Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

and tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Speed53066 on Apr 17, 2018 at 2:59 PM, finished with 154 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: That's a lot of Moblins
    -[X] Build Inner kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains behind Ordontown in the southwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from surrounding Ordontown with some troops preventing them from leaving and then ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements. (Medium)
    --[X] Rusl
    -[X] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations. (1000)
    --[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority
    -[X] Train Archers - Ranged light infantry armed with a bow, arrows and shortsword. Good at picking off troops from afar when hidden behind other troops or defenses. (1000)
    -[X] Train Heavy Infantry (Spear/Ax/Large Shield/ Plate armor) (Spartans) {Defense/melee} - Train some Heavy Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
    -[X] Claim Malonville region - Claim Malonville and its surrounding lands. This will allow them to be a buffer for your kingdom against enemies from the north and northwest.
    --[X] Malo
    -[X] Attempt to improve population morale - hold a feast, Throw a party, Create a holiday. Do whatever it takes to improve how happy people are and how much they like you.
    --[X] Bo
    -[X] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
    -[X] Send scouts North - Send scouts into the old Hyrule fields past the new Hylian lakes to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
    --[X] Telma
    -[X] Send scouts West - Maybe you should send some scouts Northwest of the Moblin lands. This area used to be a province of Hyrule, perhaps they also survived the calamity? If they did they might make staunch allies against the Moblins and decent trading partners.
    -[X] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
    --[X] Shad
    -[X] Research infantry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your infantry somehow... someway? (Anti Calvary formations)
    -[X] Faith do nothing
    [X] Legionaries
    [X] Plan Troops and Resources
    -[X] Train Heavy Infantry- Spartans
    --[X] Rusl
    --[X] 2 Authority
    -[X]Train Hoplites
    --[X] 1 Authority
    -[X] Train Archers
    -[X] Build Inner kingdom wall (Medium)
    -[X] Claim Malonville region
    --[X] Malo
    -[X] Attempt to improve population morale
    --[X] Mayor Bo
    -[X] Scout the Lakes Hylia region for resources
    --[X] Telma
    --[X] 3 Authority
    -[X] Build a research lab
    --[X] Shad
    -[X] Searching for a Spouse
    [X] Heavy Infantry Unit
    [X] Immortals
    [X] Legionaries
Adhoc vote count started by Speed53066 on Apr 17, 2018 at 2:59 PM, finished with 28 posts and 9 votes.
hey guys I updated everything in the nation and troops and all that, adding the maps as I write this.
Just for the people who haven't played Hyrule total war, I copied the TV tropes summary of the races and added my own comments after (these are just my opinions), TV tropes didn't have Twili, I'd add them but it's late and I'm off to bed.
Edit: added the Twili.
Kingdom of Hyrule: Generalist. A strong all-round selection of troops, but does not excel at anything.
-They play like your bog standard medieval army.

Gerudo: Ranger. The best archers and light cavalry in the game, offset by a near-complete lack of armour.
-Very lightly armoured fast army of raiders, good archers and they have the best horse archers which many armies lack. They also posses some heavies to anchor around in the form of the iron knuckle.

Gorons: Elitist/Brute. Gorons hit hard, with their infantry almost as strong as other factions' cavalry. Just don't expect them to perform well from afar.
-Very strong in melee and bomb throwers despite limited range do immense damage, but slow unless they curl up (run) which drains their stamina and tires them faster. Their cavalry is also somewhat slower but hits like a brick. Lack long range outwith artillery meaning archers will be a problem.

Zora: Elitist/Ranger/Loyal. Very powerful ranged troops and artillery, not as good in melee due to lack of armour. They have the best morale in the game.
-The third most magic heavy army. Fragile melee troops means you need to make use of their very deadly range troops to soften up the enemy then strike with their infantry and cavalry.

Kokiri: Spammer/Guerrilla. Many soldiers who do not tire easily and move fast, but individually are weak and prone to fleeing.
-This army can run around the field playing keep away from the enemy handy to wear them down with range or tire the out to counter attack. Large unit size make them very much a horde army, deku trees are great and they have the Emerald Archers probably the best archers in the game, also all start concealed in wooded area so can be a pain, Cavalry is decent enough. Tie down the enemy with cheap fodder then flank with a better unit, or have heavy infantry take the core then surround the enemy with fodder.

Gohma: Spammer/Brute. Pretty much the definition of Zerg Rush, with the exception of some powerful high-end units. They cannot even initiate diplomacy.
-Hordes of spammable fodder and big meaty monsters and decent range the Gohma are a nasty army to fight with no glaring weaknesses in combat. Their biggest weakness is they cannot do diplomacy at all so have to fight most of their neighbours.

Ordona Province: Brute/Technical/Economist. The best cavalry in the game, backed with a bonus to farming income. They can also pit eagles and goats at enemies.
-Farming income bonus in one of the best areas to farm on the map gets them a good start and they have the best cavalry as a whole. If you don't have a sizable cavalry force you are playing this army wrong. Decent but not great infantry and archers (excluding mounted).

Lanayru Province: Ranger/Guerrilla. Good at mobility and fighting at range, but not so great up close due to light armor.
-Fragile troops and strong range means they should try to kite the enemy to wear them down when they have to fight Guardian Maidens should be in use to bolster their forces.

Moblins: Brute. All about charging with raw, brute force.
Very strong in melee, smaller breeds big spammable unit size, bigger breeds smaller unit size. Getting into melee with most of your army is usually the way to go. Hard hitting cavalry.

Deku Tribes: Spammer/Guerrilla/Technical/Pariah. Huge numbers of varied units, expert at hiding, boasts the worst morale in the game, and nearly every unit has the ability to spit seeds at enemies.
-Bullet hell incarnate. With a couple of exceptions every unit spits nuts at enemy, meaning you almost never want to fight in melee since you'll usually fare better at range.

Stalfos: Spammer/Generalist/Industrial/Loyal. Stalfos troops are recruited from the dead of those armies they defeat, letting them assemble a powerful and balanced but brittle force that neither tires nor routs.
-Fragile army but will normally outnumber opponent and when they win will get more troops. Troops are very cheap.

Darknut Legion: Elitist/Brute. The core of the Darknut army consists of heavy infantry and cavalry. While lighter and ranged units are present as well, their quality is not exactly high and they mostly serve as support alongside the rare artillery and the varied mercenaries that the Darknuts can hire more easily than other factions.
-Mercenaries are easily recruited which helps to provide a varied force and to bulk up numbers as Darknuts are expensive to recruit. Gods of Melee combat where their enemy most certainly don't want to be. Have more ranged options than they used to and now no longer laugh off artillery. Very small unit size, very hard to put down.

Lizalfos: Guerrilla/Ranger. Light, fast units, specialising in flanking and ambushing.
-Never played and don't really know the army.

Labrynna Regime: Ranger/Research. Most soldiers have poor melee skills but have the best guns and cannons in the game. They are also the most technologically advanced faction, able to field tanks and organ guns.
-Tie up enemy with durable low damage infantry then bombard pretty much sums up their strategy.

Fairies of Tarm: Spammer/Ranger. The best Glass Cannons in the game, who can quickly kill enemies with dazzling beams of death, but can as easily be swatted aside by normal soldiers.
-Ranged troops erase enemy troops and melee hit like a hammer, a glass hammer that breaks after hitting but a hammer none the less.

Sheikah: Elitist/Guerrilla/Espionage. Very small units able to hide anywhere, outmanoeuvre enemies, and gain a massive bonus in flanking. Basically melee glass cannons. Also able to subtly influence neighbours one way or another in the campaign.
-Sneaky, outnumbered and hit hard. Use covert means to weaken opponent before fighting them as slow recruitment.

Kingdom of Ikana: Elitist/Generalist. Experienced, high-quality troops that cannot be replaced easily.
-Very high quality troops but since no population growth your economy doesn't grow like other groups and this means you'll have far less troops than you'd like.

Order of the Wizzrobe: Technical/Ranger/Diplomatic. An order of avian wizards. They are devastating at a distance, but terrible up close. Each wizard attacks with a specific element. Can cause rebellions in vulnerable provinces by converting the local population and inciting revolt.
-Fort up and use religious conversion to cause riots, extremely difficult to assail their fortifications as they have tons of mages and this gives them lots of dakka. An army that plays the long game and plays defensively. Not good in a straight up fight as they can be out manouvered lacking cavalry, but when they need to fight use melee to tie up enemy and bombard.

River Zora: Brutal/Industrial. A faction of raiders, they can train more troops from what they pillage in conquered cities.
-Another army I'm unfamiliar with.

The Forces of Twilight: The twili are a faction lacking cavalry but like the Gohma have monstrous creatures, they also demoralise enemies due to their otherworldly nature. They also tire more readily in the world of light. Good artillery, sorceresses are potent ranged but no more than other factins mages and their infantry are fairly good but not excellent. Their monstrous creatures are good for breaking up enemies, taking a charge or flanking your enemy. Overall a balanced army with no glaring weakness's.
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Arc 1: Turn 7: RELIGION IS IMPORTANT TOO! plus time to meet other nations... and don't forget about the Moblin invasion coming soon!
'Finally we have a proper army! Now my kingdom can actually defend itself from an aggressor.' Link felt relief at the thought of how much stronger his nation is now.

'Speaking of defending ourselves against aggressors, perhaps I should send Bo over to talk with the kingdom in the west. He should be able to open relations with them peacefully enough.' Link frowned in thought before smiling. 'However if we meet with anyone this year it has to be the Twili, regardless of any other reasoning, it may be selfish but I just want to see Midna again. It has been too long.'

'But I definitely need to get started on building some kind of place of worship this year, I am starting to chafe at the lack of it. Plus my people will likely soon start to get angry if that's not started up soon.' Link thought in determination.

this is a line


Current Advisors:

Martial: Rusl +14 to any martial action he is applied to. *Building inner kingdom wall*

Administration: Malo +18 to any Administration action he is applied to. Traits: Expert administrator: whenever an action he is applied to roles less than a critsuccess reroll, if lower than first roll keep the original result.

Diplomacy: Mayor Bo +19 to any diplomacy action he is applied to.

Intrigue: Telma +18 to intrigue actions she is applied to. *Busy with scouting stuff.*

Research: Shad +14 to any research action he is applied to. Also grants a +7 bonus to all magical actions, if it is magical research and he is directly applied to it, +21 to the action.

Current Imperial Authority: 13

Current Treasury/Resources at the start of this year/turn:
Rupees: 6200

Food: natural food level 5.

Stone: 1700 total, 1100 Marble, 600 Granite.

Wood: 1300

Metal: 650


[X] Build Inner kingdom wall - *Rusl locked here*
Cost: 400-800 Rupees, 500-1000 stone based on wall size.
Time: 1 turn remaining
DC: automatic success.
Reward: a small, medium or large wall built. You must choose what size of wall you want beforehand. Can upgrade the wall size later on.

[] Build Military Barracks - Build a barracks at the Training Ground to house the troops you will soon have. It will be considerably cheaper to house an army here than to grant them a stipend to pursue their own lodgings.
Requires: Training Grounds
Cost: 800 Rupees, 600 wood/stone.
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: -10% military upkeep for a varying number of troops

[] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations.
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Hoplites.

[] Train Archers - Ranged light infantry armed with a bow, arrows and shortsword. Good at picking off troops from afar when hidden behind other troops or defenses.
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Archers

[] Train Legionaries- Heavy defensive infantry armoured in plate and armed with a round tower shield, a spear and an axe. Knows several defensive formations and is skilled at fighting in melee.
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 10-100 wood, 60-600 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Legionaries.

[] Train Light Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Light Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Light Infantry

[] Train Medium Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Medium Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, 10-100 metal, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Medium Infantry

[] Train Heavy Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Heavy Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, 30-300 Metal, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Heavy Infantry

[] Train Light Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Light Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Light Cavalry

[] Train Medium Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Medium Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, 20-100 metal, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Medium Cavalry

[] Train Heavy Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Heavy Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, 40-200 metal, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Heavy Cavalry

[] Capital Walls - Build walls around your capital to improve defenses. --[] Make it with marble (requires upgraded marble quarry)
Cost: 700 rupees, 400 stone, 300 more rupees if made with marble
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Improved capital defences, if made with marble +1 pop moral.

[] Train siege engineers - Train people to construct siege weapons or tunnel under enemy fortifications.
Prerequisite: Basic Primary School System
Cost: 500 rupees, +100 rupees upkeep.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Siege engineers who can construct siege weapons in the for offensive actions. without them you cannot build offensive siege equipment.

[] Build northern kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains west of Malonville in the northwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from flanking you while you are busy with them in Ordontown stopping them from ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements.
Cost: 400-800 Rupees, 500-1000 stone based on wall size.
Time: 1-3 Turns based on wall size
DC: automatic success.
Reward: a small, medium or large wall built. You must choose what size of wall you want beforehand. Can upgrade the wall size later on.

[] Build Stone Road network throughout Ordona - Build Stone roads throughout your kingdom, this will stimulate trade and let you move armies around much faster.
Cost: 100 rupees, 400 Stone, +100 rupee upkeep, + 400 rupees temporary upkeep.
Time: 2-8 turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-100.
Reward: Road network built throughout Ordona, +100 trade income, increase population growth by 10%, population becomes slightly more spread out, trade income gains a +10% modifier, armies move 25% faster throughout Ordona.

[ ] Increase Livestock Production - Just about every race loves meat and dairy except perhaps the Zora and would be happy with more affordable meat. Invest money to increase production.
Cost: 200 Rupees, -2 food levels for 5 turns,
Time: 1 Turn, will take 3 turns to kick in.
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Increases population morale by 1, +1 food level.

[ ] Build MORE lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +300-700 wood Income (small risk of deforestation)

[ ] Build Basic Primary School System - The people of Ordona generally lack knowledge on how to read and write, beyond its merchants, lords and a handful of other people.
Requires: Library, printing press.
Cost: 2000 Rupees, 800 stone/wood, 200 wood, +100 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns, takes effect after 2 turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: All rupee income +20% modifier, +5 learning rolls.

[] Increase size of the capital
Cost: 800 rupees, 600 stone/wood, +200 temp rupee upkeep
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: +200-500 tax income, +100 trade income, -1 food level.

[] Attempt to improve population morale - hold a feast, Throw a party, Create a holiday. Do whatever it takes to improve how happy people are and how much they like you.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
Current progress: 76/100
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of population morale in place, of improving population morale by +1. If you fail by too much you might lose 1 population morale instead.

[] Meeting with Midna? - Go and meet the leader of the Twili they specifically asked to meet you and the only one that knows you that well is your companion Midna. Hopefully its not another Zant and this isn't a trap. (Specify how many gaurds you take with you to prevent falling into a trap or bandits/moblins attacking you along the way.)
Cost: 200-1000 rupees depending on how many guards you take
TIme: 1 turn
DC: Automatic
Reward: Miniturn diplo meeting.

[] Establish relations with the west kingdom - Send someone to go and meet the western kingdom for you, they are fighting the moblins and you should see if they are willing to have an alliance.
Cost: 300 rupees.
TIme: 1 turn
DC: Automatic
Reward: Miniturn diplo meeting.

[] Attempt to improve how much a race/faction likes you - Hold a feast, Throw a party, Give them money. Do whatever it takes to improve how much a faction likes you and respects your authority.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of influence you already have, of improving racial/faction influence with a single faction by +1. If you fail by a lot you might lose 1 racial influence with the faction, or with a different faction.

[] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.

[X] Send scouts North - *Telma locked in on this*
Cost: 200 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information on the lands that used to be Hyrule Fields, knowledge on how the Goddesses wrath effected Hyrule fields.

[] Train spies - Given you are now finding some actual nations it might be a good idea to start training spies to infiltrate enemy territory.
Cost: 300 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: 1 spy team to send where you wish.

[] Send scouts southeast - You know what Hyrule has never done? Send scouts into the desert and mountains nearby. You should try it, who knows? Maybe you will find something/someone. Perhaps you will even find some resources!
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the nearby desert and mountains and what is in them.

[] Send scouts northeast - Send scouts into Faron Woods to map out the land and maybe find some resources. After all it's not like you will find any people over there... right?
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the Faron woods and what is in them.

[] Scout the Lakes Hylia region for resources - Send scouts to look around the new Hylian lakes to see if any resources can be found. Who knows, maybe the apocalypse changed enough to add or reveal new resources. You are certain you will find SOME resources out there though how much and what is the question.
Cost: 300 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information on the resources that can be found in the Lakes Hylia region.

[] Build a research lab - Build a research lab to do experiments in.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 200 stone, 100 wood.
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: New research options, chance of +1-3 to future research actions.

[] Figure out how to build a printing press - One of the people who aided you on your quest, Shad, had mentioned to you the idea of using pre-made blocks covered with ink to copy books. He mentioned that this was a recent creation in the capital of Hyrule and that it could revolutionize education. Sadly the capital is lost and the machine with it, however you can try to build your own.
Cost: 400 rupees, 100 metal, 100 wood.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Prototype printing press, can start to create your own printing press machines.

[] Research infantry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your infantry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about infantry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

[] Research Cavalry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your Cavalry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about Cavalry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

[] Research armor technologies - Try to make some kind of improved armor for your troops to wear. Certain to improve survivability! (maybe... Satisfaction NOT guaranteed.)
Cost: 400 rupees, 200 metal.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn an easier way to make armor, or how to make a new type of armor!

[] Research weapon technologies - Try to make some kind of improved weapons for your troops to use. Certain to improve killing potential! (maybe... Satisfaction NOT guaranteed.)
Cost: 400 rupees, 100 metal
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Some kind of new weapons or a way to make them more easily.

[] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
Cost: 800 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn how to make bombs

[] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor

[] Build a Grand Temple to Farore - Build a massive Temple to Farore in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1800 Rupees, 700 marble, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Followers of Farore', Can train Priests of Farore, +3 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a Grand Temple to Din - Build a massive Temple to Din in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1800 Rupees, 700 marble, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Disciples of Din', Can train priests of Din, +3 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a Grand Temple to Nayru - Build a massive Temple to Nayru in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1800 Rupees, 700 marble, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Acolytes of Nayru', Can train Priests of Nayru, +3 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a few dozen small churches - Build several smaller temples spread throughout the capital and the other towns dedicated to the combined religion of the three goddesses. This will lower the risk of angering the other goddesses once you start building the Grand temples.
Requires: Capital
Cost: 1200 Rupees, 500 stone/wood, +150 rupee upkeep
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: churches built for worship throughout the kingdom, Creation of the faction 'Devotees of the Golden Goddesses', Can train Priests of the Golden Trio, +4 to Faith actions.


[] Training - Pick a stat to train, it gets more difficult to train the higher it is, and it gets easier to train if you have supporting buildings or other things to train the stat. (Like training grounds for combat or martial.)
Cost: 0 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: Roll 1d100 -the points in the chosen stat +any aids to training the stat. 0/200 progress
Reward: +1d2 to the stat of choice.

[] Searching for a Spouse - Try to find someone to marry and have kids with. *Lustful trait countdown started! If you do not find a wife in one year you will have another incident with possible influence loss and guaranteed body change!*
Cost: 0 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: hidden roll +/- spousal approval modifiers
Reward: spouse choice mini-turn.
(marrying someone within your nation boosts loyalty. Marrying someone important from another kingdom boosts diplomacy. Marrying a ruler from another kingdom or their heir gives you the chance to combine both of your kingdoms into one combined kingdom.)

Turn ends here.

Ok so benchmark as of last turn, YOU HAVE A PROPER ARMY NOW! a small army, but still an army! important to note that milestone. You are also just about the same strength as Lanayru province at year 0... so still weaker than they are now, but hey, at least you can match their earlier strength!

Also since all of you seem to continually fail to get this... you know what many mountains have? They have metals in them brought up by the tectonic plates shifting to create those mountains. You know what deserts have? many different kinds of mineral deposits. Just some food for thought since you guys keep ignoring that option and need metal so badly. It would basically take a nat 1 to lose any chance of gaining significant metal deposits in that direction ... and even then you will find at least an amount equal to your current mine.

You should also think about starting up both the regular churches and one of the temples this turn to truly appease the Goddesses and basically guarantee that they won't turn their backs on you for going with Midna if you do that.

EDIT: forgot to mention

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okay Minturn with possible Midna, I suggest we take a good force with us, a mix of body guards and rangers...possibly some riders just in case.

also GET THAT WALL UP! and those church's! but a medium wall would be best right now! (if possible)

we don't know when the Moblins will come a-running!

also get the mountain mines up and running, cant believe we took this long to do so, but then again the moblin attack was kind of scary, as we were expecting raids, not a full-blown INVASION!
I think we can fit that in for the small churches. What happened to the scout for resources action?
my bad I copy from my word doc's so I tend to lose stuff I only add on site.

EDIT: fixed.

oh also Legionnaires won the name contest for the heavy infantry.

Further Edit: @RandomDwarf the wall is already being built and will be up at the end of this turn.
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my bad I copy from my word doc's so I tend to lose stuff I only add on site.

EDIT: fixed.

oh also Legionnaires won the name contest for the heavy infantry.

Further Edit: @RandomDwarf the wall is already being built and will be up at the end of this turn.
Also didn't we just finish the claim malonville action last turn?

Alright prelim plan:

[] Plan Troops, Resources and Bonuses
-[] Build Medium Kingdom Wall- Action locked in from last turn
--[] Rusl
-[] Send Scouts North- Action locked in from last turn
--[] Telma
-[] Build a few dozen small churches
-[] 1 authority
-[] Train Hoplites
--[] 1 authority
-[] Train Hoplites 2nd
--[] 1 authority
-[] Train Archers
--[] 1 authority
-[] Meet with Midna? (500 worth of bodyguards)
--[] 1 authority
-[] Establish relations with the west kingdom
--[] Mayor Bo
-[] Scout southeast
--[] 5 authority
-[] Build a Research Lab
--[] Shad and 1 authority
-[] Build a Grand Temple to Din
--[] 1 authority
-[] Increase Livestock Production
--[] Malo and 1 authority

Okay this takes care of the faith issue by the small churches which gives us a bonus to faith actions which is always good and also lets us work on the churches to the specific three one at a time. Research lab is for the bonus to research actions which are always good to avoid failing and also to increase the degree of success. Two more units to go into training as we are still outnumbered by the enemy which is increasing their size. We do not have the metal to train a heavy and a second unit.

Meet with Midna to figure out what is going on their, good sized bodyguard as well. Improve Morale to finish that off and move up a morale step, live stock production also helps with morale and long term increase our food levels and since the capital reduces food by a level this would cancel out that action which we should take soon.

Scout for resources- we are heavily bottlenecked by our lack of metal income so pumping authority into it to maximize the level of success we have so the more likely we are to find resources.

No income increase unless higher morale does that (we should get +1 from improve morale and +1 from live stock). Next turn- expand capital and stone roads should be under consideration to keep increasing our rupee income as the temples to the goddesses are expensive.

Edit 2
Added 2nd unit of hoplites, added grand temple and dropped northern wall. Also swapped scouting to southeast for better metal potential
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Also didn't we just finish the claim malonville action last turn?

Alright prelim plan:

[] Plan Troops, Resources and Bonuses
-[] Build Medium Kingdom Wall- Action locked in from last turn
--[] Rusl
-[] Send Scouts North- Action locked in from last turn
--[] Telma
-[] Build a few dozen small churches
-[] 1 authority
-[] Train Hoplites
--[] 1 authority
-[] Train Archers
--[] 1 authority
-[] Meet with Midna? (600 to 1k worth of bodyguards)
--[] 1 authority
-[] Improve Morale
--[] Mayor Bo and 1 authority
-[] Scout Lake for Resources
--[] 5 authority
-[] Build a Research Lab
--[] Shad and 1 authority
-[] Build Northern Kingdom Wall (Medium)
--[] 1 authority
-[] Increase Livestock Production
--[] Malo and 1 authority

Okay this takes care of the faith issue by the small churches which gives us a bonus to faith actions which is always good and also lets us work on the churches to the specific three one at a time. Research lab is for the bonus to research actions which are always good to avoid failing and also to increase the degree of success. Two more units to go into training as we are still outnumbered by the enemy which is increasing their size. We do not have the metal to train a heavy and a second unit.

Meet with Midna to figure out what is going on their, good sized bodyguard as well. Improve Morale to finish that off and move up a morale step, live stock production also helps with morale and long term increase our food levels and since the capital reduces food by a level this would cancel out that action which we should take soon.

Scout for resources- we are heavily bottlenecked by our lack of metal income so pumping authority into it to maximize the level of success we have so the more likely we are to find resources.

No income increase unless higher morale does that (we should get +1 from improve morale and +1 from live stock). Next turn- expand capital and stone roads should be under consideration to keep increasing our rupee income as the temples to the goddesses are expensive.
ok first, even after what I mentioned... YOU STILL WON'T SCOUT THE SOUTHEAST! REALLY?o_O:confused:o_O

2nd you do realize the rupee cost on the Temples, that 1800 rupees... is a one time cost right? :rolleyes:

3rd capital doesn't reduce food level, population concentration aka towns and cities lower it. however they also increase taxes so its a bit of a balancing act.

4th you can train another Hoplite or Archer unit, you know that right?:p

5th I will confirm that pop morale improves income, in fact it grants a +10% modifier to ALL income while its at a certain point. ;)

These are not problems with your lan per say, just... a bit of advice. :D
The capital expansion lists -1 food level as a cost. Also prelim thoughts some adjusting needs to be done and I am trying to balance actions with success rate. Adding a third troop is something I am going back and forth on though that would only need one authority to do so.

Also with churches the issue is having the funds that turn to construct them and take other actions. Each turn we have a negative balance after upkeep and before income so we aren't at a point that we have extra money that isn't being used.
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@san is the scout into the mountains to the south also finding resources or would that be a follow up action? And would we need to claim the area first or could we build production buildings right away
The capital expansion lists -1 food level as a cost. Also prelim thoughts some adjusting needs to be done and I am trying to balance actions with success rate. Adding a third troop is something I am going back and forth on though that would only need one authority to do so.

Also with churches the issue is having the funds that turn to construct them and take other actions. Each turn we have a negative balance after upkeep and before income so we aren't at a point that we have extra money that isn't being used.
ah no your just on the verge of losing the food level, the capital expansion would guarantee it. The only reason Malonville didn't cost you it is because it expanded your food production too.

Upkeep can go negative and be taken away from income for the next turn if you need to. You just can't go over the resources for the turn with actual costs. Plus trust me when I say the churches are WORTH IT when it comes down to marrying Midna if you guys still go for that.

@san is the scout into the mountains to the south also finding resources or would that be a follow up action? And would we need to claim the area first or could we build production buildings right away
they can find resources but that needs a great success or higher. Otherwise it would be another action, and no you can build production right away but upkeep is slightly greater, though not by much.

also @whydoyoubother your plan doesn't work, you are still building the inner kingdom wall which costs 700 stone this turn.
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Once moratorium is over I support plan I told you so, and yes you did, but it's best to be careful so just in case...

Edited: Nevermind!!! The sans has spoken!!! TIME FOR TEMPLES!!!

And praying to the ladies for forgiveness because Midna is our best girl this lifetime...if she is in charge...cause this will get interesting soon enough!
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Current Imperial Authority: 13

Current Treasury/Resources at the start of this year/turn:
Rupees: 6200 – 5400 = 800

Food: natural food level 5.

Stone: 1700 total, 1100 Marble, 600 Granite. – 1500 = 200

Wood: 1300 – 1100= 200

Metal: 650 – 600 = 50

[] Plan Moblin's at the wall


-[] Build Inner kingdom wall - *Rusl locked here*
Cost: 400-800 Rupees, 500-1000 stone based on wall size.
Time: 1 turn remaining
DC: automatic success.
Reward: a small, medium or large wall built. You must choose what size of wall you want beforehand. Can upgrade the wall size later on.

-[] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations. (1,000)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Hoplites.

-[] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations. (1,000)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Hoplites.

-[] Train Archers - Ranged light infantry armed with a bow, arrows and shortsword. Good at picking off troops from afar when hidden behind other troops or defenses. (1,000)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Archers

-[] Build northern kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains west of Malonville in the northwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from flanking you while you are busy with them in Ordontown stopping them from ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements. (Meidum)
Cost: 400-800 Rupees, 500-1000 stone based on wall size.
Time: 1-3 Turns based on wall size
DC: automatic success.
Reward: a small, medium or large wall built. You must choose what size of wall you want beforehand. Can upgrade the wall size later on.

-[] Build MORE lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +300-700 wood Income (small risk of deforestation)
--[] Malo

-[] Meeting with Midna? - Go and meet the leader of the Twili they specifically asked to meet you and the only one that knows you that well is your companion Midna. Hopefully its not another Zant and this isn't a trap. (Specify how many gaurds you take with you to prevent falling into a trap or bandits/moblins attacking you along the way.) (Bring no one)
Cost: 200-1000 rupees depending on how many guards you take
TIme: 1 turn
DC: Automatic
Reward: Miniturn diplo meeting.
--[] 4 authority

-[] Establish relations with the west kingdom - Send someone to go and meet the western kingdom for you, they are fighting the moblins and you should see if they are willing to have an alliance.
Cost: 300 rupees.
TIme: 1 turn
DC: Automatic
Reward: Miniturn diplo meeting.
--[] Bo

-[] Send scouts North - *Telma locked in on this*
Cost: 200 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information on the lands that used to be Hyrule Fields, knowledge on how the Goddesses wrath effected Hyrule fields.

-[] Send scouts southeast - You know what Hyrule has never done? Send scouts into the desert and mountains nearby. You should try it, who knows? Maybe you will find something/someone. Perhaps you will even find some resources!
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the nearby desert and mountains and what is in them.

-[] Scout the Lakes Hylia region for resources - Send scouts to look around the new Hylian lakes to see if any resources can be found. Who knows, maybe the apocalypse changed enough to add or reveal new resources. You are certain you will find SOME resources out there though how much and what is the question.
Cost: 300 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information on the resources that can be found in the Lakes Hylia region.

-[] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
Cost: 800 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn how to make bombs
-[] Shad

-[] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor

-[] Build a few dozen small churches - Build several smaller temples spread throughout the capital and the other towns dedicated to the combined religion of the three goddesses. This will lower the risk of angering the other goddesses once you start building the Grand temples.
Requires: Capital
Cost: 1200 Rupees, 500 stone/wood, +150 rupee upkeep
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: churches built for worship throughout the kingdom, Creation of the faction 'Devotees of the Golden Goddesses', Can train Priests of the Golden Trio, +4 to Faith actions.
Guy's read the temple descriptions small churches first to lower the risk of the other goddess feeling slighted that theirs wasn't the first grand temple we started on.

This plan is all about preparing for the war that's coming this turn or next. It get's us as many troops as we can possibly get our hands on that will be useful during our upcoming defensive fight, it get's us access to more resources which were really going to need after were done with the moblins and can shift our selves into full gear building up our forces, it get's us the combat enhancer that is all the bombs, and it also get's us a wall to stop the moblins from flanking us. Basically the goal of this plan militarily speaking is making our selves as hard a target as we can possibly be.

Originally i had Link going with a group of 500 soldiers but then i actually thought about the kind of impression we want to give off and i realized we have to go alone. Link was chosen as the leader not because of his many allies, not because of his skill in intrigue, and most certainly not for his blood. Link was chosen because one of him is easily worth 1000 elite combatants, he really is just that good and that's the impression we need to give off to outside world. He has to be viewed as the indomitable hero so dangerous he can walk into a potential ambush by himself without the slightest bit of worry. And as it just so happens the Twili are the perfect people to use to make this kind of statement, because to be quite frank with you there not going to kill us no matter who is in charge of them now. We very publicly saved them from genocide at the cost of getting injured and thus allowing our own country to be damaged, regardless of who is currently in charge of there country trying to attack us when we show up alone to their place of power would be political suicide their enemy's would jump on them like vultures and tear them apart with public backing.

Not only can we give off the very intimidating impression that we are absolutely confident that we could walk into their place of power alone and get out alive if they attacked (Link probably can). But were also giving off the impression that we trust them enough to come alone. And from a regular old citizen point of view it will be like something out of a story book. The Hero of Twilight, their hero walking back into their kingdom his head held high now a leader in his own right. That's the kind of shit legends are made of.
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okay just 1 problem, what's the size of the wall you want for our northern border? because you have to choose it, it doesn't get rolled sir.

also next turn we should start getting more troops and get the temples started...maybe with the churchs we wont suffer the maleus affects?

also I think we should get the advisor soon, because shits going to go down once we try to woe Midna, if shes the ruler of the twili.

Just hope we can be careful and slowly adapt them to living within the world again.
you are still building the inner kingdom wall which costs 700 stone this turn.
After thinking over this statement, i have questions:
Are we paying at turn 1 when we assemble all ressources for a project or when it is finished?
Because currently i am getting the impression we are paying when it is finished (which is what you mentioned why "the plan" would not work, as it would bring us over the costs for stone).
But if we pay at the end then why would that stop us from starting a multi-round stone-consuming project if we do not have to pay it the same turn?