[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"

Yeah, let not just be a puppet that dance along her tune. Also, backstabbing allies usually lead to dead end or increase a chance to get backstab too.
Medb, be nice to the lady who'll probably be marrying you two horrible people. :V

So, like, who will be our maid of honor?

Skadi will be obviously Medb's, because it makes too much fucking sense.

So... Fran-chan is out of town, and there's no one else.

Say, do you think we could convince Gudao to wear a dress for one day?
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"

Medb pout
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Jan 1, 2020 at 9:47 PM, finished with 14 posts and 11 votes.
White Karma
[] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"

You stared at her as she gave you that serene and beautiful smile. It was the sort of smile you had no doubt she had used on others before. A smile that sent kings, heroes and generals down their knees before her. With a beautiful voice, dazzling smile and a gorgeous appearance it would have normally worked on others.

You were affected too to an extent but you felt her try and charm you then and there. But you were more aware than she thought so you reached out towards her as she kept that beautiful smile on her lips... And flicked her forehead.

"Ow!" Medb cried out with a hiss.

"I forget just how evil you can be," you said with a dry tone and an unfazed look.

"You didn't have to flick me that hard! Besides, you did ask!" Medb growled as she rubbed her forehead, "That finger was reinforced!"

"No it wasn't. You just have thin skin," you replied as you crossed your arms, "Anyway, it's a fine plan but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along if we straight out told her we need her help?"

"Okay, first of all stabbing people in the back is fun!" Medb said as she huffed before placing a hand on her hip, "Secondly, Ruler may be a Holy Woman and a Virgin at that but she has a stick lodged into her ass so deep you'd think it's a Divine Miracle she can even walk! Of course she wouldn't, you stupid!"

"Rider, I know you don't like her but we do not say lewd things about Ruler," You told her as you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Brie, have you seen her blessed tracts of land!" Medb squawked as she raised her hands, "That Catholic God is up to something!"

"But that's beside the point. We don't do that, only villains do that," You told her as you sank back into your seat, "So that's that."

"Yeah right," Rider scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"In any case, she won't help us because she's a neutral party that's more likely to get you Command Sealed into not setting people as bargaining chips," you said as you met her gaze. A sigh left your lips before you added, "And also... It's the sort of plan that won't fly without me discarding my moral standards."

"You're just so stupid sometimes. I swear. I give you a solution and you ignore it!" Medb huffed as she glared at you.

"I did ask your opinion but now I elect to ignore it. Thanks for your input," you said as you glanced her way but she was still quite unhappy.

"Right. Well how do you plan on going about this now, genius?" Medb asked as she met your gaze.

"I don't dislike the idea but it's just that I was hoping we can substitute Ruler for someone else Archer may want. It'll take some investigating and there's no telling if we can do it even if we find something," you replied with a grim tone.

"Huh... So you had nothing then. Figures... Brie, I know you don't like it but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and this is me talking without the intent of corrupting you," Medb pointed out as she looked at the flames in the fireplace, "Would you rather play along Hans' game?"

"I'd rather not. But there's something here... If only I can figure Archer out," you said as you sighed.

"You're too nice, you know?" Rider said as she shook her head.

"It's called not being an asshole, Medb," you told her with a low chuckle.

"Funny how that works when you are one," Rider retorted as she cracked a mocking smile of her own.

The two of you stared each other down before the door opened and Hans stepped in. He slowed to a halt before raising and eyebrow.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked with a confused look between you and Rider.

"A whole lot of nothing. But we've talked about your proposal... We'll play along," you decided with a sigh.

"Oh. Great! Well I suppose I could give you some information we have on Archer's faction to start things off... Are you two okay?" Hans asked as he glanced between you and Rider.

"Just get on with it," Medb hissed as the man raised his hands.

"Alright. Still, it's good to have you here then," Hans said as he tapped the floor with his cane, "I don't have a dossier to give you but I could give you some key points. What we know about Archer's faction at the moment is their odd interest in taking Ruler out either by incapacitating her or killing her entirely. Attacks have been staged for her numerous times and we have no clear reason why."

"Perhaps her presence restricts them from achieving whatever endgame they have. Most likely the involvement of city-wide destruction and the like," you guessed as you crossed your arms.

"While that may be the case, they've only shown themselves to be attacking her. The only other time this wasn't the case was the fight instigated by Archer a few days ago," Hans pointed out as he met your gaze, "He was targeting Caster there."

"And Caster had enough zombies back then to start a massacre. What are you getting at?" Medb huffed from her seat on the arm of your chair.

"They want to disable Ruler, this much is obvious but therein lies their other movements on the city," Hans said as he took out something from his pocket. It was a syringe.

You took a look at it before Rider hummed under her breath, "It's a drug."

"You're familiar with it?" Hans asked Rider.

"I've been into shady places in this city to hunt game and I've seen it but I wrote it off as just another psychedelic," Medb shrugged as she crossed her arms.

"Well this is a new drug called White Karma. It's not necessarily scientifically made but it was constructed using a little bit of Alchemy. It contains some exotic ingredients available only to those residing in the moonlit world," Hans said as he set the syringe down, "It acts as a stimulant with a side effect being a strong aphrodisiac which arouses the user to the point it numbs them to everything except pleasure. Injuries during intercourse have been reported as caused by this drug in particular and the addicts in the slums are prone to using these things."

"Okay, that's no good. So you're saying Archer's faction is distributing these because...?" You frowned.

"Once you take this drug, you'll be susceptible to suggestion. It doesn't matter if it wears off or you get it out of your system, unless you're cleansed, it will remain in you and leave you vulnerable to let's say Rider's ability to charm," Hans explained as he glanced at your Servant.

"Ooooh that could be useful!" Medb giggled before you elbowed her stomach.

"So where did these things come from?" You asked with a narrowed look.

"The Cult of the Serene Lotus. Our sources say it originated from there and we have a suspect for a potential Master. A man only known as the Guru," Hans answered as he held out his hand, "The drug was said to be used for the purpose of worship to their God but soon came to realize the potential for acquiring sums of cash by selling it. Of course, the effects it could have on the populace could lead the moonlit world to be exposed... And Ruler will be an obstacle to them."

"Ruler's going to be so mad..." You murmured under your breath.

"They're located on northwest of the town by the port. We don't know if they have multiple Mages on hand but it's better to be careful," Hans said as he finished.

"Right. I'll figure something out but these guys are singlehandedly raising the amount of homeless and addicts in the street. Why not go crackdown yourselves?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Unfortunately we don't have the firepower to do so," Hans said as he shook his head, "With Rider's arsenal, you can perhaps stand a chance against Archer."

"Even with Ruler by our side, we almost lost against him. You drive a hard job at us," Rider scoffed from the side.

"It is what it is... Anymore questions?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow.

White Karma

[] "I'm not the first person you asked to take on this job, didn't you? You had some people of yours during my fight at Caster's castle."
[] "Yes. One more question. Can I meet Lancer? You already know what Rider looks like and you probably figured out who she is... It's only fair I got to see your Servant."
[] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
[] Write in...
[X] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[X] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.
I think the whole 'fuck cults' thing is harmless enough to just stick in for funsies.

Mostly because I agree with this, but as long as Hokusai wasn't summoned it should be okay.
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[x] "Yes. One more question. Can I meet Lancer? You already know what Rider looks like and you probably figured out who she is... It's only fair I got to see your Servant."
[X] "Yes. One more question. Can I meet Lancer? You already know what Rider looks like and you probably figured out who she is... It's only fair I got to see your Servant."
-[X] If he refuses, ask at least for a hint. Say pretty please. You look like his sister, so exploit it. It might get him a little pissed, but also unbalance him and make him slip by something important.

Gudao, we have Medb as our summon, mind games were just a matter of time.

Ah, I still feel a warm afterglow every time I remember about "Bwee".
Also, how about going to the church with this info? They might get pissed enough to help us out, a little. Like, wouldn't hurt to try.
"You didn't have to flick me that hard! Besides, you did ask!" Medb growled as she rubbed her forehead, "That finger was reinforced!"

"No it wasn't. You just have thin skin," you replied as you crossed your arms, "Anyway, it's a fine plan but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along if we straight out told her we need her help?"

"Okay, first of all stabbing people in the back is fun!" Medb said as she huffed before placing a hand on her hip, "Secondly, Ruler may be a Holy Woman and a Virgin at that but she has a stick lodged into her ass so deep you'd think it's a Divine Miracle she can even walk! Of course she wouldn't, you stupid!"

"Rider, I know you don't like her but we do not say lewd things about Ruler," You told her as you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Brie, have you seen her blessed tracts of land!" Medb squawked as she raised her hands, "That Catholic God is up to something!"
1. Backstabbing is only fun when you do it to enemies.
2. Medb, you haven't seen what the Japanese servants look like. Jeanne doesn't even rank as lewd compared to them.
"But that's beside the point. We don't do that, only villains do that," You told her as you sank back into your seat
... subconscious MHA fan?
"Well this is a new drug called White Karma. It's not necessarily scientifically made but it was constructed using a little bit of Alchemy. It contains some exotic ingredients available only to those residing in the moonlit world," Hans said as he set the syringe down, "It acts as a stimulant with a side effect being a strong aphrodisiac which arouses the user to the point it numbs them to everything except pleasure. Injuries during intercourse have been reported as caused by this drug in particular and the addicts in the slums are prone to using these things."

"Okay, that's no good. So you're saying Archer's faction is distributing these because...?" You frowned.

"Once you take this drug, you'll be susceptible to suggestion. It doesn't matter if it wears off or you get it out of your system, unless you're cleansed, it will remain in you and leave you vulnerable to let's say Rider's ability to charm," Hans explained as he glanced at your Servant.
So the drug is named after the idea of non-harmful and virtuous actions... but is all about getting them perverted as hell to the point of ignoring pain and being brainwashed.

Kiara Sessyoin is involved.
"So where did these things come from?" You asked with a narrowed look.

"The Cult of the Serene Lotus. Our sources say it originated from there and we have a suspect for a potential Master. A man only known as the Guru," Hans answered as he held out his hand, "The drug was said to be used for the purpose of worship to their God but soon came to realize the potential for acquiring sums of cash by selling it. Of course, the effects it could have on the populace could lead the moonlit world to be exposed... And Ruler will be an obstacle to them."
Archer and their master wish to summon The Third Beast.

[X] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[X] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.
I think the whole 'fuck cults' thing is harmless enough to just stick in for funsies.
Also, how about going to the church with this info? They might get pissed enough to help us out, a little. Like, wouldn't hurt to try.
Yes, we're dealing with a Beast. Get everybody on board here.
[X] "Yes. One more question. Can I meet Lancer? You already know what Rider looks like and you probably figured out who she is... It's only fair I got to see your Servant."

I am reminded of Kiara too...
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[X] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[X] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.
[X] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[X] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.
[X] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[X] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.
[X] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[X] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.

From mad scientist to a Beast-class. At this rate, Brie will be swiss cheese from how much we're going to be overstraining her in combat when shit inevitably goes down.
[X] "I'm not the first person you asked to take on this job, didn't you? You had some people of yours during my fight at Caster's castle."

Suspicious doll is suspicious