To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
Mega Grief Seed (if that isn't a secret or something, you'd think there'd be a flood of megucas in this city, that's a system breaker)
I don't think it's a secret, not only because how huge the thing is:
There are currently fifty-five active magical girls in this part of Mitakihara

We should probably introduce ourselves... though, metaknowledge wise, we know that would let her recognize our surname...

[Q] Girl's nervous. Distract her.
-[Q] Ask her opinion on cat ears.

EDIT: Actually, have half a mind to let her go and then sneak and follow her for a bit. See if does anything suspicious.
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[X] Press in.
-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
--[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us
---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
----[X] Does she need a place to crash?
[X] Press in.
-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101

+1 Accuracy, she will readily answer this.

--[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us

Neutral. You're an adult and Sayaka can easily readily just tell her "This is to keep you safe."

That said...she also just met you.

---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.

+2 Accuracy. Takane thinks you're cool. There are also other reasons going on under the surface.

----[X] Does she need a place to crash?

There is no roll for this one.
[X] Press in.
-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
--[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us

And don't forget to introduce yourself! Doing otherwise will be impolite (she did introduce herself and I don't remember megucas ever try to conceal their identity) and silly ("Here's my phone number." - "And how should I call you?" - "'Hey you' will suffice.").
[X] Press in.
-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
--[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.

Some of the other questions feel less necessary than these two. If she knows the basics and we know to meet up, everything else will come as it does, maybe?
Slight alteration to the current vote; I reordered things to put the higher-probability stuff first, added a few minor details to some votes, and added introducing ourselves to her to the list.

[X] Press in.
-[X] Introduce yourself.
--[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101.
---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
----[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us.
-----[X] Does she need a place to crash? You've known more than a few meguca who've had to live on the streets for one reason or another, so...

Also, we got through that fight without being horribly maimed. 0/10, can't happen in a Sayaka Quest, SOD broken. :(
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[X] Press in.
-[X] Introduce yourself.
--[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101; the truth about witches, Kyuubey, etc.
---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
----[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us.
-----[X] Does she need a place to crash? You've known more than a few meguca who've had to live on the streets for one reason or another, so...

Silently chanting "Please hit the fan. Please hit the fan. Please hit the fan. Please hit the fan when there's only a small amount of shit."
[X] Press in.
-[X] Introduce yourself.
--[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101.
---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
----[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us.
-----[X] Does she need a place to crash? You've known more than a few meguca who've had to live on the streets for one reason or another, so...
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Um, no. We aren't going to be telling a frazzled girl right now, if we ever do, about how witches come about. This is absolutely fucking not the time or place for it. Even if you think that's something that should be shared soon... why now, moments after she helped kill a Witch?

That's why ending on 'meguca 101' is the better choice, because Sayaka knows better than us what to say or not say, and specifying it just means specifying problems. Unless you mean, "Ask what she knows about being a Magic Girl" and then just nod sagely if she doesn't mention anything about witches? But if so, that's not that clear?

Edit: I might be overreacting, but the extended vote feels like too much to dump on her shoulders right now, even if we aren't saying anything about Witches/etc.

That's why I support just asking about 101 in general and letting Sayaka decide what that involves, and then going, "Wanna meet up sometime?" And nothing else.

We can always get her number for contact purposes/grow closer once we're both more sure of each other.
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[X] Press in.
-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
--[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us

I agree with @The Laurent that we should leave the line at "meguca 101," but I prefer giving her an option to contact us to asking if she wants to meet up. We can arrange a meet up over phone/telepathy, after all, and being able to contact us if she's in trouble is pretty important.
Um, no. We aren't going to be telling a frazzled girl right now, if we ever do, about how witches come about. This is absolutely fucking not the time or place for it. Even if you think that's something that should be shared soon... why now, moments after she helped kill a Witch?

That's why ending on 'meguca 101' is the better choice, because Sayaka knows better than us what to say or not say, and specifying it just means specifying problems. Unless you mean, "Ask what she knows about being a Magic Girl" and then just nod sagely if she doesn't mention anything about witches? But if so, that's not that clear?

Edit: I might be overreacting, but the extended vote feels like too much to dump on her shoulders right now, even if we aren't saying anything about Witches/etc.

That's why I support just asking about 101 in general and letting Sayaka decide what that involves, and then going, "Wanna meet up sometime?" And nothing else.

We can always get her number for contact purposes/grow closer once we're both more sure of each other.
That's actually a fair point about the meguca 101; I'll edit that. I'd suggest leaving in the rest, though, as she actually already wants to meet up with us again (per word of Moid), and the rest is stuff that makes sense for Sayaka to want to check/mention as a responsible (*snerk*) adult.
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Witch Origins is not meguca 101. It's like, meguca 666 or something. :V
Nah, it's part of meguca 101. It's just that Kyuubey-sensei prefers to skip that lesson and send his students straight to meguca 201, 'Horribly Dying of Despair'. :V
Nah, it's part of meguca 101. It's just that Kyuubey-sensei prefers to skip that lesson and send his students straight to meguca 201, 'Horribly Dying of Despair'. :V
Perhaps it's part of the Potential course, somewhere in the middle, but KB tricks the Potentials into graduating super early... so while meguca education wouldn't usually include the Witch Origins subject, meguca Senpais are forced to include it into the curriculum, with all the difficulties that implies.

Some meguca senpais might have made the mistake of thinking that since Witch Origins is a subject the new megucas should have already learned, that they should just cram it in ASAP, whereas the ill-prepared new megucas actually need special orientation.

Wait a second, this isn't meguca school quest. :thonk:
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[X] Press in.
-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
--[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us
CHAPTER 1 - 10
[X] Press in

-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101

--[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us

---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
----[X] Does she need a place to crash?

You breathe in through your nose. "Alright, typical rundown, don't feel too bad about this." You look her over. "What do you know about being a magical girl?"

She frowns. "They put my soul into this," she raises her soul gem, "and I have to fight witches to clean it."

She doesn't know about the true nature of witches. And honestly you think that's for the better. That is a truth that very, very few people can handle, and most of the girls under your watch tend to do just fine without it. Frequently they do better, truth be told.

"Okay, so you know that Kyubey is kind of dubious."

She looks to the side. "Yes."

"Good." You look her over. "And you said you're from Kasamino? They tend to share Incubators."

"What's...that got to do with it?" She blinks.

"Different cities and prefectures tend to have different Incubators. This extends to different countries, different towns, different cities. All of them have their own subsection, category, and classification of Incubator. And they all communicate differently. This means telepathy works with some incubators and it doesn't with others."

She blinks. Then she nods. "Ooookay..."

'Basically, I'm asking if you can do this.'

She nods. 'Yes! Yes I can.'

"Good." You smile. "If you need backup or just want to talk, like maybe you have S.O. problems or just think you somehow want a grown woman hanging out with you, give us a call using that."

She smiles and nods. "Right."

"Oh, and..." you pause, "...bear with me. Do you need a place to crash?"

She blinks. "Huh?"

"We've had homeless magical girls before. I should know, because my wife was one of them for a while."

She stares and staaaaaaaaaares " dads live in town."

"Ah, good." You smile. "Hey, it could be way worse."

She nods back. "Right. It's"

"So what made you leave Kasamino?" You look behind you. "The Megaseed?"

"No. I knew about it, but that wasn't what brought me." She leans against the wall. "I just...didn't want to stay in Kasamino."

You narrow your eyes. "Huh." You look back out the alleyway, then towards her. "Gonna elaborate?"

She looks at your feet, then at you. She takes a few steps backwards before shaking her head. "No."

Well that's a little private, isn't it. You sigh. "Okay. Well, I have my contact info. If you need me for any reason, do not be afraid to call."

"Yes." She nods again before leaping backwards out of the alley. "Thank you!" she shouts.

"Wait, hey!" you shout back before she leaves proper. She stops by grabbing a nearby fire escape and just hanging off the railing.


"You forgot this!" You pick the grief seed off the ground and throw it up towards her.

She catches it readily out of the air and nods. "Thank you!" she says, then she's off on her merry way.

Just as she's out of view, your armor explodes into dust and you're back in your police uniform, hat and all. You turn around to leave, jaw set and expression pensive.

You wonder for a second if she has had a run-in with the Kasamino group. She probably has; powerful teams tend to squash smaller magical girls into dust for even thinking about insubordination. Or worse, betrayal. Or even worse, fucking ignoring them. Your fingers flex a little bit. Every single time you've run into a magical girl that even thinks about that, you've had to quash them.

And sometimes...

Well, your hands are bloodier than you'd like to admit.

You flex your fingers and take a few steps out of the alleyway on your way home. You check your phone to see that Kyouko sent you a text.

Kokofone said:
hey just got back from killin a witch
minas home too

Good. You text her right back.

Sayasaya said:
Kokofone said:

You open the door half an hour later to see Minako on the couch with their console and Kyouko reading a book. She glances to you, then she gives you a fanged grin. "Hey."

You turn around, then slump into her lap. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnew giiiiiiiiiiiirl." You push the back of your head into where you think her chest is. "Shessa handfullllll."

She laughs, before she quietly adjusts your shoulders. Finally you're in the right place. "Yeah, they usually are! I mean I also got like some stupid shit coming up. Another boring-ass written exam." She smacks her lips. "Oh yeah, and a guy hit on me."

You look up. "Really?"

"I told him 'Do I look like I'm straight,' and then he backed off with his tail between his legs. It was fucking sad." She grins. 'So, what's this new duckling look like?'

'Green, Minako's age. Said she was on a date before fighting a witch.'
You glance at Minako...there's a chance, but honestly, your kid's love life isn't really your concern and you're pretty sure they would hate it if you pried. But...your child could be dating a magical girl.

That's concerning. You take a look over to them on the couch. Every so often they giggle a little bit. They seem kinda distant, but it's less them being a detached teen, more like "they're smitten". You know that feeling.

It's kind of how you felt about Kyouko after the first month.

[] Pry into your child's love life. Ask for DETAILS. (3 Difficulty)

[] Ask Minako if they were on a date. (2 Difficulty)

[] Ask Minako where they went. (1 Difficulty)

[] Ask Minako how their day was. (Neutral)

[] For the love of god ask anything else. (1 Accuracy)

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 11, 2019 at 10:26 PM, finished with 22 posts and 20 votes.