A Day Unlike Any Other (Ben 10/Multicross)

[x] Go into the RV... there's got to be a mirror in the Bathroom that you can use to get a better look at yourself.
[x] Maybe you can fly like a superhero.
[x] Campfire
I'm betting on Pakmar's species.

Just to make sure, but all the images are working properly in the update right?

The classroom and watch images works just fine, but the GIF doesn't seem to appear on my phone, which is really to be expected. Appears on my computer though.

I count three images. Was there supposed to be more?
Yep, for a moment I swore that there was supposed to be a fourth, but that's just the image of the alien, which you guys haven't seen yet.

Cool, it all checks out. I just had a few times recently where I posted images that worked for me but didn't for everyone else.
Alright, still need to make some edits to make everything fit together, but Ben's character sheet is essentially built, and just needs to be finished being filled out.

And again, there are edits that need to be made to make everything fit together right.
Let's not fuck it up this time, okay me?
Adhoc vote count started by RandomLurker on May 19, 2019 at 3:19 AM, finished with 16 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Go into the RV... there's got to be a mirror in the Bathroom that you can use to get a better look at yourself.
[X] Perhaps there is something special that this alien can do... Try and see if you can figure it out.
[X] Campfire
Ah I get it ben's other aliens are probably all aliens from other series. So this alien is smaller then Ben has tough armor and ridges on its head and apparently its bipedal also the Omnitrix symbol is on its head tbh I can't think of an alien that matches that description I'm going to be think hard about this lol
I wouldn't necessarily say they're all(aside from Heatblast) going to be from other series, but a decent number of them most likely are. The other three options for fighting game character all seemed like pretty sure bets for one of the aliens from the show(one of them was almost certainly just Heatblast again for example).

Also, as a note for the current alien, you've got to remember that many of Bens alien forms come already wearing clothes of some sort. So the armor is probably not actually part of the aliens body.
Alright, time to lock the votes and roll.

I get to writing in the morning.

So checking out your appearance and testing to see what kind of powers you have won, and you are sticking around the campfire.

Also, need to do the second set of rolls for your aliens, because the first one was just to see which table I would be pulling from.
Lunaryon threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Power Discovery Total: 100
51 51 32 32 17 17
Lunaryon threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Table 2 Total: 10
10 10
Lunaryon threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Table 4 Total: 20
20 20
Lunaryon threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Table 5 Total: 7
7 7
Lunaryon threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Table 7 Total: 33
18 18 15 15
Lunaryon threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Table 8 Total: 19
19 19
Lunaryon threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Table 10 Total: 21
1 1 8 8 12 12
And then there were Ten, Part 2
"Well, I'll admit that this form isn't as ugly as flame head, but what use is it?" You scowl for a moment, even though it is a very good question.

You take a few moments to slowly rub your hands across your face. Everything... feels mostly the same. The gloves that your new form is wearing feels like they are made of that like... Microfiber cloth stuff that your dad uses to wipe off his glasses. You've got a mouth, which is filled with what feels like regular human teeth. Your nose is a bit smaller than it used to be, and it's more... upturned than your nose is. Two eyes as well, set right where they should normally be, though they do feel like they might be a little bit bigger than they are for your human self.

There's also a really hard thing sticking out the center of your forehead - it's round and just about the same size as the faceplate of the watch. What is a bit weirder is that you don't feel any hair? Instead, it almost feels like your head has some kind of ridges on it instead.

"I dunno..." You admit, looking a little sheepish, even as you pause to lick your lips. This isn't like with the fiery guy, where you could see colors that you didn't have words for, and there were sounds that you couldn't pick up when you were human. Then there was the whole... sense heat thing. You didn't feel the heat, it was a whole new kind of sense, unlike anything that you had ever experienced as a human. "I bet that it'll be awesome though!" You loudly, boast, thumbing your chest with a huge grin before popping over into the RV. Seriously, you are suddenly really thirsty.

Heading into the kitchen, you open up the fridge and grab a water bottle. You take a deep drink, before pausing to look at your gloved hands again.

This alien wasn't like the fiery guy, everything about this new alien just felt... normal.

Then again, as you had just told Gwen outside, you had felt just as normal while you were the fiery guy. None of the things that you had done while you were that alien had felt out of the ordinary in any way. You had just... done whatever came naturally. The fact that what had come naturally was setting the forest on fire was really kind of besides the point.

You guess that's the funny thing about trying to do what comes naturally though - whatever comes naturally to you, comes naturally. It's something that you simply do, with barely a thought. You've no idea how you would intentionally do that - and so you stand there for a moment, continuing to stare at your hand and the water bottle you're holding as if they might have the answers hidden within them. Unsurprisingly, your hands don't seem to have the secrets of the universe hidden within them, they are just hands after all.

However, since you're already in the RV, you might as well take the time to go and check out the mirror in the bathroom and see what this weird new alien looks like. It was a little less obvious when you were standing in the kitchen, given how long it's been since the last time you spent time in the RV, but it is still just distinctly strange to see everything and have it all be bigger and taller than you feel that it should normally be.

Regardless, you head into the bathroom, and you find yourself soon staring at the figure in the mirror.

The fact that the first thing that you noticed was the fact that you were blue makes you feel a little stupid. Rather... The fact that you looked at this little blue guy and instinctively recognized him as yourself, despite the fact that you look nothing like that is strange. You don't have any of the features that you who you are, but that doesn't seem to matter to your mind.

Your reflection is you. A moment of thought makes you realize that this is probably related to the whole thing that the watch was doing that made it so that you didn't feel strange when you were transformed like this. Though... the realization that your new watch might be doing more to affect your mind than just making it easy to use the different aliens you had discovered does worry you a little.

This new version of you has blue skin, with these really odd white markings on your face. Slowly, you trace a gloved finger over one, but you don't feel any difference from the rest of the skin around it.

Maybe it's the fact that you finally have a mirror to use to look around and see yourself, or perhaps it's the fact that this alien is a lot more human-like than the fiery guy...

But it's really starting to hit you just how strange this evening has turned out for you. How much different everything seems to be even from how they were less than an hour ago.

Here you are though, having been transformed into a blue-skinned alien. You've got like, fact tattoos or something and your head has tentacle ridges. This should be the weirdest thing that you've ever had happened to you. Not that it isn't, but it distinctly doesn't feel that way, and that is the part that is really weirding you out now.

Returning to the fire outside, you slide back onto the rock that you had been sitting on before. "Done freaking out over being an alien?" Gwen asked, sitting across the fire from you, still munching on marshmallows. "There's no reason to be so blue, at least you aren't another walking natural disaster." It takes you a moment to realize the horrible stupid joke she said, and with a groan, you reach down to the bundle of sugars that she threw at you earlier. "Ben!" She sounds almost scandalized, "That's been on the ground! Don't ea-" You don't even let her finish before flicking your wrist and tossing the marshmallow straight at her. It flies straight and true, bouncing right off your cousin's nose. "Eww! Ben! Gross!" She cries out, grabbing a marshmallow from the bag and throwing it back.

With a surprising amount of ease, you feel your eyes follow the little candy as it spins through the air, and you catch it with ease. "Nice!" You cheer with a laugh. Then, naturally, you throw it back at your cousin again. She sputters and throws one back.

Before you can grab the marshmallow that she threw at you this time, you pause. You hear something, a deep thrumming noise, and it's clear that Gwen heard it too.

You turn, as something comes barreling out the trees.

It's some kind of flying robot... thing. It hovers in the air about the edge of the woods for a few moments, and it seems almost like it's looking for something.

However, as it turns, it stops, staring directly at you.

...Then it begins to unfold, a trio of pincer-like arms coming out of it. The machine doesn't look friendly...

What do you do?
[ ] Fight the robot?
- [ ] What's your plan of attack!
[ ] RUN!
- [ ] Where?!
[ ] HIDE!
- [ ] Where?!​
Well despite the fact that Ben is an asari child he should be able to do some biotics I just looked it up and apparently Asari can do it from birth without an implant and the omnitrix usually compensates for lack of experience even without that ability that usually tells him what powers the alien he Transforms into that he got in alien force.

Plan What would Ben do?
[x]Fight the robot?
-[x] Dodge it's attacks while trying to
Figure out what this alien can do and
If you can't try to find something nearby
To hit it with, continue to do this if you turn
Back to normal.
[x]Fight the robot?
-[x] Dodge it's attacks while trying to
Figure out what this alien can do and
If you can't try to find something nearby
To hit it with, continue to do this if you turn
Back to normal.

Seems like a plan.
[x]Fight the robot?
-[x] Dodge it's attacks while trying to
Figure out what this alien can do and
If you can't try to find something nearby
To hit it with, continue to do this if you turn
Back to normal.
[x]Fight the robot?
-[x] Dodge it's attacks while trying to
Figure out what this alien can do and
If you can't try to find something nearby
To hit it with, continue to do this if you turn
Back to normal.
... Argh!

[x]Fight the robot?
-[x] Dodge it's attacks while trying to figure out what this alien can do and if you can't try to find something nearby to hit it with, continue to do this if you turn back to normal.
Yeah, gonna be honest. The fact that you were right on the money but discounted because of the completely understandable thought that an Asari would have boobs greatly amused me.

And to be fair, Ben's Asari form is probably somewhere around as developed as Gwen is at this point -

Which isn't saying much because they are ten, and even then, Asari Ben is wearing what is essentially medium armor.

In the Rustbucket? I mean I wouldn't want the robot to follow us in there or start firing at it.

I just looked at the character sheet and I can't believe you remembered Bens really good memory.
There's two particular points that I always find myself remembering when it comes to Ben's memory. The first is the Plumber Academy Episode, where ben was like the second highest scoring student, despite goofing all the whole time, and there is the implication that he only read the manual once.

And the more impressive scene where they are chasing Charmcaster into Logerdomain. She runs to the gateway, says the thing, and then the symbols start to appear atop the gateway, and they are only like there for a moment before they fade. And Ben just sorta draws them with ease.

It's also worth noting that Alien Force Ben is supposed to be Cross Dominant, which is really impressive, and while it's possible that he trained himself to that before he turned ten...

I don't think so.
Yeah, gonna be honest. The fact that you were right on the money but discounted because of the completely understandable thought that an Asari would have boobs greatly amused me.

And to be fair, Ben's Asari form is probably somewhere around as developed as Gwen is at this point -

Which isn't saying much because they are ten, and even then, Asari Ben is wearing what is essentially medium armor.
That and it kinda sounded like the ridges were on the front of the head for some reason, like around the temple area instead of the back of his head.
And to be fair, Ben's Asari form is probably somewhere around as developed as Gwen is at this point -
Aren't Ben's alien bodies always the same age? As far as I can tell, they don't visually mature between the original Ben and Ben 10000, so it stands to reason the omnitrix transforms the user into a specimen in its prime age-wise.
Aren't Ben's alien bodies always the same age? As far as I can tell, they don't visually mature between the original Ben and Ben 10000, so it stands to reason the omnitrix transforms the user into a specimen in its prime age-wise.
wasn't there that one episode where ben is turned into a 3-year old and heatblast was also affected?
EDIT: it was episode 42 of the original series, also a 4-year old instead of 3-year old
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Aren't Ben's alien bodies always the same age? As far as I can tell, they don't visually mature between the original Ben and Ben 10000, so it stands to reason the omnitrix transforms the user into a specimen in its prime age-wise.

wasn't there that one episode where ben is turned into a 3-year old and heatblast was also affected?
EDIT: it was episode 42 of the original series, also a 4-year old instead of 3-year old

Also in the Ben 10000 episode, we see Heatblast, and he's got like shoulder volcanos

There's also a couple of smaller examples, like Fourarms growing a mustache and things like that, so it always came across to me that Ben's aliens match him developmentally.
That and it kinda sounded like the ridges were on the front of the head for some reason, like around the temple area instead of the back of his head.
Ya I at first thought asari then I reread it "and instead it feels almost like there are ridges on your head..." this threw me off as well as the fact that Ben got shorter apparently and i didn't really think that asari being short was a thing or I overestimated how short it said he was in his asari form. Though he did say the watch was on his forehead so I thought the ridges where on top of his head.