Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

First Fight On the Job
You take your sword in your left hand. Well, I'm dressed up as a knight. Makes sense that my the first time I stop a crime, it involves jousting. Revving your motorcycle, you rocket forward. You deftly avoid the sedan, which keeps speeding past, and aim right at the SUV. The man leaning out of the car looks right at you and shifts his aim right at you.

Roll: 93

A bullet hits the median as you speed by, but the rest of the bullets fly past you, missing. You rear up to give yourself a few more inches of height, As you are about to pass the SUV, you thrust. With a loud crash, your sword goes right through the window and into the car.

But before you can pull your arm out, your arm catches on the plastic and metal next to the windshield and it whips backwards. You barely manage to keep your hand on your sword as the driver of the SUV spins out behind you. The SUV swerves to the the left and slams into the median. There's a metallic crunch, followed by a scraping sound as the SUV keeps going a few more yards. It scrapes along the median until it comes to a stop. For a moment, you don't hear anything but the rumble of your motorcycle and the sputtering of the SUV as the engine dies a slow death.

You look in the distance and see the sedan driving away. You hope that whoever he is, that he gets somewhere sage. But before you can put any further thought of the driver's fate, a man tumbles out of the SUV. He's standing close enough to a streetlight to bathe him in an orangish glow. Late forties, black, slicked back hair and dressed in street clothes. But what catches your eye is the long gash along his left arm. It looks like you hit him but he still has some fight left in him. His Uzi is still gripped in his right. As he looks at you staring at you with pure hate.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?" He takes a step forward, discarding his gun. At this point, you see that his skin seems to be taking on an unnatural red color. You almost think it's a trick of the oranges streetlights, but as his skin's red color starts deepening you know that this isn't a normal man.

"Everyone you know is dead. Your family, your friends, your fucking dog, they're all dead! Your fucking house burnt to the ground!" As he steps forward, his muscles start getting more defined. The traces of fat disappearing, replaced with more muscle. Even the bleeding on his arm starts to slow. You clutch your sword tighter. This man is Powered. But, it looks like that he needs to transform to use his powers, so you might have some time before he finishes transforming to say something. Or you could try to attack him before he does the same to you.

[] You aren't gonna win this. Don't throw your life away.
[] Bring it on you son of a bitch!
[] You picked a bad day to get out of bed, because I'm not letting you leave with anything less than a concussion.
[] Villain, you shall not win this fight. Do the honorable thing and surrender, or I shall strike you down.
[] You're going to have trouble doing all of that when without a head.
[] What the fuck did I get into...
[] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [] Write in your attack.
[] Write in.
[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] he seems to be able to regenerate let's try hacking off an arm or a leg see if it will hobble him for the rest of the fight.
[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] he seems to be able to regenerate let's try hacking off an arm or a leg see if it will hobble him for the rest of the fight.​
[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.
[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
-[X] Hit them with a Fireball to see if it can stop their transformation/regeneration
[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.

remember that we're supposed to be a superhero, we should at least try to fight non-lethally.
[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.
--[x] Quip about his nuts by saying something like, " i always enjoyed cracking Nuts for sweets as a child, glad to see i still do"
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[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.
--[x] Quip about his nuts by saying something like, " i always enjoyed cracking Nuts for sweets as a child, glad to see i still do"
[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.
--[x] Quip about his nuts by saying something like, " i always enjoyed cracking Nuts for sweets as a child, glad to see i still do"
Vote Tally
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on May 5, 2018 at 8:33 AM, finished with 213 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
    - [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.
    --[x] Quip about his nuts by saying something like, " i always enjoyed cracking Nuts for sweets as a child, glad to see i still do"
    [X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
    - [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.
    [X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
    - [X] he seems to be able to regenerate let's try hacking off an arm or a leg see if it will hobble him for the rest of the fight.
    [X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
    -[X] Hit them with a Fireball to see if it can stop their transformation/regeneration
Alright, I need one person to roll for Speed to get to the guy in time, and roll for Melee to hit him. At a + 15 because you're targeting his nuts.

And, if you want to roll for the quip just for fun, you can do that too.
I'm rolling once. We've seen what happens when I try to roll for more than one thing.
EDIT: never mind, I really should stop rolling at all.
Barondoctor threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: speed, crack, or smack Total: 18
18 18
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I thought the system is 'roll under' and 18 is a success, though?
...oh. Right. Low is good. Which throws me off because every other quest I'm in low is bad. Okay. I'm okay. I should probably sleep if I'm not able to keep track of that though.
Well, if nobody else wants to, I'll roll again.
EDIT: Oh man, not again.
Barondoctor threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: nutcracker Total: 84
84 84
Don't mine me. Just keeping some rolls here.

Enemy: Juan Lara
Status: In the middle of his transformation. Power roll is unavailable and Melee Brawl =and Constitution rolls are increased by 10.

Health: Slightly Wounded

Melee: 50
Shoot: 45
Brawl: 70
Dodge: 10
Power: 65
Constitution: Tier 2 (60)

Well, he succeeded on his Brawl, but he critical failed on his Constitution.

So... wow.​
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Brawl Total: 3
3 3
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Constutution Total: 100
100 100
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First Fight On The Job Part 2

[X] It looks like he's still in the middle of transforming. Don't say anything and attack him now.
- [X] Nutshot. Just break his concentration.
--[x] Quip about his nuts by saying something like, " i always enjoyed cracking Nuts for sweets as a child, glad to see i still do"

You don't say anything. You've read about more than a few would be heroes and villains who've gotten killed when they decided to engage in dialogue instead of pugilism. You're off your bike as soon as you decide what to do. Whether it's to try to make sure your opponent has a fighting chance or to try to subdue him non lethally, you're going to punch a man in the nuts.

Well, you may dress the part, but no one said you had to act like an honorable knight. Besides, you have a husband and daughter to think about. If you need to fight dirty to come home, then so be it.

You close the distance before your bike hits the ground and draw back your left fist. But as you take your swing, the man leaps backwards and your fist just connects with the air. You swear under your breath, but you're left in an awkward position, leaning forward with your b. As you look up, you see the man's cruel smile, illuminated from the lights shinning from his eyes. Before you can react, the now hulking man kicks you square in the chest. Even through your armor, you feel a sharp pain in your gut. Panic shoots through you as you hear a sickening crack as you're sent flying through the air.

For a few seconds, you're tumbling through the air. The streetlights, the headlights o of a car on the other side of the highway, and the skyline of downtown Hartford are all tumbled in a mix of lights and colors as you spin in the air, until you crash into the ground, shoulder first.

There's a sharp gasp through your bluetooth. "I heard something snap. Is everything alright?" She asks in an entirely too quick voice.

"I'm..." You say, as you feel the area where he kicked you. There's a sharp pain in your solar plexus, and another one on your left shoulder. You know you're going to have bruises tomorrow. But that's it. "...fine..." You mutter. "Just a little banged up" You slowly push yourself up. You're glad you're fine, and your armor is still in good condition, if a little scraped. But what was that crack?

"FUCK!" You're brought back to earth when you finally notice the man's voice shouting. You look over to your attacker and see his shoe split open. Even as his transformation completes, there's a noticeable trickle of blood coming out. You don't have a good look, but you can tell that his foot is hurting. Maybe even broken. In any case, his transformation is complete. His muscles have grown to the point where he's easily a foot taller than you, and much wider. His red skin and glowing eyes contrast with his black hair and plain clothes. His shirt is torn to shreds from the extra muscle mass he's accumulated, and his shoes burst open as well, but his pants are holding on. The hulking brute of a man would be an intimidating sight, but you see the blood coming from his arm. And you can now clearly see that two of his toes are broken. His face, twisted in rage, also has pain all over it. He's tough, and this will be a hard fight. But he's not invincible.

The thought brings a smile to your face. "Well, I was going to crack your nuts" You say. "But I guess I'll settle for cracking your foot for now." You say. You twirl your sword in your right hand.

At that, he looks even angrier, if that is possible. "Just for that, I'll skin you alive!" He lets out a roar and starts to charge at you.

[] Write in your next move.
[X] Soulsbourne (Dark Souls Bloodborne) style Combat Weave in and out find his pattern than make him suffer for it by attacking the moment hes vulnerable/open then retreating
-[X] be ready to roast his ass a little if it looks like hes about to hurt people or move into a populated area
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Did we do that?

the headlights o of a car

leaning forward with your b. As

Things cut off here.

[X] Soulsbourne (Dark Souls Bloodborne) style Combat Weave in and out find his pattern than make him suffer for it by attacking the moment hes vulnerable/open then retreating
-[X] be ready to roast his ass a little if it looks like hes about to hurt people or move into a populated area
Lets do this!
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[X] Soulsbourne (Dark Souls Bloodborne) style Combat Weave in and out find his pattern than make him suffer for it by attacking the moment hes vulnerable/open then retreating
Added this - be ready to roast his ass a little if it looks like hes about to hurt people or move into a populated area