Okay, my current plan here.
[X] Cai Yuanpei
-[X] Plan Black Flag
1. Call our anarchist brethren from their Western exiles, in Britain, in France, in America, and elsewhere. The Chinese Revolution needs their aid and their expertise if it is to survive the reactionary onslaught. (Import anarchists from abroad, Paris in particular; emphasis on those who had practical experience implementing anarchism before the Freikorps/Horthy/Bolsheviks/etc. crushed them)
2. Bring the industrial syndicalists to the villages and towns of the countryside, and as much of their tools and machinery as can be evacuated with them from the cities the forces of statism and oppression seek to overrun. (In coordination with the H-KMT where not immediately threatened by K-KMT/Qing forces and unilaterally where under imminent threat, further disperse industry and associated urban working class so that the leftist factions don't lose the bulk of their production a third time after the disasters at Canton and Changsha, as well as to increase the wealth of the countryside and provide the tools to move beyond the enforced poverty of subsistence agriculture.)
3. With the first step done to secure their homes, the time has come for the rural councils to reach out and join hands with one another, linking arm in arm to stand against the foe. The roads must be improved and patrolled, the canals and levees rebuilt and reinforced, the dams and locks renewed after the neglect of a century of feckless aristocrats and heartless bandits forsaking the pretense of responsibility to shovel the wealth of China into their ravenous maws. (When they're not needed to farm or to fight, encourage the peasantry to improve infrastructure, especially transportation, sanitation and water supply/flood control. That's encourage, not "encourage"; also, suggest that if villages don't already have people who know how to properly build roads/dams/sewers/etc. they should request aid from other villages or from cities that do have those people, to try and avoid Great Leap Forward style disasters.)
4. So too must we stand arm-in-arm with the H-KMT and even the misguided backsliders of the CPC. Our differences may be substantial, and the lessons of Ukraine have not been forgotten, but in the face of the counter-revolutionary tide sweeping down on us even the Bolsheviks and their warped vision for the future are preferable to both the bourgeois capitalist dictatorship ruled by the bandits of the K-KMT and the feudal aristocracy wearing the threadbare skin of "Qing" as a cloak over rapacious greed and endless condescension. The anarchists will not abandon their comrades to conquest and slavery, no matter our disagreements with the specifics of their ideals. Particularly not our comrades in Sichuan and Hunan who suffer under rightist occupation, and whose liberation shall soon be at hand. (United Front with the other leftist factions at least until the present rightist threat is dealt with, although keeping in mind that the H-KMT may and the CPC will backstab us the instant they think they might benefit from it; no letting them bleed out the anarchists against the rightists to save their own forces and then sweeping in to crush us along with the K-KMT and Qing. Try to convince the anarchists in Canton not to start anything further with the other leftists while the United Front is a thing; obviously they can still respond if the H-KMT or CPC decides to attack them in spite of that. Also, liberate Sichuan and the occupied sections of Hunan from the rightist factions, trying to gain the assistance or at least acquiescence of the peasantry and the urban lower/working class in those regions)
5. To our brothers and sisters still under the Imperial or "Republican" yoke, we are not your enemy. We do not seek to replace the Analects with Das Kapital, the governors with commissars, the familiar white cat with a new black one that devours the urban and rural proletarian mice just as readily. We simply wish to show you the chains that your oppressors have bound you with, and the even more insidious ones they have manipulated you into clamping shut yourself. And the first and most immediate of those chains... is that they need you, where you do not need them. They need you to provide the produce of your fields, the manufactures of your workshops, the artworks from your inspirations, and your blood on their battlefields. They take your time, they take your strength, and when they have squeezed everything they can from you they discard you and turn to your children and grandchildren just as their grandparents used up your grandparents before turning towards your parents and yourselves. And taking from you everything, they give back nothing but the "satisfaction" that you have contributed to something "greater", in the form of their august personage. I tell you now, this is a lie, the first and the greatest lie of all, for no person is greater or lesser than any other. There are simply people, and the roles they choose to play in society. So I call upon you now to contemplate this truth, and when you have done so I ask you to act. Not to rise up, however, but to sit down. No more food to slake their hunger, no more goods to slake their greed, no more artworks to slake their desires, and no more soldiers to slake their bloodthirst. I call upon the masses of the north to strike, to retain the work of their farms and factories and fantasies for themselves and to exchange among each other as per their need, but to not deliver a single scrap to their so-called lords until either even those benighted souls acknowledge reality and seek genuine peace or until their comrades here in the south reach them and bring their liberation. (Encourage general strike against K-KMT and Qing among everyone who isn't in charge of the military/government/economy, to continue until either those factions are conquered or they come to us seeking terms; also encourage the spread of anarchist thought in general via supportive monks, itinerant workers, peasant family connections, and so forth to accompany the more overt propaganda. This last includes infiltrating the Qing attempts to expand their education and industrial programs, as well as their military expansion program.)
6. Last, but most certainly not least, we must continue the work we have begun to spread literacy to the masses and education to the youth. Furthermore, we must begin to train doctors as we have teachers, to bring vaccines and medicaments and modern techniques to the people as the same time as they bring the traditional medicines and ancient techniques under the discerning gaze of modern science. (Keep up the education/literacy campaigns we've been doing, add in a campaign to set up rural clinics and train doctors who can provide at least some level of medical care in places where there wasn't any. Don't automatically dispose of traditional Chinese medicine though, because that would just make the peasants less likely to accept modern medicine; instead apply the scientific method to TCM and see what parts of it actually work, what parts do nothing, and what parts are actively harmful, then encourage the first and discourage the third while ignoring the second so long as people do it alongside things that work (or at least only along with other harmless stuff if there aren't any treatments that work). People are more willing to accept you saying that their ancestors were wrong about something if you can simultaneously say that they were right about something. Also mass vaccination campaign wherever possible)