A Light from the Shadow (Tolkien CKII)

Organizations of the Calyrch (Light Orcs)
Organizations of the Calyrch (Light Orcs)


Morianor Evynyatar
Calyrch Diplomats

Explorers of the Depths
Eyes in the Shadows

First Circle of Healers
Circle of Wise

Servants of the Masters of Spirits

Orc Militia
Bestial Auxiliaries

Home Economy
To be honest we're only two CK2 turns in. I would count the White Council what followed as at least 2 turns, perhaps even 3, in terms of actions undertaken.
Two turns in and it feels like we've done more for the non-orcs than the orcs.

I feel like we're letting Nienna down.


Little things you did for the Orcs ? Perhaps You reconnected them to the Music, made peaceful their nightmares-filled sleep. You taught them another way than cruelty and hatred. You took the pain of one of them into yourself, making him farsighted and teaching the rest of them they have a destiny and not just grim fate.

Even if you didn't hash the details yet you talked to them of Mandos and gave them an afterlife who isn't the eternal Void and the presence of Morgoth.

You made them stand in the triumph of Arnor reborn, rejoicing with her people. The King remembers who freed his ancestors and gave sage advice.

Little things you did for them, little steps on an unfamiliar path. There was a clearer and more direct way if you had concentrated on manners of war and brougth them to battle against Angmar directly. A shorter path yes, but a surer one?
Even if you didn't hash the details yet you talked to them of Mandos and gave them an afterlife who isn't the eternal Void and the presence of Morgoth.

Which incidentally served to drastically weaken Morgoth's forces for Dagor Dagorath (composed of all who followed him or his servants in life) while simultaneously strengthening the forces that will be arrayed against him (composed of all who opposed him or his servants in life). Nicely done.
Little things you did for the Orcs ? Perhaps You reconnected them to the Music, made peaceful their nightmares-filled sleep. You taught them another way than cruelty and hatred. You took the pain of one of them into yourself, making him farsighted and teaching the rest of them they have a destiny and not just grim fate.

Even if you didn't hash the details yet you talked to them of Mandos and gave them an afterlife who isn't the eternal Void and the presence of Morgoth.

You made them stand in the triumph of Arnor reborn, rejoicing with her people. The King remembers who freed his ancestors and gave sage advice.

Little things you did for them, little steps on an unfamiliar path. There was a clearer and more direct way if you had concentrated on manners of war and brougth them to battle against Angmar directly. A shorter path yes, but a surer one?

All true. And I am hoping we can use the good-will generated by helping others to make the Calyrch a well integrated part of the free peoples, as well as call in favours to help uplift them faster. On the other hand, I am very aware that the Calyrch must be a minority at the moment, and would like to see if we can diplomance some more orc and goblin groups.

Writing the update (so many options) and thought I would give a preview of some news options

Hidden Messengers: Most of the Orcs labor still under the thrall of Morgoth, enforced by dark captains who pay homage either to Sauron or to their own whims. You cannot leave them to such a fate and yet direct intervention is risky even for them. Some of your charges have a solution, steep and dark. They will join them, passing as exiles of other tribes, coming to abase themselves under the great lords of the mountains who remain after the War against the Dwarves. There they will give you information on their move, try to convert covertly other Orcs. Dangerous work, both for the flesh and the soul for who knows how your spies will maintain their morality in their dark places but you are impressed with the courage of those who propose to take such risks.

Visions of Lotus: Your Orcs discovered plants whose smoke give visions. Such visions calm their restless hearts. Used in the worship of Irmo they could be the focal point of the ceremonies. You wonder what a holiday dedicated to dream can look like. These herbs can help in that. Warnings about decadence aside, the Orcs still have instincts to violence who need to be leashed and dreams and lotus are a good way to do so. Who knows with any luck some remember untainted fragments of their former herb-lore to make potions more directly useful.

Weave and Distaff: The interplay of Fate and free-will is a mystery, even to you. You don't expect mortals to even begin to understand. Still while everyone is free, events follow a pattern first drawn by Eru, changed by Morgoth and sustained by the Music. Such a pattern can be nudged, not totally rewritten but nudged. By weave and distaff one can influence events, making them either more difficult or easier. Such blessings and curses begin small but as everything is connected in the great web of existence, changing one thing, no matter how minor has a way to ripple outwards and provoke greater changes.
Just you wait till we convert the Dragons.
Hippy Dragons that is something i would like to see
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Turn 3.1 Higher Options.
Turn 3.1 Higher Options.
First Circle of Healers (1)

Herbal Remedies:
The plants of the depths could have some curative properties. Some of them indeed have them and Orcs long employed them. Now it's only a question of knowing whether or not they will work as advertised. Orc medicine was never the most thorough on dosage, relying more on the hardy constitution of the wounded to work. It will be interesting to see what concoctions can be brewed, not only to help the body but also the mind, not only to quench wounds but also to fight disease who is always something to watch for in the warrens of the depths.

Orc Cordial: Orcs have medicine of a sort, a cordial whose taste is horrendous but who gives strength to the body anew. Amazingly enough, just like the excuse for alcohol they brew, Orcs have very little idea on how the cordial work. It doesn't seem to be on applications of the Discord, considering the drink work without draining the life from something else. Studying it could be useful, notably because it could open the way to other less noxious mixtures. Ideally less foul ones to taste too.

Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.

The Circle of Learned (2)
Blasting Powder:
In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]

Sights from Afar:
To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.

Contact Dead:
Necromancy is the art of Sauron and his lackeys. It's the art of summoning these spirits that refused the summons of Mandos and remained bound to Arda by pain and fear of judgement. These wraiths long for new bodies to live in and generally are not understanding their sin. It's for that they are in the remit of Nienna that can show them mercy. What you would teach are only means to call the unquiet dead and then to urge them to their destination. If before that they can impart some wisdom, especially those elves that faded and remain by love of the earth and its creature, it would be fine.

Weave and Distaff: The interplay of Fate and free-will is a mystery, even to you. You don't expect mortals to even begin to understand. Still while everyone is free, events follow a pattern first drawn by Eru, changed by Morgoth and sustained by the Music. Such a pattern can be nudged, not totally rewritten but nudged. By weave and distaff one can influence events, making them either more difficult or easier. Such blessings and curses begin small but as everything is connected in the great web of existence, changing one thing, no matter how minor has a way to ripple outwards and provoke greater changes.

Ring of Durin (Special):
You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]

Secret of the Dwarves: Dwarves can reach in the Music and their parts are very near the parts you sung at the beginning. Earth, Fire and Craft are elements you know and would like to practice again. Fortunately, there are some runes and items of power scattered in the depths of Moria. With these items, not only shall you be able to reconnect with these parts of the Music but perhaps could you teach to the Orcs to be more like the Dwarves than ever, absorbing many of the qualities associated with the Children of Aulé. After all despite their wars, the two races share many traits already. [Study Dwarf Magic]

The Feandur (Servants of the Soul) (2)

Doomsman's of the Valar
: Of Mandos it is said he gathers all willing spirits to his halls and there they find respite before being sent to their destination. For the elves whose fëa doesn't leave the world, there is judgement and purification, for the Men who leave the Circles of the World there are vessels to bear them across the void to the fate the Valar know not. Of the Orcs nothing is said and many are doomed to uncertainty when they don't know. To urge your charges to look to Nämo is to urge them to consider the afterlife and their place in it. And perhaps at last adopt proper burial rites.

Lady of Healing:
Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it

Mourner's Delight
: Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.

Dreams of the World: Irmo named Lorien brings wisdom in rest. Always the Music of the Féanturi was concerned with potentialities, about what can be rather than what is. Dream interpretation can seem a foolish art but for those of your Orcs who have discovered a link with the Lord of Dreams? Who knows what portents can be found in dreams, what new ideas spring in a mind unhooked from rational thoughts and its constraints? These Dreamers will know both the future and the past and be attentive to what wisdom may come from the lips of fools and innocents.

Visions of Lotus: Your Orcs discovered plants whose smoke give visions. Such visions calm their restless hearts. Used in the worship of Irmo they could be the focal point of the ceremonies. You wonder what a holiday dedicated to dream can look like. These herbs can help in that. Warnings about decadence aside, the Orcs still have instincts to violence who need to be leashed and dreams and lotus are a good way to do so. Who knows with any luck some remember untainted fragments of their former herb-lore to make potions more directly useful.

Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.

The Other Valar (1)
The Warriors of Heaven:
Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.

The Monarchs of Arda : Aule, Ulmo, Manwe and Varda are linked to the substance of Arda for they are Earth, Water, Air and Stars. To worship them is to bind yourself to the substance of the world, becoming one with the great Music that is the foundation of everything. The first orcs were elves, and it was their provinces to remain in the circles of the world to embellish it and make wonders in it. So why not teach them about those who built the world and what they can also represent: Craft, Freedom, Rulership and Light? Of course there's the thing about Aule Maîar being prone to corruption and the fact confounding Manwe and Eru could be very problematic.

The Green Ladies: Yavanna and Vana are the source of all life and worshipping them is to connect with everything ever alive. What could be better for a race so accustomed to dealing with death than to be linked to the web of life? And that's not even speaking about the potential for growths and agriculture, freeing them from at least some justification from their violence. Yet there's still the risk that by succumbing to the Music of growth, your flock forgets the wars of light and dark and care only for what grows and walk on four legs, forgetting their duties to the wider world.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:57 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:57 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:58 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:58 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:59 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:59 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 5:00 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 2, 2018 at 5:01 AM, finished with 2121 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Nov 4, 2018 at 4:01 AM, finished with 2125 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.
    [X] Sights from Afar: To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]
    [X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.
    [X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.
    [X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
    [X] Songs of Power
    [X] Contact Dead
    [X] Ring of Durin (Special)
    [X] Lady of Healing
    [X] The Green Ladies
First Circle of Healers (1)

[X] Songs of Power:
By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.

The Circle of Learned (2)

[X] Sights from Afar:
To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.

[X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]

The Feandur (Servants of the Soul) (2)

[X] Mourner's Delight
: Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.

[X] Tapestry of Fate: Vaïre and her handmaidens weave a tapestry depicting the history of all that transpired in Arda. Such weavings are no mere works of beauty for Vaïre sang the memory of the past into being. It can seem strange that works of thanks for her would be such tapestries but something tells you it would honor her and sate a little of your charges' new appetite for beauty. Also you wonder what secrets will be thus revealed. Yes Orcs know of their history only legends and feats who are not worthy of glory, yet Elves have assured you that in acts of devotion, the hands of the Valar sometimes act through the mind of the celebrant.

The Other Valar (1)

[X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
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First Circle of Healers (1)

[X] Songs of Power:
By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.

The Circle of Learned (2)

[X] Blasting Powder:
In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]

[X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]

The Feandur (Servants of the Soul) (2)

[X] Lady of Healing:
Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it

[X] Mourner's Delight: Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.

The Other Valar (1)

[X] The Warriors of Heaven:
Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
First Circle of Healers (1)

Orc Cordial:
Orcs have medicine of a sort, a cordial whose taste is horrendous but who gives strength to the body anew. Amazingly enough, just like the excuse for alcohol they brew, Orcs have very little idea on how the cordial work. It doesn't seem to be on applications of the Discord, considering the drink work without draining the life from something else. Studying it could be useful, notably because it could open the way to other less noxious mixtures. Ideally less foul ones to taste too.

The Circle of Learned (2)

Ring of Durin (Special):
You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]

Secret of the Dwarves: Dwarves can reach in the Music and their parts are very near the parts you sung at the beginning. Earth, Fire and Craft are elements you know and would like to practice again. Fortunately, there are some runes and items of power scattered in the depths of Moria. With these items, not only shall you be able to reconnect with these parts of the Music but perhaps could you teach to the Orcs to be more like the Dwarves than ever, absorbing many of the qualities associated with the Children of Aulé. After all despite their wars, the two races share many traits already. [Study Dwarf Magic]

The Feandur (Servants of the Soul) (2)

Doomsman's of the Valar
: Of Mandos it is said he gathers all willing spirits to his halls and there they find respite before being sent to their destination. For the elves whose fëa doesn't leave the world, there is judgement and purification, for the Men who leave the Circles of the World there are vessels to bear them across the void to the fate the Valar know not. Of the Orcs nothing is said and many are doomed to uncertainty when they don't know. To urge your charges to look to Nämo is to urge them to consider the afterlife and their place in it. And perhaps at last adopt proper burial rites.

Visions of Lotus:
Your Orcs discovered plants whose smoke give visions. Such visions calm their restless hearts. Used in the worship of Irmo they could be the focal point of the ceremonies. You wonder what a holiday dedicated to dream can look like. These herbs can help in that. Warnings about decadence aside, the Orcs still have instincts to violence who need to be leashed and dreams and lotus are a good way to do so. Who knows with any luck some remember untainted fragments of their former herb-lore to make potions more directly useful.

The Other Valar (1)

The Warriors of Heaven:
Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.


I'm going with the cordial because it might just be the only thing in existing orc society that is worth keeping. If we ever go for intrigue options like the infiltration thing, it might help our orcs ingratiate themselves with the other clans if they make better cordials and better booze. Also, it will probably do a lot to alleviate their racial shame and self-loathing to know that there were things they got RIGHT.

Durin's ring is obvious, but I choose the dwarf stuff because our orcs have already been apprenticing themselves to dwarves and it would be a shame not to build over a foundation if it's already there.

Mandos I want because fear of death and eternal damnation is basically the biggest reason radical extremists become the nutjobs they are in real life. This has been the case throughout history and if we can cut this off at the source so early on (or so late), we should.

The Vision of Lotus seems like it would help render "independent" orcs actually susceptible to subversion, since I don't see them actually believing our infiltrators on anything in their current state. Recall that they are in constant physical pain, as seen of Palantir pre-healing. If the Lotus Flower helps dampen that, I'm all for it. Especially if it provides them with a form of relief during months and years of (re-)becoming the monster.

Personally I think that sort of infiltration is better not tried in favor of us trying carrot and stick diplomacy personally instead, but then again they ARE different categories entirely so who knows what votes will happen?

As for the last option, I chose the warrior Valar because I damn sure do want my people to be good warriors, especially when the rest of the focus has been on healing and making love instead of war.

As Ronald Reagan said when hippies protested him with signs saying "make love not war," "I don't think they can do either."
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First Circle of Healers (1)

Orc Cordial:
Orcs have medicine of a sort, a cordial whose taste is horrendous but who gives strength to the body anew. Amazingly enough, just like the excuse for alcohol they brew, Orcs have very little idea on how the cordial work. It doesn't seem to be on applications of the Discord, considering the drink work without draining the life from something else. Studying it could be useful, notably because it could open the way to other less noxious mixtures. Ideally less foul ones to taste too.

The Circle of Learned (2)

Sights from Afar:
To one who hear the Music of the universe, sight needs not to be impeded by stone or metal. In addition to the Palantiri of Féanor you understand that many of the good people of Arda were able to see things coming from afar. This is a skill you can teach. By teaching your charges to imitate the song of Irmo lord of Dreams and visions are difficult to decipher but even Orcs have reason and thus are able to understand what they see and hear. You hope such arts will enable them to perceive evil before it raises its head.

Ring of Durin (Special):
You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]

The Feandur (Servants of the Soul) (2)

Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.

Visions of Lotus: Your Orcs discovered plants whose smoke give visions. Such visions calm their restless hearts. Used in the worship of Irmo they could be the focal point of the ceremonies. You wonder what a holiday dedicated to dream can look like. These herbs can help in that. Warnings about decadence aside, the Orcs still have instincts to violence who need to be leashed and dreams and lotus are a good way to do so. Who knows with any luck some remember untainted fragments of their former herb-lore to make potions more directly useful.

The Other Valar (1)
The Warriors of Heaven:
Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.


Nienna always deserves some extra love, and should temper the lessons from the warrior option. As far as I can tell the cordial/lotus combo seems a good way to get a solid fooding in herb lore, and I want that before we start playing with explosives.

And as mentioned by Acumen, the herbs would be good to help heal the other orcs if we infiltrate, also gives us a tantalizing way to coerce them to our side. Yay for bribery!
[X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.

[X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]

[X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]

[X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it

[X] Mourner's Delight
: Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.

[X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
[X] Songs of Power: By music the world was made and by music is it changed into something other. This is the first rule of magic, be it fair or foul. In that way all the lore of the Orcs is to be forgotten for they ever learned only the Discord. Yet a love of beauty has been reawakened in them and with it a taste for what could be potent healing lore. Their old discordant melodies, once brought to harmony could serve for healing. It is simply a matter of changing the source of the power and of course to work how to make them resound with the wider Music of the World.

[X] Blasting Powder: In your dreams you see a strange mixture of minerals you could use to create miracles. A powder that could be used to blast obstacles, destroy walls and break mountains. The potential for such an invention are unlimited but must be reined by concern for the Music. While an explosive could be useful and is born from the natural world it must be used with precaution. Indeed, while your dreams will help you to identify the elements needed you have no idea of the exact proportions of the mélange and his efficiency. Well Eru didn't forbid experimentation in the possibilities of the Music. Not this kind anyway. [Develop black powder]

[X] Ring of Durin (Special): You've learned by Galadriel of the existence of the Rings of Power and the terrible strength they possess. One of these infernal contraption is in your reach, to the finger of Thrain in truth. You learned that Dwarves seem to be more resistant to the corruption than the other races but you are still eager to learn of the secrets of this artifact. In your experience, nothing created by Sauron is without danger or aftereffects and these rings seem to be no exception. You would also learn about their workings to better destroy the One if it came into your reach. [Try to study Durin's Ring]

[X] Lady of Healing: Of Este, it is said she's the source of all healing and that the waters of her spring lifts all disease and all pain from those who drink it. She's the mistress of all these plants and poultices used against wounds and every spell used against plague. Aren't the Orcs sick, for the poison of Morgoth runs through their veins, twisting their countenance and ravaging their bodies with pain. Not only your worship of Lorien's spouse would enhance knowledge of the mundane healing arts, it will also turn your new society to the path of healing pain rather than causing it

[X] Mourner's Delight : Of Nienna that led you to redemption and brought your light out of darkness, it is said she mourns for all and offers compassion for all. Rarely was she worshipped even by the Eldar for they dared not invoke she who is Mercy in their wars against the creatures of the reign of Melkor. Yet Nienna is no stranger to penance and demands redemption be sincere. Her worship would definitively turns your charges and yourself into defenders of the weak, which while having no consequences for the moment would mean new duties as you gain in power and understanding.

[X] The Warriors of Heaven: Orome and Tulkas are the warriors of Arda and Nessa the wife of Tulkas is no less fierce than them Orome is the mighty hunter who teach both the respect of the prey and the art of the chase, while Tulkas is the warrior that defend the weak and laugh while in battle. If you want to make your flock warrior for the light, these three are perhaps the most appropriate to teach them about. Unfortunately teaching both violence and the need to restraint is very difficult and could perhaps backfire. Yet war is a part of Arda Marred and none should ignore those who weave it in the Music.
[X] Songs of Power
[X] Contact Dead
[X] Ring of Durin (Special)
[X] Lady of Healing
[X ] Mourner's Delight
[X] The Green Ladies
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