A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Dusk of the First Day
As the sun sets, the focus of most is on one person, and patience finally wears thin. The soldiers advance upon the man, who manages one last, spiteful statement before a blade bites into his neck.

When the crowd draws back, the brutalized corpse of @-Rosen is revealed, the Veil having fallen away with his death. Nigel was one of the palace scribes, responsible for record keeping and correspondence. While native to the Kingdom of Merovin, his death does not bring down the Veil, and the crowd simmers in disgruntlement before dispersing through the palace for the night. No-one trusts anyone else enough to let them stand watch alone, but the general sentiment is that that nobody can be allowed out of the palace, lest the person they need slip away.

Night 1 begins. Night ends at:
Dawn of the Second Day
The day begins with the discovery of a new corpse.

@QTesseract is found within his quarters, a pulped mass of blood, bone shards, and grey matter where his skull used to be. Examination of his clothing and effects reveals him to be another Kingdom native: The castle gamekeeper, Old Basset.

The Veil remains though, and even a layman's understanding of magic is enough to know that a working of that scale has to be anchored to something. Or more accurately, someone. And thus, the mass of people congregates once more, in search of the linchpin hidden in their midst.

Day 2 begins. Day ends at:
Welcome to two shell Monty, follow the turtles as they move by the hands of the dealer, and guess which one will end up out of the playfield?

The familiar orange mask of Michelangelo is no more, had to take a sabbatical for the pizza convention so here comes Donatello as a replacement. I am replacing TurtleDucks. Seems appropriate don't it?

Now, let me begin by saying if I have used any night action, it was done purely off of meta and not the game because I was being a bad replacement. Before replacing in I had read to about page 18 and it wasn't until last night that I read to active, and read maybe a bit inaccurate there was a fair amount of skimming and some outright ignoring of the details of some people's mega posts.

I do really want and need to go back and properly read the stuff from the start to page 18 because frankly not much stuck.

But I'm jumping in on a day 2 with nothing really so let me say people I did develop general suspicions of during the read even if I may not be able to remember exactly why... really wish I had quoted things now.

Cyricubed, InterstellarHobo, Nanimani, TurtleDucks, Absum. Wow... I really expected something more substantial, that is fairly tight as a list, and I now know one is faulty since I am them. :V

So also can someone tell me what suspicions are layed against my slot, I think people believe I'm scum or something, so it would be pretty cool to know why that is, since well I stopped reading my past self's posts when I got the replacement. :V
It's rather worrying that we apparently lose if Maf kill a single specific person? Or that's how I'm reading that at least.

So also can someone tell me what suspicions are layed against my slot, I think people believe I'm scum or something, so it would be pretty cool to know why that is, since well I stopped reading my past self's posts when I got the replacement.
If you read up to page 18 before that you would have missed only like one post or something? So uh idk what exactly you remember but if you read their last 1 or 2 posts you should know everything anyway. You do say you read them as scum yourself, so I doubt the arguments would be all that different?

I was mostly unsure on them but what looked worst to me was the repeatedly avoiding giving reasons.
Im jetlagged guys so dont expect much from me for today

@ComiTurtle how long did it take you to think of/write your op?

Also let me leave this here-

[x] Lynch BanTheFairyKing

-as a kind of existentialist protest, since I ran out of time D1
@ComiTurtle how long did it take you to think of/write your op?

Like maybe 5 minutes top. For the proper opening.

The rest is just off the top of knowing what I should be doing as a mafia player, but being a bad replacement and not outright preparing.

If you read up to page 18 before that you would have missed only like one post or something? So uh idk what exactly you remember but if you read their last 1 or 2 posts you should know everything anyway. You do say you read them as scum yourself, so I doubt the arguments would be all that different?

Personally, most of what I remember of TurtleDucks post was finding them funny, but I also literally had no idea what a role PM looked like at the time so I wasn't sure if their actions made sense from their perspective. And I didn't really conceptulize much of the game I knew they were active but other than being amusing I got nothing which was the basis of my suspicion from an out of game perspective. Will not comment if their play makes any sense with the role at this time though, we'll have to see. But just because I'm a different person, doesn't mean I should be cut any slack and I know Cyric had like a mega-post I didn't read on my slot (really though TD may have responded to it though so I guess I'm just wrong there?
No new additions to the neighbourhood yet, but it's still early in the day.

I think I want to look into Nanimani and DimensionalGuy today.

[X] Lynch Nanimani
Oh also, I do plan to take this a bit lax for now, with long day phases I don't see a reason to overtly stress myself with properly catching-up and absorbing the game when I do have other matters to attend to, but I'm not planning to be absent as a general thing.

Also I can kinda voice my Nanimani suspicion since I have that one in my mind. The timing of their vote on Rosen felt opportunistic a bit and no way would a push on Rosen be fully scum, no first lynch is ever fully backed by scum. (Wow this is already devolving into more than my suspicions on Nanimani) Thus I find those directly pushing Rosen = town and pushing some other lynches somewhat suspect, and you'll see that really means everyone. :V

Rosen is a quality scum-lynch, they are known to have a threat level as a powerful player, and the fact that they had Nictis tearing into them gave them opportunity to both play with supporting and being against it, one group gets the benfit for keeping that lynch strong, the other gets the benefit of gaining free townie points for speaking out against the lynch, and gets to set-up future lynches on what seems like a fairly easy slot to eliminate (IE. Cyricubed).

Also man where is my rationale on Nani it turned into my rationale on my Cyricubed. :V

Well, I really need to head out, see you all in a few hours. Chao.
No new additions to the neighbourhood yet, but it's still early in the day.

I think I want to look into Nanimani and DimensionalGuy today.

[X] Lynch Nanimani
Okay, with the recent revelation about how this game works, please don't tell us anything more about your neighborhood. I don't think the game's themed off of both QTs and finding who I can only guess is the next in line, or perhaps the queen. We don't really need to know more, and if one of my theories is correct, we really don't want scum to have more info about it (if they haven't already infiltrated).
Okay, with the recent revelation about how this game works, please don't tell us anything more about your neighborhood. I don't think the game's themed off of both QTs and finding who I can only guess is the next in line, or perhaps the queen. We don't really need to know more, and if one of my theories is correct, we really don't want scum to have more info about it (if they haven't already infiltrated).
"Theories is correct" jesus christ i need more sleep
So, uh, a bit embarrassing but my spring break started at day end on Thursday and I was hungover as fuck. Would have continued arguing against the Rosen Lynch, because it very much resembled town V town that scum took advantage of and egged on - like Eva's d1 lynch last game.
Okay, with the recent revelation about how this game works, please don't tell us anything more about your neighborhood. I don't think the game's themed off of both QTs and finding who I can only guess is the next in line, or perhaps the queen. We don't really need to know more, and if one of my theories is correct, we really don't want scum to have more info about it (if they haven't already infiltrated).

... if my suspicions are correct, we might be on a clock here. Even more so than in most mafia games.

I also recommend that people read the Assassin in the Palace page on MafiaScum, given that this setup might be similarly shaped.
Just woke, up, gonna go grab some food and see if my grandmother needs any help doing stuff, then I'll come back and try to remind myself of any specific suspicions I had before. In the meantime, I'm backing up Hobo's push. Would love to see some more content out of the first three, and I've liked Meso so far but a wider scope is always good.
No new additions to the neighbourhood yet, but it's still early in the day.

I think I want to look into Nanimani and DimensionalGuy today.

[X] Lynch Nanimani
So it's still just you and one other person?

Also, got RB'd. Guess someone thought Rosen was right or, considering of often RBer tends to go to Scum, scum RBer thought this'd be a good cover story for the eventual claim.
Anyways, kind of interesting that Ban's reason for staying out of it was something that only happened after the day ended.

[X] Lynch BanTheFairyKing

Guess we'll go with this for now.
Anyways, kind of interesting that Ban's reason for staying out of it was something that only happened after the day ended.

[X] Lynch BanTheFairyKing

Guess we'll go with this for now.
If his break started on Thursday, his last day would have been Wednesday?
Let's say...

[X] Lynch QTesseract

Then. Participated with vote but I don't remember him in the argument.