Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
I personally think that if Aisha will really need Medicine we will get a chance to take it later.
It may be important, but i don't think it is urgent.
We don't get second takes on people's deaths. They die, they're gone. Like Dauntless, like Mouse Protector, like Noelle, like Leet.
We won't get warning before Aisha needs to triage someone important in the field.

I know you weren't here for the Behemoth fight, but we didn't get any warning before having to perform open-air surgery on Echidna to pull Panacea, Parian, Tattletale, Scapegoat and a couple others from inside her stomach after she ate them. And then had to diagnose and operate on Parian to keep her from bleeding out from internal injuries.

Or having to perform several amputations on Aisha herself on live television after a cybergorilla crushed her chest and limbs.
Hell, it's been less than a week since Taylor herself had to help put Aisha together -again- after Armsmaster cut her in half under the influence of Ziz.
No warning.
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It'll be counted.
Am not sure how Grom aggregates it, but he does.
I cycle through three different Tally programs to make sure I got everything, then finish it all by hand. It is tiresome, but I'd rather not scare people away from participating by being too draconian.

Unrelated, but important: I urge everyone to see Avengers: Infinity War as soon as possible, before you get spoiled. It's astounding.

Mostly agreed with those arguments, except for the three dots for GU. Two should be plenty and with a second dot for mentor Contessa she can be more helpful.

....and I wanted more FPoP and Ned being buddy cop monster fighters sooner rather than later.

Though to be honest I'm not sure Sirkalla and Kali are right for each other. Kali's never made a secret of her not being into monogamy, and there's nothing wrong with that so long as everyone agrees, but if it's a deal breaker for Sirkalla maybe it's for the best if they both move on.
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It is.

People forget that Virtues are filtered through personality.
An Abyssal might be Compassion 5, and still want to kill everyone because he thinks it's the kindest thing he can do.
If Aisha is as reckless as certain people are claiming, she would still do what she wants anyway, she'll just be more deliberate about it.
Isn't that the point of people voting for Compassion though? They want her to be her impulsive self, but they would rather have her be compulsive while doing things that we don't need to scold her for?
An additional argument for grabbing Medicine for Aisha: her Do Not Notice Me field's new capability to be extended to whatever/whomever she is interacting with means she can literally perform emergency surgery in the middle of a fight, without even needing to move her patient. Her tactical flexibility as a Moonsilver means she will often be the best spared for such a role, as well; Sirkalla is the party's only tank, and Taylor is best committed to a command/coordination role.
Adhoc vote count started by Sapient_Ham on Apr 30, 2018 at 9:58 AM, finished with 105 posts and 32 votes.
We won't get warning before Aisha needs to triage someone important in the field.
It may be true with the old system. But with new if we get chance to take ability we know we will use it. Sure, it may be more important or less important, but we know it will be used somehow.
Main problem is that it may take place of other important ability, or other important ability may take its place.
The only point of getting Medicine right now is if you think Aisha will need it in the next chapter already. As i said, i don't think it is that urgent.
Mostly agreed with those arguments...except for the three dots for GU. Two should be plenty and with a second dot for mentor Contessa she can be more helpful.
I've made my argument about GU.
If five dots were available, I would go into debt to buy it. We want her bound tight, regardless of if she's our Ori or not(and I want her as Ori).

Though I'm not sure Sirkalla and Kali are right for each other. Kali was never into monogamy, after all. Kali's never made a secret of it and there's nothing wrong with that so long as everyone agrees, but if it's a deal breaker for Sirkalla maybe it's for the best if they both move on.
Note that the vote says Fix her relationship with Kali.
They might decide friendship works better .They might decide to go with a relationship with custom rules, like some sort of polyamory.
It's their decision, and Gromweld's. Sirkalla came from a tribal background, it's not alien for a group marriage to exist.

I will point out that given the stresses of Alchemical life in Autochtonia, monogamy is not the norm there.
Not when the Alchemical partner might be away for months or years on assignment.
And explicitly, relationships that involve two Alchemicals always has a mortal to play meat to their sandwich, because of the realities of Clarity.

Isn't that the point of people voting for Compassion though? They want her to be her impulsive self, but they would rather have her be compulsive while doing things that we don't need to scold her for?
That's the problem: They think that Compassion is stuff you don't need to scold a person for.
If someone got kidnapped by the Yangban, for example, compassion would dictate freeing them instead of walking on. Even if it meant blackmailing a major CUI official and causing an international incident.

Temperance would simply mandate pausing and making some sort of plan, and considering the consequences; won't stop you from going ahead.
It wouldn't stop you setting the entire prison on fire, or hanging them in their briefs from the prison walls after calling the news media.

Virtues are always seen and interpreted through the prism of a person's personality; their Motivation, Intimacies and so on.

Dreadful Adjudicator of Law, who is the Soulsteel who keeps a secret identity, and hasn't turned his lover in for subversive activites despite turning in the rest of her cell, has Compassion 1 Valor 3 Conviction 3 Temperance 2.

Voice of Authority, the Soulsteel who is arrogant, self assured, a showoff, and very popular, has Conviction 3 Compassion 3 Valor 5 Temperance 1. Very effective regardless.

Excessively Righteous Blossom, the Moonsilver who everyone loathes, has Compassion 2 Conviction 5 Temperance 2 Valor 4. Still a micromanaging ass who cannot conceive of himself being in the wrong.

Herald of the Black Engine, the Apostate assassin who wants to turn the Eight Nations to the Void because that's the only way he thinks they can survive, has Compassion 2 Conviction 5 Temperance 2 Valor 3.
It may be true with the old system. But with new if we get chance to take ability we know we will use it. Sure, it may be more important or less important, but we know it will be used somehow.
Main problem is that it may take place of other important ability, or other important ability may take its place.
The only point of getting Medicine right now is if you think Aisha will need it in the next chapter already. As i said, i don't think it is that urgent.
You are mistaken. We were never told this to the best of my knowledge.
You get purchase options based on what you used in the previous update(s). Not based on what you might need to use later.
The justification being that you've been training by using that ability, so now you can improve it.

For example.
Sirkalla is getting the opportunity to buy Medicine 2 now because she just did a lot of healing, which is justification for training Medicine.
Taylor is getting the opportunity to buy Craft(Drones) because she has been building a shitton of drones, which is justification for training Drones.

Saki is getting the opportunity to buy Stealth(Completely Harmless) because she has been practicing not being a threat with Glaistig Uaine and the Wards, and Ally 3 GU because she just spent a couple updates making friends with GU and doing things for her, including taking her out to the concert despite the risk of discovery and getting into trouble.

Not many of those situations are going to repeat before we need to use those things.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Apr 30, 2018 at 2:05 AM, finished with 93 posts and 30 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Apr 30, 2018 at 2:40 AM, finished with 93 posts and 30 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Apr 30, 2018 at 3:00 AM, finished with 95 posts and 30 votes.
You are mistaken. We were never told this to the best of my knowledge.
You get purchase options based on what you used in the previous update(s). Not based on what you might need to use later.

Hm, it seems i misunderstood. Re-reading announcement about new system...

From now on, each character will have ONE Ability, Specialty, and Background (each) available for purchase at the end of each Chapter - these options will either be relevant to the events of that Chapter, or will be forecasting events of the next Chapter.

Still, it can be both. So when we see someone get an option to take something not relevant to events of current chapter, it would mean we really need this as it would be used in next. But we have no guarantee we will get option when we need it...
Ok, already changed my vote post.
10.3 Voting: Warning! Please Learn To Read!

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Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Apr 30, 2018 at 3:17 AM, finished with 98 posts and 30 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Apr 30, 2018 at 8:47 PM, finished with 114 posts and 32 votes.
so I was going through Aisha's Artifacts making an abbreviated list of their capabilities and realized that somewhere along the way the Horn of Way's got typo'd into Horn of the Wild
anyways here's the list skipping the Omnibeamklave
Artifact ●●●●● (25 dots to use)
-keeps user clean--negates all penalties to Social rolls that would be applied dew to the wearer being dirty or unkempt
-Adds two dice to rolls against disease or poison
-requires a commitment of one mote of essence
-Mask allows wearer to alter their appearance to look like anyone they wish
-grants complete control of the emotions that their face shows
-Adds 4 dice to any disguise attempt
-Adds 4 dice to any attempt to misdirect another as regarding to the wearers true motives
-attunement cost of 5 motes
-are magically the most comfortable footwear the user has ever worn
-keeps feet cool and dry in all conditions
-feet never blister
-adds 3 yards per tick to all move actions, and 6 yards per tick for Dash actions
-allows the user to march 10 miles per hour
-adds 2 strength when calculating jump distances, works with charms
-allows user to see essence
-while active grants a +2 bonus to awareness rolls--depending on the version it costs either 3 motes for one seen, or a commitment of 3 motes for continuous use
-opens pathways that didn't exist
-perfectly translates any language or cipher into Old Realm in under a second
-cost 3 motes of Essence to power for a scene
- Cost 5 motes to Attune
- allows user to scry locations out of sight up to a mile away
- generates any clothing the user can imagine
- adds 2 dice to stealth rolls
- adds 2 dice to assume a disguise with larceny
- grants a +5L/+5B soak bonus that stacks with other sources and does not count as armor for charms
-moonsilver cephalopod automaton weapon
-worn as a torc or exotic bracer
-user gets to allocate five bonus points as a miscellaneous action
-looks like a piece of innocuous jewelry with zero points allocated
-Each point can add:
--add 2 extra Lethal Damage to the Talisman's Lash and blade attacks, the automaton can not attack without at least one point to increase damage
--add 2L/2B to the wearer's armored soak, no fatigue or mobility penalties. bonus stacks with other sources of soak. if the user is wearing armor the bonus is limited to 6L/6B, otherwise it can go to 10L/10B. the tendrils are nigh-indestructible and cannot be directly attacked to any real effect.
--add 1 to both the owner's Dodge DV and Parry DV, counts as a shield, does not stack with other shields
-the automaton has the following Attributes:
--Strength 5
--Dexterity 5
--Stamina 1
--Charisma 0
--Manipulation 0
--Appearance 0
--Perception 3
--Intelligence 1
--Wits 3
-Virtues : the Automaton never fails Valor checks, and never makes others
--Athletics 2
--Awareness 2 (Detect Ambush +3)
--integrity 5
--Melee 5 (Itself +3)
-Join Battle 8
--Lash : Speed 4, Accuracy 15, Damage 5l (upto 15L) Defense 15, Rate 3
--Blade : Speed 4, Accuracy +4, Damage +0L (upto +10L) Defense +1, Rate 3
-Soak: 20L/20B (Moonsilver construction, 19L/19B; Hardness: 15L/15B)
-Health Levels: -0/ -0/ -0/ -0/ -0/Incap
-Dodge DV: 2
-Willpower: 10 (0 against its owner)
-Essence: 1
-A quicksilver aegis talisman can make lash or blade attacks out to a range of four yards
-The blades it grows are weapons usable by its bearer rather than itself.
-These automata are not actually sentient, but capable of identifying threats to their bearer and immediately responding to those threats with deadly force.
-Unless directed otherwise, they will linger "dormant" with maximized armor, shifting to attack anyone who initiates hostilities with as much force as perceived necessary to eliminate the threat.
-it's perception is omni-directional negating any stealth bonuses gained by sneaking up from behind
personally I'm looking forward to the shenanigans that Aisha will be able to get up to with a combination of her charms and the artifacts(like the various speed stacking which gets to be over 200 yard per second when combining Alchemical charms Martial Arts charms, and perfected boots{it's mostly the charms, but every bit helps})
so I was going through Aisha's Artifacts making an abbreviated list of their capabilities and realized that somewhere along the way the Horn of Way's got typo'd into Horn of the Wild
anyways here's the list skipping the Omnibeamklave
Artifact ●●●●● (25 dots to use)
-keeps user clean--negates all penalties to Social rolls that would be applied dew to the wearer being dirty or unkempt
-Adds two dice to rolls against disease or poison
-requires a commitment of one mote of essence
-Mask allows wearer to alter their appearance to look like anyone they wish
-grants complete control of the emotions that their face shows
-Adds 4 dice to any disguise attempt
-Adds 4 dice to any attempt to misdirect another as regarding to the wearers true motives
-attunement cost of 5 motes
-are magically the most comfortable footwear the user has ever worn
-keeps feet cool and dry in all conditions
-feet never blister
-adds 3 yards per tick to all move actions, and 6 yards per tick for Dash actions
-allows the user to march 10 miles per hour
-adds 2 strength when calculating jump distances, works with charms
-allows user to see essence
-while active grants a +2 bonus to awareness rolls--depending on the version it costs either 3 motes for one seen, or a commitment of 3 motes for continuous use
-opens pathways that didn't exist
-perfectly translates any language or cipher into Old Realm in under a second
-cost 3 motes of Essence to power for a scene
- Cost 5 motes to Attune
- allows user to scry locations out of sight up to a mile away
- generates any clothing the user can imagine
- adds 2 dice to stealth rolls
- adds 2 dice to assume a disguise with larceny
- grants a +5L/+5B soak bonus that stacks with other sources and does not count as armor for charms
-moonsilver cephalopod automaton weapon
-worn as a torc or exotic bracer
-user gets to allocate five bonus points as a miscellaneous action
-looks like a piece of innocuous jewelry with zero points allocated
-Each point can add:
--add 2 extra Lethal Damage to the Talisman's Lash and blade attacks, the automaton can not attack without at least one point to increase damage
--add 2L/2B to the wearer's armored soak, no fatigue or mobility penalties. bonus stacks with other sources of soak. if the user is wearing armor the bonus is limited to 6L/6B, otherwise it can go to 10L/10B. the tendrils are nigh-indestructible and cannot be directly attacked to any real effect.
--add 1 to both the owner's Dodge DV and Parry DV, counts as a shield, does not stack with other shields
-the automaton has the following Attributes:
--Strength 5
--Dexterity 5
--Stamina 1
--Charisma 0
--Manipulation 0
--Appearance 0
--Perception 3
--Intelligence 1
--Wits 3
-Virtues : the Automaton never fails Valor checks, and never makes others
--Athletics 2
--Awareness 2 (Detect Ambush +3)
--integrity 5
--Melee 5 (Itself +3)
-Join Battle 8
--Lash : Speed 4, Accuracy 15, Damage 5l (upto 15L) Defense 15, Rate 3
--Blade : Speed 4, Accuracy +4, Damage +0L (upto +10L) Defense +1, Rate 3
-Soak: 20L/20B (Moonsilver construction, 19L/19B; Hardness: 15L/15B)
-Health Levels: -0/ -0/ -0/ -0/ -0/Incap
-Dodge DV: 2
-Willpower: 10 (0 against its owner)
-Essence: 1
-A quicksilver aegis talisman can make lash or blade attacks out to a range of four yards
-The blades it grows are weapons usable by its bearer rather than itself.
-These automata are not actually sentient, but capable of identifying threats to their bearer and immediately responding to those threats with deadly force.
-Unless directed otherwise, they will linger "dormant" with maximized armor, shifting to attack anyone who initiates hostilities with as much force as perceived necessary to eliminate the threat.
-it's perception is omni-directional negating any stealth bonuses gained by sneaking up from behind
personally I'm looking forward to the shenanigans that Aisha will be able to get up to with a combination of her charms and the artifacts(like the various speed stacking which gets to be over 200 yard per second when combining Alchemical charms Martial Arts charms, and perfected boots{it's mostly the charms, but every bit helps})
Like the list, but I don't get what it means for Horn of the Ways. Paths that didn't exist?
Like the list, but I don't get what it means for Horn of the Ways. Paths that didn't exist?
say you're locked in a room with no exits, blowing the Horn of Ways creates an exit until the user passes through.
blank wall without a door? suddenly a passageway opens through the wall until the user has passed through it.

Edit: not at all safe to use currently, because it relies on Essence physics, and thus essence saturated matter
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...With all due respect, if you don't care enough to spare the two minutes to decide on your own vote, why are you even voting?

Particularly since tallying is by line, not by plan.

Edit: Maybe this was overly aggressive, but after this litany of namevotes I'm worried about ending up in an equilibrium like May the Invisible Hand Be With You, where everyone bandwagons onto a single plan early and the vote is a formality. Which works fine there due to the format, but which I'd rather avoid here.
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*Looks at votes*
Is there a reason why people don't think Medicine 1 is important for Aisha?
Am I the only person who remembers that during the Behemoth battle, the reason some of the people Echidna swallowed died was because Taylor did not have Medicine 1 to help her perform surgery to get them out after her nanothorn knife got wrecked? We lost Penitent and Jotun:
Thread 6

Seriously people, Medicine is important when you are likely to be the most survivable person at the scene of a disaster, and thus will be the person doing first aid and triage. New York and California both mandate advanced first aid training for their police officers at a minimum.

Aisha has a Familiar car which means she is going to be responsible for retrieving people way outside support.
She NEEDS Medicine 1 at a minimum.

It is.

People forget that Virtues are filtered through personality.
An Abyssal might be Compassion 5, and still want to kill everyone because he thinks it's the kindest thing he can do.
If Aisha is as reckless as certain people are claiming, she would still do what she wants anyway, she'll just be more deliberate about it.

I reiterate, do not rush Virtue changes. We can't turn them back by RAW.
I'm sure we'll find out in due time.
My working hypothesis is that Aisha has been the clear Moonsilver favorite for so long that Autobot was mostly done customizing things for her before she even showed up.

I am going to point out that voting without voting for XP expenditures is effectively an anti-vote for XP.
Well I've lost track of how much XP costs what at this point, but if we can spend some in debt, then I'll add in a vote for medicine 1.

Also as I suspect the exalted version of Aisha is confident in herself, her abilities and her self-worth in a way her past self wasn't; I think I'll change my Compassion three vote to a Valor five, just to see where that will go.