Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

It's finally here. One of the most important votes. The power vote. Only one of them will be picked and will define how your character acts and tackles his problems from now on until the end of the quest. All powers will drain EP when used. The ones that vary in effect will drain more EP the stronger that power is.

In addition all powers can get stronger. Every power starts at level 1 but, with enough training, a power can rise up to level 3. Doing that might unlock secret effects you didn't know the power had.

These are the possible powers:

Can we suggest our own versions?
I was thinking of power somewhat similar to that of Regent from Worm (without body snatching though).

Body telekinesis lvl 1: You can manipulate bodies of other people. At this lvl control lasts only 1-2 seconds. It may seems little but actually a terrifying weapon if used creatively in right moments, especially for disrupting teamwork where everyone needs to work like one.
That power has other side - It also can be used to aid your teammates by helping them dodge or enhancing their movements, so it requires good coordination on both sides.
Weaknesses: visibility limit - you can use your power only on targets that you can see; weak again BODY - your power is physical and can be fought by physical means. Very heavy targets less affected and/or targets with strong BODY can reduce effects of telekinesis up to zero.

We're literally voting for the power of friendship!

The heads of Shonen Jump would be proud!

I've always enjoyed Persona, might as well call all in then when faced with the option that allows us to utilize part of their mechanics. Also makes us have to socialize. Top kek, character interaction. Is the OP sure he can handle what's about to occur?

I've always enjoyed Persona, might as well call all in then when faced with the option that allows us to utilize part of their mechanics. Also makes us have to socialize. Top kek, character interaction. Is the OP sure he can handle what's about to occur?

Coming from lux's other currently running quest, I believe he can yeah. We've had a fair bit happen and I've yet to be disappointed by any of it.

Praise The Sun bitches!

Already involved with a Persona quest and when the QM says they'll make something difficult I'm inclined to believe them.
Belief has a higher upper end but we basically have to max out our social to manage to really make use of it. At which point we would then be able to actually pull off its use.
[X] Bonds

It's like the heroic/nice guy version of All For One, so chances are that once we get over the slow start, we'll be pretty ridiculous. Hm, I wonder how that's going to interact with mutation type Quirks.

Also, all the talk about Persona has made me imagine us not using the copied powers ourself, but summoning little cuddly stuffed toy versions of our friends to have them use their powers for us.

This is a freakin' Kamina power, man! Believe in the me who believes in you!

(way too late to influence thigns, but whatever. :V)