A Light from the Shadow (Tolkien CKII)

Mourner’s Delight
Mourner's Delight
When you first came to this house, you were clad in ignorance. The only grief you felt was for yourself and your weakening. You didn't know then as you know now. You didn't see the beauty present in every carving and every weaving. None of it are happy but none of them bring the soul to the sin of despair as you feared. There are so many things to grieve for and yet to grieve is not simply to mourn. It is to remember, consider paths not taken, and remind both of what was and what could have been. You grieve still but not for your former life. Or rather you mourn the lives you ended and the hopes you trampled upon. Even on Melkor you grieve bitterly, for past majesty and waste of potential. The path of dreams have taken you to the house of tears at the end of the worlds and you don't wonder why. After all have you not spoken to the Calyrch as they name themselves now of the grief Nienna feels. Not only for the victims of the Orcs but for the Orcs themselves so cruelly treated. Some had questions who were expected but still full of hurt.

"Father and teacher. Does not mercy for the thief robs his victims further? Does not mercy for the murderer kills his victims again." You think you did a good job answering these but you cannot be sure.

"They always ask," comes the voice unbidden, fair as the song of the birds and full of the sadness of an entire world. "They always ask the purpose of mercy. How many cry out to me for the time I stood for Melkor in the Ring of Doom? How many judge me evil for enabling such darkness to walk free again"

You feel her before seeing her but yet a shade of elven grey comes before you. Like Vaïrë she is both eternally young and dreadfully old, her face gnawed by the tears she let flow for the life of the world. Beautiful is she in this sadness, beautiful and terrible for what strength is needed to shoulder the pains of all creation. You took the pain of one and nearly it destroyed you. Nienna stands white haired and in her cry the pain of many. Sad she is even in the midst of what seem to be mirth as she remembers.

"Whore and harlot have I been called. And rightly so for to all I stand offered. They prefer to speak of me as mourning only for the victims of evil. But are not the evil-doers victims themselves? Grace and compassion are offered to all without distinction."

So many things you feel here even as Valinor was placed beyond the visible world. So many hurts and so many woes. A young man flees home, holding back tears, a woman shudders near the corpse of a child. Acts you see unspeakable and yet familiar for you once stood to the one who brought them into creation. Flesh is torn, minds heave under the weight of obligation, trees break under the snow. And yet, and yet you see shared cups too and heartfelt gazes. In the darkness the light shines bright, in pain there is hope. Tears come unbidden even if you have no form, for you understand now what mortals feel and share under the sun. And yet you see what others, even of your order would not. The secret remorse, the last friendship, the ember of love and the misguided zeal. You look at it and…

[71+38: 109]

You understand that even in the beginning Melkor did not create. He twisted the Music but his thoughts were still inspired by it. What you see, murderers and thieves and warmongers and zealots and how they look like you in your wrath… They are full of qualities and yet they are all hollow. Beauty has become pride, love of the world empty greed, wisdom treachery and faith blind zealotry. None of them was evil in the beginning. None of them would be really evil if they hadn't the potential to do good. And so Melkor's rebellion was doomed from the beginning. For he desired to bring things none had ever dreamed, even Eru Allfather.

"As one of my disciples will say or would have said: Even his slaves I pity. Some would even say I pity them the most as none other than me and mine pity and love them. I pitied you and now you stand in the Light once more." Her eyes glaze over you, no longer full of sadness. "You have served the Music well Morianor. You have spoken of peace and union. You have healed and suffered and you have shed tears for others and shouldered their pain. My blessing is on you Niennamelda and on your charges."

You answer: "What oaths will they swear in your service Lady? What words will I teach them to thank your grace?" She smiles with a sad smile. The words come not from her mouth but from the stones of her house, the herd of Maïar and mourning elves and the words are beautiful and dreadful in their duties.

"They said to you: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. I say: Let those who swear themselves to me love their enemies, bless those who curse them and do good to those who would bring them suffering. Take mourning for the foes you slay and protect the weak and helpless even if they were full of scorn. Always counsel pity for it is better to err out of mercy than to condemn innocents. Let no malicious lie out of scorn blackens your lips but be generous in words and deeds.

In that you will glorify me."

Now, you who are wise, tell me. I stood for Melkor in the Ring of Doom and I knew his repentance was long to come, even if closer than even he thought. Manwë followed my counsel and the Trees died and Finwë was slain and the Havens burnt and the pains of an Age were unleashed.

To allow evil is, they say, to be evil yourself. Am I evil then?"

The question is strange but you suspect more important than even you would think of it at first glance.

[] Write-in

New Title: Niennamelda: Beloved of Nienna
Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 5, 2018 at 8:26 AM, finished with 2144 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
    [X] If you did it knowingly, yes.
    [X] If it was unknowingly done, I speak as one who chose to serve Melkor entirely out of admiration when I say I believe you were wrong to make an entirely emotion-based decision. There is also no point in acknowledging one's faults if one doesn't also assume responsibility for what they resulted in. As I am one of your means to achieve this very thing, you tell me: does that make you evil?
    [x] You are not evil, you are you. What would the world be without mercy or compassion within its song? There would be no hope, no love, no redemption. Not all can be redeemed, but to lose hope in redemption means that we lose hope altogether. You are you, not evil, nor truly good. You are the grief and tears that all of us wish not to have, yet without you, we would not have hope for a day better than the darkness behind us. You saved me, and yet some would've called you evil if you had spared me previously. You are hope, the hope that all those who suffer in the darkness are afraid to take up in their hearts. It will not be war, fire and merciless steel that wins this war, but the hope you bring. The dragons and orcs are just the beginning, just proof of you power and of the truth that I knew once I heard your song.
Personally I think she's foolhardy. Being the only pacifist in a word full of killers is doomed to failure and also a bit arrogant to deny Melkor and everyone else ownership of their actions and consequences. Harsh, I know, but this is precisely the kind of emotion-based decision-making that has brought the free world to the edge of ruin.

[X] If you did it knowingly, yes.
[X] If it was unknowingly done, I speak as one who chose to serve Melkor entirely out of admiration when I say I believe you were wrong to make an entirely emotion-based decision. There is also no point in acknowledging one's faults if one doesn't also assume responsibility for what they resulted in. As I am one of your means to achieve this very thing, you tell me: does that make you evil?
An Ainu Takes a Stand On Hope
My take is that even in a world hurt by evil, there is still an ultimate figure of Good, Eru, and thus we cannot simply take the pragmatic, or cynical approach. There is a path for the world, and all beings have a path of their own to walk along the grand roads and highways of Eru's plan. We are free to choose, and thus, Nienna should be free to feel remorse, but strive to do and be the good she hopes for. She has not been Evil, and such a simple proclamation of her evil undercuts both the themes of LOTR itself and the intricacies of a world where forgiveness is true, and real on the most metaphysical and physical levels.

[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[x] You are not evil, you are you. What would the world be without mercy or compassion within its song? There would be no hope, no love, no redemption. Not all can be redeemed, but to lose hope in redemption means that we lose hope altogether. You are you, not evil, nor truly good. You are the grief and tears that all of us wish not to have, yet without you, we would not have hope for a day better than the darkness behind us. You saved me, and yet some would've called you evil if you had spared me previously. You are hope, the hope that all those who suffer in the darkness are afraid to take up in their hearts. It will not be war, fire and merciless steel that wins this war, but the hope you bring. The dragons and orcs are just the beginning, just proof of you power and of the truth that I knew once I heard your song.
Didn't we kinda converted werewolfs as well?

Yep you have and trolls as well.

Basically the question asked by Nienna is her nature is Grace who is offered even to the undeserving (well going by the definition of the term, especially to the undeserving), so she defended Melkor, argued for the rebellious Noldor and the Numenoreans. That made her stand for pretty awful people and a part of them never showed signs of repentance. Sometimes that bears wondrous fruits: Earendil, Elendil and yourself. Sometimes that leads well, the Darkening of Valinor is an exemple even if she was the defense attorney in this mess, not the judge.

It's her role but still she indirectly released Melkor on the world. You are the closest she has to a truly outside perspective on the matter.
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."

yeah she aint evil, in fact every being has free will...its their choice to take up the mantle of redemption or shy away from it to follow their own way even if it leads to their doom.

Yes it can have disastrous consequences...but does she forsake her vows? Does she simply give in and join the crowds baying for blood of the fallen?

Or like Bilbo with Gollum...does she show mercy even in the darkest times? When it could lead to a greater victory despite the pain and suffering down the line?
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] If you did it knowingly, yes.
[X] If it was unknowingly done, I speak as one who chose to serve Melkor entirely out of admiration when I say I believe you were wrong to make an entirely emotion-based decision. There is also no point in acknowledging one's faults if one doesn't also assume responsibility for what they resulted in. As I am one of your means to achieve this very thing, you tell me: does that make you evil?
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
[X] "No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes. It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for
the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace. Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."
Lady of Healing
Lady of Healing
"No, I would not say you are evil, Lady Nienna, for all beings are deserving of at the very least, a chance of hope in repentance and absolution. Just as all beings have the opportunity to choose of good or evil, so do you have a choice to, in your great compassion, guide the fallen to the light, or allow them to take their own path, whatever it may be. You have no obligation to take their pain, yet you do. You have no need to care for those who bask in the darkness, yet your heart aches for them in their wickedness borne of The First Hubris. In a world such as ours, where evil can and has been used to create things that are for our good, none can truly gainsay your dedication or the worth of your faith in hope...without taking a moment to fill in your shoes.

It does not make you evil to care for those who have fallen, or yearn for a paradise beyond the evil that has infested the world. Evil will ultimately be turned to good, for the Final Battle is already written into the tapestry of history. Your duty, and now mine as well, is to work to create a world more beautiful, more peaceful, and more free than that which came with the Ages before. To do such a thing, some must fight Evil strength to strength, but others must grab Evil by the hand and comfort it. We must, by degrees, turn swords to plowshares, anger to calm, and fear to peace.

Simply put, you are no more evil for the empathy and emotions you carry than any mortal being that walks their own path. All have made mistakes on the path that only Eru can truly see, but even as yours may be greater by dint of your own greatness, so are your achievements, and ultimately the Good you have striven towards. As long as you walk that path towards the hope of all, I maintain your goodness, as seen in your forgiveness of even me."

She smiles at your words, so sad even then. Her voice is the rippling of great waters and her gray rainment is, you see it now, made of tears yet unshed.

"Your voice is true and you show to others the compassion that was shown to you. I will send dreams in the minds of your charges and the seeds they will grow, none knows but the Father. Still they will defend the weak and helpless and their example will cast doubts in the hearts of the wicked.

Now with my blessing take leave of Grief and Pity and enter the woods of Healing for my sister awaits you with pride and joy for you served her in her works already."

The scene changes. You do not know after all if your mind is summoned beyond the visible universe to Valinor where no evil dwells, or if the Powers mold your sleeping dreams to their liking in the images of their palaces. For now you stand in a forest and you weep and sighs. For this forest is not made of sturdy oaks and tall pines. Only funeral cypress, pale asphodel and black walnut whose shadow slays are there. There is the sound of water, of drops rolling on drops, calm river whose waves are black and silver and amethyst. The song of nightingales, fair but still taken in ancient sorrow, echo through the woods. "Tinuviel, Tinuviel" they sing in remembrance of one's long lost. In vain of course. Luthien renounced the Firstborn and to her was allotted the fate of the Aftercomers. Yet never will Melian cease to sing for her daughter and her husband still in the Halls of Mandos, she who loved them so much she departed the world when they were no more.

Before you on a table of stone was laid a corpse. You know it all too well despite the arts of the servants of Estë. Beautiful was she who laid there. Beautiful and regal, black haired and pale and fit for a king among the elves. Fine are the hands who wrought so many weavings. Closed forever are the eyes who beheld Valinor in its summer ere evil came.

"She is not there you know." You turn at the voice as someone appears out of thin air , so close she could touch your shoulder. "She dwells in Mandos now forever. She bore Fire in the world, bore the storm to come. From her womb came the greatest child of Eru to ever was. For love of him she gave all she had and all she was and from that loss she withered to nothing."

How strange are the Valar in their appearance, for each chose to be how they appear to others. Irmo was a youth ever full of vigor, Vaïre timeless and yet old as only destiny can be. Nienna stands old and yet ever renewed among her siblings. Estë is like her husband. Young of face, young as an adolescent still discovering the world. Sleep is on her but no weariness soils her figure. Pale and white of hair and skin and holding in her hands a cup of emerald brimming with water black. Black and Silver is her clothing and crowned with green flowers. All health and all strength to her who sang of mending and closing wounds. Rest is her gift to the world and time to heal and reprieve from the burdens of the day. Isn't she wife to Sleep and kin to Pity.

"You taught them to heal, to knit wounds where they caused them, to silence the voices who urge for blood. You did this not to court my favor but urged to do good and for this you have my blessings. My power will dwell among those of your herd who have chosen my path and their songs will be stronger than those of disease and all the ails Morgoth wove into the world.

To you I offer to drink of my waters, kin to my husband's lakes. Your form bears the flames of your fall and the darkness of your former service but my waters bring healing of the body, the mind of the soul.

Which do you choose?"

[] The body to cleanse your mortal form of old wounds and lighten the load on your back.
[] The mind, to cleanse your thoughts of bloody dreams, to drive away sadness and quiet the voice of your former acts.
[] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[] None for suffering is your gift and your recall and your penance.

She looks at Miriel, no at what was Miriel and who knows what she would think if she left Mandos, and sighs.

"Sometimes we can't heal them. The flesh mends and yet the spirit weakens. Finwë asked us to keep her corpse and tend to it and I know now the wisdom of it. Sometimes the healer must step aside and let the patient grow of their own. Sometimes the parent must let the children leave and walk the risky path.
We erred in our treatment of the Noldor. May you prove wiser than us."
Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 5, 2018 at 11:05 AM, finished with 2156 posts and 11 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 6, 2018 at 10:15 AM, finished with 2169 posts and 24 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Dec 5, 2018 at 10:33 AM, finished with 2175 posts and 30 votes.
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being