of the crisis; now it'd have lesser impact and is still just as dangerous. I don't want Medicine Boy to get heavily injured researching a healing item at the same time an MG ends up needing Medicine Boy to save her life.
[X] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[X] Kolobok

I still don't like the risk, but feel we're in a situation where the potential payoff can't be ignored any longer. *crosses fingers*
Kolobok has the lead.
Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Jun 29, 2020 at 5:29 PM, finished with 100 posts and 37 votes.
[X] [WORK] Wand
-[X] Level 2.

You're right. Kolobok should wait.
This is not the time to risk being knocked out for a week (or worse).
Instead, we make gun wand. Lots of gun wand.
Injuries prevented are injuries we don't have to heal.
I'd argue that you should be voting for "costume" instead...but the wand needs more votes! :V
I mean sure... but:
- We only have Costume 1, while this choice grants Wand 2 and Wand 1. This army needs equipment. More and better equipment- better army- quicker resolution of this conflict- less losses.
- Offensive power can subsidize defensive one, if only because the enemy is dead before it can hurt you (more).
What frustrates me a bit (among many, many other things) is that the questers know there is another place magical girls can get costumes from, but M-Boy in-story doesn't know that, and I'm not sure how many of the girls operating out of the motel do. Dangit, Elise, get back here to act as intermediary already!

Honestly speaking, that side-story is going to be relevant later because as it is right now it would be a bridge too far for writing's sake and means I either need to explain some high-level concepts related to Ouroboros and Kaguya bullshit, or Homer Quest has been activated because Homer intuitively understands said high-level concepts as part of his Focus. I really don't want to spend the thousand words it would take to make the explanations work. For anyone who's interested in a hint, though, read Brotherhood of the Wheel, by R. S. Belcher. Really good series, and honestly could exist parallel to this Quest without anyone blinking twice.

For everyone worried about Homer Quest, by the way, it isn't a game over- you're just temporarily changing over from a game of Checkers to a game of Black Lady (which most of the questors here will recognize as Hearts if you ever played the stock games included on your computer Back In The Day) where you're six hands in on an attempt to shoot the moon.
Speaking of sidestories, I recommend people to check the side story list on the spreadsheet. It has the titles for future sidestories that haven't been published yet.