Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

[X] Plan Practical Politick
-[X] Political Etiquette
-[X] Disband 13th Fleet
-[X] Heavy Task Force

Reducing the fleet (instead of disbanding) is a dumb decision. Those ships are needed elsewhere, striping the 13th to a token force is pointless for intimidation, and we're almost certain to end up with the slow BBs and nothing else.

But I wanted Yui to have access to that loyal cadre of ships :(, even if it's just a handful.

At least this action should send a signal to the IRG that Yui is putting the well-being of the Navy and Empire ahead of person power...
[X] Plan Practical Politick
-[X] Political Etiquette
-[X] Disband 13th Fleet
-[X] Heavy Task Force

The above argument is convincing.
[X] Plan Practical Politick
-[X] Political Etiquette
-[X] Disband 13th Fleet
-[X] Heavy Task Force
You know going in heavy is the exact opposite of discrete.

Just saying
[X] Plan Practical Politick
-[X] Political Etiquette
-[X] Disband 13th Fleet
-[X] Heavy Task Force

I unofficially dub AlphaDelta's plan "Teach Ahri to speak softly and carry a big fleet". Kitsune!T.R. would be proud.
Here's my proposal:

[X] Plan Let's Take Things Slow and Easy
-[X] Governance
-[X] Reduce 13th Fleet
-[X] Medium Task Force

We got the Regent to do the political circus parade for the young empress, so I believe that she should take the available time to learn about governing and laws, not political etiquette (a minor subject that can be learned in spare time). Since we can only choose one, I'll prioritize Governance over Constitutional Laws.

"Reduce 13th Fleet" because I agree with Yui. The Empire needs some military presence within the core systems to quell those haughty naughty Great Houses from going overboard.

Medium Task Force because you're going under the pretext of a training fleet but with a budget of a third world country. A small task force would make the Imperial Navy looks weak while a heavy task force would burn a hole through the naval budget.

>B-but Yui can pay for her Fleet!

Yeah, sure. That'll work until some revenue agents or a bunch of auditors comes to check the papers, then Yui will have some explaining to do. She's a royal, yes, but she's also a civil servant.
[X] Plan- Flexibility
- [X] Crisis Management
- [X] Reduce 13th Fleet
- [X] Medium Task Force

@Whiskey Golf
It's the romanticism of fighter pilotry writ large in a space opera. That's why I like space fighters.
also Intrepid is a good girl too
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[X] Plan- Flexibility
- [X] Crisis Management
- [X] Reduce 13th Fleet
- [X] Medium Task Force

Normally, I'd be reluctant to compremise with something like this as it usually turns out worse than the alternatives, but the 13th fleet is already cap-heavy and it's primary purpose is being a fleet in being. As long as the fleet exists it can still fufill this role, even if it mostly exists on paper. Plus there's the posibility of pulling in the Imperial Royal Guard ships if something major goes down in the core.

Still not ideal, but in a game like this what matters is making the most out of a shitty hand and dealing with the problems that arise from previous decisions.
[X] Plan Practical Politick
-[X] Political Etiquette
-[X] Disband 13th Fleet
-[X] Heavy Task Force

By disbanding the fleet, we get all those officers loyal to us spread throughout the navy, and that will let us keep tabs on everything easier.
[X] Plan Practical Politick
-[X] Political Etiquette
-[X] Disband 13th Fleet
-[X] Heavy Task Force

I'd always agreed with the first two parts, but that intelligence briefing has me very nervous about sending anything other than maximum force. We've got a PMC with Milspec gear, pirates that probably have milspec gear and are almost certainly in greater force than the usual rabble, and at least one planetary governor involved.

I have a feeling we're going to need all the ships we can bring here.
The only problem with taking a heavy fleet is you can't conceal it. So the 'rats will see you coming and scatter.

And we've only got so much time before we have to be back in the Core for transferring into our Regency position.
>Princess Akasha and the Journey to Egon
>with a Heavy Task Force
>meanwhile in various Imperial Navy admirals' office
>see a note talking about Admiral Akasha's fleet going on a training cruise.
>fleet comp: a bunch of BBs and heavy capships.
>but why with concern intensifies
Totally being a competent admiral there, Your Highness.
Reminder to everyone that voting closes at 0100 GMT on Friday 14 DEC 2018, or 23 hours from now.
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Dec 12, 2018 at 9:22 PM, finished with 33 posts and 22 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Dec 12, 2018 at 11:20 PM, finished with 33 posts and 22 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Dec 12, 2018 at 11:20 PM, finished with 33 posts and 22 votes.