Peril's Origin - A Magical Girl Quest [Complete]

[X] You put it out of its misery. This fight is over, time to end it.

It's a Dragon you don't take chances with those, especially not Crystalwatcher dragons.
It will probably come back to help latter to repay the debt. On the other hand killing it might give a power boost so it's all about risks vs potential reward.

that was beautiful.

I'm honestly kinda tempted to just...leave it there. With the knowledge that it just lost to a tiny mortal in a single strike. That kind of spite fuels me.

fuck it

[X] You leave it be. It lost and knows that, too.
[X] You leave it be. It lost and knows that, too.

Heidi, at this point, seems to be pretty sick of fighting, killing and death in general, along with feeling varying degrees of guilt over some/many/all of them. At this point, Heidi is just tired, both physically, mentally and emotionally.

Edit: Whoops, wrong vote.
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It will probably come back to help latter to repay the debt. On the other hand killing it might give a power boost so it's all about risks vs potential reward.

Maybe but I'm not inclined to risk it coming back for revenge instead, not to mention all the people it will doubtless kill if we let it live remember this settings dragons are pretty much natural world eaters.
+25xp Served As The Inspiration For A Sect

We are probably (temporally) the first Magical Girl to have their own religious sect. I wonder what their voyage-point will be, where we charged the laser or the massive canyon we created. Perhaps both?

As for the dragon...

[X] You put it out of its misery. This fight is over, time to end it.
[X] You put it out of its misery. This fight is over, time to end it.

Not as cute as the dino.
Is Heidi kinda sorta Gaia's first Dragon Slayer?

Or at least the one she can send in pretty much any time period.

She must be pretty giddy right whenever :p
[X] You put it out of its misery. This fight is over, time to end it.

Safe is safe. Killing for no reason is not something Heidi wants, but this time it could spell too much trouble. I think Heidi would still kill if it is needed and Dragons are too dangerous to let them live.
I just realized something. Explaining the entire Voyage and Defiance being known to some of the first host is gonna be an interesting discussion with Adelheids Father.
Where do you even start with her story and how do you explain to the average professor how you not only matched the Archangel Gabriel in combat multiple times, but also slew a dragon and apprenticed under Lucifer and she is apparently really nice should you not be an Angel.
Also, Time for Defiance is relative and not constant. This does complicate any discussion. Does Defiance need to start drawing something to explain where she was at that point and where she was another?
I´m open to suggestions. :wtf:

This assumes Defiance can go back to her time directly and does not get picked up by Chronos or someone else interested in that strange soul.