Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
[X] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
[X] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
Vote Tally

So, five votes for the default spells, 3 with custom.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 17, 2018 at 6:11 PM, finished with 24 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
    [X] That's Jasmine Keller all right. She probably got straight out of bed for this.
    [X] You're right, I'd never live it down, A little more practice couldn't hurt. (Customize starting spells)
    [X] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
    [X] You're right, I'd never live it down, A little more practice couldn't hurt. (Customize starting spells)

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 17, 2018 at 6:11 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
    [X] You're right, I'd never live it down, A little more practice couldn't hurt. (Customize starting spells)
    [X] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
    [X] You're right, I'd never live it down, A little more practice couldn't hurt. (Customize starting spells)
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Jasmine's Stats

Strength (Tier 2): 65

Speed (Tier 2): 55
Constitution (Tier 2): 70

Intelligence: 30
Perception: 45
Intuition: 45
Dodge: 10

Brawl: 75
Melee: 85
Shoot: 10
Dexterity: 60
Charisma: 35
Mystic Arts: 65

Alright, I need three rolls for Mystic Arts. Remember, lower is better. Once for Fireball. Once for Lightningbolt. Once for Barrier.
Mystic Arts rolls, low numbers preferred. Well...here we go for fireball (rather than taking all of them?).

Edit: please tell me a d100 is the wrong die type?
Barondoctor threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Fireball Total: 89
89 89
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Well, at least the Barrier roll went a lot better. Is someone going to save us from me rolling for lightning bolt, because I'm going to roll it at midnight US East (30 minutes)?
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I'll roll.

Edit: Okay, that is very amusing... Exact same roll as Baron's Fireball. Apparently we're really good at defensive spells... but all our offensive spells could do with a bit of work... :p
Pyro Hawk threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Lightning Bolt Total: 89
89 89
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I imagine it makes it kinda neat to write for, our magic has a defensive focus and we use lightning and fireball as slightly-damaging distractions to let us close the gap.
Testing, 1 2 3
You slowly walked outside to the mansion's back yard. As you step out of the back of the mansion, you are confronted by an expanse so large, you could fit your own home in it several times over. From what little you can see frcause of Jasmine's flashlight, there is a stone path leading from the back door you just exited from leading through the mansion. The path is lined with more busts on pedestals, though who they are is a mystery. Coincidentally, the busts are about head level.

"Well, at least you'll have plenty of targets" Jasmine says as she holds her flashlight steady. "Just pick the one that looks the most like a douchbag and go to town" You notice on the other hand, she's carrying a fire extinguisher.

She sees you looking. "Hey, we can't exactly call the fire department out here." She says.

You nod. "Fair enough. And I am not going to be the one that starts a wildfire out here" You home on the closest bust. It depicts a severe looking man with balding hair and glasses. He looks forward with a stern glare, as if looking with contempt. You gather a fireball the size of your head in your hand and take aim.

You toss the fireball as if you were pitching a baseball. It goes soaring through the night and right past the bust that you aimed at. Past a fountain, over a pool, flying over three hundred feet before hitting a withered tree. The dry brush catches alight and starts burning.
[Jasmine's Composure Roll: 82]
Jasmine lets out a squeak and drops her fire extinguisher. She starts shaking as the fire climbs up, engulfing the rest of the tree, threatening to set fire to the lawn. But you keep your head and spring into action. You bolt towards the extinguisher and grab it yourself. Using your enhanced speed, you rush over to the fire. In just a few seconds, you reach it, and start blasting. This isn't exactly what you had in mind for a first battle, but after a minute, the fire is out, leaving the charred remains of what was once probably a very lovely palm tree. As you run back over to Jasmine you look back at the burnt cinders.

"Well, the spell works, at least" You say to Jasmine. "My aim... well, it could use some improvement"

You walk back to where you started with a slightly flustered Jasmine sitting in one of the deck chairs that haven't been too badly damaged by the elements. She has her fire extinguisher and her flashlight.

"I'll admit, that fireball could've gone better, but there's no way I can miss with Lightningbolt." You say. Jasmine doesn't say anything, but she has a death grip on the fire extinguisher.

A sphere of electricity appears the bust. A ball of white and yellow light appears in the center with arcs of electricity arcing around it. Right now, it's just raw power, with no direction. You intend to change that.

You bring down your hand, commanding the lightning to strike down. You call the bolts of lightning down to strike your target. But instead of a bolt of lightning striking your target, the bolt of lightning curves, and hits the spot 5 feet from your target, just leaving a patch of blackened rock.

You look at the bust for a few more seconds, as if confirming that your spell really did just fail like that.


"Are you sure about this?" Jasmine asks. She's holding her revolver, checking for the third time since you made this request that it is loaded. It is of course, but she does anyway.

You're sure. Your spells worked. At least, they did what they were supposed to, but in both cases the problem was the aim.

Besides, if it can't work, at least you'll find out now, and not when you're facing down someone who wants to kill you.

"I wouldn't do this if that bullet could actually kill me" You say. Not only do you have your barrier, but you have your armor. And if for some reason you didn't have that...

Well, thanks to your superhuman endurance, the bullet probably wouldn't kill you. But you don't want to find out.

Jasmine takes the gun in both hands and aims at you. She slows her breathing and makes some adjustments to her aim.

Then she fires.

[Jasmine Ranged Roll: 32 -20 for a stationary target -10 for aim 2 Total]

You hear the crack of the gun, but you don't feel a thing. There are some distortions where the bullet hits your barrier, but the construct holds strong. Looking down, you see the bullet, which would've hit you right in the heart had you not been protected, laying harmlessly on the ground. You look up at Jasmine, who looks up at you after lowering her gun.

"Oh my God I'm so glad that didn't kill you" She says with a slightly hoarse voice. You can almost feel the relief surging off of her.

You walk back inside the mansion, Jasmine following right behind you, flipping the flattened bullet like a coin. Your first test... could've gone better. You're going to need to be careful with your spells, but you're confident that you can work on them.

"Well, that was educational" You say. While it may have been a fluke, you may want to avoid using offensive spells tonight. Part of you knows that you'll be able to pull them off just fine. Or at least that there's just as much of a chance that your barrier could end up with the same sort of performance. But another part of your brain is wondering what if it is something about your offensive spells. "But I'm gonna be heading out soon"

"Right, but before you go..." Jasmine starts hesitantly. "How you're going to get around." Jasmine starts. "I mean, it's a big city, and you can't exactly run around foot."

You've given it some thought. Most Capes, registered heroes, who can't fly use a Flight Rig to get around the city. Getting one otherwise is nearly impossible, as it's reserved for either government employees, the ultra wealthy, or people who manage to steal them. Vigilantes generally have to make due with whatever they can get their hands on. Whether it's a supped up sports car, an old sedan, a motorcycle. Hell, you've even heard of people on roller blades. Well, one person. And he got arrested after he tried to take a turn too fast and slid right into traffic.
[] Who says I can't run around on foot? With my speed and endurance, I can get anywhere I need to on my own. And that's not even factoring Hartford's traffic.
[] I managed to get a car to get around in. It's not exactly a luxury car, and is strictly conventional. For now. But it's fast and it's tough.
- [] Describe your vehicle.
[] I'm using a motorcycle. Fast, maneuverable, and I have more options for storage.
- [] Describe the motorcycle.
[] What is a knight without her noble steed? With my horse, I shall ride into battle!
[] I
[] Write in.
[X] Who says I can't run around on foot? With my speed and endurance, I can get anywhere I need to on my own. And that's not even factoring Hartford's traffic.