[]Company Planet
Martial: +1
-[] Study: So you could be a great tactician instead? A general even.
-- [] War, DC 70
-- [] Tactics, DC 75
If we are going to play in the big leagues we might need this.
Diplomacy: +1
-[] Convince Sigyn that she needs to learn how to defend herself/fight. DC 5
-[] Try to talk with Elym. DC 10
Sigyn is a weakness for Loki, I dont want her to be the Lois Lane to Loki's superman. We should talk to Elym as she is also friends with Osmond and can help reign him in if he goes too far.
Stewardship: Choose Three Actions (One is locked in to improve Phoenix Financial) +1
-[] See if you can pay a few retired soldiers to stand guard at Phoenix Financial. DC 15
-[] Strike a second contract with Asgard to receive even more guards. DC 55
-[] Improve Security at Phoenix Financial. DC 60
-[] Buy a...planet? DC ???
We ballooned to quickly and need more security in troops and defenses. The planet is to create natural ground for all nations and a way to get around Odin's rulings like forge magic.
Intrigue: +1
-[] Use your vast wealth to gain insight on others. (Establish a Spy Network/Rumor Mill). DC ???
-[] Ask the Dwarves about making a weapon similar to Mjolnir for you. DC 60
We need information as a big company, especially when dealing with other governments. I want to go to the dwarfs and see if we can make an amulet that allows for easier stat/skill/trait gain.
-[] Have Osmond tutor you/explain his methods and thoughts of science to you. DC 60
This action spends time with Osmaond while increasing our grasp on Science.
Magic: +1
-[] Work with Sigyn to figure out her magic, or if she has it. DC ???
-[] Attempt to utilize raw magic energy. DC 70
Sigyn is Loki's weak point and now that Loki is rich a potential target, best to rectify that while we can. Also we should try raw magic to cover our bases as a magic expert just in case a battle between mages happen.
Personal: Choose Up to Five Actions.
-[] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
-- [] The Instructor
-- [] The Trainer
-- [] Hábrók
-[] Ask a character to be a mentor/advisor: Osmond
-[] [] Ask a character to be a mentor/advisor: Sigyn
We have not spoken to the trainer and instructor for a while and we have only spoken to our pet once. Trying to get advisors to increase our AP and our friends are more likely to come with us if we leave.
-[] Hear him out
-[] Yes
-[] Accept.
@KnowledgeKing Why is the Odin option gone?