Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

Seems like we have a clear winner. Both of the voted powers were my favorites. I'm glad one of them won.

You will be wielding the power of friendship.

But that doesn't mean you are good at it. You are charming, but you only have one friend.

Why is that?

After your mom died you retreated into your home. Your father wasn't any help, always away, always traveling. Even more since she died.

You felt each one of the connections you had with your old friends disappear, one by one. Your quirk allowed you to feel the exact moment they stopped feeling like you were friends. Too much time away from school, too much time alone.

But slowly, every wound heals. For you, your friendships are important. Not only to use as power, but because you always feel them, inside you. Your friends are always with you.

Next vote will be important. You will decide why do you want to be a hero. What's important for you.

Then, we will finally have a character.
Adhoc vote count started by Luxicato on May 3, 2019 at 12:06 PM, finished with 50 posts and 24 votes.
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Interesting tid bit of information from the Discord. Our Bonds Quirk works on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being no bond at all. There are two characters with a Quirk we cannot Bond with at all. No matter how Friendly and helpful they are to us, the Bond will always feel like a 0/10 and works that way with our Quirk Mechanically.

So odds are, In Character, MC may think Izuku and All Might are pretty much psychopaths or something.

Yeah, have fun with that sanity damage, for this quest promises to be interesting.
Character creation 3
Soon you will take a test. A test that will decide if you are good enough to join the U.A. Where future heroes train to become the saviors of the world.

Everyone there has a reason to be a hero. Sometimes, those reasons are what people live for. What they want in life. Everyone is led by something. Our desires are what pushes you forward.

You, of course, also desire something. Why would you be a hero if you didn't? This will be your Heroic Desire. The reason you are a hero… But be careful.

Sometimes our desires might lead us to a path we never wished to follow. Not every villain was born evil. Most were good once.

Now it's time to decide.

What do you desire?

To be powerful: You desire power. Power to protect and power to destroy. You will be the one deciding what to do with that power. This might seem like a bad objective for a hero, but everyone wants to be stronger. A lot of people want to be stronger to protect others, you just know that first you need to get power and then you can protect the innocent with it.

You are tired of feeling powerless against the world. To let things happen without being able to stop them.

This desire will help you grow in power more quickly.

To make tons of friends: Friendship is your power, but the power you get from your bonds is just an extra. Bonds are the important part. That feeling of trust you feel when you can use someone else's quirk. Feeling your control being even better as your friendship deepens. You are the only person in the world with the ability to measure friendship levels and you are going to use it.

You want to make friends with everyone. You believe even villains can be redeemed. You want to feel that connection with everyone. Making friends is what you want, and it's been too long since you made new friends. Being a hero is just the best way to be known, to approach as many new people as possible.

This desire will help you get more friends quickly.

To be rich: Money. It's simple. You want to be rich. You want to never have to worry about not having enough money to get whatever you desire. Money in itself is not the goal but being able to get whatever you want whenever you want. People with money are admired and famous. They get everything.

In today's society, the richest people are the biggest heroes. You admire All-might, you want to be him. His merchandise gives him the yearly revenue of a small country. That's your dream. Who knows what you will do with that much money? Maybe spending it on yourself? Your family and friends? You can give your loved ones everything they desire. You want money but you are not a greedy monster. You might spend it on making everyone happy.

But first, you need to be rich. To be rich you need to sell merchandise. To sell merchandise you need to be a great hero.

This desire will allow you to start business on your own and even create your own hero agency.

To be a real hero: You want to save the innocent. That's your goal in life. You want to get rid of villains, of suffering. You want everyone to smile when they see you, knowing everything will be okay. Heroes only work for money and fame. That's wrong, you can't stand it. You sometimes feel like you are the only one in the world who knows what a true hero should be.

You will lead by example. You will rise to the top. You will not turn into someone who only wants money or fame. You will be the one who brings a new era of true heroes. You just need to convince the others what is the true path.

Sometimes you wish the greedy heroes just… disappeared. But you quickly get rid of that thought.

This desire will make you a more charismatic leader.

To be famous: Being forgotten is your biggest fear. What will happen when you die? When everyone who knew you dies? You don't know what is next after death but you are sure of one thing. You don't want to be forgotten. Like emperors of old, you want to build huge monuments in your name that stand the pass of time. But that's not how the world works right now.

Your monument will be your heroic career. You want to appear in the history books for generations to come. Your actions will inspire the people in the future. You will never be just one more hero, who blends into the others after a week of fame. You might die but your legacy will be eternal.

This desire helps you get more favor from the public. Something about you just… Attracts the masses.

To have fun and live life: You are still young. You have all your life in front of you to decide what is truly important. For now you want to focus on having fun. Making friends, enjoying life. You are a hero for the same reason most people start this journey. Because it's cool. Maybe someday you will find your true calling… or maybe not. As long as it's fun it's okay, right? Of course having fun alone is not actually that fun. You want the people around you to smile with you. Sadness hurts you deeply. Yours or others.

You will not only protect everyone's smile. You will make them bigger.

This desire will help you stay calm and positive. Everything can get better, even in the worst situations. You will make it better.

You can only vote for one desire, but I will pick the two most voted ones. The one with the most votes will be your main desire, the one you are conscious of. The other is a deep desire, complimenting your main one. It might be similar or it might be contradictory. Who knows.

[]Real Heroes

I'm half tempted to go for Fame to combo as a secondary wish with Friends, sounds like it'd add a fitting sense of longing to the MCs backstory, but the format would make voting like that kind of hard.

Edit: Ah screw it, I'm going with it.
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In today's society, the richest people are the biggest heroes

That's hard to believe to be actually true, but it probably seems that way and there's probably a lot of old heroes that do end up in that position.

There'd be too many people taking slices of the pie for all the profit to go to All Might, unless he somehow had an entirely vertically integrated monopoly, or did more than just his merch.

...or maybe he's a stupidly lucky investor. Investing big very early on in a few companies that become huge could possibly do it.



Best option for us. And I find the idea of having to justify being friends with villains to people hilarious.
[X] Power

making this character one that HAS to make friends to become more powerful might be really fun to read ;)
That's hard to believe to be actually true, but it probably seems that way and there's probably a lot of old heroes that do end up in that position.

There'd be too many people taking slices of the pie for all the profit to go to All Might, unless he somehow had an entirely vertically integrated monopoly, or did more than just his merch.

...or maybe he's a stupidly lucky investor. Investing big very early on in a few companies that become huge could possibly do it.

Heroes are littearly paid to be heroes, so bigger heroes get more money. Thus that sentence.

[X] Real Heroes

So it can be secondary.
Interesting tid bit of information from the Discord. Our Bonds Quirk works on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being no bond at all. There are two characters with a Quirk we cannot Bond with at all. No matter how Friendly and helpful they are to us, the Bond will always feel like a 0/10 and works that way with our Quirk Mechanically.

So odds are, In Character, MC may think Izuku and All Might are pretty much psychopaths or something.

Yeah, have fun with that sanity damage, for this quest promises to be interesting.
Our quirk does not say that bond powers have to be thier quirks . It does say that bond powers can be used in combat and that at 10 we get the full benefits of thier quirk.
We could get a power from a OFA user that is not based on it.