[] Use Aegis. Employ Non-Lethal takedowns. Take out their limbs and leave them alive. He won't stop bitching about it later if you kill them.
Hearing Emiya's plea forced you to stop. A sigh left your lips before you jammed Gae Bolg into the ground. The man behind you blinked in surprise as you faced him with a narrowed look as you charged your Magic Circuits. They flared in response to stimuli before you held your breath as you realized your magecraft.
You parted your lips and said, "Fine. Way to make my Job harder, Old Man!"
You held out your hand as you started chanting.
"Cliffs at the Shores of World's End. I stand against Eternity. I am the Rock unmoved by Time's waves," you began as light circled around your forearm and before your palm, "Strike me and feel retribution. Strike me and be destroyed! Manifest oh shield of Wisdom! Shelter me from my enemies! AEGIS!"
Olga's eyes sharpened as you manifested your shields just in time for the first cultist to swing his arm towards you. You clashed with his fist as it shattered before your Golden Shield. You turned and swept him by his legs before smashing your shield into his face.
Another cultist rushed you as you slammed the edge of your shield into his skull before spinning to land your heel into the side of his cheek. You delivered a liver blow before kicking his knee, your shield struck him across the face before he fell.
Rabid snarls came from a cultist that rushed you down and pushed against your shield. Your breath hitched as you sprung up and caught the Cultist's chin by the edge of your shield, smacking her down with an axe kick.
The cultist staggered before you threw your shield to knock her down before you caught your shield back. A magic circle appeared above you before a meteor thundered towards you.
"Brie!" Emiya yelled in warning.
However a blur of blue protected you with his crimson spear flashing through the air. The beastly man's red eyes flashed as he sipped through the battlefield only to be intercepted by Assassin. He avoided her strike before kicking her aside and shooting towards her master.
Olga stayed where she was as tendrils erupted from the prana pool to block Cu Chulainn. He cut them down and powered through before a tendrils tore through the imaginary space behind Olga and shot towards Berserker. The frenzied Hero grinned as he clashed with the tendril before shooting towards you.
He stopped into a crouch as he raked his weapon on the ground.
"Assassin. Do it," Olga ordered as she raised her hand.
"Understood, Master," Assassin replied as she raised her scepter and the fallen Cultists morphed and changed into inhuman beasts.
Their eyes turned red as their teeth sharpened to a razor's edge. Their hands turned into class as they released an inhuman screech which made even you stagger back. You then watched as prana from the pool glow and the tendrils rise up violently.
They stabbed straight into Assassin's back where she grunted in response to power filling her body. Olga swept her hand in the air as you moved forward and raised your shield upon the fallen Saber, taking the hit from the tendril as it bounced off you.
Grabbing the Knight, you pulled him back, "Cu! Kill Assassin!"
"On it!" Berserker laughed as Carmilla braced herself to survive this onslaught.
Cu Chulainn easily crushed Carmilla had she been by herself. However with support from her master wielding a near infinite resource she was able to endure. Cu Chulainn struck her right arm but the arm simply reattached itself.
She brought her hand out and sneered, "
Phantasmal Iron Maiden!"
Cu narrowed his gaze before turning. You sensed something wrong and saw an Iron Maiden opened its maw to clamp down on you. You watched as crimson spear shatter it courtesy of Berserker's throw, splitting the Torture Device in two.
Carmilla used this chance to get close but Cu immediately turned to grab her by the neck. She laughed as blood spikes appeared all around Cu Chulainn and descended in him.
His red eyes turned to look around as he dodged through every single one of them. Carmilla melted into shadows as she reappeared before Berserker just as he blew her head apart with a punch.
"Useless, useless, it's useless, you brute!" Carmilla sneered as she sent spears of blood towards Berserker, "I can fight forever with this much energy! All while your body wastes away!"
Berserker remained unfazed as he simply grinned and weaved through the spears with great dexterity. He weaved through her attacks and grabbed her neck to smash her into the ground.
"Like I give a fuck," Berserker snarled as he pulverized Carmilla's head.
Her body melted into the ground before reappearing ahead of you. She darted towards you as you pulled back. Saber reacted and got in the way to swing his estoc.
"You stay away from her!" Saber barked as the Knight's silver hand shined.
Carmilla turned before she was split in half by Gae Bolg. Her wounds quickly healed even as the Spear's curse ravaged her body. Berserker narrowed his gaze before throwing Gae Bolg straight at Olga.
Carmilla reappeared before her Master and took the blow to her heart. However she lived through it by virtue of the energy she was pulling from the surrounding area. Carmilla laughed as she darted towards Berserker only to be cast aside upon contact.
"Power. So much power!" The Vampire laughed as she was filled to brim with energy.
"Fine then. Berserker, drag her out of here!" You ordered as Cu Chulainn grabbed the Vampire by her head and slammed her into the ground. He then threw her out of the Sanctum without a hint of ceremony.
Berserker laughed as he rushed to follow his prey, his spear in hand. This left you and Olga remaining in the Sanctum.
"It's time," Olga whispered as she held her hand up, "Be honored, Brie. It's time we settled this once and for all."
"I don't know what you're planning but I'm sick and tired of you. I may have gone too far last time but rest assured I won't let you live this time," you snarled as you held your shield.
"I was hoping for that. But if I'm dying, I
will take you with me," Olga replied with the same hatred in her voice.
The pools of power began to shudder and ripple, the glowing white hands in which Olga stood on turning to stone. You watched as the pool of prana splashed it's white liquid into the Sanctum as the sky above the Sanctum turned dark.
Olga jumped down from where she was perched as she had her magic circuits flare. What was happening? The pool behind her where the giant hands were clasped on prayer had darkened before releasing a sudden surge of energy.
And then you heard it...
"What... Was that?" You breathed as you pulled Saber away.
"This power... The pool was created from the energy of every person the cult touched within the city. Could this be the energy they all gathered at once?" Saber gasped as he struggled to stay on his feet.
A beastly howl erupted from the pool as
something rose from it.
"It's surprising that this went undetected underneath the Association's nose. To cultivate and raise such a Phantasmal Beast within this Age is no small feat," Olga said as the monstrous creatures towered through the ceiling of the Sanctum and released a pulse of its power.
Driving desire, delusion and madness into the populace. Civilians would fall to the creature's call and go wild as if they ingested a packet of Black Karma. The creature's call would soon reach across the city as it grew.
It was by no means Divine in origin but it was powerful enough to pose a credible threat to the humans that lived on the world. It was a heretical creature similar to a tumor, it's call being the cancer cells which consume humanity.
This was the Cult's Lotus.
This was Kiara Sessyoin's Salvation to the world.
"But I can do better," Olga whispered as she had raised her hand and the heavens turned dark, a magic circle appear and a dark object come down at a glacial pace, "I'll purge this creature, Kiara... Alongside everything in my path. This is my final act of defiance!"
"You're crazy... You let that thing be born just so you can kill it?!" You screamed at her with wide eyes, "Why let it be born in the first place?!"
"As a final fuck you to that madwoman," Olga replied as she lowered her hand.
"As if you're any different," you growled as you picked up Gae Bolg.
The Lotus Creature attacked and you raised a shield to take its blow. The brunt of the hit knocked you back before another came for you.
Saber got in your way and protected you. The Silver Knight looked your way, "Are you okay?"
"I'll live. Thanks," you nodded before you both looked at the creature and how it was protecting Olga.
"Brie, Saber, I need you two to cover for me," Emiya said as he took off his black coat and had his command seals burn crimson, "We have to destroy that thing."
"Got it. This is our only chance," you nodded as you held your spear.
Saber's arm glowed as he stood before the monster, "As you command, Master!"
"Good. We can't let this thing live for another second. I won't let it get away," Emiya said as he firmly fixed his feet on the ground and breathed in. Exhaling, he opened his eyes to hold out his hand.
"I am the Bone of my Sword..."
Sky Flower
[] Run interference. Distract Olga and the creature alongside Saber as Emiya does his thing. Take Gae Bolg and take a stab at confronting Olga!
[] Absolute defense. Raise Aegis and amplify them with the prana you have inside you. You'll cover Emiya for the duration of his aria and protect him with all you have!