[X] Wait until the day arises and go complete the Ancient Tomb questline with your new companions.

[X](Optional) Equip one of the new items, you've got. (Raiders's Cloak)

[X] Write in: Make a note to research the market value of the Ring av De Ni Verdener, Ahkriin's Armor and Astral Sword when you log off later. Figure out what you actually WANT for them before making offers. Its all too convenient for someone to realize you gacha'ed up some good shit so they can kill you and take your stuff if you make the offers while obviously a noob.

[X] Write in: Study a chapter of the Iron-Willed Physical Training Book while you wait.
Putting this up as a reminder:

If we die, we drop a random item or two from our inventory. The process doesn't seem to differentiate between classifications of items. Therefore, as soon as we get to a city, we should buy a stack of the cheapest item there is, and split it to fill our inventory. This habit might save us millions in the long run.
The Ancient Tomb Dungeon - Part 1
Oh, well. Forgot to actually call the votes. Here is the winning one if you're wondering.
[X] Wait until the day arises and go complete the Ancient Tomb questline with your new companions.
[X](Optional) Equip one of the new items, you've got. (Raiders's Cloak)
[X] Write-in: Make a note to research the market value of the Ring av De Ni Verdener, Ahkriin's Armor and Astral Sword when you log off later. Figure out what you actually WANT for them before making offers. It's all too convenient for someone to realize you gacha'ed up some good shit so they can kill you and take your stuff if you make the offers while obviously a noob.
You'll also have a look at what Karen actually look like, this update. She wouldn't exactly be the kind of person, you would imagine at first.

You find yourself soon enough in front of the tomb with your companions alongside you. You're the second player with the lowest level in your party but you take the lead, regardless. This dungeon is made for players at a similar level of yours as such you have nothing to fear. Not that you would even then. Hiding behind your party members while they do the work for you would hardly benefit you and its not like you to do that. It"ll leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

"Let's get down to business!" You grin, as usual, it doesn't show on your character's face but it's so obvious for anyone listening to you. There was really a massive influx of players around here. You could see hundreds of them. There is the occasional Draugr spawning but they're automatically killed by any player nearby. You doubt you'll have the chance to snatch a Draugr kill, here. There is also the few looters around here, that takes advantages of the crowded area to steal the drops and bailout. Although, you could see a few ones getting cut down as they got caught. Idiots, if you want something, don't steal it, earn it. You ignore how hypocritical that sounded since you just stole a Draugr Skull drop from someone a few hours earlier.

Nofuku-chan, Yaoi-chan, and Yasu-bud are unusually silent and a bit wary. They should relax for a bit, seriously. You doubt anyone would jump at them in this area and you're here for them, anyway. As the unofficial leader of this little band, you certainly wouldn't let anyone gets hurt or die on your watch! You tread confidently toward the massive gate of the tomb, you hardly get any look beyond a passing glance. You look like just any normal player after all. You're pretty sure, every player in here would jump at you if they knew you have one of the best mounts in this game. You laugh internally at them. You push the massive doors open, despite its size it was pretty easy, it actually felt pretty light. The inside... is pretty tame actually, you are met by a large hallway leading down to stairs and then another massive gate. Once you open this one, however...

You are met by a magnificent sight. A cave. What seemed like fluorescent mushrooms were a bit everywhere on the walls and the ground. There was blue glowing crystals growing out of the ground and the walls, with all these lights, the cave had a pretty neat blue tint. You could see a building inside, with a big glowing ball? Eh, who cares, its magic. As you approach, you could see its a player-made building where they can meet, trade and other such things. YGGDRASIL is really a mix of an open-world sandbox, D&D and MMO. A unique piece, certainly. You're glad you're born in this era to enjoy this kind of games. You aren't talented or intelligent enough, to participate in the interplanetary colonization efforts, develop new technologies or start some movement to cleanse the Earth but you get to enjoy the marvels of it.

You take a deep breath, even though it's unnecessary to do so and exhale. You ask your party members if they have any interest in the player-made shopping center, they all shake their heads in the negative. Good, you're impatient to finally start exploring this world, you definitely aren't wasting any more time. You set off, again running as Nofuku-chan cry out for you to not wander alone. You meet your first mob soon enough, you're disappointed to find out that it is the Draugrs, again although the group is bigger the patrol group is bigger, six Draugrs, two of them are Mages. Well, it is expected but still. You imagine, there are other types of enemies as we go deeper. You could ask Yasu-bud about it but that would be spoiling the fun out of the discovery, wouldn't it?

At first, you were a bit surprised at your party members who seemed already familiar with each other, they coordinated themselves pretty well and made quick work of two Draugrs in just a few seconds. You feel a bit left behind and out of sync. That's kind of expected to be honest but you certainly wouldn't be left behind just like that. You'll just do even better! You rush toward them, your cloak fluttering behind you at your speed. The first one has barely any chance to react as you punch him out of existence cooly. You do your trick again as the Draugr Skull falls on the palm of your hand. There we go!

"Storm! Stop playing around and start fighting seriously!" Tch. Nofuku-chan is always there to ruin your fun. You can see how they restrain themselves while fighting, always letting YaoiSensei-chan get the final blow, otherwise, you guess they'll have already finished off this group. They're level 20 or so. You're a bit surprised to see a Frostbolt spell just whizzing past you by a few centimeters. That was way too close! The spell looked damn deadly too. You'll take out the Mages first as usual, of course. You continue on for a few moments like this until you defeated all of the rest. They were just too weak as you one-punched them all, the others barely killed two Draugrs. You were surprised again by seeing a notification appear in front of you. Did you level up with killing just four Draugrs?

Level Up!

Fighter - Level 4 ---> Fighter - Level 5

New Ability can be unlocked!

3 Unspent Stat Points!

Neat. Premium Membership benefits are showing themselves! This is definitely worth it if YGGDRASIL's fast leveling up is getting even faster. You'll exploit this like hell. 10 Dollars per month is nothing for this type of entertainment for the entire year! You continue your exploring of the vast cave. In fact, as you go deeper, the cave seems to get bigger and bigger as you look upon a large underground area. It is beautiful. The immersion is really impressive and cutting-edge technology. Your companions don't seem to speak much beyond short spoken conversations about the situation and the area. Of course, you're being unintentionally marginalized. This can't be allowed to go any further as you intrude forcefully on the conversation. You're part of the party too!

"Hey! How about we go there instead? I noticed some pretty neat things in there." You didn't actually but its just a chance to start off and it goes well as you're gradually included in their planning and conversations. You're far from being truly coordinated while fighting but its a good start, already. Onward! YaoiSensei-chan seems to stop every now and then to pick some of those small blue glowing mushrooms. You wonder if they do anything, probably some ingredient for some alchemy stuff. Not your thing.

You meet mostly a few more Draugrs as you go slightly deeper and defeat them just as easily, you leave a few more for YaoiSensei-chan. She seemed to notice, apparently and direct a soft smile your way. A waste of money, sure but it looked adorable. The pace is a bit slow because of YaoiSensei-chan, you can't bring yourself to blame her and the others seems used to it already, so you just follow along as YaoiSensei-chan carefully inspect the ground for anything. You gained a few more levels too so you're pretty happy!

Fighter - Level 5 ---> Fighter - Level 6 ---> Fighter - Level 7 ---> Fighter - Level 8

Four New Abilities Unlocked!

12 Unspent Stat Points!

Just as you wanted to continue for more. Yasu-bud stops you with his arm. Hm? You try as best as you can to show your confusion with your expressionless character. Yasu-bud seems to catch on quickly or he'll have explained himself anyway. Which seems more likely.

"From this road and onward, we'll start meeting stronger enemies that'll be a real challenge. For you and Yaoi-san at least. I suggest you take a pause, for now, we've been playing for hours now and I don't know about you but I'm feeling pretty tired already. I think Nofuku-san and Yaoi-san as well." You consider his words for a few moments before nodding. You're feeling a bit tired too now that Yasu-bud mentions it. You still have work to go to work tomorrow which is Monday... Ugh. Well, there went an afternoon playing but it was definitely worth it. You can't exactly continue the dungeon without your party members anyway. While you said you wouldn't rely on them but it'll be pretty stupid of you to go alone. Dying certainly isn't in your plans and losing five levels seems like a pain in the ass. So after biding them goodbye, you log-off in what seemed like a safe area to log-in later.

You take out the NNI(Neural Nano Interface) out of your head. You feel a bit sore everywhere, so you massage your muscles until they don't hurt anymore. Not moving for several hours can have some side-effects like that. Your apartment is pretty small and densely packed but you aren't complaining. Looking at the hour, you still have a few hours to slack off before going off to sleep. You open your fridge and find the fresh cold beers, you bought last night. Good. You take out a cigarette and light it up. Ah... It feels good. You switch on the TV to watch the depressing news as always.

And you got drunk, again. The hangover is going to be so fun, next morning. A problem for the future-you to deal with anyway. You'll just enjoy the last few hours you have this weekend. Sunday, truly light your day like the sun, although you only saw the sun in videos or in games. You wonder what it'll actually feel like to watch it as it shines down upon you. You'll probably be temporarily blinded. You read about it on the Internet.

What do you do?

Level UP!

Fighter - Level 4 ---> Fighter - Level 8

12 Unspent Points!

[] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
[] Improve the 'Specialized Weapon(Fists)' ability.
[] Improve the 'Well Fitted' ability.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
-[] Choose weapon.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Second Wind'.
"Second Wind": You will have one extra action in a fight.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Cleave'.​
"Cleave": With whatever weapon they have, a Fighter can hit up to three opponents at once in a battle.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Wild Emergency Dodge'.
"Wild Dodge": A fighter can take a -20 malus to attack rolls in order to gain a +10 bonus to dodge rolls.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Focused Strike'.
"Focused Strike": A fighter can take a malus of (-level) to their damage rolls in exchange for gaining a +10 to attack rolls.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Projectile Catch'.
"Projectile Catch": If a fighter has a free hand or is fighting with their fists, they can make an opposed Agility check to catch an enemy's incoming projectiles, magical or otherwise.

[] How do you spend your work as a cashier?
-[] Seriously
-[] Like usual
-[] Be lazy at work, they wouldn't notice.

[] Connect to YGGDRASIL
-[] Earlier than the agreed time.
-[] On the point on the agreed to time.
-[] Slightly late to the party.​
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So wait our real life version is literally blonde Revy? (Or w/e her name from Black Lagoon)
So wait our real life version is literally blonde Revy? (Or w/e her name from Black Lagoon)
If you want to see her like that sure. Your discussion here and votes certainly affect her personality and choices.
Now that I posted this sheet, just like Karen. I'm finally going off to sleep. I'll answer any questions, the next morning.
If you want to see her like that sure. Your discussion here and votes certainly affect her personality and choices.
Now that I posted this sheet, just like Karen. I'm finally going off to sleep. I'll answer any questions, the next morning.
I mean its not that i see her like that, but her picture is Literally Blonde Revy. Plus the Beer and Smoking.
[X] Plan: Fight on!
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Cleave'.

-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Projectile Catch'.

-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Second Wind'.

-[X] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.

-[X] Skill Points: 6 AGI, Phys. ATK 6

-[X] How do you spend your work as a cashier?
--[X] Seriously

-[X] Connect to YGGDRASIL
--[X] Earlier than the agreed time.
[X] Plan Catching Spells and Spinkicks
-[X] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
-[X] Improve the 'Specialized Weapon(Fists)' ability.
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Cleave'.
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Projectile Catch'.
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
--[X] Feet
-[X] Stat point: Phy Atk +10, Agility +1, Resist +1
-[X] How do you spend your work as a cashier?
--[X] Seriously
-[X] Connect to YGGDRASIL
--[X] On the point on the agreed to time.

Should have five abilities and 12 stats right?
The damage boost, Fist boost, Feet boost, Cleave, all should combo to make us a blitzer.
Can we discuss our build here for a sec? Because I no longer know what we are going for.

First someone mentioned going for a classic monk. All our stats went to agility, and we took some attack bonuses, so the idea here was be some kind of dps/off-tank. We seemed to be heading for a guaranteed hit/guaranteed dodge kinda build, pretty standard, as the QM noted.

Then we picked "well-fitted", which has synergy with heavy armor and damage reduction. No monk would ever take this, which means that was effectively a vote for a different direction. If someone knows what our new vision is, can they please share it here for the uninitiated? I will nevertheless put up some musings here.

We now have spent abilities on Hitting, Damage, Dodging and Phys. Damage resistance. Statwise, this means Agility, Phy Atk, and Phy Def. Focusing on 3/9 stats is a good amount, more would be too MAD (multiple ability dependant), since we get very few stat points from leveling, and we start really low. Our chosen weapons are fists, and our chosen gear is heavy armor.

This build has a couple of weirdnesses though. First is obvious: We are a frontline fighter, and we don't have any HP. This could be negated with high dodge and Phys. Damage resistance, if not for one flaw: we have no magical resistance either. This means that any good AoE spell that strikes near us makes us instantly dead. DoT-effects such as poison kill us easily as well, because our low Resist. The second one is the combination of pugilist and heavy armor. These two would never work together in a standard rpg, D&D for example (without pretty hardcore theorycrafting at least). That's why I call it weird.

To recap: We have a focus on damage, so we aren't a pure tank. Without tanking, the Heavy Armor build seems useless, since focusing on Phy Def is just gonna drain from our dps. I don't think we can be both a DPS and a tank, because no one in the history of MMORPGs ever could. Our options seem to be:

1. Be a tank.
1.1. Buff our defenses and at the same time try to keep our damage relevant (see 3.2.).
1.2. Forget about damage, defense is king. Who cares about a couple of wasted abilities.
2. Be a DPS.
2.1. Somehow make heavy armor be a damage boost for a pugilist.
2.2. Forget about "well-fitted". Monks use no armor, even if that totally wastes an ability slot. Cut our losses.
3. Be a Hybrid.
3.1. Continue the ultimate physical route. Hope we get something against AoE-magic or DoT-effects.
3.2. Somehow become good at everything at the same time. (JK)
3.3. Try to fill multiple roles and suck at them all. (JK)

I'm most interested in 2.1 and 3.1 myself. What is the plan for the rest of you? Would especially like to hear from those who voted for "well-fitted".

Edit: It seems that Veekie and MrGazzer are going for 2.2? At least I can't think of a way for anyone to use Heavy Armor while kicking and punching like a whirlwind.
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Monk type tank is dodge, counter and parry based. The armor is to avoid getting splatted by the one hit
It would be really nice if that worked. I'm just guessing, that as in every other RPG I have ever seen, one simply can't have both monk type dodging and heavy armor. It would be so OP that it is explicitly denied in every game. For example in D&D, monks lose their many of their powers, if they wear armor.

I mean think about it. A kung-fu shaolin monk, suddenly wearing full plate. Of course the monk should lose mobility.

That said, I'm of course game if you know it is possible in Yggdrasil, or have a good reason to guess it would be.
In fact, we're leveling entirely as FIGHTER. I imagine we won't get restricted abilities until we rank up to the next class, whatever they might be.
We're, you realize, not actually using any special naked perks and our armor doesn't impede us at all?
Yet. At level 8. While being a generic "Fighter" class. I fully expect that once we get to pick the actual monk subclass, we will see some definite anti-synergy between monk and heavy armor. Just the stat bonuses not aligning would be enough, but I'm guessing there will be other debilitating effects as well, if not a total deny.

For example: "Monk skill 1: (Restrictions: Lvl 25, Monk, Light Armor) Boost the effect of unarmed fighting -related abilities by 200%.

Edit: This shows exactly what I'm hinting at here. Veekie is making the argument that if something is good for us at level 8, it's going to be good at lvl 100. This is the wrong way to think. A good character is built with the end result constantly in mind, especially in an MMORPG when most of the time in game is expected to be spent at high levels. Not minmaxing at all is of course a valid playstyle, but taking the perspective of an 8th level character in an MMORPG in any kinds of build decisions is just wrong in so many levels.

Edit edit: My point is not trying to diss, but to try to get info about the lategame builds that people imagine for us. Every ability taken is closing other doors, and if we don't know where we are going, we will go astray, and we won't be able to fix it later. The foundations have to be laid now. Unless this game has total stat and ability reset options, then forget everything I said :p
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Veekie is making the argument that if something is good for us at level 8, it's going to be good at lvl 100


I'm making the case that we need some survivability up front because we're a melee character with a durability of an overweight wizard.

We can spring for a respec cash item later, but without some durability now, we aren't getting to 100 without losing gacha drops. Plan for the now.
Unless this game has total stat and ability reset options,
There is. Although, through special costly cash items not something really available in-game where you can just click on a button, reset everything and reassign it.
Those items wouldn't appear in the Premium Shop unless Players directly ask for it, next update for example.
EDIT: This is a good example of a feature only available to Premium players.
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I'm making the case that we need some survivability up front because we're a melee character with a durability of an overweight wizard.

We can spring for a respec cash item later, but without some durability now, we aren't getting to 100 without losing gacha drops. Plan for the now.
Yeah, the confirmed respec option makes my wall of text largely redundant. I'll return to it when we are trying to get late game items that we can't easily change. You are in the right here. Didn't really consider respeccing myself at first, used to old school things I guess.

I agree now that choices should be made for short term gains here, and survival is a priority. In fact, since we have so much damage already, I'm going to put even more emphasis on staying power. HP helps against both AoE magic and DoT.

[X] Plan Staying Alive
-[X] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
-[X] Improve the 'Specialized Weapon(Fists)' ability.
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Cleave'.
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Projectile Catch'.
-[X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
--[X] Feet
-[X] Stat point: HP: +12
-[X] How do you spend your work as a cashier?
--[X] Like usual
-[X] Connect to YGGDRASIL
--[X] On the point on the agreed to time.
Well, feet specialization also ups move speed and evade, so its mostly to get us in their back row, fisting undead mages while catching any spells(and possibly tossing them right back)