Hans stared at you for that as his grip on his cane tightened, "I see. Then it's truly a wish you're willing to fight for and not just some half-assed desire. Well then, rejoice, Lady Rider for your wish is about to come true."
Gudao, you are on thin fucking ice! We already have one Kotomine, if you turn out to be a third I will shoot you in the head!
"You want to throw them off?" You blinked in surprise before tilting your head, "Then... I guess you're Lancer's Master."

"It's not a hard guess to make," Hans said as he shrugged, "I've been keeping Lancer hidden while Caster and Archer rampaged... It's not an alliance per say, but it has the spirit of it."

"Wouldn't they send Berserker now that we're talking?" You asked him.

"Most likely. They'll probably crash the party," Hans said as he smiled your way
... whelp. Not much time left then.
Let's have one last happy memory as a couple before everything goes to shit. Plus it's a nice apology for the bully.

[X] "The music... It's nice. Do you want to dance?"
[X] "If you want peace, prepare for war."

My inner smartass just cannot resist.
I did my new year rolls with tickets. No Hokusai for me which means Hokusai won't appear in the quest :V

On the bright side, Tama Cat finally came by. She was my first gold in my first account so I'm happy. Also this gacha is bait. BAIT. Don't be fooled. Skadi and BB will be disappointed! SKADIIIIIII!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

This quest would be very different if Tama Cat was around.
I fed Tamscat to Kiyohime

Mainly because I couldn't stand her personality

I...don't remember her being a 5-star


[X] "It's nothing. Want to go and get some air?"

I continue to be a rebel
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Eternal Lady
[] "The music... It's nice. Do you want to dance?"

You stared at the ground as you heard the music play from afar. Everything was starting to pile up and it didn't show any signs of decreasing in intensity. You wanted to think of a way out of this situation now that you understood the gravity of it. It was a matter of keeping on playing or pulling back entirely.

You were perfectly fine just staying in the background but even in death, Caster continues to find ways to piss you off. You couldn't help but grow tired of this farce. It's either you declare war on your creators or risk yourself being killed without your innate capabilities. You wouldn't have been able to beat Caster if you were normal back then. It was all because you seized the chance to make your body your own.

The music continued to play as you and Rider stewed in your silence. You then decided to stand up, causing Rider to raise an eyebrow at you.

"The music... It's nice," you said before you turned her way, "Do you want to dance?"

"Are you sure you're not just using me as an excuse to hide from this choice?" Rider said as she hopped off your chair.

You grimaced as you turned to stare at the fireplace, "I... To be honest, I don't know what to do. Though what about the you, Rider?"

"Me?" Medb chuckled as she wrapped her slender arms around your neck, your faces inches away from one another. She gave you a cat-like smile as she replied, "I'll just follow with whatever you decide."

"You're useless," you griped as you looked to the side.

She let you go and giggled, "Well! That's sort of rude."

Holding your hands, she raised them up before pulling you along. The two of you ended up standing before the fireplace as the flames' glow lit her face from below. Her eyes twinkled as if she were looking through you.

The two of you danced, moving in simple yet graceful steps in this little room you were both in. It soon became as if the room had become the only thing to exist with the music swelling from a distance.

"Still if it was up to me, I'd do anything to get this over with," you admitted as you met her gaze as you both moved alongside the music coming from the main hall.

"Then the next course of action is simple," Medb said as you two danced before the firelight. You barely avoided her feet as you both swayed back and forth as you made her turn in place. Catching her back, she looked up at you and held your face, pulling you down, her breath hitting your skin.

Her honeyed voice entered your ears as she spoke, "We ruin them."

"Ruin... Them?" You blinked as Medb's eyes had a mischievous twinkle in them.

"We'll play along with Hans' game... At least up to a certain point. Threading the fine line between helping Hans and provoking your creators... But we'll be making our own moves here. We enlist Archer's help," Medb said with a smile before you let her spin before you both stood in front of one another, connected by your outstretched hands, "Hans fights your Creators and set Archer upon them. It'll be a brawl. They'll kill each other until one remains... Then after that, we'll kill them."

"You'll set them up without us getting caught in the middle," you murmured as you both let go of one another.

Medb walked up to you with a small smile and whispered into your ear, "Winning won't be difficult then."

"But... How will you bring Archer to the table?" You asked with a frown.

"Ruler," Medb said as she winked at you. She leaned on the chair with her arms crossed, "Archer's after her, right? We can leverage Ruler's trust and offer her on a silver platter. Simple, right? Ruler won't be the wiser either... The girl for all her authority is stupid."

"Rider," you murmured as you looked at her.

"There's a lot of pawns you could use now if you just try, Brie. You're not lacking in them, you know? You don't have to be constrained in by what you think you can't use," Medb said as she held hands behind her back with a bright smile.

Eternal Lady

[] "I see. Let's work with that. It's better to have a plan than none at all."
[] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
[] "I... I can't answer. Let me think on it."
[] Write in...
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"

I'm in it just to flick Medb's head.
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"

Medb, be nice to the lady who'll probably be marrying you two horrible people. :V
[X] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[X] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"