I'm already voting for
I'll Face Myself, but I might as well compile some arguments:
Mechanically - Being Spoiled has been the second most limiting factor in this whole quest, second only to the Heroine and Kong. We gave up eastern Yong because Spoiled would have crippled us. We cultivated (and may still cultivate) inefficiently because we we too spoiled to meditate effectively. We very nearly spent our vault on mitigating Spoiled early on. Titanomachy was fairly inefficient because we had to waste an unbelievable amount of time and resources as the result of a spoiled proc. The heroic passion has essentially wasted our emanation on something that utterly fails to scale to our level, and is literally suicidal in the immediate term given our tie to the empire. Even now, the primary obstacle to our growth is Being Spoiled
the worst enemy for someone this powerful is themselves
Narrativelly - I imagine that Nameless went into
A spoiled brat way back in childhood 1 understanding the associated cost. He traded his future progress for immediate power, the only time we've done so in any significant capacity in this quest, and now, after reaching the cusp of immortality we have a chance to cash in the priceless incarnate oath, waifu SL, and year of timeskip for a chance to organically become someone worthy of immortality
The manifest soul of a Titan stitched to an Immortal's might: what wonders and horrors might he manifest here?
Diligence does nothing to solve the underlying problem of Nameless' motivation, just kicks it down the curb for us to deal with the tribulation confronts Nameless with his flaws, the inevitable escalation once we enter the immortal community, or the heroine leverages spoiled to get her social hooks in us.
We have a chance to be better, to be worthy of our power. Should we not choose the best path available to us, no matter the cost?