Just my preference, being wary of the effect of the power of level differences both in PvP and in PvE. Timid? I call it prudence! :p

[X] Stats: 12 HP
Agi might be overkill, but we'll want to get it to 100 eventually so it's fine. Phy Atk is good. Mag Def won't be the worst. We don't need Resist for something like 50 levels, no need to take it now. Anything else is sad. HP is the best defence, especially when our healer can put us from zero to max with one spell, but I like any of the choices listed above.

Okay, the abilities. These are the level 1-4 abilities of our new class. Based on the experiences from our first class, few of the early abilities will be good enough to max, compared to the later level 15-30 abilities. If we look back at the early abilities from our previus class, only the Fist one didn't end up sucking, and it only became really good with the combination possibility. That said, our choices here will probably have a great effect on what abilities we get to choose from at later levels, so we have to be careful in making sure that we guide the Monk class to a good direction.

1. 'Breath Control' unlocks a chain, and the QM hints at a merging possibility, so it has similar potential than 'Specialized Weapon (Fists)'. We should definitely take that, as it fits with our Xianxia theme as well.
2. 'Heightened Combat Thinking' sounds awesome, as it promises an extra action later. Worth taking.
3. 'Flexible Body' is unnecessary, as we already have loads of dodging, and better reflexes to negate traps is not worth a skill point alone I don't think. We already have an ability for finding traps, we can always max that instead. Also, let's try to guide the class to something else than dodging.
4. 'Meditation' sounds really unnecessary on its own. We have never had a problem with outside of combat healing, so it's not something that needs to be fixed. That said, this is probably the road to the more Mage-like monk skills. I like going full physical ki-route, so I'll skip this, but I get why others might see it differently.

[X] Plan Physical Ki Focus
-[X] Unlock 'Breath Control'
-[X] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
-[X] Improve 'Body over Mind'
-[X] Improve 'The Way of The Asura Defensive Form'

Edit: made the analysis a bit more general to avoid having to actually trawl back the earlier updates and check our ability choices ^^'
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[X] Plan Physical Ki Focus
-[X] Unlock 'Breath Control'
-[X] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
-[X] Improve 'Body over Mind'
-[X] Improve 'The Way of The Asura Defensive Form'

Would prefer to save the bloodstar quest till after we get the armour that we came here for.
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[X] Stats: 6 HP, 6 Physical Attack

I don't want our Attack to be too low, and having more HP seems good.

[X] Plan Can't Touch This
-[X] Unlock 'Breath Control'
-[X] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
-[X] Unlock 'Flexible Body'
-[X] Improve 'The Way of The Asura Defensive Form'

edit: Changed my mind and changed my vote to grind even more. Veekie made a good point about efficiency while wearing the monk gear.
edit2: changed my vote plan to veekie's further ahead. Gotta be the master of jukes.
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[X] Go directly to the Branch of the World Tree. (Divine Blood Star Quest)
-[X] Get your friends to go along with you.

[X] Stats: 6 HP, 6 Physical Attack

[X] Plan Physical Ki Focus
:facepalm: Some context would be nice Stormdoom. Just saying that makes it seem like it didn't just happen not even a day ago.
It sounds cooler.

[X] Stats: 6 HP, 6 Physical Attack
[X] Plan Physical Ki Focus

My thought is that the monk costume boosts XP gains for Monk...so why not maximize that and reduce the time we need to wear it?
[X] Plan All of My Yes?
-[X] Unlock 'Breath Control'
-[X] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
-[X] Unlock 'Flexible Body'
-[X] Unlock 'Meditation'

-[X] Agility 11
-[X] HP 1

It's better to have all the options available now and wait to the end game to really decide what to focuse on
It's better to have all the options available now and wait to the end game to really decide what to focuse on
There is the problem that by doing that we will miss on all the hidden abilities:
- Getting a total of 5 ranks in synergetic abilities (Fist + Feet = Way of the Asura)
- Getting 5 ranks in one ability ( 5x Way of the Asura -> Way of the asura Defensive Form)
- Getting 5 ranks in multiple chained abilities (Way of the Asura + Way of the asura Defensive Form = ?)

These hidden abilities are much stronger than the original ones.

Arguably, Karen could self-kill + respec into some of these, but utilizing that route too much (or at all) is frowned upon by both the QM and Karen IC.
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True, however Terran is very hesitant to allow that citing the fact that its the sort of thing that would kill Karens enjoyment of the game (I think its just way too much book keeping and would kill his enjoyment of the game). So between that and the fact that if we choose to not invest in a skill when its offered that lose the ability to respec into it with cash items, we're kind of stuck with our choices.
So we have to get ever skill all the time for us to be able to cash item rebuild?
[X] Plan Physical Ki Focus
-[X] Unlock 'Breath Control'
-[X] Unlock 'Heightened Combat Thinking'
-[X] Improve 'Body over Mind'
-[X] Improve 'The Way of The Asura Defensive Form'
So we have to get ever skill all the time for us to be able to cash item rebuild?
Yep, except that by doing that we miss out on something else as well (see my post right before yours). A balance seems to be what is needed. Enough different abilities to allow for respeccing flexibility, but enough focus on some few carefully selected old ones, to get the best possible hidden abilities.
It's better to have all the options available now and wait to the end game to really decide what to focuse on

Ok, people keep saying this but I feel like there's a bit of a logical disconnect here.

Like, the idea is that, because we can reassign ability points but not unlock new abilities via respec, we should get as many abilities as possible.


Those ability points are still spent. The respec can't give us back the points we spent unlocking abilities, because if it could it wouldn't matter what abilities we'd unlocked because all of the would be re-locked post-respec.

Unless there's something I'm missing here, it seems like all this will accomplish will be spreading ourselves so thin that no possible rearrangement of ability points later will actually result in a viable build.

It fucks us over in the short term, medium term, and long term. It also means that Karin may stop having fun when she realizes that she isn't a match for people ten levels lower than her because she never upgraded her abilities.
Ok, people keep saying this but I feel like there's a bit of a logical disconnect here.

Like, the idea is that, because we can reassign ability points but not unlock new abilities via respec, we should get as many abilities as possible.


Those ability points are still spent. The respec can't give us back the points we spent unlocking abilities, because if it could it wouldn't matter what abilities we'd unlocked because all of the would be re-locked post-respec.

Unless there's something I'm missing here, it seems like all this will accomplish will be spreading ourselves so thin that no possible rearrangement of ability points later will actually result in a viable build.

It fucks us over in the short term, medium term, and long term. It also means that Karin may stop having fun when she realizes that she isn't a match for people ten levels lower than her because she never upgraded her abilities.
You are getting it wrong I believe. After respeccing, we should enter the following situation:

"You have 100 ability points to allocate. Here are the available abilities:
- Ability 1 (Rank 0)
- Ability 2 (Rank 0)
- Ability 3 (Rank 0)
- Etc."

The idea is that the abilities listed here are the ones we unlocked during previous gameplay. They get returned to "Rank 0" during the respec, and will not have effect during future gameplay if we do not make them have at least "Rank 1". They still stay on the list though, for future respecs.

This is at least how I understood it. Maybe @Terran Imperium can comment on how close this interpretation is to the truth?
If thats the case we're not really building anything side from "uses fist" are we? Just grabbing every ability we can regardless of fit. Seems kinda boring.
I want to go for a pure physical monk build. My preference is for greatswords, but I have the sneaking suspicion that everyone here is deadset on fisticuffs.
The physical fist monk definitely seems right up her alley so far in character wise. It's why i skipped out on the noodle body and meditation.

@Terran Imperium I was curious, are there 'secret' classes/abilities that one can learn from finding them in hidden locations/quests/achievments that are not otherwise available in the main system? That'd be a really cool thing to explore for/stumble across and really make her character stand out as unique and powerful which seems important to her.
Maybe it's not in D&D or something but i'd hesitate to say you can't in this game. The system seems really flexible, I don't see why you couldn't combine monk abilities with a 2h berserker or something. Though, personally I'm loving the fist thing to much to give it up for a weapon.

What's cooler? Killing a dragon with a sword or killing it by punching its head off? I know which I like haha
We should really get Flexible Body because it sounds perfect for Karen and sounds like it would be required to unlock some later skills that require that kind of flexibility. We can upgrade the other stuff later but we can only grab this now. Not stacking dodge on a dodge build is asenine and will come back to bite us in the ass later.
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[X] Find some pretty big extermination quest to do with your friends.

this seems to accomplish the same thing as grind more exp just more dangerous with better possible rewards. it will also, i think, help show off more of our friend's abilities which is what i most like about this option
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We should really get Flexible Body because it sounds perfect for Karen and sounds like it would be required to unlock some later skills that require that kind of flexibility. We can upgrade the other stuff later but we can only grab this now. Not stacking dodge on a dodge build is asenine and will come back to bite us in the ass later.
Hmm. It is true that we will probably need more dodge later on, but your point about stacking dodge isn't completely true. Mechanically, we don't get any advantage from being more than 20 ahead of our opponent in a "To-Hit bonus" vs. "Dodge bonus" competition. Every single Dodge bonus point after that is utterly wasted, doing absolutely nothing (since even if they roll a 20 and we roll a 1, we would still be ahead, not counting criticals). The QM has already warned us to not go too one dimensional (though she warned us about going for the maximum breadth route as well :p).

Thinking that "we can upgrade the other stuff later" is a dangerous game as well. The new abilities are only going to get better and better. If you didn't want to upgrade now, when did you plan to do it, and how do you know that the thing you will have to sacrifice then isn't more important than these abilities now? We also get more things to upgrade as levels go up, and the backlog just keeps on growing.

I do think you are correct that we need more dodge eventually, but I disagree with the statement that 'Flexible Body' is an ability we should take. We have +12 dodge left to take in 'tWotADF', that we are planning to get. We have +16 dodge left to possibly take in 'Swift Alertness'. There's even +12 in 'Light Feet' if we are really left scraping the barrel, though that is not the best. And I can't honestly believe that we would not get another dodge ability somewhere in the future again, with our dodge tank build. If not in the monk class, then at the very least in our third class.

The flexibility argument is a matter of taste, I won't fight that. But not taking this dodge is not in any way asinine, I don't think. Taking every dodge ability we can get will be useless and redundant, and I think we will get many better ones later on.

Edit: Hmm, this gives me an idea. I think we should ask our friends about their Attack Bonuses. The n is very small, but it still gives as something of an idea about where other players stand on that front. We just want to be and stay ahead in terms of dodge, and that pretty much requires knowledge about other players' builds at some point. Why not start now.
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Hmm. It is true that we will probably need more dodge later on, but your point about stacking dodge isn't completely true. Mechanically, we don't get any advantage from being more than 20 ahead of our opponent in a "To-Hit bonus" vs. "Dodge bonus" competition. Every single Dodge bonus point after that is utterly wasted, doing absolutely nothing (since even if they roll a 20 and we roll a 1, we would still be ahead, not counting criticals). The QM has already warned us to not go too one dimensional (though she warned us about going for the maximum breadth route as well :p).

What is perhaps the biggest thing is that Flexible Body sounds to me like the typical prerequisite ability that either unlocks other abilities down the line or combines with something to form a merged ability. Flexibility is just so central to the whole typical monk and Xianxia thing that I don't see it NOT leading to something down the line ESPECIALLY since it's an ability we can get right away at the start of the tree.
I could be convinced to add noodle body to Plan Physical Ki Focus if all who voted for it want to i suppose. But presumably monk has other things to deal with attacks and we might have abilities to tank or counter etc... so idk that we necessarily need this as we're pretty good at it already. Their could be better dodge abilities latter as well who knows?

We could try asking our higher level friends if they have any insight about the monk class as well?

Edit - Could flexible body and other similar 'fighting style' abilities possible merge with our Asura martial art and thats a possibly avenue for players to grow their unique personal martial art? that'd be pretty cool
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