I've been doing my own number crunch, and I've come to a grim conclusion. We roll 3d6 dice for girls around every turn. Half of those are guaranteed to be new girls. The other half is a mix of current contacts and yet more new girls. The average number of girls around every week is going to be nine, five of them assuredly new, and likely two of the other four also new. Check that anydice link for the graph.
So, we can expect about seven new girls each turn during the crisis, and there's no way we can help them all. Even if this only goes for two turns, that's fourteen new girls total, and I get the feeling this'll take longer then that. We could see as many as thirty new girls easy.
There's no point in dressing it up nicely. Most of those girls are dead magucas walking. We can't hope to fix up rooms fast enough for them, let alone gear them up. They're woefully inexperienced, and even if they survive this mess, they'll probably bite it when the alchemists and witches move back in and they've got no idea how to fight them. That's not even getting into all the ones we're going to have to kick out of the building once this shit show is over.
So... if we want to minimize the absolute amount of dead kids, it's better to get our vets hunting information to banish the President as quickly as possible. The sooner he's gone, the sooner the MG spawn rate lowers to something theoretically manageable. Of course, this screws the girls already in the thick of it because the vets aren't teaching them or looking out for them. They'll probably die, even. But if they don't, that really just passes it over to the next set, and the one's after them.
The only reason I'm not changing my vote yet is because I'm not sure how this partner system will work. If it's one vet to one newb, that's not worth it. Of the girls staying here there's four vets total. Trompdoy, Eowyn, Calypso and Rose. We've got ten new kids just right now. That isn't gonna work. More like two or three kiddies to a senior, that's much more workable, but won't hold up unless they get turned loose when more new girls show up. If other vets in the city help that could keep things stable for longer, but it's dicey all the same. Getting more information at the expense of newbie safety is still probably the better long play.