Then everyone kinda look at us and ask questions. Then Fate get dragged into this because Flandre had to learn where she was from someone.
Then everyone kinda look at us and ask questions. Then Fate get dragged into this because Flandre had to learn where she was from someone.
We don't exactly get to tell the Yama where people should go.she'd probably go to the Netherworld which you can also visit.
I rather think everyone else would look at us anyway. I mean, I really doubt Flandre is so super-subtle than no one else will put two and two together if she kills Tool. Forensic stealth isn't really a skill she's displayed.Then everyone kinda look at us and ask questions. Then Fate get dragged into this because Flandre had to learn where she was from someone.
GM WORDI rather think everyone else would look at us anyway. I mean, I really doubt Flandre is so super-subtle than no one else will put two and two together if she kills Tool. Forensic stealth isn't really a skill she's displayed.
DM Note: So … a few things. First: Flan will not get into trouble if she kills Tool on Fate's request, period.
Pretty sure it was mentioned waaaaaay back that Flan doesn't actually know how to make other vampires.
I didn't say we'd get in trouble, I said they'd know it was Flandre that did it.
That's not exactly a sure thing, depending on how Flandre go about it. And I would rather trust Entropy about this.I didn't say we'd get in trouble, I said they'd know it was Flandre that did it.
A few things here, but the two most important are that Flan's 'legend' won't affect or be affected by anything she does with/to Tool, and she doesn't know about Advisors on Death as random encounters.[ ] Kill Tool.
- [ ] Wait until night. Kill her stealthily, drain her blood from her until she is dead. At least, this will justify it in your legend, you don't gain anything else from it otherwise. Make sure to not damage the body in any way, let Fate giveToolher sister proper funeral. Tell Fate more about Gensokyo and about the Land being neighbor with the Afterlife. Let her know about Shinigami and Yamaxanadu wandering Gensokyo sometime.
Honestly, mercy kills aren't Flandre's style. She prefers to kill in fight or ambush but if she sees Fate as a friend, she will do it for her. She also has no issues with death and dying, so letting Tool have her wish fulfilled will not bother her in slightest.
If you could convince Fate and then Tool to try it, and then if Tool survived the process, yes, it's possible to make Tool a vampire. And/or SatsukiPretty sure it was mentioned waaaaaay back that Flan doesn't actually know how to make other vampires.
Honestly, Flan's not likely to do much 'networking' between Fate and Eirin, either. Zest, on the other hand ....I am not wanting to gain anything from this, flan just will just network and set up a meeting with fate and eirin, up to them if they negotiate an agreement.
Right, so the way Flan killing her is going to work is basically: 1) Fate and Flan go to the hospital, 2) Fate turns off the alarms that tell doctors that their patient is dying/dead, 3) Flan kills Tool. No one who matters is going to make an issue of it, if they even find out.I rather think everyone else would look at us anyway. I mean, I really doubt Flandre is so super-subtle than no one else will put two and two together if she kills Tool. Forensic stealth isn't really a skill she's displayed.
Honestly, Flan's not likely to do much 'networking' between Fate and Eirin, either. Zest, on the other hand ....
Even if he has one, we have no way of knowing that IC.Does Zest had a means of contacting Eirin? Consider Eirin occupation, she is likely to keep tabs on Zest because of his medical conficondi. And she likely would fugure out Zest is from another world. To keep tabs or he need an check up, she would provided him a means to contact her.
Less educated guess and more logic leap to me. How much did Flan interact with Zest again?