[X] Member of the Regency Council. You would give up being Vicereine and represent the Royal Family on the Regency Council; if the Empress need you for a personal mission, you would need to quite discrete, but this would be the option of least drama.
Adhoc vote count started by andrewopk on Nov 16, 2018 at 10:30 AM, finished with 22 posts and 15 votes.
[x] Compromise. Remain Vicereine, but sit on the Regency Council, until your royal father returns from the Outer Rim. Hopefully sitting on the Council would dilute their concerns about the Empress' unilateral action, and you could still act overtly if she needed you to troubleshoot.
[X] Member of the Regency Council. You would give up being Vicereine and represent the Royal Family on the Regency Council; if the Empress need you for a personal mission, you would need to quite discrete, but this would be the option of least drama.
[X] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics)
[X] Daniel O'Farrell (Intel +)
[X] Imperial Regent. You would give up being Vicereine, become the Regent and the head of the Regency Council, and you'd be ruling in Empress Meigyoku's name. But this choice might spark conflict with the Great Houses.