Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
Remind me, does this round up or down?
Clarity 1-4 = Difficulty 1
Clarity 5-8 = Difficulty 2
Clarity 9-10 = Difficulty 3

Worth noting is that Willpower can be regained through Stunts, and Clarity can be burned through human interaction, Virtue channels, and Eidolon (the background) usage. In other words, as long as Aisha is bombastic, attention-seeking, and sociable... you know, like normal... then she'll be able to stay low-Clarity and flip the charm on/off as much as she wants.
If one of Aisha's sub-mods wipes-out documents about her, how does she keep her drivers' license/learner's permit, birth certificate, etc.
Newly-created evidence (documents, etc.) are affected by default, but old documents prior to her Exaltation remain. In the event that she went in and got a permit, she'd have to keep the charm off for at least 4 hours but then the permit/records would be safe (bar any direct tampering on her part in the future).

However, since Aisha currently doesn't qualify for any of the submods, this isn't a concern for now. Whoops, forgot about the two 4th Stam Augs! Yes, she qualifies for this submod.
Almost wish we sprung for Radiant Icongraphic Array for Aisha. As I understand, Aisha would be safegaurded but the Array's holgram may not be automaticly safegaurded.
Yup, good catch! She has to be [Essence] yards away from the holograms for them not to be 'invisible', but it may kinda work; she wouldn't be able to look/talk as herself, since no one would recognize her, but she could have an alter-ego persona to use when thus hidden. The perfect cover!
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Ziz will remember her while she's in another dimension, but start having problems once she returns to Earth Bet.
That would depend, if it works through open portals then yes if not then most definitely not, Ziz is using a puppet but it's real body is in another dimension entirely. All Endbringers work this way, it's one of the reasons they need a physics negation field around the cores: if they didn't then once someone got through the layers they could just kill the real body.

Of course this is assuming Endbringers work the way they do in Canon.
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If one of Aisha's sub-mods wipes-out documents about her, how does she keep her drivers' license/learner's permit, birth certificate, etc.
The ones she wants to keep, are kept.
The ones she wants destroyed, vanish. Besides, when you're a Stranger, you don't need ID.
Almost wish we sprung for Radiant Icongraphic Array for Aisha. As I understand, Aisha would be safegaurded but the Array's holgram may not be automaticly safegaurded.
We did. I'm pretty sure we did.
Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane | Page 354
However, since Aisha currently doesn't qualify for any of the submods, this isn't a concern for now.
She has Wits 5.
That means she qualifies for Detritus Defragmentation.
She is going to give Uriel fits.
Then make him forget them, and give him fits all over again.

That would depend, if it works through open portals then yes if not then most definitely not, Ziz is using a puppet but it's real body is in another dimension entirely. All Endbringers work this way, it's one of the reasons they need a physics negation field around the cores: if they didn't then once someone got through the layers they could just kill the real body.

Of course this is assuming Endbringers work the way they do in Canon.
Not really.
Every EB in canon may be able to draw mass from other dimensions, and use physics fuckery, but their entire self is right there. Their cores are in their bodies.

Remember their function: They are meant to be killable.
Extreme effort, but killable nonetheless. Putting their real body in another dimension defeats the purpose. And when Scion killed Benjy in canon, he didn't use a fancy dimension-fucking attack.
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Memetic Guardian Protocols (Requirements: Essence 4, Dexterity 6, Wits OR Manipulation 6)
Extending the charm's protective effect with a Touch is now reflexive, and does not require a roll (maximum size for valid targets remains the same). Additionally, moving away from the Alchemical does not break the effect; beings "protected" this way remain so until the Alchemical reflexively chooses to terminate the effect upon them, or the charm is deactivated. Even further, the Alchemical may choose to spend 1 Willpower to "infect" a target object or person, causing any thinking being that touches the target to receive the same "protection" and propagating effect as well.
So, do people that are under effect of this submod remember each other? When can we expect the invasion of the invisible army of clowns? Or clones.
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That would depend, if it works through open portals then yes if not then most definitely not, Ziz is using a puppet but it's real body is in another dimension entirely. All Endbringers work this way, it's one of the reasons they need a physics negation field around the cores: if they didn't then once someone got through the layers they could just kill the real body.

Of course this is assuming Endbringers work the way they do in Canon.
Endbringers work here as they do in canon, so their "bodies" are mere puppets. Aisha's power only works in the dimension/parallel in which her Alchemical body resides (her head, technically, since that's where the shard-charm is), so Shards (and thus, Endbringers) are unaffected and parahumans keep their powers.
She has Wits 5.
That means she qualifies for Detritus Defragmentation.
She is going to give Uriel fits.
Then make him forget them, and give him fits all over again.
Needs Stamina 5, too, but she only has Stamina 3 (she's the only Alch that doesn't have at least Stam 5). So, nope, no submod for her right now.
So, do people that are under effect of this submodremember each other? When can we expect the invasion of the invisible army of clowns? Or clones.
Ah, good question - let me clean up the language in the base charm that would answer this, but the short version is: Does the user want them to? If no, then nope.

Terror/Hilarity Ensues.
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Needs Stamina 5, too, but she only has Stamina 3 (she's the only Alch that doesn't have at least Stam 5). So, nope, no submod for her right now.
Bossman? She has Stamina 5.
2x 4th Stamina Augs raised her Stamina 3 to Stamina 5, because Stamina Augs are prereqs for ISF and Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh.
And you don't send an Alchemical into Earth Bet without ISF.

Ah, good question - let me clean up the language in the base charm that would answer this, but the short version is: Does the user want them to? If no, then nope.
Terror/Hilarity Ensues.
That's horrifying.
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Bossman? She has Stamina 5.
2x 4th Stamina Augs raised her Stamina 3 to Stamina 5, because Stamina Augs are prereqs for ISF and Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh.
And you don't send an Alchemical into Earth Bet without ISF.
Oh! Hah! Totally forgot about those. Been a long day.

Okay, so yeah, she has the submod. Uriel's gonna hate her (whenever he can remember she exists).
Endbringers work here as they do in canon, so their "bodies" are mere puppets. Aisha's power only works in the dimension/parallel in which her Alchemical body resides (her head, technically, since that's where the shard-charm is), so Shards (and thus, Endbringers) are unaffected and parahumans keep their powers.
This rather implies that people whose mindstates run on their shards (Alexandria, many C53s, Breakers) are immune.

Endbringer bodies aren't puppets; they're all here.
That's why Ziz was able to reprogram Leviathan by striking his core with a sword.
It's just that their core is all that's essential.
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Ah, good question - let me clean up the language in the base charm that would answer this, but the short version is: Does the user want them to? If no, then nope.

Terror/Hilarity Ensues.
Please refer to Introductory Antimemetics for a taste of some of the scary stuff Aisha could get up to with some of the subcharms. It probably isn't totally accurate, but I think the idea's there.
This rather implies that people whose mindstates run on their shards (Alexandria, many C53s, Breakers) are immune.
Depends. Alexandria/Case 53s would get bonuses to the roll proportionate to how much of their Shard does the thinking instead of their Earth-Bet brainmeats. Breakers and capes with no brainmeats in Earth-Bet whatsoever would be immune for as long as they're in that state, much to the shard-charm's spirit's consternation.
Please refer to Introductory Antimemetics for a taste of some of the scary stuff Aisha could get up to with some of the subcharms. It probably isn't totally accurate, but I think the idea's there.
No memetic hazard discussion is complete without an SCP Foundation link.
Can Aisha choose to deliberately exclude allies from her Stranger effect, or is that intimacy mechanic the only allowance for coordination in battle when she has her charm on?

(I'm guessing no, because why would she ever turn want to turn her charm off if it was selective? Still, good to check.)
No memetic hazard discussion is complete without an SCP Foundation link.
Well there just aren't many good stories that involve memetic hazards and their opposing counterparts around y'know?
Well, apart from Doctor Who, but I dunno If The Silence capture the same kind of fear, they feel a bit more like the mental blank that you don't remember. Oh, and that part in Pact where he encounters the causality eater, but that's more depressing than anything.
Should a target have all their Backgrounds and targeted-Intimacies removed this way, no trace remains (beyond the target's own memory) that they ever existed prior to the final use of this submodule - reality itself is wiped clean of their past, allowing them to start anew.

That's... really bad for everyone involved. Let's make sure she never uses that function, please?

The rest of this basically reads as a reason to just assume that our new Stranger: Yes alchemical will be getting into all the trouble.
Endbringer bodies aren't puppets; they're all here.
That's why Ziz was able to reprogram Leviathan by striking his core with a sword.
It's just that their core is all that's essential.
Endbringers aren't "all there" in their core, since that fundamentally flies in the face how all Entity shards work and would be ridiculously inefficient if they're intending Endbringers to be "defeated" each Cycle. No, even though they're hyper-dense balls of matter, Endbringer cores fill the same role as any major Changer (like Crawler) core and parahuman Corona brainmeat lobes: as the focus point for the dimensionally-apart, continent/planet-sized Shardbody, and a lens for how it manifests its abilities into Earth-Bet. Ziz "reprogramming" Leviathan with the nanothorn sword is the same as an artist carving new channels on a glass prism that's casting a shadow on a wall - it's changing the result we see, yes, but it's not changing the source behind the power.

Of course, if there's a Wildbow WoG quote where he says the entire Endbringer shard-body is inside their core, then I'll defer to that.
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That's... really bad for everyone involved. Let's make sure she never uses that function, please?
Eh. I can see her needing to use this.
For example, to put the surviving members of the Nine into the Alchemical Witness Protection Program, assuming they serve to satisfaction.

The rest of this basically reads as a reason to just assume that our new Stranger: Yes alchemical will be getting into all the trouble.
Kinda her job.
Gonna need a whole lot of Martial Arts to compensate for her power's lack of offensive(or defensive) punch.
Looking forward to seeing if there are any special submods for charms based on her powers.

Endbringers aren't "all there" in their core, since that fundamentally flies in the face how all Entity shards work and would be ridiculously inefficient if they're intending Endbringers to be "defeated" each Cycle.
They are though?
Endbringers are procedurally generated in response to threat.
That's why Khonsu was explicitly generated to counter the threat that killed Behemoth, and the Twins similarly.

No, even though they're hyper-dense balls of matter, Endbringer cores fill the same role as any major Changer (like Crawler) "core" and parahuman Corona brainmeat lobes: as the focus point for the dimensionally-apart, continent/planet-sized Shardbody, and a lens for how it manifests its abilities into Earth-Bet. Ziz "reprogramming" Leviathan with the nanothorn sword is the same as an artist carving new channels on a glass prism that's casting a shadow on a wall - it's changing how we see the result, yes, but it's not changing the source behind the power.
Not especially?
They draw energy/powers from other dimensions, but they aren't shards.
Scion uses the same standard weapons to kill them; he doesn't resort to dimensional fuckery weapons to kill or cripple them.
The Entities don't hand out weapons that are actual threats.

And IIRC, Eden's vision states that the EBs there are designed to be killable.
Of course, if there's a Wildbow quote where he says the entire Endbringer shard-body is inside their core, then I'll defer to that.
Not explicitly stated.

Just that he notes that you can toss an Endbringer into the sun and it would still be alive and working.
OTOH, Scion enforces an Earth quarantine because shards are actually real-space limited as to who and what they can connect to; the Moon is within the general area. The Sun is well beyond range.

And WoG does say that String Theory could kill an EB with pure dakka, and she does not have dimensional fuckery in any of her weapons.

There's also this, confirming that EBs are constructs, not shards:
Two parts to a whole. The other entity is a warrior, direct, oriented in the short-term goals. This entity looks further, consulting possibilities.

Their general destination is in mind, and has been in mind for some time. Already, they have begun to close their helix spiral, drawing fractionally towards one another with each rotation, controlling the pattern and timing of their approach.

Destination, the Warrior entity communicates.

Agreement, this entity responds. The signals that accompany and form the overarching messages allow them to pick out sub-worlds for themselves. Arrival points, destinations for critical shards to root, hosts for the extensions of those same shards.

Trajectory, the other entity communicates. More data on where they will arrive, the way they will move on approach, the placement of less crucial shards.

Agreement. This entity sees the constant messages as a distraction. It is reorganizing, calling on its own precognition and clairvoyance to map out their actions after arrival.

This entity reforms itself, adjusting the placements of individual shards, priming itself for a deeper simulation, considering possible ways things can be carried out.

This takes time. Focus.

Colony, the other entity signals.

Narrowing down possible destinations.

Agreement, this entity is distracted in responding. It is receiving another broadcast.

A third.

The communication is almost alien, a member of their species, but long distant, from countless cycles ago.
It hesitates, then signals its own location.

Exchange. Meet.

The response is garbled. Takes time to analyze.

The third entity travels more through momentum than by insinuation. It expends vast quantities of power to change course.

The response, this entity realizes, is a declaration of war.

And the third entity is larger than the two of them combined.

Victory is impossible, only submission will serve.

The other entity only takes, and it is a return to the beginning, in a way, to a time when they as a race agreed to be consumed by the strongest, so that the dynamic might change.

What remains of this entity turns its focus toward the future, attempting to process this eventuality.

A focus on the superweapons. Lesser than the ones this entity had planned, but still potent enough to serve. Numbering in the hundreds.

This entity and its warrior partner will be cannibalized, so the larger entity can seed the population with only minor powers. Four or five times the number of powers, at half strength or weaker.

This third, larger entity, devourer that it is, has reached a size where it must decide what shards will pass muster and which will be discarded or repurposed entirely.

This biped race will kill or be killed. This larger entity does not care about preserving the race. It follows a faster cycle.

As the warrior entity is consumed, this entity ceases fighting and allows itself to be subsumed and cannibalized.

Those that were once three set down together as one being, landing on the biped planet.


Apollyonverse Worm. I will not be continuing this, others can.

Wormverse ideas, recs, and fic discussion thread 39 | Page 21
Weapons, not shards.
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*reads Aisha's shard charm information*
...Well, that is terrifying. Fun fact, without ISF even we would be unlikely to succeed on the rolls to notice her- 14 or 15 dice against a Difficulty 11 check.
...Well, that is terrifying. Fun fact, without ISF even we would be unlikely to succeed on the rolls to notice her- 14 or 15 dice against a Difficulty 11 check.
Assuming our 3 dot swarm speciality applies, use aug and stunt, we can remember her (14/15 ~11 successes)...for 4 actions...(making memories would be unlikely). Everyone else is stuffed: something like 33+ dice to perceive her before stealth specialty, when peak mortal is 11(?). And then only for a single action because of Essence 1. I think we can leave Optical Shroud in panoply until we end up needing to worry about Essence users...
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Eh. I can see her needing to use this.
For example, to put the surviving members of the Nine into the Alchemical Witness Protection Program, assuming they serve to satisfaction.
Or for instance(questionable as it might be) wiping records of a prospective Orichalcum with a bad history to come out with a clean slate.

Though its TOO convenient and so is certain to take a big bite out of our ass.
Changing vote:

[X] Taylor Takes A Break Now
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.(61 words)

[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
-[X]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, towelling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^= ∫ (61 words)

[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali

[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process

[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
-[X] STUNT: Missy shrieks and falls backwards from her seat on the porch as, out of nowhere, an enormous silver panther slams down right in front of her, scattering the chickens she'd been feeding. "Get on, loser!" shouts the equally silver girl with a manic grin from atop the beast, "We're going shopping!"

[X] WMS - 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○
[X] WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○

I really do want to get Performance, but the current vote is to spend such a ridiculous amount of XP that I feel I have to vote against it. People voting for Medicine for either WMS or FPoP should really consider doing similarly.
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