Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

If I and KidFromPallet are the only ones, then probably because of lack of sleep. If it's anyone else saying he brainwashes other people, no idea. Well, other than the non-base power Suggestion of course.
concentrated bullshit
Lab? Stop. Just stop. That is the worst line of dubious... I can't even call that "reasoning" because it sounds more like you're trying to justify projecting your own kinks and bullshit into the mix.

Also, I've held off on a vote until now. So here it is.

[X] Claws to the wall
-[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
-[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws.
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[X] Claws to the wall
-[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
-[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws
[X] Claws to the wall
-[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
-[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws.

Well on one hand it looks like my guess as to what Daiki's quirk was doing was pretty close. I is happy.

On the other hand, what the actual fucking fuck. Daiki's power is very clearly inspired by Persona. I should know, I suggested it (as in, his literal power) in the Discord. Does anyone not remember what always happens when the protag tries to go the harem route? Jeez people, this isn't QQ please don't think with that head.
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[X] Claws to the wall
-[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
-[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws.
Don't go Claws to the wall. If a Pro Hero sees us attack a girl like that, she's not the one going to be arrested.
I for one don't want Eraserhead to break our face.
What city are we in again? God forbid, Endeavor comes and sees us attack Toga like that...
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Don't go Claws to the wall. If a Pro Hero sees us attack a girl like that, she's not the one going to be arrested.
Please don't fearmonger. We're right next to the shop, our sister is a known Pro Hero, and we made a pretty big splash in the entrance exam. We're actually probably pretty well known to any local pro heroes.
And, because people know us, they're going to be totally okay with us savaging a school girl for her blood?
Admittedly, she is wearing armor, so hopefully they will realize she started it.
And, because people know us, they're going to be totally okay with us savaging a school girl for her blood?
Admittedly, she is wearing armor, so hopefully they will realize she started it.
She's also got a very visible knife in her hands, and is throwing herself at us instead of trying to escape. Any Pro that doesn't have red flags raise at that situation deserves to lose their license.
And, because people know us, they're going to be totally okay with us savaging a school girl for her blood?
Admittedly, she is wearing armor, so hopefully they will realize she started it.
Okay, let's say you're right (which I don't believe, but for the sake or arguing).

Pro heroes come, bystanders, whatever, and the fight stops. We still get away from Toga and stop the encounter. As far as literally anything goes, that's an absolute win here.

Next step of progression you're saying. Now that we've been stopped, we're arrested. We're still a minor, we'll go to jail or whatever, and the pros and police will try to figure out what happened. There is literally a policeman with a lie detection quirk in canon. We just testify and we're set free.

Hell, that'd even work out because now Toga is a known entity.

Edit: Ninja'd

Also sorry, that last sentence was uncalled for. Got snippy.
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[X] Claws to the wall
-[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
-[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws.
Okay, let's say you're right (which I don't believe, but for the sake or arguing).

Pro heroes come, bystanders, whatever, and the fight stops. We still get away from Toga and stop the encounter. As far as literally anything goes, that's an absolute win here.

Next step of progression you're saying. Now that we've been stopped, we're arrested. We're still a minor, we'll go to jail or whatever, and the pros and police will try to figure out what happened. There is literally a policeman with a lie detection quirk in canon. We just testify and we're set free.

Hell, that'd even work out because now Toga is a known entity.

Edit: Ninja'd

Also sorry, that last sentence was uncalled for. Got snippy.
It's all right. It wasn't that snippy, you were just pointing out that being arrested alongside her is a net good.
I still think the part where where we're trying to drink her blood will have some consequences, but I suppose even in the worse case juvie is probably better than what Toga will do if we lose.
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Is there any chance we can add this to the plan? It would mitigate the slim chances that a Pro Hero would take her side, and we're being noisy anyway. Sorry for double-posting.
[X] Claws to the wall 2.0
-[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
-[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws.
-[X] Scream for help while you're doing this.
For all the votes that involve attacks of some sort, you may want to further Daiki's transformation.
Lab? Stop. Just stop. That is the worst line of dubious... I can't even call that "reasoning" because it sounds more like you're trying to justify projecting your own kinks and bullshit into the mix.
I... What? Word of God makes it clear that Daiki's quirk pushes him to reciprocate any bond other people have for him. Then QM urged to consider the implications. That's all I did. I might even be wrong, but at what point does that merit you calling it "concentrated bullshit" and "not even reasoning"? What's your take on this situation, then?

Edit: I wasn't saying being forced into polyamory will somehow work out for Daiki. In fact, I expect massive amounts of drama when this comes to light, and don't even get me started on talking about "kinks" because when you actually think about it, this is some truly horrifying shit.

MC is effectively mind-controlling himself into being what everyone wants him to be, even when that person is utterly crazy. I am getting no pleasure out of this clusterfuck of a situation, and resent your baseless presumption to the contrary.
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Vote is over. I wanted to close it earlier but I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately and I'm trying to solve that problem. I will try to update pokemon before I update this again, but with some luck we will have the updates soon.
Adhoc vote count started by Luxicato on Sep 17, 2019 at 4:56 AM, finished with 104 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Claws to the wall
    -[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
    -[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws.
    [X] Plan somewhat controlled crash
    -[X] She's fucking crazy, but you're feeling pretty crazy right now
    -[X] Ask Toga if she can bleed a bit for you too
    --[X] Make sure to give her your best smile
    [X]Plan We Have To Do Something, Right?
    [X] Propose a blood trade. You don't like it at all, but you can't deny you're getting where she's coming from. You really want the blood too, you don't like that either. Damn your powers. Damn the whole situation.
    [X] Only if she agrees to put the knife away.
    [X] If she doesn't agree to put the knife away, further the dragon transformation and rush past Toga as superhumanly possible out of the alley.
    [X] Claws to the wall 2.0
    -[X] Go on an all-out attack, try to force her to drop her knife (by clawing her arm)
    -[X] Be as loud and noisy as you can. Ricochet off trash cans and dumpsters, throw breakables that come to hand in order to pin her down, etc. Anything to let us get some of that blood on our claws.
    -[X] Scream for help while you're doing this.
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The bullshit was the idea that Daiki's quirk brainwashes other people

Daiki's Quirk works by trying to ensure equilibrium in Bond Levels between people. So if Daiki likes someone more than they like him, his Quirk will either lower Daiki's affection or raise someone else's until they like each other the same. If someone likes Daiki more than he likes them, his Quirk will try to get them to dislike Daiki just as much, or forcibly make Daiki like them. And we've seen with the Toga situation and the QM's explanation that Daiki's Quirk will first try to influence other people before trying to change Daiki.

So yes, Daiki's Quirk does brainwash people.

Tellingly, Daiki's little sister has a mind reading Quirk and his cousin Shinso has an out and out brainwashing Quirk.
Daiki's Quirk works by trying to ensure equilibrium in Bond Levels between people. So if Daiki likes someone more than they like him, his Quirk will either lower Daiki's affection or raise someone else's until they like each other the same. If someone likes Daiki more than he likes them, his Quirk will try to get them to dislike Daiki just as much, or forcibly make Daiki like them. And we've seen with the Toga situation and the QM's explanation that Daiki's Quirk will first try to influence other people before trying to change Daiki.

So yes, Daiki's Quirk does brainwash people.

Tellingly, Daiki's little sister has a mind reading Quirk and his cousin Shinso has an out and out brainwashing Quirk.
"When Daiki raises his relationship with someone, Daiki also gets that "relationship point". That means that all of Daiki's relationships are balanced with him liking others as much as they like him."
"Daiki's quirk is trying to recover some balance to keep working properly and because it can't make Toga like him less, it's trying to raise Daiki's relationship level with her by force."
If you have difficulty understanding this, it means that Daiki Cant force others to like him more or less then they actually do.
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Daiki's Quirk works by trying to ensure equilibrium in Bond Levels between people. So if Daiki likes someone more than they like him, his Quirk will either lower Daiki's affection or raise someone else's until they like each other the same. If someone likes Daiki more than he likes them, his Quirk will try to get them to dislike Daiki just as much, or forcibly make Daiki like them. And we've seen with the Toga situation and the QM's explanation that Daiki's Quirk will first try to influence other people before trying to change Daiki.

So yes, Daiki's Quirk does brainwash people.

Tellingly, Daiki's little sister has a mind reading Quirk and his cousin Shinso has an out and out brainwashing Quirk.
Daiki's quirk is trying to recover some balance to keep working properly and because it can't make Toga like him less, it's trying to raise Daiki's relationship level with her by force. It, of course, has a couple bad side effects.

The reasoning isn't bad, but I confirm that Daiki's quirk can't modify other people's mind, at least not that way. Maybe it seemed like the quirk tried to influence Toga but it didn't, probably just a mistake on my part when explaining it or you read it wrong.

If you have difficulty understanding this, it means that Daiki Cant force others to like him more or less then they actually do.
Be nice. Anyone can misunderstand how something works.
The reasoning isn't bad, but I confirm that Daiki's quirk can't modify other people's mind, at least not that way. Maybe it seemed like the quirk tried to influence Toga but it didn't, probably just a mistake on my part when explaining it or you read it wrong.

Oh okay, I read it as Daiki's Quirk can't influence Toga (Because her affections can't stop) when it was actually Daiki's Quirk can't influence Toga (Because it can't affect other people period).

Thanks for the clarification.
Are you just being deliberately obtuse at this point? You're still talking about Daiki being poly amorous as if it's a certain thing.

My take on the situation is that there are levels beyond just norman friends without being romantic. "Bromance" is a thing after all, and that's generally considered platonic, just very good friends beyond the norm. But you're seeing any rise in relationship past a certain point as if it must be romantic in nature.