In this quest, only D6 are used for all tests. The exact number of dice that are rolled differ each turn, depending on what part of the creation process you're at the moment and what stat is tested. Each throw generates a number of advantages and flaws that get incorporated into the design. This influences how good the design at the end is. Dice results lead to the following number of advantages and flaws:
- 6 = 3 Advantages
- 5 - 4 = 2 Advantages, 1 Flaw
- 3 - 2 = 1 Advantage, 2 Flaws
- 1 = 3 Flaws
Company Stats
Your company has a number of stats that show you how good you are at designing the different parts of a spacecraft. These stats change with time as you gain new personal and special equipment. These stats are:
- Frame: This influences the compartment stat of a ship, deciding if the ship is viable.
- Engine: This influences the speed and maneuverability stats of a ship.
- Cockpit: This influences the maneuverability and weapons stats of a ship
- Weapons: This influences the weapon Stat of a ship.
- Special Compartment: This influences the ship's ability to carry special parts like cargo holds, heavy weapons (Proton Torpedos, Turbolaser etc.) and anything not covered by the rest.
- Cost: This shows how much it costs to build one ship.
Ship Stats
Depending on the parts chosen, different ships will be built. Each part of it has an influence on the performance of a ship. These stats are:
- Compartment
- Speed
- Maneuverability
- Weapons
- Special Compartment
- Cost
Designing a Ship
To design a ship, you usually need a procurement order from a company or organisation who needs something. This can be anything from a fighter to a giant capital ship. In the procurement, you will find a list of requirements that the client needs the most and then going down in order of the priorities. The more of these wishes you meet with your design, the more likely it is that your design will be accepted.
You can accept stress at any part of the design process to buy additional dice. You will need to release stress. This can be done by relaxing in your free time, this is part of the Company Phase. If you've taken more stress than all your stats combined, each flaw you roll will be doubled.
Your character has his own stats that are similar to the company. You can add your own ability to the design process. This will add your stat dice to the die pole. You can help as long as your maximal Stress isn't reached, but only one time per phase.
With each turn in the design of your ship, you need to decide what kind of parts you wish to add to your ship. If you use known parts off the shelf, it will add significantly less to cost, on the other hand, you get a set number of advantages and flaws. Or you could decide to design something new, but then you will have to roll and might end with something worse than the shelf parts.
The quest has different turns in which you decide what happens to the design of the ship. These turns are in the following order:
- Procurement
- Frame
- Engine
- Cockpit
- Weapons
- Special Compartment if needed
- Testing Phase / You can try to remove flaws here. Depending on the deadlines, you might have this turn more than once.
- Result / Company Phase
Edit: Error in Rules corrected.