Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

The scouting party Telma sent north discovered other people... However the people they discovered were at the edge of the Gerudo desert and were the Gerudo themselves alongside a group they were fighting that had black and light blue skin, weird hair colors, glowing ritual writing on parts of their limbs, and strange pointy ears. There was no doubt about it, the scouts found the Twili fighting the Gerudo, But how? Midna had shattered the mirror and told you they would never return! Perhaps someone else took over again? Or maybe something far worse has happened.

Irregardless of all of this the scouts had stayed to watch the battle finish in favor of the Twili thanks to what seemed to be very powerful magic. While they watched the Twili gather up after their victory and start talking, the scouts were about to leave before a Twili used magic and popped up right in front of them demanding to know who they were. The scout begged for them not to kill him and told them he was merely a scout for the kingdom of Ordona. The Twili demanded to know who ruled this kingdom as they never heard of it and when the scout mentioned our name the Twili's eyes went wide with shock. They then told the scout to take a message to you that their leader wished to meet you.

Likely this proves that Midna truly was leading them unless it was a trap. However the three scouts who ran back to give you the message as soon as possible while the rest finished mapping some more of Hyrule fields could not tell you anything more other than how to contact them. All you were required to do was show up near the edge of the desert and turn into your wolf form. Their leader would feel the magic and come to meet you then.

Results: Scouts found other nations! Meeting with Link requested by leader of the Twili! 1 more turn required to map out Hyrule fields, -200 rupees. New Diplomacy option!
COURT HER COURT HER YOU FOOLS!!!!! *pulls out Grimoire and sewing needles* I must do my part. but first anyone got names?
So We need to search for resources next turn as metal income is a big bottleneck for us and the copper mine runs out on the 17/18 And is reduced by 100 on turn 10/11
RNGesus Nrub'yiglith you guys got all the critsuccesses EXACTLY where you needed/wanted to get them, truly he favored you this turn. At least you didn't get bombs or powerful infantry technology, that makes me writing this a bit easier.
Also fixed that heretical spelling of the true dice gods!
Yeah ! We find Midna !

For the heavy infantry name i propose "The immortals". like the troops of the sassanid/persian empire ^^
how about Ancile you know that Roman shield from Mars(god not planet) with 11 copies to confuse thieves. since they are our protection
That does seem cool, but what about Centurains. Just due to the fact of an immortal dies, then the name will just become an empty title that no one will respect.

Well i don't see things like this but i's an argument. Well centurian is a grade in the roman army and for the moment it seem that we follow more a greek path, so it don't make a lot of sense for me.

how about Ancile you know that Roman shield from Mars(god not planet) with 11 copies to confuse thieves. since they are our protection

idem it's an intersting name but from our mythology it doesn't have a signification for peoples of this world.

Maybe name them from solid beast from Hyrule ?
Well i don't see things like this but i's an argument. Well centurian is a grade in the roman army and for the moment it seem that we follow more a greek path, so it don't make a lot of sense for me.
Then we can call them Legionaries, for they will be Legion, for they are many. Also given the fact our capital is called Roma, gives a bit of a not twords it. Also the Romans did conquer the Greeks, so we have the medium infantry of the Hoplights given our Greek named cities, and our heavy infantry will be Legionaries, given the Roman name of the capital. We also need all the Roads, they army and trade movement will be amazing because of them.
Then we can call them Legionaries, for they will be Legion, for they are many. Also given the fact our capital is called Roma, gives a bit of a not twords it. Also the Romans did conquer the Greeks, so we have the medium infantry of the Hoplights given our Greek named cities, and our heavy infantry will be Legionaries, given the Roman name of the capital. We also need all the Roads, they army and trade movement will be amazing because of them.

Well i have nothing To answer To this.
Ha, but still I'm not sure on the romancing part...unless the big 3 are okay with it, don't want a apocalypse coming down on us!

(even though it already happened, we don't want another one so soon!)

so some turns next, get the church's...everywhere...

who knows maybe we can get Midna as a ally...
[X] Legionaries

I think this is quite honestly the best name for our heavy infantry that we could go for...

Also, we really should consider scouting Lake Hylia for resources, as metal is kinda limited, and making sure that we have potential metal sources available is never a bad thing.
Ha, but still I'm not sure on the romancing part...unless the big 3 are okay with it, don't want a apocalypse coming down on us!

Well, we will probably begin as ally before romance/marry her so we will have a little time to build churches for the gods. And the fact we are the chosen one should play in our favor too.

Meeh. you know what, even with the fact that legionnnaries sound like a not so bad name, i choose to guard the name that i would in first

[X] Immortals
[X] Immortals

Don't want to go full roman.

-[X] Send scouts North --[X] Telma
Roll: 98+18 =116 CRITICAL SUCCESS
The scouting party Telma sent north discovered other people... However the people they discovered were at the edge of the Gerudo desert and were the Gerudo themselves alongside a group they were fighting that had black and light blue skin, weird hair colors, glowing ritual writing on parts of their limbs, and strange pointy ears. There was no doubt about it, the scouts found the Twili fighting the Gerudo, But how? Midna had shattered the mirror and told you they would never return! Perhaps someone else took over again? Or maybe something far worse has happened.

Well well well what do we have hear, pesky little desert rats fucking with my plans. Ladies and gentlemen i do believe i know who our next victims should be after were done dealing with these moblins. Those poor poor Gerudo are obviously in need of a little demonstration in manners.

The Twili demanded to know who ruled this kingdom as they never heard of it and when the scout mentioned our name the Twili's eyes went wide with shock. They then told the scout to take a message to you that their leader wished to meet you.

This has some very interesting implications i never really fully considered. Link very publicly and viably saved the entirety of the Twil race from what amounted to genocide and if Midna told the other Twili anything about his adventures there exist fairly good odds the twili like us more then the hylians and probably almost as much as the ordona's. After all when someone saves you from genocide it's kind of hard not to feel both extremely thankful and in debited. From a political standpoint marrying us is probably a golden ticket as far as moral and public support goes for Midna.. after all everyone loves a happy ending.
oh by the way, do you guys prefer my old style of just giving you the roll outcome or do you prefer me giving you the roll and the modifiers separate like I did this turn?