Would You Look At The Time! (Worm/Ben 10)

:lol Those rolls... All glory to the Lucky Coin, I guess! That's the kind of turn-around that ends up a permanent member of the gaming anecdotes files.
Update is about half done, however, I have kind of gotten distracted by both Tales of Berseria...

And more importantly the shift to the XF2 has broken all the tables and stuff, so I am working on getting those fixed.
A Quiet, Empty Home
You come to a stop at the bottom of the porch stairs, staring up at the house for a short moment... Even now, it still hurts to see the empty spot in the driveway, it still hurts that you can't see the light in the last room, where Mom would have been sitting, grading the week's papers with a sharp red pen and a sharper wit.

This was the reason why you wanted to avoid coming home, it's been over a year already, and the pain is still fresh, like a knife to the chest. To be completely honest, you don't know if you prefer it this way, or if you wish that the memories would fade... Shaking the thought from your head, you skip up the steps, pulling your house key from your pocket and sliding it into the lock. For a brief moment, you pause as an odd thought pops into your head.

When I was transformed, what happened to my key? What happens to my clothes?

It's an important question, probably. At the very least it is a question that you want the answer to, but it is also not the kind of thing that you should muse while standing around outside. Slipping inside, you quickly head into the living room, where you pause for a very different reason.

The living room is a mess - There was a pile of blankets and a handful of pillows haphazardly thrown on the couch, and scattered around the room were crumpled cans of what you assumed to be beer. On top of that you could spot various boxes of take out...

How in the world did you miss this when you first got home? You couldn't have been that tired...

No... You were exactly the kind of tired that wouldn't notice how dirty the room was, that's why you ended up having a total freak out and passing out on your bed, after all.

You stare at the mess for a moment longer, letting a long slow sigh slip free...

...Your dad must have had a particularly bad time while you were gone...

There is a part of you that is angry... Angry over the fact that you have come home to a wrecked living room, a part of you that is angry that your father seems to have slid back some... He hadn't been this bad since Mom died. He was a lot better... you thought he was doing a lot better. There was another part of you that felt... felt guilty. Was all of this your fault...?

Did he slide back like this because you were gone? That thought is like a heavy lead weight in your stomach. Part of you wants to rage and scream and shout, and another part of you just wants to curl up in a ball and cry. You don't do either, instead you scowl as you thread your way through the trashed room, picking up cans and throwing them away...

Picking up another can, you stop. Letting go of the can, you allow it to drop to the ground, and with a frustrated sigh you shake your head. "No." You mutter angrily to yourself as the can clatters across the floor. "I'm not cleaning this up." You glare at the mess, kicking one can lightly as you move through the room, and start up the stairs towards your room.

You sit at your desk, taking a few moments to stare at the device locked onto your right wrist... The Omnitrix.

Such an odd name for a device like this... something that looks so unassuming, and yet holds such strange and untold power. You grab a notebook and a pencil, flipping open to the first page as you start to jot down everything that you know about the watch already. It grants you the power to transform into those strange different forms, each of which seem to have powers of their own...

And... that's about it. That is everything that you really know about the Omnitrix. You don't know where it comes from, who made it, or why. You haven't the slightest of clues how it does what it does, or what powers it. You don't even know if the Omnitrix is it's actual name. It is a little unnerving to not know these things, but that is part of why you are doing this now. You might know how to activate the transformation feature that the device has, but it might have a self-destruct feature of something of the like...

You need to learn more about this thing if you are planning on using it so that you don't end up doing something stupid and accidentally killing yourself... Or doing something even worse to yourself. You haven't the slightest of clue what that would be, but this is some kind of alien tinkertech, so you aren't going to remove that option from the table. Carefully you begin to look over the device, sketching out the basics of the watch into the notebook as you poke and prod. First and foremost, you need to find something about the aliens that you are transforming into. A Register or a ledger or something that could give you the information that you need. Hell, even a user manual would be perfect.

The next half hour passes quietly, the only sounds in the house being the soft beeping of the watch and the scratching of your pencil. Even in that little bit of time, you have already started to discover a number of interesting features. For instance, you can change the color of the interface. You do spend a few moments cycling through different colors, the watch somehow able to read your thoughts and change to any color that you can image, but soon enough you shift it back to the same green that it started as. Of course, that was just the least of the things that you discovered.

...Okay, no, the least of the things that you discovered was an odd thing where you can turn the dial on the watch a quarter turn to the right. The watch clicks, then after a short moment snaps back to it's original position. As far as you can tell, that is all that does. That can't be all, but you have no idea what it's doing. Other things you have discovered is the fact that the watch... is actually a watch. Now that might be a sentence that sounds stupid, but it does keep track of time.

It's just on a thirty hour cycle. You haven't figured out how to fix that, but it's just another piece of evidence that continues to pile up in support of the insane fact that this thing isn't from earth. It's a truth that you have accepted, yes, but that doesn't stop the fact that it's absolutely insane that aliens are real.

There is one last thing that you managed to discover. "OMNIMATRIX VOICE COMMAND SETUP INITIATED. NEW USER IDENTIFIED. GENERATING USER PROFILE ZERO-ZERO-ONE. USER IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED - PLEASE STATE NAME." You stare at the device for a moment, trying to figure out how to answer the harsh metallic voice coming from the watch.

Do you use your name for the User Profile of the Omnimatrix?
[ ][Voice] Use your real name
[ ][Voice] Use a fake name
[ ][Voice] Input a Cape name?
- [ ] What?
[ ][Voice] Try and cancel out of Voice Command mode

Alright, I am so late with this, so I am just going to cut it here and put the cooking stuff (which I mean, you rolled a 49 out of 100... You rolled average to the point of generic) at the start of the next update, I just want to get things moving again.

Anyways here's the vote for tomorrow, Sunday, August 30th, 2009.
Choose 5 (The first three may only be chosen once, the others can be chosen as many times as desired)
[ ] Go to the Lord's Market
[ ] Go to the Boardwalk
[ ] Go Heroing
- [ ] At the Boat Graveyard/Docks/Trainyards/East Docks/Boardwalk/Downtown/Coastal District/Commercial District
-- [ ] Which Alien do you use?
[ ] Go to the Library to search something up
- [ ] Omnitrix
- [ ] Omnimatrix
- [ ] Vilgax
- [ ] Galvanic Mechamorph
- [ ] Look up Local Heroes
- [ ] Look up Local Villains
- [ ] Look up Territory and like, cape politics and stuff?
- [ ] Check PHO
[ ] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [ ] Choose a number between 2-4. 6-7, 9-10
[ ] Experiment with an already tested form
- [ ] Wing Guy
- [ ] Galvanic Mechamorph
- [ ] Guy who duplicated
[ ] Set up User Profile (Only if you decide to cancel out of Set up above)
[ ] Experiment with Voice Command (Only if you go through Set up above)
[ ] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [ ] Try to find something specific
- [ ] Try and figure out what the quarter turn does
- [ ] Continue trying to find something to tell you about the aliens
[X][Voice] Use your real name
-[X] Tell it to call us Zero-One when in public.

I am pretty sure that telling it our real name will be taken as a show of trust by the AI and the AI is very much smart enough to call us by a pseudonym if we tell it to.

[X] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [X] 7 (Galvan)

[X] Experiment with Voice Command (Only if you go through Set up above)

[X] Experiment with an already tested form
-[X] 7
--[X] Try to use the alien to help in figuring out the omnitrix.

[X] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [X] Try and figure out what the quarter turn does
- [X] Continue trying to find something to tell you about the aliens
[X][Voice] Use your real name
-[X] Tell it to call us Zero-One when in public.

[X] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [X] 7 (Galvan)

[X] Experiment with Voice Command (Only if you go through Set up above)

[X] Experiment with an already tested form
-[X] 7
--[X] Try to use the alien to help in figuring out the omnitrix.

[X] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [X] Try and figure out what the quarter turn does
- [X] Continue trying to find something to tell you about the aliens
[X][Voice] Use your real name
-[X] Tell it to call us Zero-One when in public

[X] Experiment with an already tested form
- [X] Galvanic Mechamorph

[X] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [X] 4
- [X] 7

[X] Experiment with Voice Command

[X] Go to the Library to search something up
- [X] Look up Local Villains

We should probably research local Villains since its 3 years before cannon and learn more about Upgrade since taylor knows nearly nothing about it and more aliens is always a plus
[X][Voice] Use your real name
-[X] Tell it to call us Zero-One when in public.

[X] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [X] 7 (Galvan)

[X] Experiment with Voice Command (Only if you go through Set up above)

[X] Experiment with an already tested form
-[X] 7
--[X] Try to use the alien to help in figuring out the omnitrix.

[X] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [X] Try and figure out what the quarter turn does
- [X] Continue trying to find something to tell you about the aliens

Woo, cheat with Greymatter! Mean, I'll actually be surprised if this accomplishes much, since in-canon Greymatter actually could unlock Master Control or create new Omnitrix devices. So unless those are actual options if we get high dice rolls...

Still, using Greymatter to figure out the Omnitrix would be plenty helpful. Huh, the bigger problem might be comprehending that information upon returning to Human form...
[X][Voice] Use your real name
-[X] Tell it to call us Zero-One when in public.

[X] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [X] 7 (Galvan)

[X] Experiment with Voice Command (Only if you go through Set up above)

[X] Experiment with an already tested form
-[X] 7
--[X] Try to use the alien to help in figuring out the omnitrix.

[X] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [X] Try and figure out what the quarter turn does
- [X] Continue trying to find something to tell you about the aliens
We should probably research local Villains since its 3 years before cannon and learn more about Upgrade since taylor knows nearly nothing about it and more aliens is always a plus
Probably, if I remember rightly by the time of canon the merchants were really new and the E88 has been gaining and losing members a lot over the years.
[X][Voice] Use your real name
-[X] Tell it to call us Zero-One when in public.

[X] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [X] 7 (Galvan)

[X] Experiment with Voice Command (Only if you go through Set up above)

[X] Experiment with an already tested form
-[X] 7
--[X] Try to use the alien to help in figuring out the omnitrix.

[X] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [X] Try and figure out what the quarter turn does
- [X] Continue trying to find something to tell you about the aliens
[X][Voice] Use your real name
-[X] Tell it to call us Zero-One when in public.

[X] Test out an alien form in the basement
- [X] 7 (Galvan)

[X] Experiment with Voice Command (Only if you go through Set up above)

[X] Experiment with an already tested form
-[X] 7
--[X] Try to use the alien to help in figuring out the omnitrix.

[X] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [X] Try and figure out what the quarter turn does
- [X] Continue trying to find something to tell you about the aliens
We could have the watch call us Rose? Everyone will think it's our name, but it isn't. Like a Coil-proof double-feint or something. Zero-One is cool, too, though.