Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

There's some nuance here that you're underselling: Konnie is Yui's right hand woman and one of her Navy buddies, and she's the combat admiral to your staffwork admiral, and is close enough to Yui that she considers her one of your few personal friends. She might not be in your retinue, but you are her patron and she is unshakably loyal to you, and she will get shit done. (However, "unshakably loyal" =/= "will not sass you". :V)
But for the purposes of the Main Plot (Troubleshooting), it's more okay for her to suppress pirates for a month than it is for Daniel to do the same. This is the point I'd like to make.

Similarly, while 20% of our fleet may seem like a lot, there's a lot more, and in the grand scheme of things, that 20% won't make a difference short of civil war. Even then, given the planned splitting of the 13th's elements, the temporarily reduced forces can be worked around. This doesn't take into account the 13th fighting as a whole, but we're the heavies. We probably won't be alone in any endeavor.
But for the purposes of the Main Plot (Troubleshooting), it's more okay for her to suppress pirates for a month than it is for Daniel to do the same. This is the point I'd like to make.

Similarly, while 20% of our fleet may seem like a lot, there's a lot more, and in the grand scheme of things, that 20% won't make a difference short of civil war. Even then, given the planned splitting of the 13th's elements, the temporarily reduced forces can be worked around. This doesn't take into account the 13th fighting as a whole, but we're the heavies. We probably won't be alone in any endeavor.
Actually what I was trying to get across is that while Konnie might not be in your retinue like Daniel, in terms of loyalty she's superior to Daniel (which makes her an excellent choice to leave behind in Egon because you have a 200% guarantee she'll take care of business for you, as opposed to a 100% guarantee for Daniel :V).

I'm now confused what you're trying to say, because initially it sounded like you were concerned about 20% of our force being tied up with Egon shenanigans.
Reminder to all: voting will OPEN in 12 hours time, at 0200 GMT / 1000 GMT +8.
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I feel like what's going on here is live-fire training. Sumeragi is blooding their officers and sailors so that they'll have an experience edge when the war kicks off.
That's the best explanation I've seen thus far. I feel if there were some kind of actual armed conflict going on using these weapons, it would be pretty hard to hide. The other option, then, is that the hardware is being taken and squirreled away somewhere else in preparation for war...but if that's the case, why bring it all to Egon first?

In fact, maybe all these "pirates" are just disguised Sumeragi forces/Sumeragi allies. All the battles to "defend Egon" from them are actually training exercises in disguise. This would explain why both the pirates and the mercenaries seem unusually well-equipped, why an important member of House Sumeragi is here (to supervise), why the pirates keep coming back, and why the depot is going through so much equipment (it's supplying both the "pirates" and the PMCs).
That's the best explanation I've seen thus far. I feel if there were some kind of actual armed conflict going on using these weapons, it would be pretty hard to hide. The other option, then, is that the hardware is being taken and squirreled away somewhere else in preparation for war...but if that's the case, why bring it all to Egon first?

In fact, maybe all these "pirates" are just disguised Sumeragi forces/Sumeragi allies. All the battles to "defend Egon" from them are actually training exercises in disguise. This would explain why both the pirates and the mercenaries seem unusually well-equipped, why an important member of House Sumeragi is here (to supervise), why the pirates keep coming back, and why the depot is going through so much equipment (it's supplying both the "pirates" and the PMCs).
I find this theory compelling. But is it compelling enough to commit Daniel? I'm not sure. I do think committing Konnie is a good idea though.
In fact, maybe all these "pirates" are just disguised Sumeragi forces/Sumeragi allies. All the battles to "defend Egon" from them are actually training exercises in disguise. This would explain why both the pirates and the mercenaries seem unusually well-equipped, why an important member of House Sumeragi is here (to supervise), why the pirates keep coming back, and why the depot is going through so much equipment (it's supplying both the "pirates" and the PMCs).
If that's the case I suspect the depot has the hard copy auths for all its gear. Getting burned for smuggling Milspec gear isn't something Sumeragi wants to happen and a Great House could get the necessary permissions.

I've got this hunch that the hard copies are quickly available, but not convenient. So if someone barged in and seized equipment they can wave around the fact that their depot was unjustly seized when the other pointed questions come up. Waiting around for the hard copies to be produced still gives them time to react to the investigation, say, by having a bunch of ships leave system for 'scheduled maintenance'.
I believe we should wait and gather more information regarding the event in Egon, and the Empire, before jumping onto any form of conclusion. Sumeragi is "bad" yes. Probably. But I'm sure a Great House that lasted for more than 500 years would play it safer, and not forcing its men to a live firing exercise that results in real death. Besides, we wouldn't want Yui ending up like this, right?

It's a good thing to take precaution, but I'd prefer to have all the necessary intel before connecting all the dots.

So my take on this is:
[X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
[X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
[X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.

An arsenal full of military graded equipment is not something an Imperial officer should look away, but we will still have to verify its source so we don't go around stepping on somebody's toes. If the Ayako can't give us the full permit within the given date, then IN will have to confiscate it under whatever laws exist. Leaving a small but decent task force might hurry up the document process. Also, it's probably a good exercise for Yui's fleet to combat against any incoming pirates in the system, anyway. A win-win situation.

Meanwhile, the current situation on Egon is still pretty blurry, so we should leave the intel team behind to scout for more info, and with Daniel's super duper CIA skill, things should get turn over fast.
I find this theory compelling. But is it compelling enough to commit Daniel? I'm not sure. I do think committing Konnie is a good idea though.
Think about it, the Empire has been slowly but steadily weakening for years, and now there's a weak and entirely incompetent Empress on the throne.

If Sumeragi wants the throne (And they do), they're going to need more than just raw recruits and numbers to go against the Guard at Jinko-Sei. They may not get the hardened experience of the Imperial Guard but getting to at least regular status is going to be a big boon in general.
Sumeragi is "bad" yes. Probably. But I'm sure a Great House that lasted for more than 500 years would play it safer, and not forcing its men to a live firing exercise that results in real death.
Definitely, however that doesn't mean that if they have assets here they aren't disposable and thus removing them from the board is a minor setback rather than a plan killing move.
Yea. I don't think whiskey is trying to write house sumeragi as the draconis combine here. Like what our artist guy said, you don't stay in power for 500 years doing stupid shit like live fire exercises with your own loyal men.
I feel I should remind everyone of what Yonatan said on the strategic situation: Sumeragi is recruiting IN veterans to fill out their forces...

Mind, Hoou's doing the same. Lady Taihou hopes to one day be able to recruit Admiral Kanda Shiki from 4th Fleet to be an Admiral for Hoou fleet. (Although the question needs to be asked is whether she wants him for his skill and expertise, or because of her thirst for him. :V)
On the topic of the whole.... sumeragi is not to be trusted thing.

Remember how Yui noticed that Daniel was biased against mercenaries?

Given that the updates have been first person so far, Yui herself might be heavily biased against anyone from house sumeragi and that might have tinged her opinion against them. Like remember, your only sources of info at the moment about sumeragi comes from some rather heavily biased people.
I wonder how our frontiers are can we get a Pov of Alestor as an interlude to see the situation there and know what he thinks of all of this.
argh i sangkut with my boss and this is delayed

Vote is now open for your response and will close in 72 hours time on monday, 4th February 2019, at 1000 am Malaysia time (0200 GMT).

As always, vote in plans, and put your vote at the top of your post. Some people put their votes at the bottom of their posts last round, afer a bunch of discussion, and the vote tally didn't pickup your votes.

Or you could do a discussion post and then vote post, it's not like SV has rules against double posting.

Vote wisely!
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jan 31, 2019 at 10:00 PM, finished with 4 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dig Deeper
    -[X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
    -[X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
    -[X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.
    [X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
    [X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
    [X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.
    [X] Plan Fluffy Tails
    -[X] Fluff tail
    -[X] Fluff some more
    -[X] Lounge in fluffness
[X] Plan Dig Deeper
-[X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
-[X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
-[X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.

Going with Dig Deeper.

Mind, Hoou's doing the same. Lady Taihou hopes to one day be able to recruit Admiral Kanda Shiki from 4th Fleet to be an Admiral for Hoou fleet. (Although the question needs to be asked is whether she wants him for his skill and expertise, or because of her thirst for him. :V)
You say that like she definitely won't answer "Yes." :V
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[X] Plan Dig Deeper
-[X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
-[X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
-[X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.

Remember @AlphaDelta formatting matters
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[X] Plan Dig Deeper
[X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
[X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
[X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.

Remember @AlphaDelta formatting matters
AlphaDelta's layout is correct tho

remember its

[X] Plan Fluffy Tails
-[X] Fluff tail
-[X] Fluff some more
-[X] Lounge in fluffness
[X] Plan Fluffy Tails
[X] Plan Dig Deeper
Adhoc vote count started by NothingNow on Jan 31, 2019 at 10:16 PM, finished with 6 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dig Deeper
    -[X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
    -[X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
    -[X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.
    [X] Plan Fluffy Tails
    -[X] Fluff tail
    -[X] Fluff some more
    -[X] Lounge in fluffness
Dunno in Malaysia, but in Indonesia 'sangkut' means 'to hook' :V

Anway, voting
[K] Plan Fluffy Tails

[X] Plan Dig Deeper
your vote needs to be at the top of the post otherwise the vote tally will not pickup :V

"Sangkut" in malay is what happens when you're caught and stuck and cannot get away.