From Stone to the Stars

Considering the fact that our total population is only in the thousands, Kaspar must have been prolific indeed to have this many descendants already.
Successful men can have multiple wives, it was mentioned and he was very successful indeed.
His children, owing to his reputation, then have high status/number marriages and spawned more.
He lived long enough to see his grandchildren reach adulthood, and remember, everyone you marry is part of your family and thus their families are also yours!
Considering the fact that our total population is only in the thousands, Kaspar must have been prolific indeed to have this many descendants already.
Speaking of, IF we deify Kasper
Did Kasper have any genetic distinguishable traits? Did he have blonde hair? Some physical distinction that marked his descendants as well? Because it could be turned into a mark of divinity or descent.
Successful men can have multiple wives, it was mentioned and he was very successful indeed.
His children, owing to his reputation, then have high status/number marriages and spawned more.
He lived long enough to see his grandchildren reach adulthood, and remember, everyone you marry is part of your family and thus their families are also yours!

It seems like most of our male heroes have left a long lineage within the People due to how small the population is right now. It's been said earlier that most of the People likely have some blood from Alvar, and then his three sons within them, making all of them related to the Winterborn, thus granting some of them his characteristics, notably the blonde hair.

Take into account Kaspar who has likely kids from across the spectrum, including the recently integrated Hundred Bands, and has outlived probably some of his grandchildren, it is likely that Kaspar's lineage and legacy will be a long one indeed, especially if his family can leverage their influence now while he is still within living memory.

In time though, just like everyone in the People are descended from the Winterborn, likely all of our future descendants will be related to Kaspar as well. I do wonder though what exactly they will call him, such as if he has earned any appellations or epithets aside from the Blacksword, which I suppose we could one day create as an honor guard unit or something named after him. Kinda want to name a settlement after him too.
I do wonder how prolific the blonde hair is at this point, Blonde hair looks good (for me at least... :p ) so i hope we can become the Winterborn Tribe in full.

I have no idea, considering Alvar was the first one noted within the tribe to have it, it likely originated as a mutation within him. For as much as we know about genetics the specifics behind hair color is still not entirely clear, as it is not based off of one gene, meaning we can't make base assumptions about whether it is dominant or recessive. However considering the rather small sample size for our population, plus the fact that all of the tribe has been confirmed to have some blood from Alvar and his lineage within them, I would not be surprised if there is a rather large minority who possesses blonde hair due to the interbreeding over the years, thus allowing the gene to propagate and for statistically significant combinations to have occurred to lead to more people possessing the needed genes for it.
I have no idea, considering Alvar was the first one noted within the tribe to have it, it likely originated as a mutation within him. For as much as we know about genetics the specifics behind hair color is still not entirely clear, as it is not based off of one gene, meaning we can't make base assumptions about whether it is dominant or recessive. However considering the rather small sample size for our population, plus the fact that all of the tribe has been confirmed to have some blood from Alvar and his lineage within them, I would not be surprised if there is a rather large minority who possesses blonde hair due to the interbreeding over the years, thus allowing the gene to propagate and for statistically significant combinations to have occurred to lead to more people possessing the needed genes for it.
Well i hope it spreads, tho its makes imagining our people a little weird since i thought of them as Native American in coloration and blonde hair I thought was more a northern European thing (That later spread). Must be because were so far north that the melanin both for skin and hair is decreasing due to how far north they are.
Well i hope it spreads, tho its makes imagining our people a little weird since i thought of them as Native American in coloration and blonde hair I thought was more a northern European thing (That later spread). Must be because were so far north that the melanin both for skin and hair is decreasing due to how far north they are.

Considering the weather we've received recently I don't think we've been getting too much sun recently. So I wouldn't be surprised if we looked anachronistic.
Considering the weather we've received recently I don't think we've been getting too much sun recently. So I wouldn't be surprised if we looked anachronistic.
True, were probably going to be a lot paler than our southern fellows, and tanner than our northern neighbors. Wonder how Blonde the northern tribes are?
True, were probably going to be a lot paler than our southern fellows, and tanner than our northern neighbors. Wonder how Blonde the northern tribes are?

For all we know they might not be blonde at all if none of them received a mutation for blonde hair. I wouldn't mind if we looked different enough to distinguish ourselves from other tribes though.
Seems like this cave has caused on of our heroes to have an oxygen deprived vision. This really does seem like something analogous to the vents that were below the temple to the oracles of Delphi.

Either way though, the visions created in combination with his procession will likely combine later to make a potent message. The Black Eye here, the hunger it represents along with the current time of hunger for the People, will likely combine to create a new god. Maybe one that is seen in direct opposition to Kaspar in his own legend like Ahura Mazda vs Angra Mainyu in Zoroastrianism.
If so, then it will probably be less good/evil and more teacher/tester due to our values.
For all we know they might not be blonde at all if none of them received a mutation for blonde hair. I wouldn't mind if we looked different enough to distinguish ourselves from other tribes though.
We would have to ask @Redium though
How prolific is Blonde hair in our tribe? Has it spread to other tribes and to what frequency? Northern Tribes?
Also due to the long lasting weather is our people becoming noticeably paler?
Is there any physical trait that a tribe could point to and say that their likely from our tribe?
I wonder what the deal is with that sleeping sickness. The location isn't right for African Sleeping Sickness, and the symptoms are kind of strange. Lethargy and wasting without any other symptoms? Doesn't sound right for malaria either since that causes fevers and other symptoms. Low-protein diet and famine could cause kwashiorkor but there's no swelling and children should be more affected.
@Redium is... the vote open now? The discussion has pretty much died off.

Sure. I'm trying to respond to a bunch of different points and it's taking longer than I thought.

Just to clarify: The Hunt Megaproject is one where you begin organizing hunts and directing them in a systematic manner. It's one of the projects that starts to change your food gathering from an ad hoc action, to one that's organized and worked at top down. Aside from strengthening hunting actions, it greatly boosts defensive attrition i.e. the attrition the enemy suffers when invading your turf.

You've also lost your Semi-Nomadic status this turn so you're not going to get any more free explore rolls from this point on.

Ascended to the spirits means that Kaspar has transformed from man to spirit.

Joined in union means that Kaspar's spirit has become part of the generic spirit.

You do not so far have a concept of the after life. The People currently believe that your 'soul' joins with the back ground of the universe. It's fairly poorly defined at this point in time.

Any other questions, tag me!

Vote Open!

[ ] [Death] Ascended to the spirits!
[ ] [Death] Joined the spirits in union.
[ ] [Death] Has finished the lessons given to him by the spirits.
[ ] [Death] Has been blessed by the spirits, in their own way.
[ ] [Death] Has died. (-1 or -2 Stability)

[ ] [Spirit] Begin Megaproject: The Hunt!
[ ] [Spirit] Found a grand shrine at the Cave of Stars.
[ ] [Spirit] Complete a Hill at Crystal Lake (Build Hill 1 & 2: Crystal Lake)
[ ] [Spirit] Expand the Fire Relay (Expand Fire Relay 1 & 2 to Hill Guard)
[ ] [Spirit] See more of The World (Explore x3)
[X] [Death] Joined the spirits in union.
[X] [Spirit] Found a grand shrine at the Cave of Stars.

So we want the megaproject soon, but not Right Now soon.
[X] [Death] Joined the spirits in union.
[X] [Spirit] Found a grand shrine at the Cave of Stars.
[X] [Spirit] Begin Megaproject: The Hunt!
[X] [Death] Joined the spirits in union.

We were near starvation just recently. Taking The Hunt is a good idea.
[X] [Death] Ascended to the spirits!
[X] [Spirit] Found a grand shrine at the Cave of Stars.

GOD EMPEROR KASPER, He deserves better than just merely joining in union!
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[x] [Death] Has been blessed by the spirits, in their own way.
[x] [Spirit] Begin Megaproject: The Hunt!