Silent Second Life: War To End All Wars (A Naruto Reincarnation Sequal)

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Part 2 Begins

The Second Great Ninja War has begun, the world-shaping into a perilous...
Part 2 Begins


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
Part 2 Begins

The Second Great Ninja War has begun, the world-shaping into a perilous amalgamation of blood and terror.

The great village of Konoha, for the moment, stands alone with its eastern border becoming a killing field for any living thing.

Traps of explosives, steel and chakra suppressing seals littered the fields that used to be farmland, now soaked in blood, bone, and craters.

The Hokage has given an order to the ninja forces of Konoha. One that would shape the entire war.

"Make them pay for every inch."

It was now a bloody war of attrition, one that Konoha could win with Tsunade Senju and her medic corps, and the Konoha Hospital system. Cases of ninja losing limbs only to have them sewed back on to return to full functionality in a week were common, wounds that should have killed were the mere business to the Legendary Medic… Whom was now being called the Angel of Life by anyone who was in her care.

But saving lives was not Konoha's strength.

Konoha has a… very large collection of young talent that had a knack for doing the impossible.

Uchiha Ren, the most likely successor to the Hokage, the Uchiha Messiah, The Phoenix of Konoha, a man whom, given a few years could rival the Hokage in Ninjutsu known.

Sakumo Hatake, The White Fang of Konoha, A man who will stop at nothing to complete his mission and protect the comrades under his command… when he is not mourning.

Orochimaru, said to know every secret on the continent, and even secrets that people don't think are secrets.

Abrume Asahi, the Bug Queen of The Abrume, the second coming of Senju Tobirama in terms of intelligence gathering, and information warfare.

Yoshi, The fighting master of Konoha, said with the Help of Might Dai, Discovered to open the eight gates.

Nanako, The Dragon of Konoha, The villages premier strategist, whose weak constitution is made up for with her mind.

Eien Iznuka: The White Wolf of Konoha, the tracker of beast and men alike, and the best among the village. Said to carry a silver dagger with him for good luck, in addition to the steel ones issued to ANBU.

Jiraiya… The Trust Magnificent Bastard in the Entire Continent, bar none.

And finally, you, Ayako Kuruma. The Genjutsu master among masters, the trickster that can pull victory out of defeat. The woman who could ensnare the entire continent in a genjutsu if she had a few more years and the means. Fiercely protective of her family, her friends and her village, she will do anything to protect them.

And you are on a mission.
[]"Jiraiya… I hate you."
[]"Ren… We'll find the bastard, but you need to sleep."
[] "Yoshi… I'm not in the mood for another walk through the Valley of death."
[]"Orochimaru, this better be important."
[]You were flustered, trying to hide the red on your cheeks. "Um, Sakumo… I wasn't expecting this."
[] "Mom, are you okay?... Are you pregnant again?"
[] "Dad… Are you sure we need all these explosives?"
[]Who's the Blond Brat? "Wait... You're giving me a genin Lord Hokage?!" This was a terrible idea.

AN: Enjoy.
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Character Sheet
Name: Ayako Kurama

Age: 14

Rank: Clan Member/Jounin

Chakra: Jounin

Reserves: Special Jounin

Bounty: 5 million.


Kekkei Genkai: Mondai-jō no kokoro (Mind Over Matter) (Kage): A Powerful Bloodline limit that makes the Genjutsu that the user to become real to the target. It is incredibly dangerous as The user is rarely able to control the full extent of their abilities, resulting in their subconscious regulating that power, leading to the creation of a second personality in control of that power (Genjutsu cast by this person will automatically succeed, and may have a chance to kill whoever is caught within it, friend or foe. Due to Mastering their bloodline, this character will not enter a berzerker rage or go insane if control is lost.)

Memories of a Spy: In your previous life, you were a spy, a person skilled at Espionage, assassination and subterfuge. (Memories unlocked, and are beginning to merge with yours)

Konaha Sign (Mastery) You can now 'speak' to any Konoha ninja and Kurama clan member with no difficulty.

Mute: You are a without a voice. (You cannot talk).

Curiosity: As a ninja, curiosity is sometimes nessicary to complete your mission... It can also get you killed. (Options become available.)

Jounin: This charecter is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Sharp Leaf Style (Jounin) :+40 to combat rolls, +50 to dodge rolls)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Administrator: You have mastered the art of delegating, paperwork shuffling, and all around being efficient in a village bureaucracy system that just keeps getting worse. (You will not suffer any maluses for any rolls within the village if you take a leadership roll)

The Hospital Heroe: The Konoha hospital was ill equipped, poorly funded, full of poorly trained and uncaring staff, a place where men and women went to die a relatively painless death compared to that of the battlefield. Not anymore. Now it is a facility that can and will, save the lives of all who come through it's doors. (+50 to healing rolls for anyone in the hospital system. -50 to all disease, poison and wound fatality roll for all Konoha nin. As one of the heroes, The Medical Corps will follow your orders to the letter, and you now have access to learn more advanced medical techniques.)

Jutsu's known:

Magen: Sasayaku iki, The Demonic Whispers: An E-Rank Jutsu Developed by Mako Kurama when she was a genin, it involves sending Chakra as a cloud around the ear. The effect is the user and the victim being able to speak to each other like Telepathy or the Yamanaka Mind Transfer Jutsu, only without the minds being swapped. However it is easily detectable, and while the chakra usage is nonexistent, it is still noticeable to an untrained user.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Mystic Palm Technique: A medical ninjutsu which allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. (If you are healing anyone, +30 to healing rolls)

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: False surroundings technique): This jutsu changes the appearance of an object.

Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique): Utilising a high amount of chakra, the user creates a large ball of flame.

Kokuangyo no jutsu (Kuruma Style) (Bringer-of-darkness technique): This jutsu creates an area of complete darkness around the victim, enabling the user to attack without being seen. Due to being a Kuruma, the effects of your beast make this Genjutsu extremely deadly.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Fire Style:Napalm no Jutsu: Users of this jutsu, breathes a powerful stream chemical fire, sticking to the land and not being taken out by normal means.

Reward: Demonic Illusion: Hagane no kabe (Wall of Steel): A wall of steel charges the enemy, trapping them and than confining them into a tiny space. Their mind will do the rest. (Captures an enemy immediately.)

Demonic Illusion: Akatsuki: Dawn will come, and with it, your cleansing light. (You can make the world enveloped in the sunrise, even in the darkest night.)

Demonic Illusion: Hakumei: When Night Falls, it will fall forever, in the choking darkness, your prey will stay. (You can bring the world into darkness, even in the brightest day.)
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Friends and Allies

Bingo Book Bounty: 500,000 Ryu

Name: Mako Kurama "Lady Death"

Age: 32

Familial Relation: Mother of Ayako, Wife to Keizo Kurama.

Rank: Jounin

Chakra: Jounin Leval

Reserves: Jounin


Kekkei Genkai: Mondai-jō no kokoro (Mind Over Matter) (Kage): A Powerful Bloodline limit that makes the Genjutsu that the user to become real to the target. It is incredibly dangerous as The user is rarely able to control the full extent of their abilities, resulting in their subconscious regulating that power, leading to the creation of a second personality in control of that power (Genjutsu cast by this person will automatically succeed, and may have a chance to kill whoever is caught within it, friend or foe. Due to Mastering their bloodline, this character will not enter a berzerker rage or go insane if control is lost.)

Jounin: This charecter is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Inheritor of the Will Of Fire: You are an inheritor of the Will of Fire, that the entire village is like a large family unit and every Konoha shinobi with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the village, as previous generations had done before them. While many do not believe in it as strongly as you do. you hold this view closely with all your heart. (When the village is in a defensive war, gain a +50 to all rolls, when a friend is under attack by an enemy, you gain a +30 to all rolls. When someone you consider family, a friend, lover, or confidant is in life-threatening danger, Roll to sacrifice yourself to save them.)

Singer (Mastery): This character is easily one of the greatest voices of her generation, able to sing a song so beautifully, that it captivates all who hear her voice. (Options become available when prompted)

Jutsu's known:
Magen: Sasayaku iki, The Demonic Whispers: An E-Rank Jutsu Developed by Mako Kurama when she was a genin, it involves sending Chakra as a cloud around the ear. The effect is the user and the victim being able to speak to each other like Telepathy or the Yamanaka Mind Transfer Jutsu, only without the minds being swapped. However it is easily detectable, and while the chakra usage is nonexistent, it is still noticeable to an untrained user.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Unknown (Clearance not given know about them)

Bingo Book Bounty: 100,000 Ryu

Name: Keizo Kurama

Age: 32

Familial Relation: Father of Ayako and shiro, Husband to Mako Kurama.

Rank: Special Jounin

Chakra: Jounin Leval

Reserves: Jounin


Kekkei Genkai: Mondai-jō no kokoro (Mind Over Matter) (Jounin): A Powerful Bloodline limit that makes the Genjutsu that the user to become real to the target. It is incredibly dangerous as The user is rarely able to control the full extent of their abilities, resulting in their subconscious regulating that power, leading to the creation of a second personality in control of that power (Genjutsu cast by this person will automatically succeed, and may have a chance to kill whoever is caught within it, friend or foe. Due to not having total mastery, there is a chance to losing control, leading to a berzerker rage or insanity.)

Inheritor of the Will Of Fire: You are an inheritor of the Will of Fire, that the entire village is like a large family unit and every Konoha shinobi with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the village, as previous generations had done before them. While many do not believe in it as strongly as you do. you hold this view closely with all your heart. (When the village is in a defensive war, gain a +50 to all rolls, when a friend is under attack by an enemy, you gain a +30 to all rolls. When someone you consider family, a friend, lover, or confidant is in life-threatening danger, Roll to sacrifice yourself to save them.)

Tokubetsu Jōnin (Genjutsu): This character is the rank of Special Jounin, a highly skilled ninja of the hidden village. While not as skilled as a Jounin in all areas, their specialized skills are nothing to be scoffed at. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Artist (Jounin): You are a skilled painter, drawer, sketcher and artist. (Options become available.)

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)
Unknown (Clearance not given know about them)

Name: Shiro Kuruma


Rank: Clan member/Adorable kid

Chakra: ???

Reserves: ???


Jinchuuriki: The Nine-Tails (Kuruma Clan): The Power of Human Sacrifice. That is what you are. Sealed within your body is a monster of chakra. Filled with Hatred, Malice, and malevolence toward humans and all they have built. Your burden is a great, greater than any of your clan has ever held before. But your mind is stronger than other, and the power the Nine-Tails grants you is worth the great risk it gives you. (Chakra limit unknown. Unknown effect on the Beast of your mind. Healing rolls gain an additional +50 to self-healing due to healing factor. Cannot get sick. Can you break the Cycle? ???)

Genius: This character is one of the smartest of his generation, able to master anything he sets his mind to. (There is a chance he will master a skill if he tries it)

Jutsu known:

None Known

Team 6:

Name: Tsunade Senju


Rank: Senju Clan Heir/Jounin

Chakra: Jounin

Reserves: Jounin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Inheritor of the Will Of Fire: You are an inheritor of the Will of Fire, that the entire village is like a large family unit and every Konoha shinobi with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the village, as previous generations had done before them. While many do not believe in it as strongly as you do. you hold this view closely with all your heart. (When the village is in a defensive war, gain a +50 to all rolls, when a friend is under attack by an enemy, you gain a +30 to all rolls. When someone you consider family, a friend, lover, or confidant is in life-threatening danger, Roll to sacrifice yourself to save them.)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Envious: You have a temperament that leaves much to be desired. You want things that are not yours, no matter the cost. (Will clash with characters whom she feels are beneath her.)

Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Gregarious: You have an aura around you that draw people towards you, to look up to you, and follow you. (+10 to talking to friends.)

Jutsu's known:

Mystic Palm Technique: A medical ninjutsu which allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. (If you are healing anyone, +30 to healing rolls)

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Name: Nanako Oda


Rank: Jounin

Chakra: Special Jounin

Reserves: Chunin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Strategist: You are a student of strategy, of outwitting your opponents through clever tactics, the usage of your surroundings, and the support from your teammates. (Your plans, if well thought out and executed, can grant you a +5 to a +50 combat roll bonus and make enemy bonuses from traits and strategy negated. If it fails, however, you get a -20 to combat rolls.)

Patient: Calm, Collected and Able to stand being around people that infuriate you, you are a patient person. (+10 to all rolls)

Weak: Due to physical problems at birth, growing up malnourished or a chakra accident has left them weaker than the averege person. (more likely to get sick, -20 to combat rolls.)

Jutsu known:

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Name: Danzo Shimura

Age: 33

Rank: Jounin. Advisor to the Hokage.

Chakra: Jounin

Reserves: Jounin

Bingo Book Bounty: 10 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Strategist: You are a student of strategy, of outwitting your opponents through clever tactics, the usage of your surroundings, and the support from your teammates. (Your plans, if well thought out and executed, can grant you a +5 to a +50 combat roll bonus and make enemy bonuses from traits and strategy negated. If it fails, however, you get a -20 to combat rolls.)

Patient: Calm, Collected and Able to stand being around people that infuriate you, you are a patient person. (+10 to all rolls)

Diligent: You put effort into your work, never stopping until you complete your goal (+10 to all rolls. Chance to reroll if you fail)

Brave: You show no fear, not even in the face of death. You will face it all with a smile. (+10 to combat rolls.)

Ruthless: Whatever you have to do to accomplish your'll do it, no matter what it may cost you. (+20 to combat rolls. Unsavory options unlocked.)

Jutsu's known:
Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

The Rest of the Jutsu's he knows will be learned in time.


Name: Orochimaru

Age: 14

Rank: Jounin

Chakra: Jounin

Reserves: Jounin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Genius: This character is one of the smartest of his generation, able to master anything he sets his mind to. (There is a chance he will master a skill if he tries it)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Spymaster (Genin): This character is a student of gathering information, deploying contacts, and basically being a good ninja. (+5 to spying rolls)

Jutsu's known:

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Name: Abrume Asahi

Age: 14

Rank: Jounin/ Clan Member

Chakra: Jounin

Reserves: Jounin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Kochū: A special bug of the Aburame clan. They can produce a poison that will paralyze their victims and kill them a short while later. Their venom, however, can be made weaker, causing them to only knock out their victim. (+50 to assassination or incapacitation rolls)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Diligent: This character is a hard worker, putting their all into everything (+10 to all rolls)

Jutsu's known:

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Name: Hatake Sakumo

Age: 16

Rank: Jounin/ Hatake Clan Heir

Chakra: Jounin

Reserves: Kage

Bingo Book Bounty: 10 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

White Chakra Saber: The Legendary Blade that can only be wielded by the Hatake clan, this blade streaks the air with chakra as it is swung, giving it the illusion of the extra stream of white Chakra. But since it is a chakra infused blade, it has a very high durability, even among other chakra infused weapons. (+10 to all attack rolls. When this blade faces another charka infused blade or suitably powerful jutsu, roll a d100 for it breaking.)

Patient: Calm, Collected and Able to stand being around people that infuriate you, you are a patient person. (+10 to all rolls)

Jutsu's known:

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Magen: Sasayaku iki, The Demonic Whispers: An E-Rank Jutsu Developed by Mako Kurama when she was a genin, it involves sending Chakra as a cloud around the ear. The effect is the user and the victim being able to speak to each other like Telepathy or the Yamanaka Mind Transfer Jutsu, only without the minds being swapped. However it is easily detectable, and while the chakra usage is nonexistent, it is still noticeable to an untrained user.

Name: Yoshi

Age: 14

Rank: Jounin

Chakra: Chunin

Reserves: chunin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Just: No matter what the circumstances, you will do what is right in your own heart. (Will automatically do an action. +10 to Rolls pertaining to law enforcement or rescuing a missing person)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Jutsu's known:

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Name: Inuzuka Eien

Age: 14

Rank: Genin

Chakra: Genin

Reserves: Genin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Genin: The Lowest Official rank of The Konoha Ninja force, this character is under the command of a jounin Sensei to expedite their training, and hopefully become a chunin. As they are the lowest rank, they normally are placed under the command of Jounin or Chunin. (This character can take missions from D to A-Rank Assignments. They are under the command of a Jounin Sensei.)

Animal Bond (Yuri): You are bonded to the wolfdog pup Yuri, an animal companion bonded to you as a child. (Special Jutsu is now available. +30 to tracking rolls)

Paranoid: You are afraid that people are out to get you. (+10 to all rolls in the field)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Jutsu's known:

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Name: Jiraiya

Age: 14

Rank: Genin

Chakra: Genin

Reserves: Genin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Writer (Chunin): You are a writer of some skill, but not enough to really be well known outside of your home. (Action available. +20 to writing rolls)

Pervert: You love the way the female form looks, and you will do anything to gaze at them. (Hilarity will ensue… And all sorts of slapstick hilarity.)

Magnificent Bastard: You are a trickster, a wordsmith, a leader, and a follower. You play the odds to your favor like a gambler at the card table, and always come out on top. (All rolls that are doubles 11, 22, 33 etc, are all critical. You get five rerolls if you fail)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Jutsu's known:

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Name: Uchiha Ren

Age: 14

Rank: Chunin

Chakra: Jounin

Reserves: Jounin

Bingo Book Bounty: 1 million


Jounin: This character is the rank of Jounin, the Elite ninja of the hidden villiage, a highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serves as military captains and team leader on missions. (This character can lead missions from D to S Rank Assignments. May also take on students if they wish or are ordered too.)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Kind: You always try your best to be kind, to make someone's life better. To make them smile. (+10 to social rolls)

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan (3 tome): The Legendary Dōjutsu of the Uchiha clan. When a wielder of this kekkei genkai experiences a powerful emotional condition with regards to a person precious to them, their brain releases a special form of chakra that affects the optic nerves. This allows them to copy jutsu, have perfect memory when the eyes are activated, among many other skills. (Can copy Jutsu, have a perfect memory, can copy movements, potential.)

Jutsu's known:

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone Jutsu):This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, which can interact with the world around them unless struck hard enough.(Your clones can interact with the world around them, when dispelled, memories will transfer you)

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.

Name: Minako

Age: 15

Rank: Genin

Chakra: Genin

Reserves: Chunin


Genin: The Lowest Official rank of The Konoha Ninja force, this character is under the command of a jounin Sensei to expedite their training, and hopefully become a chunnin. As they are the lowest rank, they normally are placed under the command of Jounin or Chunnin. (This character can take missions from D to A Rank Assignments. They are under the command of a Jounin Sensei.)

Diligent: You put effort into your work, never stopping until you complete your goal (+10 to all rolls. Chance to reroll if you fail)

Blood Debt (???): You owe your life to someone, and will help that person without hesitation. (If you come into contact with ???, You will follow their orders without questions)

Konoha Crusader: You have traveled with your brothers and sisters in arms through hell and got back home unscathed. The silent pack you made has bonded you for the remainder of your life… and you will protect each other no matter what. (Fighting with any of the Konoha crusaders will grant a +20 roll bonus to all rolls)

Jutsu's known:

Substitution: An E Rank Jutsu: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands.

Henge: An E rank jutsu that changes the physical appearance by covering it with a thin layer of chakra and can become anything that the user thinks of, from weapons to trees, to animals. How accurate it is, depends on the user's memories, the chakra reserves of the user and the control of their chakra.

Bushin: An E rank Jutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance.
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[X]You were flustered, trying to hide the red on your cheeks. "Um, Sakumo… I wasn't expecting this."

We Must Make Sure Kakashi Enters the Timeline...NO MATTER THE COST!!!
[X ]You were flustered, trying to hide the red on your cheeks. "Um, Sakumo… I wasn't expecting this."

So I'm just gonna choose this because I rolled a 8 sided die and I got a 5
[X]"Orochimaru, this better be important."

Must know secrets!!!!.... I mean spend time with our best friend....Yeah totally.
[X]You were flustered, trying to hide the red on your cheeks. "Um, Sakumo… I wasn't expecting this."

Was there really any doubt?
[X]You were flustered, trying to hide the red on your cheeks. "Um, Sakumo… I wasn't expecting this."

I must, it's too cute to choose anything else
[X]You were flustered, trying to hide the red on your cheeks. "Um, Sakumo… I wasn't expecting this."

Also I wanted to ask what exactly are our healing skills? Chunnin, Jonnin just below Tsunade?
[X]"Orochimaru, this better be important."

We haven't spent much time with Snake Bro recently. Let's change that.
[X]Who's the Blond Brat? "Wait... You're giving me a genin Lord Hokage?!" This was a terrible idea.

Gotta have our own cute little gennins!
[X]"Orochimaru, this better be important."

Nothing suspicious here, just sunshine and rainbows with Best Snake Boi. What'll he do, reveal some unethical science experiment or kidnap us? Nah...
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Jun 10, 2019 at 10:23 AM, finished with 39 posts and 19 votes.