Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Also @7734 would it be possibble to include the winning vote in a spoiler when you post? I can always go back a page or two to figure it out from the tally, but it would make it easier to follow the quest if it was just embedded in the post somewhere.

nah. If it's not blatantly obvious by the vote item being the first thing in the update, every update, then I can't help you.

Hasn't the GM said as much? Nobody's forced to use their magic, for better or worse.

Yep. You can absolutely put magic down for however long you want to, and it's not going to leave or force your hand. That said, though, once you have a hammer like magic, everything looks like a nail.
I'd just like to make one last try to remind people that a single item like a lvl 1 Costume for 1 magical girl is not going to save as many lives as the Koloblok can heal or an expanded Workshop can equip, and we're in a crisis where helping one girl at a time is a really ineffective use of our efforts.
I'd just like to make one last try to remind people that a single item like a lvl 1 Costume for 1 magical girl is not going to save as many lives as the Koloblok can heal or an expanded Workshop can equip, and we're in a crisis where helping one girl at a time is a really ineffective use of our efforts.
In turn, researching the item still runs at the risk of knocking Medicine Boy out for weeks on a bad roll. Spending those weeks crafting would equip at least a handful of girls, whereas him being out of commission helps exactly nothing at all.

It is a risk, so crafting an item and three bombs (the latter of which do also help) is a, perhaps less helpful, but also much safer alternative.

Personally, I would have voted Wand. But I want Research less than Costume, too risky for my liking, and Wand had little chance of making a comeback when I read the last Update.
Actually, whatever, changing my vote to Wand. It's probably not gonna win, but I should just vote for what I think is best, and getting 2 wands for the price of 1 is definitely worth it. If Costume wins because of this, oh well, that's not a huge loss.

[X] [WORK] Wand
-[X] Level 2.
Until we get something that mitigates the risk of researching the Kolobok, it is simply not worth it. It's a one in ten chance to knock Medicine Boy out for a week and likely more, which we cannot afford. That's the worst of the badness mind, but even then there's a one in three or one in four of failing to get anything. We're in crisis mode, and as such that kind of risk is unacceptable. I was hoping for the workshop upgrade to help, but it didn't, so now we play the cards we're dealt.

Being honest I'd rather go for wands as well, but I've been wanting to make a costume for a long while, and I really don't want to split the vote and have research win. I'm happy enough with a costume, so I'll just vote wands next time.
Until we get something that mitigates the risk of researching the Kolobok, it is simply not worth it. It's a one in ten chance to knock Medicine Boy out for a week and likely more, which we cannot afford. That's the worst of the badness mind, but even then there's a one in three or one in four of failing to get anything. We're in crisis mode, and as such that kind of risk is unacceptable. I was hoping for the workshop upgrade to help, but it didn't, so now we play the cards we're dealt.
At the same time, hoping that there is an upgrade that would mitigate the risk is extremely wishful thinking. Even if there is one, we have no way of knowing of how many upgrades are required to actually get it. And healing item is something we desperately need, which is why I'm voting for the research. Of course there is a risk, but all the megucas also take a risk whenever they head out and with proper healing we could mitigate those risks, or at least ensure that any wounded ones don't die on our operating table.
At the same time, hoping that there is an upgrade that would mitigate the risk is extremely wishful thinking. Even if there is one, we have no way of knowing of how many upgrades are required to actually get it. And healing item is something we desperately need, which is why I'm voting for the research. Of course there is a risk, but all the megucas also take a risk whenever they head out and with proper healing we could mitigate those risks, or at least ensure that any wounded ones don't die on our operating table.
You misunderstand. I'm not worried about risking Medicine Boy because he might blow himself up. Or rather I am, but not in that way. My concern is fully on how bad him being out of action fucks over the girls. He makes their gear, he keeps the hotel clean, he runs the showers Tuesday and Friday. He's their doctor, their organizer, he handles the fallen. The kid is supporting all these girls who've found a home here, or at least a place to rest a spell, and if he falls out from under all that, things get bad. They don't fail, Homer and Joselyn can keep the place running, but Homer is reckless and most people still hate Joselyn. And they're not going to take him getting that messed up well either. It throws their one island of stability and calm, their main and possibly only source of comfort, completely out of whack, during the time they need it most.

This is the mindset I come from when I say I don't want to risk Medicine Boy. Not for his sake alone, but for the sake of all the people who need him.
You misunderstand. I'm not worried about risking Medicine Boy because he might blow himself up. Or rather I am, but not in that way. My concern is fully on how bad him being out of action fucks over the girls. He makes their gear, he keeps the hotel clean, he runs the showers Tuesday and Friday. He's their doctor, their organizer, he handles the fallen. The kid is supporting all these girls who've found a home here, or at least a place to rest a spell, and if he falls out from under all that, things get bad. They don't fail, Homer and Joselyn can keep the place running, but Homer is reckless and most people still hate Joselyn. And they're not going to take him getting that messed up well either. It throws their one island of stability and calm, their main and possibly only source of comfort, completely out of whack, during the time they need it most.

This is the mindset I come from when I say I don't want to risk Medicine Boy. Not for his sake alone, but for the sake of all the people who need him.
I get that and was aware that he could be put out of commission for a time, but I consider the benefits we'd get from a powerful healing artifact to keep the girls alive greater than the small risk of him getting hurt. Especially since we're most likely never going to be able to diminish the risk, at least in a reasonable time frame, and we do have Joselyn, Homer, Chris and other girls we have helping around to keep the place running.
...folks, I got a question.

Why are we assuming that we can't include a healing effect in the costume that we will make, if costume is indeed what got chosen?
...folks, I got a question.

Why are we assuming that we can't include a healing effect in the costume that we will make, if costume is indeed what got chosen?
The big thing about costumes is they focus on defense the same way wands focus on offence. We would have better luck trying for a healing trinket than a healing anything else.
And we have no way of really choosing what the effect of the crafted item has, unless there's a specific request for an item, like when we were requested an illusion amulet. And also the difference in power, since costume would be a Tier 1 and Kolobok Tier 3.
Hey 7734 is it possible to do three level 1 wands for the same amount of time and energy it takes to do a one level 3 wand
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Jun 28, 2020 at 6:20 PM, finished with 82 posts and 33 votes.