So, in the interests of seeing exactly how badly mages have been shafted historically, and because now that I have the idea I'm honestly curious, I've decided to analyze the outcomes of every single major build vote the quest has ever had.
I'm counting "Major build votes" as any vote where we had the opportunity to spend 2+ picks or spent 7+ Arete with one or no picks.
The Pre-Temple Era
Build Vote 1: Dragon-Jackal aftermath, updates Heart of the Matter/Heart Vote 1:
Auspicious Vanguard (Balanced)
Nightmare Praetor (Social/Mental stats)
Force Unto (Physical stats)
Unshattered (Everything)
Winner: Social/Mental stats (Nightmare Praetor)
Build Vote 2: Pirate Raid aftermath, updates Evening Sky/Fisher King/Praehihr
El Stats (Physical stats, long-term scaling)
Lord Reaper (Sword)
Star-Cloaked Shroud (Social stats, Protection)
A Curse, Deferred (Physical stats, Curse Mitigation)
Winner: Social stats, Protection, (Star-Cloaked Shroud) - This is arguably a partial Mage win, because King of Thieves, which would have blocked Mage builds permanently, got eliminated, and Evening Sky got picked, which is our best artifact for sourcing mage options.
Build Vote 3: Ber Attack aftermath, update Age and Treachery
Competitors: This one is hard to determine the main competitors for as there was no consolidation vote. I'm just going to skip to the winners.
Winner: Rank and Physical stats (Age and Trechery and Amaranth Star)
Build Vote 4: The Hunt for Healing, update Hunter Hunted
Competitors: This build vote was all healing focused, but I think I can get something out of it.
Pristine Star (Saving Arete)
Shine Bright (Ally focus)
Second Stage (Survival focus)
Undying Vanguard (physical stats, Ally focus)
Pitiless Maw (Survival focus, Sword)
Winner: Survival, Save (Second Stage and Pristine Star).
The Temple of the False Moon Era
Build Vote 5: On the way to the Temple, updates A Moment's Reprieve/A Far Bastion
Immortal Regiment (Physical Stats, Ally focus)
Murderer's Panoply (Sword, Physical Stats)
Bright Vanquisher (Physcial Stats, Form of Rage lol)
The Barest Cut (Sword, Saving Arete)
The Forbidden (Sword, Physical Stats, Protection)
Winner: Physical Stats, Form of Rage (Bright Vanquisher)
Build Vote 6: The Craven Knight aftermath, update War and Wind
Brute Force (Physical Stats, Saving Arete)
Peerless Shroud (Protection)
Slayer Knell (???, Save)
Swift as Death (Second-form focused, Physical stats?)
Winner: Physical Stats, Save (Brute Force)
Build Vote 7: The Giant Wurm aftermath, updates Winnowing Garden/Cutting Through
Dreadnought (Physical Stats, Mage)
Apex (Physical Stats, Saving Arete, Rank)
Strong Sword-Arm (Sword, Physical Stats)
Root and Branch (Physical Stats, long-term scaling)
Winner: Physical Stats, Save, Rank, (Apex) - Arguably a partial victory for Mage as well, as Apex won somewhat as a compromise option for those that wanted a magic system but didn't want to lose an eye to Rune King.
Build Vote 8: The Magus aftermath, update The Ritual Grounds
Bloodmight (Ring, compromise/balance option)
Full Might (Sword, Protection, Ally focus)
Blademight (Sword, Curse Mitigation)
Mage Lord (Mage, Mental stats sort of)
Fisher King (Mage, Garden, long-term scaling)
Winner: Ring, Compromise (Bloodmight)
Build Vote 9: Outriders aftermath, updates Fending Off/Meditations on the Sword
Star-Blade Saint (Sword, Ally focus, arguably mage a little?)
Bloodslayer (Physcial stats, Blood Advancement, Sword)
Balance (Sword, Saving Arete, physical stats)
Heedless War (Ring, long-term scaling via shooting for vast Ruling Ring)
Winner: Physical Stats, Blood Advancement, Sword (Bloodslayer)
Build Vote 10: Vanreir, update Sky Above Sky
Uttermost (Sword)
Stranglethorn (Physical Stats)
Kinslayer (Rank)
Inheritor: Librarian (Mage, Mental stats)
Inheritor: Unerring (Physical stats, Sword, arguably mage kind of?)
Winner: Sword (Uttermost)
The Vacation Era
The Big thing here is Cut Through, which did not come from a build vote. I'm counting Cut Through as a win for the entire thread as a whole, rather then any one specific faction. It could also be argued to be a Sword Win, a Mage win, or both. There are three other build votes to go through though.
Build Vote 11: Prime Rotspawn aftermath, update Accursed Implement
The King Stands Alone (Praxis, Sword, Physical stats)
Ruinous Valor (Sword, Saving Arete)
Prime (Rank, Saving Arete)
Winner: Sword, Saving Arete (Ruinous Valor) - this could be argued to be a minor mage victory as well, due to a factor in Ruinous Valor winning being freeing up a hand to use for Surgecraft and saving Arete for Imaginary Elements.
Build Vote 12: Imaginary Element, update Vertiginous Heights
Competitors: Mage, hybrid Mage/Evening Sky, and Mage.
Winner: Mage
Build Vote 13: Letrizia Element Awakening, update Scarlet Legion
Philisopher's Wreath (Mage, Mental Stats)
Ennobling (Ally focus)
2x Vigor Itself (Physical stats, social stats, Blood Advancement, Saving Arete)
Winner: Physical stats, social stats, Blood Advancement, Save (2x Vigor Itself)
Final Stats
Physical Stats has the most wins at 6. Then again, physical stats get offered in some form every single vote, while other things show up less often; furthermore, physical stats often come packaged alongside other things. So it's understandable they'd end up with more wins! Save is in second place with 5 wins, while Sword has only 3 wins (4 if you count Cut Through), which is less then I expected. Two of the biggest recent votes (Outriders and Vanreir) went Sword though, which may be why I was overestimating them. Social has 3 wins, but they've all been relatively minor wins with the social being half or less of the winning option's effect. Rank has only won 2 major build votes. The real loser is mental stats, which have only won once at the very beginning! Ring is weird. If you count only progress towards Ruling Ring, it's won once. If you count Blood Advancements as a Ring thing, Ring has won 3 times.
Now we get to my pet issue - Mage. Mage has only one major win, or two if you count Cut Through (I'm uncertain if I count it myself) but it also has three partial wins (where the thread's votes had some measure of preparation to get a Mage option). Compared to the other big competitors, it's actually not very disadvantaged - if you count those three partial victories as a single real victory, it's even with rank and only 1-2 wins behind sword!
Anyway, this has given me some perspective - pretty much nothing in this quest has a lot of wins aside from physical stats and SAVE gang. That makes mage gang's constant losses more palatable, the others honestly aren't far ahead of us.
Anyway, GAH that took a lot of effort. And only 1136 Words? I've written reactions posts nearly twice that long that didn't take nearly as much out of me! It's the constant having to cross-reference and re-read much of the quest that did it. Counting up the wins was also not very easy. Oh well, maybe people will find this helpful for analysis? Or just interesting. Uuuuuuugh I'll catch up on the thread later.